Loved You First

By tyler-seguin

111K 1.6K 309

"I saw that you were perfect and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even mo... More

Loved You First
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 28

2.2K 36 11
By tyler-seguin

"Feels so nice here, oh my god." I say as Tyler and I walk around Anaheim after their skate this morning. We aren't exactly going anywhere in particular, just walking around before meeting up with the team.

"Much fucking warmer then Boston." Tyler laughs, swinging our joined hands back and forth, both making me laugh.

"You know, just for that reason, I wish Tuukka would be on a team like Anaheim or Florida for that matter, just for the weather, but I love Boston so maybe not." I think aloud. Tyler just looks at me, giving me the look he gives when you make no sense at all before shaking his head.

"And if you guys weren't in Boston, I wouldn't have ever met you probably."

"No big loss." I joke, making his jaw drop.

"Excuse you?" He coughs. I laugh at how he is over exaggerating his disbelief.

"Did I say that? Well shit." I cover my mouth. He gives me an evil eye. "I'm obviously kidding smart one." I laugh, letting go of his hand and placing my hands just below his ears, pulling his face down to mine and kissing him softly on the kiss. He tries for more, but I stop him, he's already got an ass grab out of it.

We go just a few feet before my phone rings from my back pocket of my white jeans shorts I decided to wear since the weather is so warm and I just love being in shorts. I pull it out to see it is Torey calling.

"Who is it?" Tyler tries catching a glimpse of my screen, but the glare catches him in the eyes as he flinches back. I laugh before answering.

"Hey Tor." I answer.

"Meg, you'll never believe it." His voice is full of excitement, leaving me clueless as to what it could possibly be.

"I'll never believe what?"

"I just signed with an NHL team!" He cheers through the speaker. I cover my mouth, keeping in the excited scream I want to release.

"No friggen way! Oh my god Torey, congrats!" I grab ahold of Tyler's hand, shaking it in excitement. He looks at me with confusion.

"It gets better from here." He continues.

"The only way it could get any better is if you say you signed with Boston." I say, doubting it though.

"Whoa, you're good!" He excitingly answers.

"Wait, what?"

"I signed with Boston." It takes a few quick seconds for this to sink in before excitement just fills me from head to toe as I jump a couple times.

"Torey! No way, you're just shitting me. Oh my god, I can't even believe this." I cover my mouth, keeping myself from screaming again. Tyler stands there and watches my excitement unfold, laughing and shaking his head.

"I'm dead serious. I'm coming to Boston and playing for the Bruins, hopefully that is."

"Torey, you have no clue how happy I am right now. I can't wait for you to get here, make it quick."

"I'm beyond thrilled. I'll do my best, but for now I got to go so I'll see you when I land in Boston."

"Will do, text me."

"Will do, bye." He hangs up. I wrap my arms tightly around Tyler's torso, putting my face in his chest.

"Oh my god!" I yell into his chest.

"Torey signed with Boston, huh?" Tyler laughs, pushing me away so he can look at me. With a big smile on my face, I excitingly shake my head yes.

"I'm so freaking excited Ty!" I wrap my arm around his as we head to the restaurant, just in view of where we are.

"You could say that again. That's great, can't wait to play with him."

"I'm going to have to tell everyone when we get there."

"You would have anyways." He laughs.

"Good point."

We get to the restaurant at the same time as Shawn Thornton.

"Hey you two." He waves.

"Hey Thorty." Tyler says, bro hugging each other. The three of us walk in together, noticing we must be early since not even half the team is here. Tuukka, Brad, and Patrice aren't here yet. After a few minutes, all the guys come rolling in, those three being in the mix.

"We haven't seen you since we got here last night." Patrice says, sitting down next to me, Tuukka across from me and Brad next to Tyler.

"Well everyone has been doing their own things since after morning skate and I didn't go." I sip on a glass of water.

"Why didn't you go?" Tuukka asks.

"Slept in." I laugh.

"Lazy lazy." Patrice shakes his hand and pours a glass of water. Tyler's hand rests on my thigh as he engages in a conversation with Brad and a couple of the guys on that side of the table.

"What can I say? Hey, why didn't Stephanie come on this road trip?" I ask Patrice.

"She's been sick, didn't want to spread it."

"Oh." I turn my attention towards the conversation Tyler is in with Brad, Thornton, Lucic, Krejci, Horton, and Boychuk. I slip my fingers through Tyler's resting on my thigh. He turns his face towards me and grins.

The lunch orders are taken and everyone continues talking. Brad says something at gets everyone laughing hard. Tyler laughs before standing up, letting go of my hand, and reaching in his shorts pocket and pulling his phone out.

"I'll be right back." He slides a hand up my back and goes outside.

Tyler's POV

Brad was telling us a story of one of his first hunting trips when he was a kid and what had happened got us all laughing. I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. I stand up and pull it out, looking at the screen to see my mom is calling.

"I'll be right back." I tell Meghan before going out. She has a confused look in her face.

"Hey." I answer, walking out onto the sidewalk.

"Tyler, I upgraded to an iPhone, be proud of me." She laughs over the phone. I can't help but laugh.

"You said you never would get one?" I laugh.

"Oh your sisters were getting at me to get one, so I gave in. They aren't bad at all."

"What have we been telling you?"

"Oh hush hush."

"How's Candace and Cass?" I ask.

"They're doing good, missing their big brother, but when aren't they?"

"True. Maybe if they learned to call or at least text me they wouldn't have that problem." I say, pacing back and forth in front of the restaurant, people and young girls smile and wave as they pass.

"I'll have to tell them that."

"You do that, how's Dad?" I lean against a light post, putting my free hand in my pocket.

"Good, busy with work. I guess he's been meaning to come down and finally meet Meghan, he feels bad that he hasn't."

"Oh, I don't think it's bothering her any."

"Speaking of her, how's my lovely future daughter-in-law?"

"Seriously Mom?" I roll my eyes.

"What? Don't think you'll marry her someday?" She whines before laughing.

"Little early to be thinking about stuff like that."


"Maybe someday. But no, she's good. Call her sometime." I say, looking up and seeing a younger woman, balancing a baby on one hip, pulling a stroller along with the other hand, and attempting to hold a phone to her ear with her shoulder.

"I will." My mom answers. As the girl gets closer, she drops her phone and starts cursing.

"Hey Mom, I'll call you later or something." I say.

"Alright, love you Tyler."

"Yup, love you too bye." I hang up. I put my phone in my pocket and approach the girl. Without dropping the baby, she tries bending over to retrieve her phone, but I beat her to it.

"Oh my god, thank you so much." She says before her sunglasses fall from her face to the ground and I retrieve those too, placing them both in her hand.

"No problem, you look like you had your hands full-"

"Tyler?" My name falls from her mouth. After not seeing her face behind her dark hair hanging in front of her face, I quickly recognize her.

"Laynee." I say, my jaw dropping slowly. She adjusts the baby on her hips on putting her phone and sunglasses in the stroller.

"Um, hey." She breaks eye contact and looking at the baby in her arms.

"Hey." I awkwardly respond.

"I'm guessing you're playing Anaheim?" She asks.

"Yeah, tonight." I rub the back of my neck.

"Nice, Jack is a huge Ducks fan."

"Jack?" I look at her. She flashes me her left hand and I notice the ring on her ring finger.

"My husband, Jack Shroeder."

"Jack Shroeder? From high school?"

"Yeah." She answers slowly, breaking complete eye contact with me and wiping the baby's face. The baby is a little boy by its clothing.

"Is that your baby? The one you created by cheating on me?" I sort of snap. She gives me an unimpressed look.

"Can we not?" She rolls her eyes. "And yes it is my baby."

"That you made while cheating on me. Real cute, at least it's not mine." I shrug my shoulders. Was trying not to act this way, but too late now.

"You're such an ass Tyler." She spits, then lays the baby into the stroller.

"Only to people I dislike. What's his name?" I ask, looking down at the baby with dark hair and dark eyes.

"Jonathan." She says, pressing her lips together.

"I hated that name." I laugh, remembering the times when Laynee and I would have conversations about baby names.

"I know." She tucks the loose strands of hair behind her ears.

"So I'm assuming Jack is the lucky man you cheated on me with?"

"Will you stop using that phrase?" She raises her voice.

"It's the truth, but is he?"

"Yes Tyler, yes he is and is the father to Jonathan and the one on the way." She answers, looking down at her stomach. I look and she that there is a slight bump.

"Congrats, I guess."

"Thanks. Hoping for another boy." I rubs a hand over her stomach.

"You always wanted boys." I say, knowing it will piss her off.

"You've got a good memory, don't you?" She laughs. I was hoping it would piss her off, but it doesn't.

"Well when you were in love with someone as much as that, you tend to not forget easily." I cross my arms. She rolls her eyes.

"You wanted a little girl." She says after a few seconds of silence. I look up at her, surprised.

"You remembered that?" I ask, confused.

"Well yeah, you said you wanted only one kid, that one being a girl."

"I'm surprised you remembered that." I laugh.

"So are you and Meghan still together?" She asks, sitting down at the bench next to her.

"Yeah, she's inside the restaurant." I motion towards the restaurant. Laynee nods.

"Everything's going good?"


"Well that's good to hear." The look on her face goes from normal to sort of upset.

"Yeah. Feels nice to know someone actually loves you and wouldn't do anything to hurt you."

"Tyler shit happens, ok?" She snaps. When she looks up at me, her eyes are watery.

"Clearly, why'd it have to happen to us Laynee?" I sit down next to her, trying to keep my voice down.

"I was forced to." She says so quietly that you could barely make out what she said.

"You were forced to?"

"Yes Tyler, I was forced to."


"I was falling out of love with you and I felt that I was forced by no one else but myself to do something with someone else and get connected so it wouldn't be as hard on me to let you go." Hearing this leaves me speechless.

"Who in the right fucking mind would do that?"

"Obviously me. I regret now, for sure."

"Yeah, now you regret it, now that you have a kid and another one on the way out of the deal." I spit quietly.

"I love my son, and I'm prouder then proud to have him. Jack was the first guy I connected to and that's why I slept with him. Then it felt good and I ditched Jack and found Cody-"

"Alright, I don't want to hear any fucking more." I cover my ears.

"Sorry, I'm so sorry." She buries her face in her hands.

"You realize how disgusting that is?" I am so disgusted, pissed off, and hurt all at once.

"I know Tyler. And to do it to you of all guys is horrible. I'm really sorry." She cries.

"At least I know Meghan will never, ever do something like that to me." I say.

"And I hope she doesn't. She's better for you than I would ever be." Hearing that come from my horrible ex makes me feel all of a sudden better. She realizes what disgusting things she had done to hurt me so bad, making me afraid of ever getting into another relationship. After hearing that, it makes me ten times more thankful to have Meghan.

"I love Meghan." The words fall from my mouth without control.

"I know you do, it's pretty obvious." She looks behind me with concern on her face. I turn around to see Meghan standing there, her arms crossed. She lips are firmly pressed together. She looks down at the ground as she approaches me, pressing herself against me. I wrap my arms around her tightly, kissing the top of her head. This is one of the best things a guy could ever wish for, just to hold to girl you truly love in your arms.

"I love you so much." I say, my mouth against her forehead, squeezing her tightly. She breaks my grip around her and walks towards Laynee.

"So this is your son Jonathan?" She acts completely normal, like she's known Laynee.

"Uh, yeah." Laynee hesitates with her response as she pushes back the viser blocking the sun from the baby.

"He's cute." Meghan smiles, leaning forward and making faces to the baby.

"He is. Another one on the way." Laynee places her hands on her stomach. Meghan looks at her then at her stomach.

"Congratulations." Meghan smiles before standing up and adjusting her shorts. Laynee stands up and wraps her hands around the stroller handle bar. They engage in a quiet conversation, quiet enough that I can't hear before Meghan returns to a normal volume. "Well we should go back to our lunch. It was nice seeing you." Meghan places a hand on Laynee's shoulder and walks back to me. Laynee looks up at me, no expression on her face as she passes by us. Meghan stands there in front of me, staring at my chest without saying a word.

"What were you guys talking about?" I ask.

"Girlfriend now to ex-girlfriend stuff."

"Whatever that's supposed to mean."

"I put her in her place, it's all good." She finally looks up at me, with a grin planted in the corner of her lips, revealing her dimple.

"Meghan." I give her a look, knowing she was up to something. Her grin gets bigger and bigger before she laughs.

"Oops." She shrugs her shoulders.

"How much of all of that did you hear exactly?" I look down her and back up.

"Most all of it."

"I was an asshole, wasn't I?" I look in her eyes.

"Just a little bit."

"But do you blame me?"

"No, not at all. You better not believe all the sad, feel bad for me, stuff she said."

"That was complete bullshit."

"Very true, that's the kind if shit Cody tried pulling on me when I saw him that day, only worse."

"Fucking exes." I mumble. Meghan laughs and wraps her arms around me, placing her head against my chest. I wrap my arms around her. She pulls away.

"Let's go eat lunch, it's probably already there." She says, grabbing my hand and leading us back into the restaurant.


Meghan's POV

Bruins end up winning 3-2 over the Ducks. We're staying the night in Anaheim and then flying back out to Boston in the morning. I change back into my street clothes much faster then any of the players do after the game. Once I'm done, I wait by Tyler for everyone to finish so we can jump onto the bus and go back to the hotel.

"Alright boys, and Meghan, off we go." Patrice announces through the whole locker room as we make our way out to the bus. Tyler grabs my hand, as usual to not lose me. We board the bus.

"Hey, get up." Brad tells me just as I sit down.

"Hell no, go get another seat." I tell him.

"I always sit with Tyler and now that you're on the bus with us, you're messing everything up."

"I don't care." I laugh, looking at how pathetic Brad is acting.

"Just sit on lover boy's lap for god's sake." I look at him like he's crazy. Soon enough, Tyler wraps his arm around me from behind and practically yanks me out of the seat and onto his lap and. Brad slides into my seat.

"You can't be serious right now." I say, sitting up on Tyler's lap, looking at Brad who has a wide smile in his face that makes me want to slap him across.

"Oh, but I am." He laughs.

"Poor Meghan been kicked out of her seat." Krejci says behind us. I turn around and just shake my head.

"I'm hated here." I say out loud, making a few if the surrounding guys laugh.

"You know what's up." Brad starts, but I finish by punching him hard right in the arm. "Ow!" He rubs his arm.

"Don't mess with me Brad." I threaten, making Tyler and the rest of the guys laugh.

"You'd think you would learn by now Marchy, but obviously not." Lucic says, laughing.

"I'm done." Brad outs his hands up.

We reach the hotel and make our ways to our rooms. Tyler and I sharing one, of course. Tyler strips if his clothes until he is just his boxers. He flops himself down on the couch and clicks on the tv.

"You're not tired?" I ask, changing into my pjs, one of Tyler's tshirts and a pair of black athletic shorts.

"Nah." He responds. I notice him give me a quick check out, so that just gives me permission to torment him. He's sprawled out so I crawl onto him, feeling him already as he sits up, placing his hands in my hips.

"You're too easy." I joke, leaning in and pecking his lips.

"Can't help it." He says against my lips, his tongue quickly waiting for entrance. I wrap my arms around his neck and begin moving my hips against him. I love how roles have switched and I'm the one approaching him first instead of him approaching me. He pulls away and looks into my face, already breathing somewhat heavy.

"Come on." He says quickly before slamming his lips back on mine and his tongue entering my mouth, once again. He carries me off into the bedroom, mouths still locked, and throws us into the bed. He tugs at my shorts and I allow them to slide down my legs and kicking them off, then npthe panties. I tug off his boxers and he pulls off his tshirt on me, then unclasping my bra and throwing that on the ground. I've been so desperate for him, it's been too long. His kisses down my jawline, arching my back to him, instantly have me ready, that's all it takes. He feels my chest with his hands before I can even feel him at all, he thrusts, making me squeal. Moans from me and grunts from him later, he flips us over and I'm on him. I move on him, just they way he likes before he comes, slamming his head back against the pillow and breathes steadily. I rest my head against his bare chest and catch my breath.

"Holy crap." I breathe.

"It's been too long." He says, brushing his fingers through my hair that's probably spread acrossed his chest.

"You're telling me." I roll off him and lay beside him.

"You're so loud." Tyler laughs.

"Is that a bad thing?" I ask, seriously. I sure hope not.

"No, it's pretty nice having that effect on you."

"Figures." I roll my eyes. I put my clothes back on, throwing Tyler's boxers at him as he slips them in and we get in bed.

"You're still taking the pill right?" Tyler asks after a few seconds of silence, lying there cuddled up.

"Yeah, why?"

"Well." He says, as if I should know something.

"Are you worried about me being pregnant?" I ask, sitting up in my elbow to look at him.

"Maybe." He answers shyly.

"Tyler, I wouldn't worry too much."

"Well you never know, birth control doesn't always work."

"I think I'd know if I were pregnant by now, don't worry about it." I kiss his cheek. I swear to god though, if I am pregnant, I don't know what I'd do.

"Meghan?" He breaks the silence that's been formed.

"Yes Ty?"

"Do you want kids?" I sit back up and look at him. He's serious when he asks this.

"Not right now, no."

"No, in the future?" He laughs.

"Of course." I answer.

"Alright, so what would you want? How many, what gender?"

"I've never really out a lot of thought into it to be honest." I answer, honestly. He looks at me funny.

"How have you not thought about this?"

"Well, I mean, Cody never wanted kids, let alone with me." I look away, realizing I've never shared this conversation with a guy before, not even just for fun or in all seriousness, even though it is too early for a too serious one.

"Honestly." He shakes his head. "So now think about it, what would you want?"

"I think for a minute. "Maybe just one kid, I don't picture myself with too many."

"I just want one too, boy or girl?"

"You say what you want first." I say, poking his chest. He smiles.

"Alright, ready?"


"1,2,3.." He counts off.

"Girl." We answer at the same time.

"So you were serious about wanting a girl?" I ask him, remembering hearing that in his and Laynee's conversation earlier.

"Of course, I think it'd be fun to have a little girl around."

"A little daddy's girl." I laugh.

"Exactly!" Tyler gets so excited and it puts a smile in my face.

"Everyone has told me they picture me with a little boy, but I've always secretly wanted a girl, a girl like me. Not a girly girl, a tomboy."

"My favorite kind of girl." Tyler nuzzles his face into my neck.

"Good, because that's what you're stuck with with me."

"You don't think I've noticed?" Tyler looks up at me and laughs.

"I would at least hope so by now." I say.

"My mom called me today and called you her future daughter-in-law." Tyler says.

"Are you serious? I love her." I laugh.

"I can see it now, us getting married and her crashing the wedding." He starts laughing again.

"Tyler that's awful! Let's hope if we ever do get married, that doesn't happen, alright?"

"Deal, we won't invite her." He starts to turn to his side, but I slap his bare chest. "Whoa, ok, she'll be invited." He rubs his chest. I laugh and turn on my side.


"Enough baby and wedding talk, good night babe." He turns and kisses my cheek before wrapping his arm around me.

"Good night, love you."

"Love you too."

Thoughts and images of Tyler and I in the future together run wild through my mind. I wonder if we we ever will get married and have kids together. I never thought I'd find someone that I couldn't imagine it not happening with, because I can definitely see this happening to Tyler and I. Getting married and having a baby girl, maybe even more kids, I don't know. Whatever happens, I want it all to be with Tyler, I don't want it with anyone else, it can't be with anyone else. Tyler is the one for me, and I want it to always be that way.

(Thank you for your reads, comments, and votes. You have no clue how much they mean to me, they keep me wanting to continue writing. Please continue with your positive comments, and of course, keep voting! Love you all.)

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