I Prefer the Good Guys

By Narwhal_is_Awesome

4.3K 250 250

I never wanted people to feel unloved or not cared about. For the longest time, I've seen people who had nobo... More

41 Hours and 2,789 Miles?
A What Bus?
You're What Now?

I Thought We All Retired?

1.7K 67 63
By Narwhal_is_Awesome

(Dates and ages may not all fit but that's because not everyone has the same birthday and if the little girl's name is the same as yours, then I'm sorry.)

We stared at the bus, waiting for it to park to see what was going on. Once it did as expected, Marcel put his gun up and we all prepared to run.

My mind was full of what happened just a few nights before and I couldn't let it go.

Tyler and I were sitting in our front room watching a movie while our two-year-old was sleeping upstairs.

Ava Nicole Wilde was born January 1, 2018. Yep, a New Years baby. Tyler and I had no clue what to name her, so when the nurse asked, Tyler and I looked around the room and he kept saying random things and the ones that I could actually get a name out of were "a vent", "nickel" and she was obviously going to have his last name. But after hearing the list of ideas, I told her, "Ava Nicole Wilde."

Ava looked so much like Tyler, he couldn't deny the kid if he tried. She had light brown hair where it almost looks blonde, but so did Tyler's when he was younger so she most likely will grow out of it. Her eyes were blue too, but they were a bit darker that Tyler's. He said she might also grow out of that too because he did. She had his nose, shape face, and lips too. She even had his skin tone.

She was no doubt a daddy's girl but she usually plays with me over Tyler because Tyler doesn't really know how to play dress up correctly.

Tyler and I got married about a month after. It was a small wedding, but it was honestly perfect. The crowd was basically Tyler's family and our friends because fuck my family. They're all assholes.

We didn't have a honeymoon due to the new baby, but it was still memorable and it was like that for two years until that night.

We fell asleep during the movie but woke up when we heard Ava cry. She barely ever cries so it surprises us when we hear it. I blinked my eyes open to see a figure in front of me. My vision was still a little blurry so my first though was Tyler, but Tyler just took his arm off my shoulder.

"Who the hell are you?" Tyler yelled, standing up.

The guy didn't say anything, but instead, started backing up. My vision was still hazy due to the sleep, but this guy was nowhere near his height and clearly didn't have as much muscle.

"I-I uh..." He ran out the front door that was wide open. He had an accent, but I honestly couldn't identify what type it was.

"We didn't lock the doors!" I yelled.

Tyler ran after him and I heard Ava scream once more. I bolted up the stairs and saw the door to her room was the same as the front. I ran to it and peered inside to see some guy holding Ava as he was halfway out the window.

"You son of a bitch!" I yelled and grabbed his shirt, pulling him back in.

He nearly dropped Ava out the window, but didn't truly let go of her till they were back inside. I rolled Ava over to the side and looked back at the guy, only to get hit in the face. It burned with pain, but I ignored it and continued to stand up straight and punch him back. He dashed to the side and I moved with him.

He swung again, but this time I dodged and grabbed his arm. I kicked him in the gut, causing him to topple over. I was about to finish him off when I heard a gunshot then Tyler screaming.

That's when everything seemed to go in slow motion. I stood there, debating weather or not to stay and fight or go and see if my husband was okay. I knew I couldn't do both and as I was coming to the solution of grabbing Ava and running to Tyler, Ava got up and ran.

"Daddy!" She cried.

I looked at the guy and he was up and had the look of haterd and murder in his eyes. I couldn't make out specific details of his face, but his white make outlined just his eyes. He charged at me and I did the same at him. Before I knew what happened, my shins hurt and I flipped over to my back. I groaned in pain as I watched him run to the hallway, towards Ava.

I quickly got back up and ran to them just in time to see him pick up Ava and run down the stairs. I slid down the railing and caught up to him but he turned and ran to the door instead of going to the window. I stopped myself with the wall and ran at him.

"Mommy!" Ava whaled as they headed out the door.

I couldn't even think straight as I tried to catch up with him. He jumped into a tall van, kicked me to the ground before he closed the door. The last thing I heard was Ava screaming, tires screeching, and my heart breaking.

I sat back up and saw the van driving away. It looked like there were more people in the back. I ran as fast as I could but I clearly wasn't going to catch up with it. I saw the license plate but didn't have time to read the number, but I caught the state: New York.

"Y/n!" I heard Tyler yell. I turned around and he came running to me.

I burst into tears and screamed, "They took Ava! I couldn't stop them! Those bastards took our baby!"

Tyler grabbed me and held me close as I screamed for our child. He had tears silently roll down his face as he tried to calm me down. Our car was at the shop so we couldn't drive after them and we had no idea what they looked like nor did I get a licenses plate number so the cops weren't going to do shit.

I lost her. I lost my baby and no one could do anything about it. My chest physically hurt from my broken heart and my head was racing, causing me to develop a headache. I honestly couldn't feel anything besides guilt and pain.

I pulled away and examined Tyler. He didn't have a wound or anything so he probably faked his injury so the guy thought he won or something. He examined me too and pointed out my bloody nose that I didn't feel at all due to the adrenaline.

He lead me inside and was going to call the cops but his phone was broke in half. He groaned and lead me to the bathroom as he helped me stop my nose from bleeding. He was crying but wasn't trying to make it very noticeable.

I made the suggestion of going to the neighbors but Tyler reminded me that they were on vacation and the rest moved. It was literally just Tyler and I in the neighborhood.

"Y-Y/n," Tyler began as more tears left his eyes, "what are we going to do?"

I cried, "I don't know, Tyler. If I had any idea on what we should do, I would've said it but I literally have nothi-"

We heard heavy foot steps and I stopped. Tyler and I made eye contact as he motioned for me to stay where I was. I did so as he peeked out of the bathroom.

"Marcel?" He questioned.

We both walked out of the bathroom and Marcel was bawling his eyes out, "T-These guys t-took Simon-ne and-and-"

My eyes widened, "Marcel, some guys took Ava as well."

His eye widened, "I-I'm so sorry."

The door then reveled Brock who was in the same state as all of us, but he looked ten times worst. "Someone took Y/n and Lauren!" He screamed as he walked to us.

"What the fuck is going on?" I cried as I wiped my tears.

Not only is my child missing, but turns out someone is targeting us and our families.

Tyler shook his head, "We need to go to the police."

Everyone nodded and headed to the door when someone else ran through it, also crying their eyes out.

"Someone to-took Chrissy and Allen!" Scotty screamed as he nearly fell to the ground.

Allen was Chrissy and Scotty's son. He looked a lot like Chrissy, having her facial features, but he acted so much like Scotty. Maybe because he was a boy, but he would do exactly what Scotty did. About a year after they had him, that got married.

We explained what was going on in our lives too and he pulled himself together enough to nod and follow us out the door, to the police. We didn't live too far from them, so the walk wasn't that long, but I heard a familiar yelling when we got there.

We walked in and saw Anthony, Lui, and Daithi screaming at the cop behind the desk.

"So my wife was kidnapped, and you're not going to do anything about it?" Anthony raged.

Anthony and Melina got married about a year ago. They're wedding was kind of like Tyler and I's but both their families were there.

"Sir, I'm going to need you to calm down." The lady said, putting her hand up, "I know this is a crises, but if you literally have no information other than the fact that she's gone, we honestly can't help you."

"Guys." Tyler said. They all turned to us and we motioned for them to come outside with us.

They followed and we all explained the kidnappings that happened to our loved ones.

David shook his head, "We've got to get her back but these fuckers won't help!"

I wiped my eyes and said, "I saw the license plate and it said New York, but I'm not sure if that's their car or just a stolen one."

"It had a huge scratch on the right side as well." Tyler added.

Scotty shook his head, "You wouldn't steal a car to kidnap someone. The people they stole it from would've been here too, raising hell until they got their way."

"Unless they stole it from New York, but they wouldn't even make it out of a city with a stolen car with New York's policies." David added. He soon turned to me, "Did you catch a number?"

I shook my head and dropped it to the ground. Tyler grabbed me, but I pushed him away. I honestly just wanted to be left alone and die.

My baby and half my friends are missing and the only thing we know is "New York" and proper authorities aren't going to help us.

"Y/n," Tyler said, "come on, please don't cry."

"I'm not going to cry." I said as tears filled my eyes and blurred my vision.

"You're going to cry." He said, about to cry as well.

"I'm gonna cry." I cried as I walked to him and rested my head on him.

He cried too as he held me close. "I'm a terrible father." Tyler mumbled.

I hit him, but it clearly didn't effect him, "It's not your fault. It's mine. I'm a terrible mother."

"No you're not." He sobbed.

Brock and Scotty started crying too. At the same time, they weeped, "I'm the terrible parent here."

Soon everyone started crying and that's all we did. People gave us looks but no one felt the pain we did. Watching our loved ones physically being taken and not being able to help them.

"We got to do something." Lui concluded, "We've got to drive after these fuckers."

"Okay and how do you plan on doing that?" I asked, wiping away the tears from my eyes.

He threw his hands up, "You're the smart one here! Can't you use your villain methods to track these guys down?"

"I don't know if you've noticed," I said, "but for the pass four years, I've pretty much been retired."

"So all the gadgets you made and information on technology is just gone?" He asked.

"No." I answered

"Then make it work."

"Okay Mr. Superhero, I'm not the one who saves people. What are you going to do?" I asked.

Lui quickly answered, "Oh I'm gonna help, but I don't have the skills to track down a van that we have literally no information behind, but you do."

I sighed, realizing he's right. "I have no idea how to get to New York, especially with this many people, including the drive, if they are alive, nor do I have any gadgets that can help me."

"You can't build a GPS?" Lui asked.

"GPS isn't gonna track down a fucking van and follow it all the way to god knows where!" I exclaimed.

"And why exactly can't you do that?" He added.

I glared at him and waited. I finally said, "You find someone with a vehicle large enough for all of us and I'll start working on it."

"Why can't we just take separate cars?" Lui asked.

"I only have time to make one GPS and we could easily get lost from each other." I explained.

"We need a bus then." David said.

"Great," I said, "find a bus. I'm going to my house and working on this fucking GPS."

"Why can't we just take a plane?" Scotty asked.

"Oh," I said, turning to him, "I'm sorry, do you have enough money to ride a plane there and back along with your wife a child?"

He glared at me, clearly not wanting to put up with my attitude, but I honestly didn't give a fuck because I just wanted this nightmare to be over.

"I want everyone at my house tomorrow," Tyler said, pointing at Marcel, "including the rest of the villains and heroes."

Marcel nodded and Tyler and I turned back to go home.


I stayed up all night making this GPS chip so I could put it in B.R.I.A.N. while Tyler was making a fake license for him. Once we got everything ready, it was around four in the morning.

I set the chip aside and waited for the rest to get here. Tyler knocked on the open door to my office and said, "Got a sec?"

I sighed, "Yeah. I actually just finished the chip."

He nodded as he walked in. He stopped in front of my desk and took a deep breath. "I don't want to start a fight, but I don't think you should go."

I stood up, "What?"

"Look," He said, "I already lost my baby and if something happened to her..." He chocked back a cry and continued, "I don't want you to see it nor do I want anything to happen to you."

"Tyler, did you not learn anything from the bathroom thing when Ryan was after us?" I asked.

"I know, I know," He said, "but I can't lose both my girls."

"And I can't lose the both of mine either." I said as I walked to him and grabbed his hands. He playfully glared at me and I continued, "But you need me and I want to find everyone just as much as you do."

He nodded and lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his torso and my arms around his neck. We shared a passionate kiss and when we pulled away I fell in love with him for the billionth time just staring into his eyes.

We heard a knock at the door and he set me down gently. I straightened my shirt as we walked to the front room and Tyler opened the door.

Everyone piled in, and they all looked pissed.

"Now can someone explain to me why I'm here at four in the morning?" Jon asked, looking at Marcel.

"You didn't explain anything to them?" Tyler asked.

"I didn't have time." Marcel defended himself.

Tyler groaned then turned to the group of former heroes and villains, "Well someone stole our kids and wives. I don't know about you, but I'm fucking pissed and I want to know why so I can get her back. Police won't help us and we have very little information."

Their faces dropped. They clearly weren't expecting to hear that.

"W-What?" Evan asked, "B-But why?"

Tyler shrugged, "We don't know yet, but we need help to figure out why. The guys that took Ava weren't professionals so that means they work for someone who is targeting us. The only information we have, however, is the car was a brown van, the license plate said 'New York' and the right side had a huge scratch on it."

"Wait, hold up." Luke said, putting his hands up, "That's all the information you have?"

Tyler raised his eyebrow, "You have any other information."


"Then why the fuck am I being interrupted?" Tyler yelled.

I hit his arm and he looked at me, "Knock it off. It's been a while since any of us have done this and they don't know your rules."

He took a silent but heavy breath, "Sorry."

Luke nodded and cleared his throat. "So how are we going to find them?"

I motioned for B.R.I.A.N. to come to me and he did so. I showed everyone the chip as I opened his port. "This GPS chip contained live footage of security cameras everywhere. The the GPS portion not only helps us reach our destination, but because I can keep track of where the vehicle we're looking for is, we can track how far we are from it."

I carefully put the chip in and closed the port. B.R.I.A.N.'s eyes glowed a bright blue and he moved his fingers, reading the information of the new chip. He finally came back the reality and said, "God, that's a lot of fucking rules."

Tyler pulled out the fake license and handed it to him, "Yeah well, you're still going to need this."

He nodded while grabbing the license and putting it in his pocket.

I looked at Lui and said, "So, did you get a bus?"

Lui gritted his teeth, "Nope."

"Why do we need a bus?" Craig asked.

"How else are we all supposed to get out there together?" Tyler asked.

Craig nodded and everyone started exchanging glances at each other.

"U-Um," Bryce said, making everyone look at him, "I have an idea but I know a lot of you won't want to do it."

"What is it?" Tyler asked, interested about the idea.

He glanced around the room and said, "R-Ryan's getting moved to a new prison out of state. The bus that's taking him and a few other prisoners tomorrow morning. Ryan's traveled a lot a-and he can help us because he's worked with gangs from New York before."

"No." Tyler said.

"Yes." I said.

He turned to me, "What?"

"Get over yourself, Tyler." I said, "Bryce isn't going to lie about this. If Ryan knows something then that could help us a bit more then I really want to hear it."

"We can't trust Ryan." Marcel added.

"No, you may not be able to, but Bryce trusts him and we trust Bryce." I responded.

Bryce nodded, "Ryan's changed. I swear."

No one responded to that. Bryce wouldn't lie and everyone knew that, but they clearly weren't going to immediately put their trust in the guy that nearly killed them and their loved ones.

"I say we do it." Evan said, walking next to Bryce, "I may not trust Ryan, but I trust Bryce."

"Evan-" Jon began.

"What are you going to say?" Evan interrupted, "We're taking a prison bus so he'll already be chained up and we'll be the ones who call the shots."

Jon cleared his throat and thought about it for a little. He soon joined his leader and said, "I'm on board."

"Same here." Luke said, joining the small group.

I walked over there along with B.R.I.A.N. and Brock. We looked at the rest and they still didn't want to come over to our side.

"I cannot trust Ryan." Tyler said.

"Then trust me." Bryce spoke up, "I know putting so much trust into Ryan is hard for you, but I promise you, he will help us." He paused so everyone got the the idea through their heads. "He's changed." He finished

They took forever, but Craig and Lui walked over. Scotty, David, Anthony, Marcel, and Tyler still stood over there. The last of the former rejects walked over to the group.

"Our leader may not have been the best," Anthony said, "but he's never lied to us."

Marcel and Tyler glanced at each other and back at us.

"Fine." Tyler finally said, moving forward, Marcel following close behind, "but if he lies about anything or holds back any information, he's out."

It was quiet but Bryce asked, "What do you mean by 'out'?"

"Out of luck." Tyler finished.

We were silent and after a while we looked up more information about the prison bus and decided a plan.

I snapped back to reality when Craig sighed, "I guess it's now or never."

We all took a deep breath and took out our guns. The moment all the cops got out, we all took fire and ran.

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