Chapter 8

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sorry it's been so long since i updated it on here ... im putting up the rest of the story now :)

We need to talk about the kiss Kellie. Louis’ words repeat in my head over and over before I could find the courage to face Niall. He doesn’t know story. If he did he would understand. Without even looking at him, I knew the look that was going to be plastered across his face. I could hear by his breathing just how angry he was. Of course when I turned around his face was red with anger. His eyes could burn a hole through me and Louis. I’ve never seen him this mad. I understand why he is jumping to conclusions but nothing happened with Louis and I. Accept for the fact that I thought Louis was Niall.

“Wait!” I called out for Niall as he made his way on to the roof outside my window, jumping down to the ground and storming off. Any other time I would find that extremely sexy but not when he was storming off like this.

I tried to to fight back the tears and for now it was working. I opened the door for Louis and allowed him into my room. He was still in his Batman costume, minus the mask, which would have been helpful if he didn’t have the mask on at the party in the first place. He looked scared but excited as he made his way towards me.

“What?” I asked defeated. He took one long stride towards me, cupping my cheeks in his warm, soft hands. Before I knew it he pressed his lips against mine. I was lost in the moment. I started to kiss him back before I was pulled back to reality. I pushed Louis back and wiped my lips. I didn’t want his taste on my lips.

“Stop Louis” I demanded when he leaned in again. “I have a boyfriend.”
“You what?” he snapped.

“I’m sorry” I sighed.

“Then what about the party?”
“I thought you were him.  He was supposed to be wearing the same costume.”

“That’s cool” was the only thing he could think to say. We both stood there in silence for a few minutes. “This is awkward” he finally spoke up. “I’m going to go now.” I nodded and followed him out through the living room and into the hallway.

We headed down the stairs and stopped dead in my tracks, gripping Louis’ should to keep me from tumbling down the steps. Niall was standing in front of Victoria’s door. She opened it and Niall grabbed her around her waist, pulling her into him.
“Go Coach!” Louis yelled down to Niall, causing Niall to look up the stairs. At first he is taken back. I bet he didn’t expect to see me. He looked both surprised and scared. But then a smirked played on his lips and he pushed her into her apartment. I didn’t want to know what happened after that. I was seeing red. So I wasn’t thinking straight so I did what I thought was best.

Everyone knows that I am a revengeful person. You mess with me I will mess with you back. I am not going to sit and cry over Niall when I could have fun with Louis. Clearly Niall doesn’t care so why should I?

I pushed Louis on the couch and straddled him. Kissing Louis felt nothing like kissing Niall but I didn’t expect it to be. I didn’t think there would be a spark between us like there used to be but it was better than being miserable over Niall. It was a good distraction. I needed Niall out of my head.

“You sure?” Louis asked as I started to rub myself against him. I know it was a low move. I was playing with his emotions. And I didn’t want to be the girl to sleep with two guys in one night.

I rolled off of Louis and shook my head. “I’m sorry. I can’t” I sighed.

“It’s him. Isn’t it?” I looked up at him with a confused look written on my face.

“Coach H. I mean Niall. It’s him. That’s the guy. Your… boyfriend” he almost chokes on the word. I know it’s a lot to take in. Louis has known me most my life and dated me for a good amount of time. Anyone who knew me would never pin me as the girl to date a teacher.

Consequences (Breaking All the Rules Sequel)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora