Changed (ON HOLD)

By hulagurl129

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Malia is just a normal girl until she gets pulled into a world she never new existed vampires, Demons, Werewo... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Hey guys

Chapter One

421 9 7
By hulagurl129

A Sunny Day

*Beep *Beep *Beep "aghhh" The dreadful noise I always hear at 7:00 in the morning wakes me from my peaceful slumber, I reach out to turn it off and climb out of bed. My feet hitting the cold wooden floor making me wish I could sleep with socks on but I just can't. I make my way down the hallway and turn right into the bathroom switching the light on and turning the shower on. I remove my clothes and step into the shower, the hot water comes pelting on my back making me step out from under the water to adjust the water to my liking. Once I'm clean I step out of the shower and grab a white fuzzy towel and wrap it around my body, only then I realise I forgot to turn the fan on so my bathroom is now fogged up everywhere "fuck" I curse under my breath. Once I'm dressed wearing a purple top and black pants I make my way down the hallway to the kitchen and open the pantry getting a muesli bar and putting it in my bag and filling my water bottle. I make my way out side my apartment to be greeted with Greg, he's my neighbour and his 28 and a huge clean freak he once came over to help me fix my kitchen sink and he saw my pile of washing on my couch and decided he must forget about helping me with my sink but instead help me fold my washing, thanks Greg I had to pay $250 for a plumber to come fix my sink. "Ah hello Malia, fine morning yes?" He says to me as he collects his mail. One thing I've always noticed is that his always dressed in a bow tie and has his hair slicked back, but another thing is his always very nosy.

I think because he's eight years older than me he thinks I'm just a little kid and he needs to look out for me, sometimes it just makes me want to scream in his face and tell him I'm 20 years old I'm perfectly fine looking out for my self. "Yes lovely morning, how have you been?" I ask him kindly "Ah yes I've been quite dandy lately off to work are you?" He says looking me up and down. "Yes well I should be off don't want to miss the bus" I say before heading out the gate, he doesn't reply but just watches me leave. I check the time and thankfully my little talk with Greg didn't take up to much time I still had fifteen minutes to walk three blocks to catch the bus, I decide to do a light jog just to make sure I get there on time. I reach the bus stop and take a seat breathing fairly loud not used to running, normally I'm on time and can enjoy a morning walk but not today I had fifteen minutes instead of thirty this time I'll have to make sure I be quick if I'm to talk with Greg. A couple minutes later the bus arrives and I step on and take a seat hoping this ride doesn't take long as I don't want to be late for work, finally my stop comes up and I step off.

I head down the street and take a turn to reach the food courts, I decide to order a coffee and continue my way to work. I finally see Jackie's Florist covered with bright flowers everywhere, it's not the best job but I guess it's alright.
Jackie was nice enough to give me a job after I was rejected by six other places, I guess that's what you get for dropping out of collage. I open the door and hear the bell chime on the door, Jackie comes out smiling "hey Malia it's about time you got here"she said. "Sorry Greg kept me"I replied back to her "ughh again, that man seriously needs to get a life"she says "totally but I kinda feel sorry for him"I say. Jackie gives me a look "I mean his 28 and I've never seen him have any friends over or any girls heck I think I'm the only girl he talks to" I say "well that's he's fault that his awkward and dresses weird and he always has that nerdy vibe" Jackie says as she rearranged these flowers.
"What wrong with being a nerd?" I replied Looking at her, she looks back with a smile "nothing let's stop talking about this and get to work okay" she says. I can tell shes annoyed with me so I keep quite and get to work.

After a long day of work I gather my things and say goodbye to Jackie thankfully she isn't mad at me anymore. I make my way out of the store hearing the bell chime once again and head past all the food courts, their owners getting ready to close for the night, I make my way to the bus stop and see a old lady sitting on the curb with a sign "Need Money for Food" I decide to go through my wallet and get $50 out and walk up to her. As I approached her she looked up to me "hello here's some money" I say "Oh thank you so much" she replied her voice coming out croaky, I bring my hand out and drop the money in her tin and see that my money is the only one in there, "have a good night" I say starting my way to the bus stop up ahead. About five steps I here her say "wait I would like you to have this" she says holding out a necklace, "oh no I couldn't it's alright you keep it" I tell her "No I want you to have it please"she says still holding it out to me, I take it from her hand "thank you" I say to her, she nods her head. I continue my way towards the bus stop with the necklace still in my hand and see the bus up ahead, quickly making my way to get on the bus.

I sit down on the bus and take the necklace from my hand and have a good look at it noticing it's a harmony ball necklace, that has a ball inside it that chimes when you shake it, the necklace had beautiful carvings all around it.

I place the necklace in my pocket and wait to arrive at my stop. Once I get to my stop I make my way home I suddenly hear a noise behind me and quickly turn around only to see nothing there. I make my way home as quick as I can hoping I'm not being followed. I open my apartment door and walk in locking the door quickly behind me checking out my window to see nothing, "phew" I say as I head to my room taking my shoes off and putting my bag on my dressing table I take my water bottle out as well as the necklace. I put the necklace on and look at it on me in the mirror, it actually suits me I think, I open the latch on the necklace and take out the harmony ball it's a red metallic ball, I decide to shake the ball hearing the melodic chimes it's makes, I suddenly feel a little faint ,thinking it's from not eating much today only a muesli bar, I put the harmony ball back into the necklace and make my way to the kitchen to make some dinner. I decide to just heat up some pizza from the fridge as I'm to tired to cook, as I wait for the pizza to finish heating up in the microwave I suddenly hear a crash outside and look out my kitchen window to see some trash cans were pushed over, thinking it was probably stray cats looking for food I ignore it. *Beep *Beep *Beep I suddenly jump and look at my microwave seeing it's finished, the beeping sound making me think of my alarm clock I'm going to hear in the morning again waking me from my peaceful sleep,  suddenly thinking of sleep makes me feel more tired so I quickly eat my food and make my way to bed.

Thanks for reading the first chapter tell me what you think I can't wait to write the next chapter 👋

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