Trouble In Paradise - Stelena

By ilysmseries

12.1K 397 68

[you have to read book 1: my girlfriends best friend, first!!] Someone important from Stefan's past comes to... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen

Alternative ending, chapter fifteen.

522 14 1
By ilysmseries

A/N: Alternative ending, after a bit I'm finally uploading this chapter! Enjoy.
Oh and this is a continuation from when Lexi had the knife up to Elena's throat, if you don't remember I suggest you go back and read that chapter up until the point where Stefan said "what did I do to make you hate me?" Then come back and enjoy the alternative ending. 

"What did I do to make you hate me so bad?" I was shaking.

"You really don't remember do you?" She started laughing, kinda sinister like but I was in no mood to judge. "Id really love to take a walk down memory lane, but I've got something I need to do first."

"Lexi please, I love her." A tear went down my face. I looked over at Damon to signal him he needed to help me. "Look at least let me say something to her."

"Fine, two minutes." I took a breath and nodded at Lexi as a somewhat thanks even though she didn't deserve anything.

"Elena, I know you're scared but please, listen to me. I started off as this confused guy who thought that he had everything he had ever wanted or needed, that is until I met you. You made me feel things I didn't want to feel because then I had to admit that so much of my life was partly a lie. When we first kissed, I knew then and there that I needed you in my life, maybe more than Caroline. I loved her but I really love you, it scares me that at this age you can be in a love this strong. I know everyone says this but we've had our ups and downs but I would live through that all over again just to know that I get to spend the rest of my life with you. If she does this incredibly stupid, and heartbreaking thing I will spend my whole eternity loving you and honouring your life. But if she has the heart that I know she once had and spares your life, I promise to take you far far away from this messed up town and give you the life you deserve. I love you so much, please never stop fighting. I'll get you out of this even if it kills me." I suddenly realized it wasn't just tears now, I was sobbing. Down on my knees sobbing.

"I love you so much, but Stefan you and I both know how this is going to end l, I can tell from you crying that you know I'm going to die. But I can't be the reason you die, so please just let me go with what you just said. I'm not ready yet, but I will be because I was put in this compromising position. Good bye." Everything Elena said made me realize I need to stand up and fight, I can't tell her to keep fighting if I'm not even putting in a full effort.

"No!" I stood up.

"What did you just say?" Lexi's voice just sounded like a stern parent when someone is being punished.

"I said no! I am a vampire and I can and will fight, you will not touch her!" I yelled.

"I'd like to see you - where's Damon?" I looked around to notice Damon was missing.

"Turn around blondie." He waved a wooden stick around.

When Lexi turned around he plunged the stake into her chest causing her to go all grey and vain. 

Elena took a breath of relief and ran into my arms. "We're free!" She smiled.

"We're free." I agreed.

I walked over to Damon, "I don't know what to say, I owe you my life." I said.

"No you owe me an ice cream." He patted me on the back.

"Sounds good to me." I said as I rapped my arms around the two and walked out of the house, I'd like to say we walked into the sunset but we actually walked to an ice cream place.

Life isn't perfect, but I definitely am surrounded by some pretty perfect people.

The end
Kinda short but I liked this ending, let me know if this is a better ending or not!

Also (self promotion) if you want to read some Stelena I am working on two books about Stelena rn so go read those!!

Lastly I hope you enjoyed this two book series, and talk soon.

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