
By -Ashley-01-

219 21 9

Highest Rankings: 115 in first person I was just a simple sophomore. I hung out with my friends, played sport... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Sneak Peak: Ominous

Chapter 14

7 1 0
By -Ashley-01-

I woke up at five in the morning to my messenger notification, I knew exactly who it was, "hey."

I rubbed my eyes before turning my lamp on, once I was in a comfortable position, I responded to Kate, "watching the sun again?"

"Sort of, I just got done getting ready."

Before I responded, I realized how weird this was, Kate never texted me, "its dress to impress day :/"

"I know right! Sky's awesome and all, but I hate it when she takes me shopping."

"You said sort of, what do you mean?"

"Are your parents back," I took note of her avoiding my question.

"Yeah, they came back late last night, woke up Tess and I just to tell us."

"Ah... The sun's starting to appear, go to your window," I got up with my phone in my hand and walked towards my window, still in my pajamas. I'd never actually sat and watched the sun rise or set, so I was kind of excited to see this moment happen, but when I got to the window, I didn't see the sun right away, I saw Kate, standing in her dress that Sky had picked out for her. A smile spread across her face when she saw me, brushing her hair out of her face, "get dressed!"

I looked down and realized that I was still in my pajamas, no shirt and tri-force pajama pants, "why are you here?"

"My dad dropped me off at school early and so I walked here, hope that's not too creepy," I looked her face to see her laughing.

"Stay there, I'll be out in a few minutes," I walked away from my window and grabbed a shirt from my dresser. I quietly made my way down the hallway and to the door, making sure that I didn't wake up my parents.

When I walked out she was still standing where I had left her, "hey," she said quietly, hiding her face.

"Hey," I said, resisting the urge to hug her.

"I see you're definitely dressed to impress."

I laugh, "yeah, my parents probably would've woken up if they heard me getting ready this early."

"How did they not hear you leaving the house?"

"They're probably tired, why'd your dad drop you off so early?"

"He had an earlier shift today and I couldn't get ahold of Sky," she yawns, "I've been up since three in the morning."

"God," I say before looking at my window, "think you can climb through a window?"

"I'll be fine, really," she looks around awkwardly, "are you and Tessa walking today?"

"I don't know, probably, our parents will need the sleep."

"Mind if I join you two today?"

"No, not at all," I say as casually as I can, "are you sure you don't need to sleep?"

"I'm sure."

I look her in the eyes, "you have bags under your eyes, plus, the rest of the week is going to be busy."

"I'll be fine, I'll just sleep when I get home."

I look at the time on phone, "I better go start getting ready, I'll be right back out," I tell her, leaving her by my house.

I walk into the house as quietly as possible and let out a deep breath before walking to the bathroom that Tessa and I shared to get ready. Once I was all dressed and ready to go, I was stopped by Tessa, "what were you doing outside?"

"Sh! Mom and dad would probably go off if they found out I was out there."

"If you don't tell me why you were out there I'll tell mom and dad," she says with her arms crossed.

"Okay," I sigh, looking around to make sure our parents weren't nearby, "Kate's out there."

"What? Why?"

"Quiet," I shout, "her dad had to go to work early, he dropped her off at the school, she didn't want to be by herself, and so she walked here. Do you think mom and dad will let us walk?"

"Psh, they're out cold, I'm going to send them a text once we leave. I'll be honest, I like walking to school this time of year, it's always nice out and it isn't too cold."

"What are you two up to," we both jump at the sound of our mom's voice.

"N-nothing," I stutter.

"Yeah, just two siblings having a nice, friendly talk," Tessa says she wraps her arms around me.

Our mom looks at us very closely before saying, "finish getting ready and then your dad will take you to school."

Once we're sure she can't hear us anymore Tessa says, "I can't believe they're both up."

"Neither can I, do you think they'll by it if I say I have to be at school early for band?"

"Worth a try," I look at her, "don't look stupid, go!"

I walk down to the dining room in a panic, "hey guys, all of the section leaders have to be at school early today, so I'm going to go ahead and go," I say, darting towards the door.

"Hold it," my dad says as I put my hand on the handle.

I turn around to face, "yes?"


"To go over homecoming stuff."

"Do you need a ride?"

"No, I should be able to make it," before my dad can counter what I say, I dart out the door and to the wall by my window where Kate was still waiting, "hey," I say.

"You were so quick, where's Tessa?"

"She's getting a ride from our dad. I told my parents that I had to be at school early."

"You could have just texted me and told me that you couldn't walk with me," she says with a frown.

"No! It's fine, it's just, I'm not really supposed to hang out with girls, other than Tessa. My parents are afraid that I'll get involved with a girl one day and I'll just throw school out the window, so I kind of have to sneak around with this friendship," I explain as I slump against the sid of the house.

"That's harsh," she says as she balances on her tip-toes, I noticed that she was wearing converse with her dress, "should we go?"

"No, I mean, yeah, I mean, um, we can if you want. You wore converse with your dress?"

"Yeah, there was no way I was going to wear heals, no matter how much Sky begged me," she says as she takes a seat next to me.

"I don't blame you, I wouldn't wear heals either," I stop, realizing what I had just said, "I'm an idiot," I say.

Kate starts laughing uncontrollably, "we should probably go," she says. In order to redeem myself, I get up first and pull her up by her arms, "thanks," she says through a smile as she dusts off her dress.

"No problem," I say as we start walking, "do you plan on coming any other time?"

"I'll text you if I do," she says to me, "you wanna know the one thing I like about dresses?"

"What's that?"

She spins around and her dress circles around her, "that," she says with a laugh.

"You're a lot more giggly today," I say with a laugh.

"It's because I'm tired, like, I'm here, but, I just laugh at everything around me," she starts to spin some more.

"Kate, it sounds like you're drunk," I say in a serious tone, she stops in her tracks an looks at me.

"Aiden, I would never get drunk, especially with my dad around, trust me, I'm just tire-," before she can finish what she's saying, she collapses in my arms, "darn it," I say to myself. I search around for my phone and find Sky on messenger, I click the call button.

"Aiden, why are you calling me?"

"Kate just passed out."


"It's a long story, I think she's just tired, but I can't carry her to school."

"Where are you," I give her my address and tell her to just start walking right at my house, "okay, me and my parents will be there soon," she hangs up the phone and I hold Kate in my arms. I had to admit, she was really cute when she was sleeping and I liked the feeling of her body in my arms. I wanted to lean down and kiss her forehead, just like they did in the movies, but I pulled myself back, hoping that Sky's parents would beat my parents to this spot. Luckily, Sky's parents got there first, Sky came bursting out of the passenger side and helped me get Kate in a seated position, "care to explain why she was with you?"

"I have to get to school."

"Get in the car, you can explain on the way."

I told her everything just as her parents pulled up to the school, "she's still asleep," I say as her parents pull to a stop.

"I got this," she climbs over to where Kate is seated and yells her name, really loudly, causing Kate to wake up with a jump.

"What the heck," she says.

"Thank god," I say, "I thought you were drunk or something."

She laughs, "like I said, I got up really early, I should have just climbed through your window," she says with a yawn as she stretches her arms.

"Let's go," Sky says as she jumps out of the car.

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