Earphones• Vkook

By SeasonalWonderland

1.2M 76.8K 32.7K

He wears earphones in his ear almost every second he can, giving the world the illusion that he cant hear any... More


43-F I N A L

21.6K 1.2K 1K
By SeasonalWonderland

Taehyung didn't tell anyone this moment was happening, he didn't believe it was going to work, it didn't the first time why would it now. They called him and he watched an interpreter sign on his phone screen as the doctor spoke. When he hung up he put his earphones in which he hasn't for a few days, but he wanted the comfort again so no one can attempt talking to him, self conscious ready to be disappointed yet again. He looks over at Jungkook's door, his hands in his green jacket pocket wondering if he should go over and knock at his door but then realizing its five in the morning and he didn't want Jungkook to be disappointed to. 

Three days ago Jungkook asked him to move in together but it wasnt until last night that he texted Jungkook back, 'I couldn't wait, I needed to answer, I think we should move in together, but my apartment is already set up for me so I don't think I should leave it', Jungkook was quick to answer almost as if he was sat by his phone waiting. 'How about I move into your apartment' Taehyung thought about it 'I'll see if I have room' he texted smiling at his phone screen. 'Then, I'll move in, in one month?' Jungkook questioned, Taehyung agreed.

 He gets onto the bus and takes his seat wondering what they had planned for him at the doctors office. Once he gets there he signs in, being the only person in the waiting room he gets called in almost automatically.

The doctor connects the hearing aid, the one that is supposed to help him hear at least a slight noise or small pieces of voices, all his old hearing won't reappear but it should help him hear to some extent. A few minutes before they connected it when Taehyung wasnt paying attention and was focused on the doctor. 

Jungkook was lead into the room, his sign language teacher connects a FM system that will be linked to Taehyung's hearing aid, so he can directly hear Jungkook clearer than anything else in the room. She puts a mic on Jungkook's color and connects a box to his pocket. She explained the system to him an hour before hand, explaining how usually teachers use it when they have a deaf student because the farther they get from their student the more noise is around and it can be heard for the student to hear the teacher but with the mic they can hear better then being in distance with noise only through the hearing aid. Jungkook is standing a little far back from Taehyung so he won't give himself away but yet close enough that he can hear him as clearly as possible. 

The doctor turns on the hearing aid and sits there waiting, Taehyung's heart almost drops as theres no noise but the doctor isn't moving, her mouth isn't moving but physically she isn't moving either so he wouldn't even be able to hear a chair move everything is still. He's confused. 

"Taehyung" A voice he doesn't recognizes speaks-of course its one he doesn't know he doesn't know anyone's voice in the area- and he looks at his doctor confused, his emotions scrambled he can hear something, someone. He starts thinking its his imagination since he's not seeing a person the voice is coming from.

"I'm wondering if you can hear this, if you are please make a peace sign with your right hand" 

Taehyung looks next to him confused he sees no one, the doctor tries to hide her laughter at what the boy behind Taehyung is doing. Taehyung does as he is told and Jungkook puts his hand over his mouth holding back tears that are fighting their way out wanting to be seen. 

"Taehyung, its me" he moves closer and Taehyung hears the heavy footsteps he stands up and looks around until him and Jungkook are face to face.

"It is me, Jungkook" he says tears going down his face, Taehyung starts crying but he makes no sound. Jungkook's sign language teacher leaves the room letting them be and the doctor gets up slowly but needs to finish explaining everything so she goes to the door to give them space. 

"You can hear me can't you, I know you can" Jungkook whispers and Taehyung smiles not showing any teeth, his thin lips closed he's scared of hearing himself cry, not knowing what to expect or if its the same. 

"I can" he shocks himself, his voice, a little muffled not fully how he used to talk but after all he could never actually hear it the past few months, it changed but at least now he can control it a little more. 

"I love you" Jungkook whispers 

"I love you too" Taehyung whispers and Jungkook presses his lips against Taehyung's, Taehyung kisses him back and then they both step back and look at each other. 

"your voice, its beautiful" Taehyung says, "more than I thought it would be, I'm surprised" 

"You get a small bit of your hearing back and yet you still manage to put me down" Jungkook jokes and Taehyung laughs. After a few seconds of just laughing the doctor-who managed to ignore everything except the laughter- takes out the FM system from Jungkook and disconnects it from the hearing aid behind Taehyung's ear.

"It will be heard to get used to, this system is one your teacher will use durning class" the doctor goes on explaining things as she disconnects the small piece of the hearing aid that connects directly with the FM system. She explains everything the best she can and makes an emphasis on how he needs to charge it and how to take care of it. She smiles at Jungkook,

"Your friend, he took a class so if you need help, he can help you" She says, "you're free to go" She hands Jungkook a bag with things for Taehyung's hearing aid because Taehyung is too happy to stand still, he's already out the door.

Jungkook went in for his sign language lesson two days before today, his sign language teacher talked to him about Taehyung knowing that he's come here with him before. She asked Jungkook if he'd like to help Taehyung and explained the situation. He of course said yes and learned about the hearing aid, he learned about the FM System and learned how to take care of it all in case Taehyung forgot or needed help. They told him the plan and he tried his best not to bring it up to Taehyung, he fought the wanting to. He would hold his phone in his hand wanting so badly to send Taehyung a text telling him they know what went wrong last time and they are more sure now that it would work. But what stoped him every time was how he didn't want Taehyung to be disappointed twice and how much more special it would be if it was a surprise. 

"Thank you" Jungkook says before rushing to catch up with Taehyung who already left the office.

Taehyung gets out onto the busy streets, he's surrounded by a lot of noise, he can't make out much because its all a mess of sounds but he feels the excitement the rush all the talking, he hears laughter. He runs, Jungkook runs behind him trying to catch up. Taehyung sees Jin washing the windows of the restaurant yet again, he stops running and goes closer to Jin. 

"You say, you are a good waiter but then why do you clean windows?" Taehyung asks and Jin turns around. 

"I think..." He signs and Taehyung smiles, "do me a favor, I'll explain later I want to try something, answer me, but while looking away" 

confused Jin tries not looking in Taehyung's direction. 

"I think I'm good at everything but surprisingly I'm very good at cleaning more than being a waiter" 

"I think this is just an easier way for you to get money for nothing, you are good at everything though" 

Jin turns back to look at him, "how did you? You..?"

Taehyung turns his head and points at the hearing aid. 

"Oh my god" Jin says and he smiles widely taking it in. "you can.."

"Surprise I can hear" Taehyung says happily he looks past Jin and into the window. 

"Is that Yoongi" he asks seeing his friend sitting in a booth inside. 

"Yeah, go in" Jin rushes Taehyung inside to share the news with his friend. 

Jungkook runs out of breath. 

"Jungkook! He's inside" Jin calls him over, Jungkook stops and catches his breath. 

"You've grown up my friend" Jin says with a laugh 

"have I, when did we become friends" Jungkook laughs smiling 

"Never mind you're still Jungkook" Jin says with a smile. 

Taehyung rushes to the booth as he gets closer he sees an unknown figure sitting in front of Yoongi.

"You must be Jimin, the Jimin, my man, wait don't say anything just yet" Taehyung says really fast and he looks at Yoongi, his closest friend that never learned any sign language so he knows Yoongi will speak automatically. 

"You seem happy" Yoongi says his voice deep, the type of voice Taehyung expected him to have. Taehyung smiles widely. 

"How come no one can seem to notice this thing behind my ear?" Taehyung asks confused moving his hair slightly wondering if its fully covering the hearing aid-it isn't just partly-. 

Yoongi looks at it not catching on to what it is. 

"Yoongi...He can hear you" Jimin says and Yoongi looks at him confused 

"Thats a hearing aid" Jimin says and Yoongi goes wide eyed. 

"Thats right" Taehyung says "I won't stay long, I have a few more things I really want to hear right now, I can't believe I can hear your voice, I'll see you later" 

"Call me?" Yoongi says 

"I will, you better answer" Taehyung smirks he turns his head away and faces the door

"wait" Yoongi says and Taehyung looks at him 

"are you going to school today? Class starts in an hour" 

"I don't know, but I think the real question is, will we ever get in trouble for leaving class or not showing up? I mean you're in more trouble than I am Mr. I'm leaving school early but I'm using the bathroom as an excuse to leave" 

"so you can hear more and talk more" Yoongi says and they both laugh 

"pretty much" Taehyung waves before rushing out the door.

 Jungkook grabs Taehyung's wrist out of habit to get his attention, he waited for Taehyung standing besides Jin they were just talking about themselves, a small friendship seems to be blooming between them. 

"Wait up" Jungkook signs with one hand before removing his other hand from Taehyung's wrist.

"I know my hearing isn't like back back one hundred percent but, how about no sign language for the rest of the day" Taehyung says and Jungkook smiles, "okay but I know a lot of new words that I really want to use, just let me sign one last thing" Jungkook says then he signs 'I love you' Taehyung smiles. 

"Okay and now lets try this again" he goes back towards the door and runs past Jungkook. 

"Taehyung! Wait" Jungkook yells after him.

"There it is!!" Taehyung says loudly, happy Jungkook  said something to get his attention rather than having to touch his shoulder. His hearing isn't clear, he can only focus on people closer to him than those farther almost like people who are nearsighted and aren't able to see things farther away that clearly. But that doesn't matter to him. 

He heard the voices he wanted to hear the most, he's hearing his own foot steps, he can slightly hear the wind go past him. What more could he ask for. His thoughts will no longer be in just his voice, his day dreams and dreams won't reuse old random voices. make up their own, and they will never not have a voice anymore. Now when his day dreams of Jungkook, his face will have a voice. He will be able to hear Jungkook's emotions in his voice, hear the way he laughs. In the moments-if he ever- doesn't use his hearing aids he'd still be happy being able to hear the things he has when they were in. 

He used to wonder why his hearing left, if he did something wrong, but now he's realized it wasn't fully gone if this slight chance brought a bit back to him. 

Taehyung stops running and turns back to see Jungkook.

"You're so slow" he yells out to Jungkook who is rushing to catch up to him. 

----- THE END------

Below was what was going to be the cover of this story, and I'm pretty sure it was for like the first day or two 

A/N: Wondering if you are all shocked that this is the final chapter, sorry I gave it without notice or count down...  

So theres a video on Youtube called, 'Hearing Aid-FM Simulation' posted by a channel called jbombicino if you want to know more how it sounds/works. I was going to post it above this chapter but felt it would take away focus from it. If you would like the video link let me know I can message it to you. 

Thanks for reading!!!

(Promotion time?) I have other Vkook stories: 


Last dance (It is a completed short story) 

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