Your Life Is A Dream. Mine Is...

By xxWhiteRosesxx

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Every heart ,a person. Every soul, a star. Every lock, a key. Every dream, a possibility. Every death, a reas... More

Your Life Is A Dream. Mine Is A Nightmare.
Your Life Is A Dream. Mine Is A Nightmare. - Chapter 2
Your Life Is A Dream. Mine Is A Nightmare. - Chapter 3
Your Life Is A Dream. Mine Is A Nightmare. - Chapter 5
Your Life Is A Dream. Mine Is A Nightmare. - Chapter 6
Your Life Is A Dream. Mine Is A Nightmare. - Chapter 7
Your Life Is A Dream. Mine Is A Nightmare. - Chapter 8
Your Life Is A Dream. Mine Is A Nightmare. - Chapter 9
Your Your Life is a Dream. Mine is a Nightmare- Ch 10
Your LIfe is a Dream. Mine is a NIghtmare.- Chapter 11
Your Life is a Dream. Mine is a Nightmare- Ch 12
Your Life is a Dream. Mine is a Nightmare.-Chapter 13
Your Life Is A Dream. Mine Is A Nightmare.- Chapter 14
Chapter 15- Letters To Juliet
Chapter 16- The Lovely Chat & Flying Balls

Your Life Is A Dream. Mine Is A Nightmare. - Chapter 4

181 3 1
By xxWhiteRosesxx

~Chapter 4~

Forgiving or Forgetting

I woke as the sun glimmered into my window. The clock read 8:00 in bright red numbers. I listened to see if anyone was awake. I stayed still listening closely, still listening, still listening, no one was awake. I got out of bed, yawned and stretched, and went over to Summer's room. Malaya followed behind, but I pointed towards my room ordering her to stay there and she sleepily obeyed. I slowly opened the lavender door which surprisingly didn't crack a single noise. The wallpaper of her room were dark purple and magenta stripes, the cabinets were painted white wood, her bed had a white wooden frame with a pink canopy and violet covers. In the bed lay restless Summer in her The Academy Is T-Shirt and green and black plaid pajama pants. She breathed deeply telling me she was fast asleep in the dreamlands. I went over to her not matching green closet door that stood out from everything in the room like a blond in a library and on the lime colored door was a Taylor Lautner poster. I looked through the mountain of clothes to finally find jean shorts and a blue t-shirt with a cute panda eating bamboo on it. I changed in my room, tip-toed down the stairs, and left a note on the kitchen island. I cautiously left out the door and jogged onto the side walk.

I jogged for a while searching for the familiar place. At first I believed that I stupidly went the wrong way when suddenly the scent of roses hit me. I turned my head to see the welcoming white house. I examined the place first hoping not to be intruding them. It looked quiet and still for there was no movement. I turned back, but from the corner of my eye I saw a slight movement coming from the top floor. I took the risk, jogged up to the porch, and slightly knocked on the door. No response.

"Oh well," I stepped back and looked up at the beautiful house and inhaled the sweet addicting scent of the roses. I thought of my mother for a while looking up at the pure blue sky with fluffy white clouds floating carefree. My protective yet slightly clumsy mother. Everything about her was nurturing. Her loving warm sweet smile, her inviting giggle, her welcoming hugs, her addicting chocolate chip cookies, her comforting words....

"Are you gonna stand there all day?" The voice jerked me back to reality. Standing at the door was a chuckling smirking Chris. He was leaning on the doorway in his plaid blue and white pajama pants and a white tank top. His hair was slightly sticking up in places, though it was messy it was kinda cute.

"Sorry did I wake you up?" I asked shyly. "And why are you laughing?" I placed my hands firmly on my hips.

"Man you have mood swings. Well Ms.Polite yes you did wake me up and Ms.Rude I'm laughing because you're just standing there looking up at my house and was just gazing for about five minutes,"


"Yeah Yeah," He walked down the porch and stood in front of me. "And might I ask why your jogging early in the morning like an old lady does,"

"Ha ha very funny. But for your information I have a lot on my mind and I'm definitely not an old lady!" he chuckled silently hiding it and I smiled. Suddenly my stomach grumbled loudly ruining the mood.

"You wanna come in and have some breakfast because I'm guessing you didn't eat a thing before coming out to visit me," he smirked obviously enjoying teasing a poor innocent girl who just dropped by to see a friend who deep down inside was the devil.

"Sure," I answered and slowly, but shyly trotted up the porch.

He swung out his hand and bowed saying, "Ladies first," He shot me a smile.

"Why thank you, gentleman," I curtsied. I slowly walked toward the kitchen hoping not to step on a squeaky board. Chris joined my and sweetly pulled out my chair and rushed to the sink. I sat down and he leaned staring at me. I looked over at him as he searched the refrigerator.

"So what do you feel like eating," he asked.

"It depends on what you have," I answered shyly. By hands were placed firmly on my lap and I was staring down at them. Stop being shy! I made a fist in

the air for encouragement. It's fine. Nothing can go wrong and it's not like he's secretly a pervert or something.

"You wanna make pancakes?"

"Sure! I love pancakes," I truly and honestly did love them like a sister. I merrily and innocently smiled and had the pure joy of a young child on Christmas day. He laughed.

"What's so funny," I pouted.

"You're just like a kid. You know that?"

"Well sorry for acting like a kid," I muffled. He chuckled at me.

"No really it's fine. I actually like that about you," My face was burning up,"Acting like a kid is a good thing because it shows true happiness and the great of the world not the sadness or pain you don't see in everyday life. Kids haven't been exposed to anything to distraught so all they can do is enjoy life," I for one was inspired by the speech though I had to admit it was kinda cheesy, "It must be nice," he muttered to himself. For a second he gazed off by looking at the window staring at the sky. I cautiously got up and stood next to him. I gently touched his shoulder and he snapped out of his trans.

"Are you okay?" I asked softly and worried. I was really worried. He looked honestly hurt as if he didn't enjoy life or didn't get to at all, but I knew that wasn't possible. It confused me that he had that strange look on his a face and made me very curious. Then again I needed to remember that curiosity killed the cat.

"Oh, yeah. I'm fine," he shook it off and looked into the food cabinet. "Can you help me get the stuff ready?" I nodded and looked in the refrigerator. I grabbed the milk, some eggs, and ripe blueberries. He had the bowl and the pancake mix ready for me when I placed then on the wooden table. We truly had a fun time cooking. Me, myself, and I were clumsy so I dropped the pancake a couple times, broke the egg with the shell landing in the mix, and the best part was knocking over all the blueberries most of them falling to the floor. Weirdly when I dropped the pancake he didn't get mad, when the small egg shells went in he surprisingly got all the pieces out, and the weirdest of all was when I dropped the blueberries he had amazingly fast reflexes. He quickly grabbed a small bowl and caught the berries just in time before they hit the floor in the blink of an eye. Obviously I was again very amazed and curious. How the hell did he do that? Is he like superman? Maybe he's a vampire like Edward Cullen. I laughed.

"Why are you laughing," he wondered still with the blueberry bowl in hand. I was cooking the pancakes at the warm stove. The stove clock read that it was 9:00. I wondered when Yuki or Cassandra would wake up. Suddenly someone grabbed my hand which was on the spatula. I turned my head to see Chris who was standing very close to me practically behind me. He guided my hand to the pancake which was slightly burning. He helped me flip it.

"Someone isn't paying attention," he smirked as he put his hand gently on my waist. After he finished cooking the pancake he let go and set the table. I placed the delicious mouth-watering pancakes on a plate and set them in the center of the table. I had noticed that their were only two plates he had set next to each other.

"Chris, where is Yuki and Cassandra?" I questioned.

"Yuki is at a sleepover and my mom is at a meeting," I gulped. So we're all alone?

"Oh," I managed to choke. Alone in a house with a guy usually doesn't end out right! Manage your cool Chesa! We both sat down and ate our pancakes. My mind erased as I pleasurably ate the food.

"It's so good!" I was blushing with delight. I loved pancakes! He chuckled.

"You must really like them," I nodded happily as I took another bite. We slowly ate and cleaned up diligently. He washed and I dried the plates and put them away. He dragged me upstairs afterwards.

"You wanna watch TV in my room?"

"Sure," I hesitated. His room didn't change except that he hadn't made his bed. As he turned on the TV I fixed his bed.

"Thanks mom," he joked.

"You're welcome deary," I played along. We both laughed at our play as we sat down on the newly made bed. We flipped through the channels until we both decided that their was nothing good on in the morning unless we wanted to watch Dora the Explorer. Trust me I never liked that show including when I was young. Let's just say I thought she was an alien because of course she didn't speak English so I told my mom that she spoke alien and would steal me from inside the TV once I learned her language.

Chris shut off the TV and said, "I noticed you were kinda nervous when you asked about Yuki and Cassandra," Busted!

"What're you talking about?" My voiced cracked. Crap! He moved closer to me.

"Afraid I was going to do something to you?" he said smoothly. He moved closer and before I knew it I was lying down with him practically on top of me. I was frozen and helpless. I couldn't do anything. His mouth was close to my neck breathing in and out softly. His breath tickling my bare neck. I'm guessing he is a vampire. He laughed. I was terrified and my eyes were closed. Suddenly it all stopped and he was sitting up smirking at me. He broke out in utter laughter. Then I finally got it!

"You tricked me!" I screamed at him.

"You should have seen the look on your face," he could barely breathe from all his laughter. I was so angry, no I was pissed! I punched him in the arm. He rubbed were I hit him complaining that it hurt.

"You scared me," I said softly.

"Oh God Chesa, I'm sorry," He was hesitant, but gave me a hug. I gazed into his eyes and slowly we moved closer. I stopped right when are lips were close to touching and chuckled.

"Look who's the fool now," I was smiling a huge teeth full smile. He lightly punched me in the arm.

"We're even then," He smirked. I slowly got up when he grabbed by wrist, "But you never know when I'll turn on you again," I was shocked.

"You wouldn't dare," I glared at him. Then he pulled me down, jumped on me, and locked down my hands.

"Looks like I caught my prey," he smirked. He moved his arm slowly down my arm. I don't think he's kidding this time! I struggled, but each time I tried he would lock me down again and again, tighter and tighter. I'm dead! Finally the ending conclusion. I closed my eyes again. I was weak and struggling wouldn't help. He's too strong. Suddenly I burst out in laughter. I was being tickled!

I slapped his arm and screamed, "That time I thought I was seriously dead!"

"Sorry," he apologized, "But it's fun to play around with you," he smirked and made direct eye contact. I was sitting up now and we were having a complete yell fest, but we were having a ball.

"Geez, don't scare me like that ever again!"

"We'll see," he was teasing with me. I glared at him. Suddenly his eyes grew gentle. He was moving closer again. I couldn't stop him, something inside me told me to, but some reason I refused to. He gently kissed my forehead and behaved by moving back to the normal position. A minute passed when we heard the front door open.

"Chris we're home!" It was Cassandra's voice. I rushed out of his room door and leaned on the wall hoping Cassandra wouldn't misunderstand, but Chris slowly walked to the door as I marched down the stairs.

"It's Chesa!" Yuki screamed with joy. She dropped her bag, sleeping bag, pillow, and cloud patterned blanket. Seconds later Chris slowly walked downstairs as Cassandra pulled me to the couch to talk to me all about her meeting. In truth Cassandra was a fashion designer and was working with Nicole Anne Antique who was about my age and was already a well-known successful fashion designer.

"She seemed like a sweet girl. Definitely seemed very serious about her work," Cassandra complimented. "And I just found out that she goes to the same school as Chris," his head jerked, "Isn't that neat?" she smiled. It was strange because usually people hated meetings, but I guessed working with a celebrity made the job better.

Then it hit me, "I thought you guys just moved here," I was bewildered.

"Yeah we lived farther away at the time. We lived actually across that lake near the school. The school had kids around that area go to that school so they had a school boat instead of a school bus. It was actually very extravagant," So far I was astounded. A school boat?! Dang! "My husband decided that we should move in this area because he could just walk or ride a bike up there. Because it was really difficult if he missed the boat because it only dropped off students twice a day, once in the morning and once in the afternoon. Sometimes he would end up sleeping at the school," Chris had sat by Cassandra in the middle of the conversation, but he was frozen solid, just sitting there with his eyes down, as still as a statue.

"By the way what school does Chris go to?" I was curious to know this exotic school. It made me anxious to know.

"It has a strange name. It was like Kara-something Academy," Cassandra scratched her chin.

"I don't really think I heard of a school close to that," I sighed. Chris's shoulders relaxed a little as he finally looked up.

Chris finally spoke up and said to me, "Well I bet your father is worried sick about you. So maybe you should go home," He said the ending a little abruptly while getting up and opening the door for me. But I hadn't caught a word he had said after the word father. My knees where locked together with my hands clasping down on them. All I could do was look down at my knees. I was fighting back my tears. The matter of crying was a definite no no. I should just me forthright and tell them. Then again I really don't want to involve them in it. I didn't want to make a scene. And I really didn't want to worry them. It was killing me, the feeling of wanting to open up to them and tell them everything. The more I thought about it the more it hurt. All my thinking and effort came to waste as the room grew silent and a tear slipped. As the tear slid more came and I couldn't stop so I murmured thank you to Chris as I passed him and ran as fast as I could. The memory of the night came in rushing through my head like a nightmare that always repeats. Finally I reached the house. My house. Everything was quiet again. Maybe I should go in. Then again maybe I should apologize to Chris, Cassandra, and Yuki. I sighed deeply. I sure got myself into a huge crappy mess. I headed back to Summer's house. I wondered what time it was, but it really didn't matter. If any of them were awake they would see my puffy swollen eyes and assume I was crying about my father again. I couldn't explain to them about Chris because then I'd end up telling Summer everything. Not that it was a bad thing, just that it'll embarrass me a whole lot when I see him.

I walked slowly up the porch and opened the door. Sitting there in the living room comfortably on the leather couch with Marisol and Summer was the one and only Chris Knight. Gosh! Speak of the Devil.

I stood there at the doorway speechless. This cannot be happening! I pinched myself and screamed, "Ouch!" Summer jumped in shock and grabbed onto Chris's arm.

"What are you doing silly Chesa?" she giggled. Uh-oh. I knew that tone of voice. Summer was trying to impress Chris! She always had a flirtatious preppy voice whenever there was a guy around that she like, admired, adored, liked, thought was hot, or all of the above. And the only guy in the room was definitely Chris. He got up out of the couch and slowly walked towards me.

"Are you okay?" he touched my elbow gently. My face was growing sadder. I couldn't stand the torture! I was about to burst out crying, wanting to desperately spill out everything including the minor, and unimportant details. My knees were about to give out when Chris pulled me into a comforting loving hug which was usually the cure for everything. "It's okay." he whispered strongly. "Summer explained everything,"

I began to cry and I was finally able to mutter, "Sorry I'm messing up your shirt," He hugged me tighter and laughed. When I was finished we all went upstairs. I washed my face and Summer and Chris headed to her room. I looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes were swollen and I had pink blotches from my salty tears. I quickly washed up and headed to Summer's room. Before I entered I took a deep breath. I stopped right on the door knob when I heard a high flirtatious and not to mention annoying giggle. I knew I shouldn't have but I began to eavesdrop.

Another giggle, "Chris you're so funny. I wish there were guys like you at my school," she said innocently and yet from her voice you could tell she was toying with him.

"Well I've been told I'm funny. And maybe handsome," He's such a narcissist!

"Well I bet Chesa hasn't told you that,"

"No she hasn't. But I really don't mind,"

"Are you sure? Because I could tell you things like that all the time," the bed squeaked. Was she moving on top of him!? I took a deep quiet breath. Don't let your imagination run wild! Just open the dang door. I tried to open the door which was obviously locked.

"Summer can I come in?" I asked as if I heard nothing. The bed squeaked a lot as Summer came to open the door.

"Sorry Chesa this door lock has been really messed up lately," she grinned. What the hell happened to you? You're acting weird!

I smiled sweetly and replied, "Thanks," I walked over to her bed and sat by Chris who's hair was slightly messed up from being pushed onto the bed by Summer.

"So I heard you told him everything," I smiled at her which was probably obviously fake.

"Yeah. About your dad and your mom," She shot a smile right back. Because we are friends we know when the other is trying to pick a fight. We've seen each other pick a fight with someone else, but never with each other. More new things just keeping piling in my life. I'm just so lucky, aren't I?

"Without my permission?" I looked at her bewildered.

"I figured if he was really a friend of yours you should tell him. When he came to this house and asked where you were I figured you told him already. I mean friends tell friends this kind of stuff you know?" she shot a glare at me. "And well I'd been wondering where you've been lately. I mean after that incident," chills went down my spine as she looked at me, "I honestly haven't seen you. You went out this morning and left a note. So of course I was curious of where you were. Then when Chris explained who he was I just suspected that he must be a dear friend of yours because I've known you for a while now and the fact is that you hate getting up in the morning. Unless you're going for jog or something, but usually you invite to those long boring jogs," she smirked at me.

"Summer can I ask you something?" I smiled kindly practically like Snow White or Cinderella.

"Sure." she was stumped as shown through her facial expression.

"When did you become such a bitch, wait no my bad, wrong word.... whore?" I smiled at her. Anger and shock spread all over her face. Chris was smirking from the corner of my eye.

"What are you talking about?" she had an awkward smile on her face.

"Let's see. First betrayal. You told someone something that I didn't give you permission to talk about which definitely has nothing to do with you. And second betrayal. You throw yourself on top of my innocent friend while the person he came to really see was washing her face in the restroom. What kind of friend betrays her friend when she turns her back? I think something really crazy happened to you," suddenly worry crossed over my face, "I've never seen you act this way before Summer. And personally I'm worried about it. Did something happen?"

"Did you call me a whore?" Was Summer seriously still on that. I just told her I was frantically worried about her. In the midst of Summer's punch Marisol rushed into the room. She stormed over to Summer, lightly pinched a pressure point between her shoulder and neck, and Summer fell right off her bed fast asleep on the carpet. I was shocked because I for one thought she looked dead, but she was breathing deeply explaining that she was sleeping.

"Marisol, are you feeling okay?" I hesitantly asked.

"Yeah. Ever since last night she has been having strange mood swings like she wasn't herself. I called the doctor and he said that this medicine," she lifted her hand which had purple colored pills on it, "would help her. He said it uniquely happens to a couple people in the world when someone goes through a lot of stress and worry in less than three hours. She was really worried about you, Chesa," I felt lightened, but was guilty for calling her those names. "It was like she was a totally different person, possessed and unable to control her feelings for a while. It's like being drunk, not able to control or recognize what you're doing. It doesn't have an exact name because barely anyone has or receives it. I think you can only get it genetically, through genes. Strangely the same thing happened to me," her voiced went really low, but I easily picked it up, "Right before I went into that school," Gingerly Chris and I lifted Summer back on her bed and lightly tucked her into bed. Chris and I decided to go outside for a little while. I sat down on the stairs and looked up at the bright sun shining down on me. With little gray clouds hanging around. Chris plopped down by me.

"So you had problems with your father?" he was looking at me sincerely. I just stared at the other houses and the light blue colored sky.

"Yup. Don't we all?" I asked. He chuckled.

"I can kinda understand fighting with a father. He's been kinda strict since forever,"

"Yeah, but mine was never strict or mean to me in anyway," I took a deep relaxing breath, "It was really different for me because my father had never gotten drunk 'till that night." A few seconds of silence passed by. "But I can kind of understand why he got angry," Chris looked confused. I turned my head and looked directly into his eyes. "I mean he really loved my mom. He was just really upset about the lose of someone he loved dearly," Dead silence.

"Wow," he smirked, "You can really say some inspiring stuff sometimes kid,"

"What do you mean by kid? I'm the same age as you. At least I think..."

"Then how old are you and when is your birthday,"

"I'm thirteen and my birthday is on the 13th of June which passed a couple days or so ago,"

"I'm thirteen, but I beat you because my birthday is proudly on February 23," he grinned. "Now that you finally understand your father's feelings how about you introduce me?" he got up and helped pull me up. Hesitantly I stood there. He grabbed my hand and pulled me with him as we went out to the street. Suddenly he let go.

"Um, Chesa?"


"You're going to have to lead from here because I have no idea were you live," He scratched the back of his head embarrassed. I reached for his hand.

"Then I'll lead the way," As we walked I felt as if I was in an undiscovered place. Ever since the storm everything seemed different. Leaves, trash cans, political signs, and debris was scattered everywhere. The sunshine made everything better though because unlike last night it had more of a serene feeling. I abruptly stopped in front of my house which surprisingly wasn't as trashed as the street. I glided towards the garage and with my spare key I cautiously opened the garage. Everything looked normal and thankfully nothing was torn or thrown to the ground. My father's Hummer was safely parked and untouched meaning he was awaiting my arrival. Hopefully it was a peaceful loving arrival not a drunk and dangerous one like the last time. I slowly walked towards the door. When I turned the knob I opened the door keeping my eye out for anything mysterious, a close vigil. The inside wasn't tidy like the outer facade of the house. The place wrecked of alcohol with crummy bottles scattered everywhere. Looks like father didn't want to clean up... I gripped Chris's hand who proceeded with caution. With Chris we went to the stairs where the scene of the crime had happened. My father's blood was still on the carpet, staining. Without a single word we both tip-toed up the steps to my room. I shut the door quietly. In the corner was my queen sized bed. A white wooden frame and a dark purple comforter covered in a black roses pattern. The fluffy lavender pillows seemed untouched. Beside my bed was a window with flowing transparent purple curtains. Across the room was a white wood desk covered in papers with a pink Mac laptop resting peacefully on it. Beside it was my closet door with celebrity posters on it. My black wood shelf was full of books. Mostly by the author Sarah Dessen who had written novels that millions, including me, adored. Another black shelf, smaller, with cubbies had miniature sculptures on it. A glossy black glass heart with a lock on it and a silver key with a black swirl pattern lied near it. Another sculpture was a dolphin jumping above a glossy blue surface with a small romantic glass sunset as the background. As I was investigating my room Chris decided to just plop down on my bed.

"Nice room," he acknowledged another heart sculpture, which had a rose wrapped around it which was on my bedside table. Resting on my bedside was also my black iHome, an exotic tropical lamp with orchid patterns and a lime green base which sent a calming warmth throughout my room, and an abridged version of Romeo and Juliet with a magnetic panda bookmark in the middle of it.

"Honestly it's nothing too fancy,"

"I like the sculptures. They're creative,"

"Really?" I laughed, "My mother had learned pottery in the Philippines and time after time we would make something occasionally. The last one we made is the one on my bedside table," He toyed with it.

"You really like things to do with romance and hearts and stuff don't you?"

"Yeah. Love is a really passionately deep feeling. Everyone wants it, everyone needs it, but a few ever receive it. Those who get it will live in the moment. At times they feel the pain that comes with it, but above it all cherish it like a treasure," Silence filled the room. "That's one of my favorite sayings," I smiled, but suddenly we heard someone's loud footsteps walk down the hall towards my door. Pat-pat-pat. The noise's volume level increased and increased. Each step matched the beat of my heartbeat. Ba-Bump~Ba-Bump~Ba-Bump. I stood frozen, like a yummy, but chilled Popsicle, afraid of what would happen. Suddenly someone fiercely pulled my arm. Chris pulled me to the bed.

"It's alright," He gave me quick and kind of awkward hug and gently, but firmly held my hand. I began to relax, but my heart practically jumped out of my chest when the door knob slowly turned. It turned so slowly I felt as if the world was coming to an end, like each second was a year. The never ending suspense made my heart beat even faster. Chris grabbed my shoulder and pulled closer, he probably felt my tension.

"It'll be fine," he whispered in my ear gently and assertively and slowly pulled away. He cautiously walked over to the desk and sat in the chair, surprisingly without a sound. The door knob quietly clicked to its end. The door creaked open slowly. Is this going to really end out alright? Please Lord. Please let this end right. I really can't stand another painful memory!

The long suspense and silence, well besides my intense heartbeat which I could hear through my ears, was killing me. Suddenly my father looked inside. His appearance showed that he was back to his normal loving and caring father character. He was wearing a blue and white striped polo and khakis which was his usually attire. He looked straight into my eyes. His eyes were soft, gentle, and looked utterly worried.

"Chesa, please forgive your sinful father!" he flew towards her and begged on his knees with couple of tears sliding down his face, "I had woken up in the early morning with my leg badly wrapped in bandages and it aching painfully. It took me a while to understand what had happened the night before until finally the whole scene came rushing back to me during lunch. I had almost chocked on my well-cooked and quite expensive steak at the steak house in the town." his faced began to lighten and he laughed, "You should have seen the waitress's face. She looked nearly 16, around your height, and in was a panic for she was obviously just a trainee because she had dropped a couple plates and orders for the five minutes I was there. The terror in her eyes told me she thought I was practically dying. The girl yanked out her phone and started to dial 911 when the boss came out, gave me the Heimlich, and turned off her phone." I hadn't noticed, but I was laughing, practically crying for it seemed as if nothing had happened. We had pushed what had happened that night into the past in less than a minute. Suddenly there was a slight cough attracting both our attentions towards my desk. Oops! I'd forgotten all about Chris, the boy in my room watching my father's dramatic apology and well listening intently to his embarrassing and crazy story.

"Uh, dad this is one of my friends Chris. He just moved recently into the neighborhood, but he has been going to a school nearby," I introduced him to my father, kind of awkwardly.

Chris extended his hand and politely said, "Pleased to meet you sir." My father observed him for a while which for me was too much. Quite embarrassing actually. He looked at Chris from every angle! He was talking to himself saying things like, "Yeah," "Uh-huh," and "Hmm,". When finally he gently shook Chris's hand.

"You look decent enough. But hurt my daughter and I'll come after you with a revolver and be at your house faster than you can spell the word cat. C-A-T." I slapped my forehead which actually hurt a lot!

"Don't worry sir I would never hurt her," Chris said, but with no emotion. Maybe he's trying to be serious so my father will trust him. I think this is the first time my father has acted like this. Last school year I had gone out with the jock of my class, Jared Swifter. He was a really gorgeous Filipino with dark black hair and surprisingly violet eyes. His was a very kind and unique person. He enjoyed all sports, but played soccer for our class and man did this boy have skill. He owned a lot of fancy foot work and had lightning fast reflexes. My father had never and I mean never observed Jared as much as he examined Chris. My father was actually pretty cool and carefree about Jared and I going out. To tell the truth he wouldn't even care if we kissed in front of him, not that we did I mean that's just plain wrong and twisted. Sadly our loving couple relationship had ended when he told me that he had fallen in love with someone else. That someone was my best friend Summer. She had turned him down a million times, but he never gave up. Personally it didn't become ugly between me and Summer, but I was pretty ticked off at Jared for a long long time. Summer had always refused which somehow reached his brain months later. He gave up on her and we really didn't have that close of a relationship anymore. One day we all went out to the theaters to watch a comedy about how the world would end. It really wasn't one of those creepy gory movies. Actually it was more like roll on the floor laughing kind of funny with us practically crying of the painful laughter! Well Jared and I became closer through the summer, but we would never be a loving couple ever again. We promised to always be there for each other in time of need and to stay just friends. Honestly I haven't seen him since school which had ended June first.

"I just hope you're right," my father joked and pulled him into a friendly arm-lock. Surprisingly Chris was able to twist out of his grasp and put him in a gentle arm lock. My father burst out laughing.

"Boy, you've got skill," Chris smiled at the compliment and released him. He messed with Chris's hair. "Chris, you wanna stay for lunch?" Chris told him that it would be nice, but he promised to have a picnic with his dad. He thanked us for the hospitality and slowly walked away to the park.

"That boy seemed nice," My dad elbowed me. I blushed.

"Dad do you mind if I go out for a jog to the park?" I asked.

"Sure, sport. Just please don't hurt yourself," I thanked him and started walking out of the house when he included, "Make sure to be home before eight!" I turned around, put two thumbs up, spun back, and kept walking. Before I knew it I reached Blossoming Park which was miraculously clean and spotless. I remembered visiting the exact park with my mother. She would always come in the spring and smell the glorious sweet wild roses. She always reminded me that life wasn't easy; that we all were like a rose fighting in the cold freezing winter. Suddenly the gentle aroma of wild roses hit my nose. The beautiful scent matched the suddenly sunny day. Near the bushes I spotted Chris who was sitting on a red and orange plaid blanket, so cliché. I yelled his name and ran over to him, but before I realized it he wasn't the only one there. A strict looking man in a black suit with a white crisp and a green tie that matched his emerald eyes. His hair looked like Chris's, brownish-blond hair. Then the picture in Chris's room flew in my head. The man was Chris's father!

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