Consequences (Breaking All th...

By causeimirish22

16.7K 343 52


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 12 (Last One)

1.3K 47 20
By causeimirish22

I didn’t get out of bed until two the following afternoon. No one checked on me. Not that I was surprised. No calls or texts from Niall. Nothing. I was alone.

I went downstairs. Kaci and John were playing in the living room. Shaun sat at the computer with his headphones on as loud as they could go. My parents were in the kitchen. My dad was sipping his coffee. He didn’t bother to look up from the newspaper to acknowledge me. My mom was finishing up the dishes from lunch, completely ignoring me too. Why did I even get out of bed? I grabbed an apple and headed back upstairs.

I called Tori but no answer. I texted her to call me but I had a strange feeling she was ignoring me on purpose. There was no one else I wanted to face at the moment so I climbed back under my covers and prayed I would fall asleep.

When I woke up again it was dark out. I blinked at the clock, trying to figure out what time it was. Almost 10. Might as well go back to sleep.

Around midnight I couldn’t possibly sleep any longer. I was awake. Wide awake and crying. No, sobbing. Both Niall and Tori haven’t called or texted me back. I didn’t want to drag Louis or Liam into it.

I sunk to the floor, pulling my legs to my chest and let the tears fall. I didn’t realize how loud I was until my door opened. I didn’t have the strength to lift my head to see who it was.

Shaun wrapped me in his arms and lifted me back to my bed. “Want my opinion?”

“There’s nothing you can say that will make this any better” I said through the sobs.

“I have a strong, beautiful sister that I look up to. We all do. Dad is being Dad.” Shaun grabbed my phone and placed it in my hand. “Call him.”

“I did” I cried. “He won’t answer.”

“Try again. I’ve never seen you give up on anything.”

“I guess there’s a first for everything” I pouted. “This was all a mistake.”

“No it wasn’t. You were happy. Really happy and that usually doesn’t happen for you. Not since that prick Louis screwed you over.”

“I was happy, wasn’t I?” I wiped away my tears and smiled at my brother.

“Mr. Horan, um I mean Niall. I can call him Niall right?” I laughed and nodded my head. “I like him. He’s good for you. I’m supposed to watch out for you and hate every guy you date.”

“You’re 16 Shaun.”

“So? I hated Louis… and Liam. They weren’t good for you. Tell Dad to shove it up his ass.”

I burst into laughter. Shaun and I have never had a heart to heart. Who knew he could be so helpful in taking my mind off things.

“I don’t think it’s going to be that easy. He’s pissed. You heard him.”

“Yeah I did. Since when do we give a fuck what he says?”

“Language” I scolded him but couldn’t help the smile on my face. He’s right though. I’ve always stood up to my parents. I’m an adult now and my dad can’t dictate who I date. I don’t care what he threatens to do.

“Call him” he repeated himself and left the room.

I dialed Niall’s number and waited for him to answer. It was 1 am. It rang four times before he answered. “Hello?” he slurred.

“Where are you?”

“I dunno.”

“Are you at a bar?” I sounded like his mother when I asked.

“No” he lied.

“Let’s go” I heard Harry in the background. “Traci and her sister are waiting. We’re getting laid tonight.”

“Kellie, I…”

“No. It’s okay. Have fun.” I hung up the phone, feeling much worse than I was before. One day. That’s all it took. Just one for him to go out and get over me. Fuck him. I would do the same.

I climbed out my bedroom window and started up my car. I pulled up in front of Liam’s house. His parents were away on a short vacation until Sunday. He was playing X-box in his room. I tapped on the window, scaring the shit out of him.

“What the hell Kellie” he screamed.

“Let me in. Please.”

Liam opened the front door and I wrapped my arms around him. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine” I lied. Both my hands flew up to his face and I held it still to kiss him. He pulled back before my lips reached his.

“What are you doing Kellie?” he sighed. He removed my hands from his face and took a step back.

“I need you.”

“No” he said sternly. “You will not use me to get over Niall. Not again. I will help you but I’m not going to sleep with you.”

“Are you really denying sex with me right now?” I placed my hands on my hips. What guy would turn down getting laid? Not Niall apparently.

“Yes” he said, trying to convince himself. I could see the bulge in his pants but he was completely serious. “You know I’m with Dana.” Shit. Dana. I forgot. God I’m such a mess. How could I do that to her? Or him.

“I’m just going to go.” I don’t need to ruin any more relationships and I genuinely like Liam with Dana.

“Talk to me” he begged.

“I don’t want to talk.”

“Sit” he demanded and I did as he said. I slumped down on the couch, debating if I should tell Liam the reason I showed up in the first place.

“Now, what happened?” he asked, handing me a beer from the fridge.

“I’m going to need something stronger than this.”

“Well that’s all my parents left in the house. Now spill it Chambers.”

“Fine” I groaned. “He’s hooking up with someone else.”

“Who is hooking up with someone else?” he asked as if it weren’t obvious.

“Niall, you idiot” I threw my beer bottle top at him. “He’s out with Harry. I heard him on the phone.”

“So you wanted to get back at him?” I nodded my head but avoided eye contact with him. It was embarrassing. I wasn’t thinking straight when I drove over to his house. “That’s why you’re here? Revenge” he said it like the word was toxic.

“I’m sorry. It’s not the only reason. I needed to get out of the house. Everyone’s ignoring me. I haven’t left my room.”

“I can tell” he smiled. “You look like a shit.”

“Oh thanks.” We sat in silence for a few more minutes. I didn’t know what to say and I certainly didn’t want to talk about Niall anymore. It was a mistake coming over here but I couldn’t be cooped up in my bedroom any longer. “You think I can stay in the guest bedroom tonight? I promise I won’t bother you.”

“Of course. You know where everything is.”

“Thanks Liam. You’re a good friend.”


“You up for a game?” He held up the remote and I grabbed the one on the floor.

We played Madden ’14. We both got so into the game that I was able to forget about all the problems in my life.  Who knew I was able to laugh?

In the middle of us playing, the door flew open. Dana stumbled in, clearly drunk out of her mind. “What the hell is she doing here?” she sneered.

“Hey Dana” I waved. She ignored me and stood in front of Liam.

“What is she doing here?” she gritted through her teeth.

“We were just hanging out” Liam shrugged.

“I knew she would be here. You just jump from one guy to another, don’t you?”

“Excuse me?” I fired back.

“And with our teacher?” she accused.

“Thanks Liam. Really. Thank you” I wailed.

“Kellie” he sighed.

“Why are you at my boyfriend’s house? You really can’t keep your hands to yourself, can you?” I knew she was drunk but I was about two seconds from beating her ass. She had no clue what she was ranting about. I can’t believe Liam told her.

“Dana, calm down” Liam warned. He knew my temper and what I could easily do to her, especially when she’s this intoxicated. It made me think how many times they fought over this. Over us.

“Don’t tell me to calm down!” she screamed.

“I’d better go” I mumbled. I grabbed my car keys and slammed his front door on my way out.

I didn’t want to go home. Going to Louis’ was out of the question. Still no answer from Tori. Niall was with some girl. I pulled into my driveway and sat in my car for another 20 minutes.

“Pick up. Pick up. Pick up” I screamed at my phone.

“What?” Tori answered harshly.

“Are you mad at me?” I asked her, confused as to the reason she answered so rudely.

“I don’t know Kellie. Am I? My best friend has been dating someone for over a year now and has completely failed to tell me. Am I mad? I’m furious.”

“I’m sorry Tori. I didn’t know how to tell you.”

“How to tell me?” she shouted. “I’m your best friend. I thought we could tell each other anything. I heard from Zayn who heard it from Liam. That’s messed up Kellie.”

“I know, okay? I wanted to tell you… so many times.”

“Did you not trust me or something?” she asked with sadness in her voice.

“Of course I trust you. I promised Niall I wouldn’t tell anyone. Liam and Louis just caught us.”

“Fine” she groaned. “Now tell me about Niall. I want to hear all about it.” She was no longer mad, just excited. I love that about our relationship. Though I wished she would have called me and told me that she was mad at me. I could have used her last night and all day but I understood.

I told Tori the details of our relationship. How we couldn’t keep our hands of each other no matter how much we tried. Then I told her about Thanksgiving night and how he went home with another girl.

“I’m sorry darling. It’s really his loss.”

“Yeah” I sighed. “I guess I better go inside now. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

When I opened my front door my dad was sitting on the couch, waiting for me. His face was unreadable. He didn’t look mad but he didn’t look happy either.

“Did you go see him?” he asked without looking up at me.

“No” I answered honestly. “I went to talk to Liam.”

“At one in the morning?”

“Well I couldn’t talk to any of you.”

“Honey, I’m sorry but this is what’s best. I will not have you jeopardizing your future for someone you think you love.”

“Okay” I said defeated.

“Okay?” he asked surprised. He placed his hand on my forehead to check if I had a fever. “Are you feeling okay? Where is my daughter?”

“I’m not going to fight with you. He’s out with someone else and I’m here. It’s over” I cried.

“He’s an idiot.” He pulled me into his arms and I fell apart. Technically this was all his fault. If he didn’t run Niall off yesterday I wouldn’t be like this. “He’ll be transferring campuses on Monday”

“He what?” I took a step back, shocked at what he just told me.

“His request was granted. He’s no longer your teacher.” As if that would give me hope. “You are still not to see him. I mean that Kellie.”

“I know” I sighed. “Don’t worry. I don’t plan on it.”

“Good. Now get some sleep.”

“I’ve slept for the past day. I couldn’t sleep if I took a whole bottle of Benadryl.”

“Coffee then?” I nodded my head as I followed him to the kitchen. “It’s been a while bud. Just the two of us hanging out.” I smiled at him. I know it means a lot to him and maybe he felt like he lost his little girl while I’m away at school. Still, he has three other kids to annoy the crap out of.

“It has” I agreed. “Can I ask you something and you promise not to freak out?” He shook his head yes. “Do you really have a problem with Niall and I?”

“Honestly?” he asked and I nodded. “Not really. He’s a good man. You are just too young right now. Maybe in three years when you’ve had a chance to grow up it might work out. Right now I do have a problem with it. It’s not only your future but his.”

“I know.”

“But Shaun has pointed out a few things to me.”

“He has?” I asked surprised. This whole night has been one big surprise.

“Your mother and I aren’t stupid Kellie. We know everything you did in high school. Smoking and drinking.” I lowered my head. Are we really going to talk about this? “Your grades weren’t the best. You hated school except for soccer. Once you got involved with Niall that all changed. You went back to being the happy daughter that we missed so much. At least I have him to thank for that.”

“Then why can’t I see him anymore? You know that I will go right back into that depression stage.”

“You really love him?”

“Yeah, I do.”

“Then I won’t stop you from seeing him.”

“Really?” I squealed.

“Yes, really but I will kick his ass for what he did tonight.”

“For the girl he went home with? Don’t worry Dad I’ll kick his ass too.”

“No” he said as he handed me my coffee. “He broke into your room, shattering your window but he did say the most romantic speech. He really loves you kid.” I had the biggest grin on my face. I just wish I had been the one to hear it. “Then we had a long talk. Any man who is willing to go through all of that for my daughter. Give up his dream job and all that comes with it for her. Well that’s a man I would be proud to be my daughter’s boyfriend.”

“Thanks but he was still with that other girl tonight.”

“Actually I wasn’t.” I spun around on the stool, coffee still in hand. I hit his chest and the coffee spilled down his front. “We really need to stop meeting like this” he smiled through the pain.

“I’m so sorry” I laughed and threw him a towel.

“Don’t be. I probably deserved that. I came right here after I hung up with you to apologize. I shouldn’t have left last night without fighting for you.”

“You’ve been here the whole time?” I looked back and forth between him and my dad.

“I wanted him to see what he did to you. He needs to know that if he ever makes you feel like that again I will beat him myself.”

“So now what?”

“You want to help me pack up my office on Sunday? I’ll drive you back to school. We can get lunch… in public” he smirked. “I can take you to dinner and hold your hand and kiss you whenever I want.”

“Hmmm. A real relationship?”

“It’s what you deserve Kellie. So if I have to go teach at the campus just 10 miles away than it’s worth it. You. Are. Worth. It.” He ran his thumb over my cheek, pressing a light kiss on my lips.

“Thank you” I beamed.  

“I’m going to bed. I want him gone in an hour” my dad said as he walked up the stairs.

“So no more rules?” I smiled.

“No more rules. I know how you love to break them.”

“Mhmm” I agreed. “I do love breaking them.”

“But the consequences Miss Chambers.”

“It was all worth the risk Mr. Horan.”

“And why’s that?” he raised his eyebrows. I pulled him closer, reaching for the hem of shirt to take his coffee stained tee off.

“Because that means I get you. All of you” I kissed him softly, wanting to savor every moment. I don’t care how many rules I had to break or what the risks were. I would do it all over again if that meant he was mine. 

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