What I'm Hiding - Horror!Edd...

By A_Spoonful_Of_Salt

60.8K 1.9K 1K

//most of this sucks// #1 in Bodyhorror 5/24/2019 "Demons are shifty and clever creatures. They find you in y... More

17. (H!E Bomb P.1)
18. (H!E Bomb P.2)
19. (H!E Bomb P.3)
20. (H!E Bomb P.4, Final)
The Phone Situation
25: Epilogue
Ending Author's Note


2.4K 78 17
By A_Spoonful_Of_Salt

--Somewhere in the UK--

Tord poked at his new invention. It was a tracker of the unusual, and frankly, it was pretty fucking useless.

The only thing it ever picked up was the occasional mini-apocalypse, and those had gotten boring pretty quickly.
He sighed when the small metal box cracked underneath his clumsier right hand. The stupid fake arm made everything harder.

He dropped onto the grass and plucked aimlessly at the dirt. Paul and Pat were out doing who knows what, and he couldn't move on to the next 'unnatural' event without them. As incompetent as they could be sometimes, they were the only ones out of the entire Red Army who stuck with him after his attempt at world domination failed. Their loyalty was idiotic but welcome.

The invention suddenly burst into a flurry of red, flashing lights and beeping. Tord yelped in surprise, the device never picked up a signal this strong before. Coordinates popped up on its tiny screen. He looked around frantically, Paul and Pat were still no where to be found. He groaned. This could be something huge!

Finally, he decided. He would go scope out the area without those two.

"I'll contact them later," he mumbled.

He stood up, grabbing the device, and headed out towards the anomaly.

//alright, here s the next chapter. Sorry about the low word count. Also heyyy I had my birthday last month. Finally gonna be a freshman. Hip hip for year 14//

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