Normal Adolescent Behaviour

بواسطة Danii352

50 0 0

Fate has brought eight strangers from different walks of life together. But... What if the only true love you... المزيد

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter Four

3 0 0
بواسطة Danii352

The eight of them made their way through the large, empty lobby. As they stepped out of the large glass doors, the night air engulfed them, and there were only a few of the photographers still lining the street. A few of the flash bulbs went off as Mr. Campbell opened the limo door for their group.

In the lounge, the girls had polished off two bottles of champagne, and the boys had almost finished their bottle of scotch, Ashley now carried the dregs at his side. As they all settled into the limo, Mr. Campbell closed the door behind them, the music already on, and filling the interior.

Veronica noted how much cosier it was, with all eight of them filling the seats. Alexis sat in the corner seat of the bench, her legs draped over Ryder's lap, and his suit jacket draped around her shoulders. Ashley sat on her other side, distractedly curling one of her blonde locks round and around his finger while she spoke amicably to Mikhail, on Ryder's far side. Mikhail had an arm around Veronica's shoulders, her head rested perfectly against his chest, as Landon sat closest to the door. Dalton and Julia were half lying, half sitting in the double seats facing the rest of the group.

All of them had the perfect buzz going, though Ashley handed the bottle of scotch around for all of them to swig from.

Alexis stopped mid sentence to bring the bottle to her lips, the liquid heating her insides, as she held the bottle to her chest, her eyes caught Ryder's, and she pointed wordlessly to her feet. As if reading her mind, Ryder gently pulled one of Alexis' heels off and handed it to her. With a flick of her wrist, Alexis threw the heel at Landon, where it landed perfectly in his lap, shaking him into the conversation.

"Don't you dare fall asleep." She started pointedly at him. He had been staring out the window as she watched him yawn. "We've still got a lot more to do once we get home."

Landon smiled lazily at her, "So we are still going to keep up our tradition for Valentine's Day?"

Alexis sat up from the leather seat, "We are, aren't we?" She shot a questioning gaze at everyone else.

"I would fucking hope so!" Julia said from the cradle of Dalton's arms.

"We didn't spend all this money today for nothing!" Veronica added, before placing her lips to the tattoo on Mikhail's forearm.

Everyone's faces lit up as they agreed. Landon leaned over Veronica and Mikhail, placing a warm hand on Alexis' ankle. "Good." He said with a dark smile, placing Alexis' shoe back on her pale foot, before leaning down to place a hot kiss on her ankle.

Alexis smiled around to everyone as she took another sip from the bottle before placing it in Ryder's palm. She pressed her liquor-moistened lips to his. As she settled back into her seat, Ashley continued to tug at her hair soothingly.

As they neared home, the atmosphere in the limo had changed, While Ashley had moved closer, to drape an arm around Alexis' shoulders, Ryder's large, hot hands were playing across the skin of her bare legs.

Mikhail was roughly running his fingers through Veronica's hair, causing her insides to contract. She placed a kiss on his stubble littered jaw line, before placing her hand against his thigh, warming him through the fabric to the sensitive skin below.

Landon sat still and brooding, as he usually did when his emotions were running high, though he cradled Veronica's hand in his lap, absentmindedly running his rough fingers up and down the inside of her arm.

Dalton and Julia were sprawled along the back seat, Dalton roughly pressing his fingertips into her thigh as he played and pulled at the hem of her short dress. Julia removed his hand, only to bring it to her lips, her teeth nipping warningly at one of his fingers before placing it back on her heated skin.

Landon sat up quickly, something calling his attention. "You guys wait here for a minute and gather your stuff while I run in." Landon moved toward the door as the limo was just coming to a stop. He swung the door open, disappearing out of sight. Within a moment, Mr. Campbell was there, inviting them out into the warm night air. The limo was pulled to the curb outside their house as everyone exited. As Alexis and Ashley made their way out, Mr. Campbell was already there, holding out the girls' bags to them, which Dalton and Ryder quickly grabbed. As Landon opened the front door to let them in, Veronica watched as Mikhail pulled Mr. Campbell to the side, placing a few bills into his hand as he thanked him, before running into the house after Landon.

Ryder stood at the front door, watching as the rest of the group approached. Veronica stepped delicately onto the top step, and before she could step further, Ryder had swept his hands under her legs and lifted her effortlessly, crossing the threshold. Julia and Alexis burst into laughter at Ryder's antics, but before they knew it, Dalton had slipped behind Alexis, lifting her in suit, almost in unison with Ashley as he did the same with Julia.

Once inside, the boys placed the girls back on their feet. Looking around the foyer, the women found nothing was out of place, as they removed their heels. Landon and Mikhail stood ahead, but all of the boys had a spark behind their eyes as a few removed their jackets and the others removed their shoes.

Julia ran forward, running up the stairs. There was a loud intake of breath. "You guys?" she said with adoration.

Veronica and Alexis's eyes met each other's eye before glancing around to the boys, who were all smiling at each other, silent words being exchanged amongst one another.

Alexis and Veronica's eyes met for only another moment as the surged forward after Julia.

Julia still stood on the stairs, hand to her mouth. As Veronica and Alexis peered around her, they saw that rose petals scattered the stairs just behind the curve in the staircase, out of sight from the foyer.

Alexis' hand found her mouth as the girls slowly made their way up the rest of the white-carpeted stairs. There was a soothing dimness to the upper floor, and as they reached the top of the staircase, Julia realized Landon must have run in to light the candles.

There were no lights on throughout the upper floor, the candelabras that were set into the walls were all casting a flickering glow against the white paint while every empty surface held white candles of different sizes. The ceiling in the living room was vaulted, with exposed wooden beams, the white carpet in front of the couch littered with the usual, brightly coloured pillows. Rose petals were scattered all over the floor from what the girls could see, and with the candle flames flickering in the large windows, the total effect was mesmerizing. The wall across from the couch was floor to ceiling stone, cradling their seldom-used fireplace, which was now aglow with flame, warming the entirety of the room.

The boys made their way up the stairs, standing silently as the girls took in the transformation. It wasn't until the girls turned their attention to them, their eyes glassy with tears, that the boys moved forward, encircling the girls in a group hug. Kisses and Thanks were exchanged from each of the girls before they moved apart. Instantly, the girls' emotions gave way to anticipation.

There was a dark sparkle in Julia's eye as she told the boys to get comfortable while the girls get ready. As all three of them moved into the washroom, they didn't bother disrupting the sensual light of the candles, placed randomly along the bathroom counter by turning on the light.


As the girls disappeared into the washroom, the guys headed to the kitchen, which was also lined with candles.

"I cannot believe how much the girls love it." Dalton said with excitement as he opened the fridge. The interior light cast an almost foreign glow across the candlelit kitchen as he grabbed two bottles of champagne. The guys were moving themselves through the kitchen, as Dalton placed the bottles on the island. Mikhail was seated on one of the barstools across from him as Ryder was plucking champagne flutes from the cupboard, and placing them next to the frosted bottles, before taking the seat next to Mikhail. Ashley stood on one side of the island while Landon stood against the other, all of them huddled over the grey marbled countertop.

"I knew they would love it." Ashley said with a heartfelt smile.

"Yeah, they really deserve this." Ryder said in his raspy voice.

"Our girls deserve so much more than this, but this is a start." Landon added seriously, his brown eyes unfocused.

Dalton smiled across at Mikhail before shaking his head and popping one of the bottles, pouring the fizzing liquid into each of the flutes.

"Gentleman," Ryder started, taking one of the glasses, and raising it. "To our beautiful women."

All the guys raised their glasses before clinking them together. "Our beautiful women." They repeated, smiling to themselves as they drank.

They moved out of the kitchen and into the living room, all of them stepping around the pillows on the floor to get to the couch, except Ashley, who moved toward the large, built in sound system to turn some music on, leaving it as a low beat in the background, before sprawling out on the pillows at the guys' feet, careful not to spill his glass.


The girls were just finishing their primping as they heard the soft music fill the house. They had been distracted with gushing over what the boys had done for them, when the music called their attention to the men waiting patiently outside. Alexis and Julia clipped their stockings into their garter belts, the only two things they added to their outfits.

"You girls ready for the grand finally?" Julia said with a wicked lift of her eyebrow before opening the bathroom door.

"Wait." Veronica said before quietly running out into the hallway and disappearing down the stairs. In a moment she was back, carrying their heels in her hands. She lowered herself to strap hers on as the girls did the same. "Now I'm ready." She said as she stood, a mischievous smile pulling at her lips.

The girls turned the corner into the living room, majority waiting patiently on the couch, and Ashley on the pillows. All their gazes locked, the girls were still amazed at how they could render these handsome men speechless, even though they were still wearing the same outfits they had been wearing ten minutes earlier. The girls took in their men, Landon sat forward, his elbows on his knees and his suit jacket undone, Dalton's was also undone as they all sat admiring the girls. Mikhail was leaning back comfortably, his white dress shirt un-tucked, the top buttons undone to reveal the smooth, tanned skin of his chest, his jacket nowhere to be seen. Ryder was still without his jacket, as Alexis had hung it up downstairs, and Ashley was sprawled out on the pillows, no jacket, with his shirt un-tucked and ruffled around his waist, revealing his flat stomach, and a line of blonde hair disappearing below the elastic band of his underwear which was visible above the waist of his pants.

"You all look incredible." Ashley said from the floor, staring up their thighs with a heated smile.

"Well my boys," Alexis responded. "You all look fucking delectable."

All the boys instantly responded to the huskiness of Alexis' voice, and the hunger behind all the girls' eyes.

"We got some drinks for you..." Ashley said casually, as if oblivious to the sexual tension in the air. He pointed out a long finger to behind the girls, where three champagne flutes sat along the low mantle of the fireplace.

Alexis turned to grab the glasses, and hand one to each of the girls.

"Alright, you guys ready?" Alexis asked after the girls had all taken healthy sips of their drinks.

There were audible gulps, and widened eyes as the boys nodded.

"Good." Alexis said, hiding her mischievous grin behind her glass. "Veronica?" She added as her and Julia stepped to the side to take Veronica in.

Veronica smiled to herself before throwing her head back to gulp down the rest of her champagne, as she did so, her dark hair fell in long waves down her back. As she lowered her eyes to the boys, she smiled down at them. One of her heart stopping smiles that could make anyone melt, and she knew what it did to them. With the sweetly, innocent smile on her lips, and the deep penetrating heat of her dark brown eyes, she could get any man to fall to his knees. She let out a musical giggle, as she dropped the empty glass to the pillows in front of her, bringing her finger to her mouth, where her perfect teeth grazed her long fingernail invitingly, she watched as Dalton seemed to lick his lips unconsciously at this. Her tongue flicked out to moisten her lips as she turned to the side, exposing the accentuated curve of her ass, which was now barely covered by the fabric of her dress. As she continued her turn around, she flicked her hair over her shoulder to glance back at the boys with a knowing smile before making her way over to where Alexis and Julia stood, she pressed a lingering kiss on Julia's lips.

As Julia stepped forward, Veronica took her place beside Alexis. Julia moved to set her glass down, but fumbled with the glass, a small amount splashing the exposed skin of her chest.

"Oops." Julia said softly, bending ever to place the glass down, her eyes flashed to the boys warningly.

Never moving her eyes from the boys' gazes, she ran a finger down the centre of her chest, down into her cleavage where the cold liquid was still dripping, causing gooseflesh to break over her skin. She lifted the moistened finger to her mouth, closing her lips around the tip, sucking the sweet liquid from her skin. She threw her head back, letting out a shaky sigh as if she had never tasted anything so good. Julia ran the other hand through her hair, pushing it back so it fell messily around her face before letting her gaze fall back on the boys conveying all her want and need in that one heated look. Her gaze moved down to Ashley, who was staring open mouthed at her, his eyes wide. As her eyes locked with his, he snapped his mouth shut, swallowing audibly, Ryder was licking his lips hungrily, the dimples taking place in his cheeks as he gazed at her.

Julia had felt her dress ride up as she had set her drink down, so as she turned her back on the guys, moving back over to the girls, she knew the bottom of her perfect bare ass was showing below the dress. Julia moved in front of Alexis, her open mouth coming down haughtily on hers before righting her dress and standing beside Veronica. She felt Veronica pinch her butt affectionately as their shoulders brushed.

Alexis walked out in front of the boys, her cold glass of champagne in hand. She turned her back on them to finish the glass before setting it down on the fireplace mantle. Alexis flicked her hair over her shoulder to look back at the boys, her famous mischievous smile taking place on her lips as she licked them, grazing her teeth over the pink flesh. She turned to face the boys, her eyes on her hand as she grazed her dark fingernails up her lace covered arm, as her fingers reached her shoulder, she lifted her gaze to the boys, flashing a quick, coy, smile before letting her features drop into a burning gaze, her eyes moving to each of the boys, holding their stare while her long fingers continued to move enticingly over her lace covered chest and collarbones. She watched as they all squirmed uncomfortably, knowing the little show the girls were putting on was already making their pants tighten uncomfortably.

Alexis' lowered her eyes to look down at her tightly dressed body, watching her fingers move from her collarbone, over the swell of her left breast, taking herself in as she watched her fingers move along her ribcage, down her waist, over her hips. She hesitated only a moment, tasting the tension in the room, before she pressed her fingers against the fabric of her dress, into the heat between her thighs. She let out a loud gasp, as she surprised herself with the release she found in that small touch.

"All right, fuck this, let's get started." Mikhail said as he shot up off the couch, breaking the silence. His pants were pulled painfully taut against the growing swell beneath his zipper.

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