Hetalia: The Wizard And The B...

By Jaina8114

217 22 10

Halloween, the one day magical creatures and spirits can enter the real world. Three wizards named Arthur, Vy... More

The Phoenix's feather
What's the problem?!

Good Ideas and Bad decisions

66 7 6
By Jaina8114

Arthur and Vylad manage to teleport to the gate, or as mortals would call it, the alley. Arthur looks around and asks his friend. "Where is Lukas?!" The red eyed wizard growls. "Isn't it obvious?! He can't use magic in his state, he's trapped up there!" Vylad looks up at the big clock on a building. "And guess what? We've only got two minutes!" Arthur grabs his arm and runs towards the gate, but Vylad fights against his grip. "What are ya doing?! We need to get Lukas!" Vylad shouts, trying to breake free. "There isn't enough time, we need to get back!" The red eyed wizard tries to escape, he wants his friend back "Vylad!" Vylad looks back at the town, doesn't know what to do. 10-9-8... "We'll find a way to get him back, but in this world, we've got nothing to work with, we need to go home if we want to help Lukas" 4-3... Vylad looks at the clock desperatly, before he surrenders, and they run to the gate gate. 2-1... The gate closes the second Vylad gets in.

Blood, blood everywhere. Blood is the only thing he can smell, the only thing he can see. He's all alone, he's cold, left alone in an unknown world to him. He can't move, he can't call for help, he can't do anything. Maybe he's dead already...

Lukas' entire body hurts, he wants to scream, but nothing works. He opens his eyes gently, feeling rather warm. He is suprised to see a wooden roof, he would've expected the sky or, nothing really. He tries to lift his arm to rubb his temple, but a soft fabric stops him. What the?... A blanket?.. he thinks to himself. Lukas sits up, ignoring the pain. When he looks down he sees that he's on a couch, and that he's got new clothes, oversized, but still better than nothing. He lifts his shirt and is rather suprised to see bandages covering his wounds. He's in a nice looking livingroom, with a lot of furniture like couches, a big carpet, a fireplace, a dining area and such. Lukas looks around to see some stairs and an open door that probably leads to the kitchen. On a coffee table next to him lies his wand, thankfully.
He can hear humming from the kitchen, a male voice. Lukas tries to get up for a reason, but fails. He lets out a low yelp, and the humming stops. Lukas sits back down, as he hear footsteps coming from the kitchen. "Oh, yer awake! Hello!" A tall, blonde spiky haired man walks towards him, and sits down in a chair. "My name is Mathias!" Lukas looks at him. My lord, so loud... He notices that this Mathias've got an accent, it's actually quite similar to his own. "Ya hungry? Ya must be starving! Do ya like cheese? Brown cheese? Fuck, I haven't got anything like that, lemme check the fridge!" The spiky haired man runs into the kitchen. Lukas looks after him, both fascinated and annoyed at the mortal. He looks like a nice person, and it's just something about him that Lukas doesn't understand.
"Man, I've seen a lot of stuff, but a drunk guy getting beaten up by a fucking bear is something I've never experienced in my entire life!" Drunk?.. bear...? What even is that? Oh, yeah.. The man comes back with a plate with some purple round stuff that Lukas've never seen before. "Got nothing but grapes, need to get to the store soon I guess" he laughs, placing the plate in front of Lukas. "So, what's yer name?" Lukas looks up at him, and stares for a couple seconds. There is something about those eyes that makes Mathias appear trustworthy. His eyes're babyblue, and the fire from the fireplace makes them shine, somehow. And his face is almost covered in freckles, Lukas can't even count them. Mathias notices the Norwegian's distant look, and waves his hand in front of Lukas to make him pay attention to him. "Helloooo? I asked ya a questiooon!" Lukas looks away for a second, then he looks back. "I'm.. Lukas.." The man smiles bright. "Nice to meet ya, Lukas! Where're ya from?" Lukas tries to come up with something, but his mind is blank at this point. "Um..Not here..." The pain makes it hard for him to speak, but Mathias just smiles at him. "Um... I'm norwegian.. moved from.. Oslo years ago.." "I've never seen ya around here before, are ya on a vacation or something?" Lukas looks at a picture of a few people in a bar, Mathias is there too, with a tie around his forehead, holding a beerbottle over his head sitting between a white haired guy and a blonde guy. "I suppose... You can call it that.." he mutters, doesn't really want to go into details. "Ah, yer parents kicked ya out, huh? I know the feels man" "No, no, I'm not.. kicked out, just... stranded" Mathias nods. "But, that bear attack, how did that even happen?" Lukas shakes his head, he's too tired and hungry to answer. He looks at the grapes Mathias put down, and decides to try one, it's not that bad. "...Where am I?" Mathias looks at him, slightly confused. "Um, America? Did ya lose too much blood, buddy?" Mathias laughs at his own joke, annoying the hell out of Lukas, his laugh is like if a donkey and a hyena had a baby together, and the baby got astma, while it's voice is changing, something like that. Anyways, his laughter is really forced. Lukas tries to get up, he has to leave this place. He takes 3 steps, and he can only feel pain as he falls face first down to the floor, hitting his forehead on the table. Faen, I give up, I 'll just give up now, farwell. Lukas tries to curse at himself as he realizes he haf let out a yelp. "Oh shit, you okay?!" Mathias quickly walks over to Lukas, and tries to lift him up as painless as possible, so he's holding him like he's a bride or a box. Lukas doesn't really like to be carried, and the way Mathias is carrying him is just awkward. Mathias put him back to the couch and checks his forehead. "Beaten up by a bear and a table, damn" Too Close..! Lukas tries to move his head, but the annoying brat is holding his face. But like, the forehead part. "Yup, you'll get a visible bruise by tomorrow" he says, laughing at his stupid and obvious statement. Lukas wants to smack the shit out of him right now for not letting go of his face. "Annoying, let go." Mathias tilts his head and lets go, and just keeps laughing. Lukas looks outside, he really wants to leave, he's missing his friends now, and his magic, being the tallest one around. Yeah, he even misses his brother, his weird, weird shapeshifer loving brother, Emil.

It's the fifth time Arthur've fallen asleep in the great library of spellbooks. It's 10 a.m. in human time, the two wizards've been up since midnight trying to find out how to get Lukas back. Vylad sighs as he closes the 7th book he've read now. He looks over at the sleeping Arthur. He must be tired, poor thing. Huh, he looks rather calm, and normal for once. He've been working hard, maybe I should just let him sleep for a while... Vylad thinks as he brushes the dust of the book and hits Arthur with it. Arthur jumps, all the notes with possible spells shoots through the air and lands all over the place. "What was that for?!" Vylad looks at him and shakes his head. "You fell asleep, we don't have time for that" Arthur growls as he gets up to collect the papers. Everything in the library is old, the books, the funiture, the walls, floor, you name it. They're in the sitting area in the middle of the "Library-Maze"The wizards're sitting in two couches, the fabric is green, and the wooden edges're dark brown. "You didn't have to wake me like that, you know" He mutters, clearly annoyed. Vylad chuckles a little, his favorite hobby is to make his best friends annoyed and pissed. "Found anything, eyebrows?" He asks, he gets up and walks around, looking at the booktitles. The wizards likes to spend their time in the library, learning new spells, discover new creatures, stoping Vylad from setting fire to everything when he accidentally summons a firesnake 4 times each month, they really like this place. "Nothing we can use, sadly" Arthur sighs. "Maybe we should take a break, Vylad, I'm really tired-" "And Lukas may be be really dead! What if him is died?!" Vylad shouts. Arthur looks at him and tries his best not to laugh. He gets up and pats his shoulder. "I think you need more sleep than I do" Vylad sighs, then nods. He likes to sleep, it's his favorite hobby number three. "Okay... can I sit on your back home?" "You live too far away!" "Okay.. Then you can carry me to my office, I need naps.." Vylad climbs up Arthur's back, and falls asleep. The green-eyed wizard sighs. "Idiot..." Arthur starts walking to Vylad's office. The wizards live pretty far away from eachother, so they have this building next to the library with a lot of rooms, these rooms're used when Halloween is right around the corner. The wizards would normaly be on their way home to their families now, but you know, Lukas. Arthur opens the door to Vylad's office and walks in. The first thing he sees is the messy desk, papers, plants and all that stuff're all over it. A few meters away hangs the black hammock that Vylad uses as a bed 29th of october to the 1st of november. Arthur lies Vylad down in the hammock and puts a blanket on his feet. "You can fix it yourself, you twat" Arthur says, turning around and walks out.
He starts thinking about the spells. Every teleporting spell or something like that needs three wizards... Arthur sits down in a chair and rubbs his temples. Atleast if the wizards are going to teleport... He sighs, looking around. It's rather dark outside, the sky is dark blue. Arthur, go to sleep, you need rest aswell. One good thing about talking to yourself, or think-talking, is that you get the best answers. Arthur gets up from the chair and walks to his office. Just when he's about to open the door, an owl lands on his shoulder. "Oh, good morning, Lechuza" he smiles, stroking it's brown and white feathers. He opens the office door and walks in with his owl, which flies up to a closet where it usually stands. "Got anything for me today?" Arthur asks, sitting down in his office chair. The owl gives no response. The wizard sighs and closes his eyes. "Nothing from the livings world?" No response or reaction from the owl. "Hhh, alright, thank you, anyways.." He sits down by his desk, tries to come up with solutions and falls asleep trying to think of something.

It's not that he don't like the place, well, he doesn't like it, at all. But for each minute that pass Lukas gets the feeling that something will happen to the others. I need to get out of here..! Lukas thought as he got up. Mathias went to the store, so this is his chance. The wizard isn't exactly sure where the main exit is, and if it's too far away, if it is then he might collapse or something. He looks around and spots a window. It's big enough for him to climb though, but just a little too high. "Ugh.. faen i-" Lukas grabs some of the couch cushions and gets up struggling. His legs are shaking, he leans against the couch armrest so he won't fall.
The cushions were thrown under the window, and Lukas shakingly climbs up on them. Was it a very smart idea? No. Should he have found a chair instead? Yes. Would it've been a good Idea to get the wand as well? Probably. Lukas opens the window and lifts himself up. At this point he's halfway out of it, the only problem being that, the small mountain of cushions, falls, leaving the norwegian squirming in pain and panic, he immediatly regrets all of his life decisions.
After 20 minutes or so then he can hear the front door open, followed by heavy footsteps. "Lukas, I'm ho-" Mathias cut himself off the second he got inside, staring at the guy in the window. He closes the front door and puts the yellow plasticbags with groceries on the coffee-table. Lukas, thankful for not facing him, listens to the movements from the inside. "Um, how exactly did this happen?" He stares at him, or more correctly, his backside, holding back laughter. Lukas rolles his eyes, before squeezing them shut. "Though this might be hilarious to you, will you stop admiring my beautiful ass and maybe, I don't know, help me?" Mathias shakes his thoughts away and quickly walks over to him. "So, Hehe, why are ya stuck in the window?" Lukas ignores the pain as Mathias slowly turns him around in the window, he's now lying on the side without the biggest wounds. "If ya wanted to go outside then ya could've just used the door" he laughs, lifting him up. Lukas looks away, slightly embarrased. Mathias puts him back on the couch, and Lukas sits up. "Some of my friends are coming over later" He goes to the kitchen with the groceries, packing out some stuff, before walking back to the livingroom. "In two hours, to be exact" He grabs one of the remotes on the coffeetable and turns on the Tv. Lukas turns his attention to the show, it's obviously a show about solving crimes. Right now five of the main characters're in a lab, listening to a blackhaired girl with a spiderweb tattoo on her neck, talking about a bomb that should've blown up or something. Mathias leans back and chuckles. "I still can't get that image out of my head" Lukas rolls his eyes and looks away. "It's not funny.." Mathias laughes and ruffles his hair. "Maybe not" They watched the show for a few more minutes, when suddently there was a knock on the door.

Vylad sits in his chair, looking at the mess. He'd aclean but he've got better stuff to do, like sleeping or teasing, eating or collecting stuff. He picks up a dead flower and studies it, running his finger over the brown, yellow ish leafes. It's kinda pretty, actually. He picks up a red vase from the floor and put the flower in it. He starts putting the flowers in the vase before placing it on the desk. He sighs and sits down, closing his eyes. Just when he's about to fall asleep, the door flings open. "Alright, it's reading time!" Arthur pushes the mess away from Vylad's desk and put four books on it. "Get ouut" Vylad whinedsand banges his head on the table. "It's too earlyyy"
"Vylad it's 5.am" Arthur sighed. Vylad lifted his hand and pushes the books off of the desk."---Too earlyyy"
Arthur crosses his arms. "We won't find Lukas at this pace." "Dooooon't use the Lukas card!" Vylad sat up. "I'm hungry" he stated and picked up a flower. Arthur growls and grabbs it, crushing it in his hand. Vylad stares at him with a deathglare. "You did not just do that, right eyebrows?!" He stands up and grabbs his collar. Arthur sighs and pinches his arm, causing Vylad to back off. "...Fuck you.." Arthur crossed his arms. "By the way, You are going to tell Emil that his brother won't be back in a while, is lost in the humans' world." Vylad  rolled his eyes and sat down. "He won't be too upset though, he'll be all alone with that dragon friend of his." he let out a short laugh, looking through a book. Arthur nodded and leaned against a wall. "Guess he will have a break from his pract-" His eyes widened and stared at Vylad. "Emil can use magic too, right?"


So this took a bit longer than I thought it would, wrightersblock, ya know? Heh, oh well, thanks for reading X3 (btw any ideas for the next chapter? Knowing myself I will get another wrightersblock so yea)

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