Consequences (Breaking All th...

By causeimirish22

16.8K 343 52


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12 (Last One)

Chapter 11

1.1K 26 5
By causeimirish22

Another holiday at the Chambers’ household. I hoped that this Thanksgiving would go better than last. Oh how naïve I can actually be.

My mom was in psycho cleaning mode. She must have vacuumed the couch at least four times. My dad wouldn’t let up on me. He’s been punishing me all morning for coming home drunk last night. I don’t blame him. He’s trying to be a good parent. I was just thankful that he didn’t tell my mom. That was not a conversation I wanted to have being this hungover.

Shaun was lounging on the couch doing nothing to help. As always. I can’t wait for him to grow out of the rebellious teenage phase. It’s getting really annoying. At least I wasn’t around to deal with it anymore. He was solely my parents problem.

Kaci and John were making a mess faster than I could clean up. I would dust down the table and they would spill a drink on it. So helpful. Why couldn’t I have been an only child? What did I do in a past life to deserve this I kept thinking to myself.

An hour before dinner I showered and got dressed. Same as last year my mom was not pleased with my outfit. Jeans and nice blouse apparently aren’t good enough for Thanksgiving dinner. She had bought a dress and demanded that I wore it. My dad gave me that look that said ‘if you don’t march upstairs and change I will tell your mother about last night.’ I didn’t want to hear her lectures and speeches so I went upstairs and put on the dress.

It was alright. Not my taste but I looked good in it and it wasn’t too uncomfortable. But it was white. With the company we were having, white was not a good choice.

When I came back downstairs people start to show up. I greeted them and took their coats into the spare room. The only person that wasn’t there yet was Niall. I texted him but no response.

“I guess we’ll eat with out him” Niall’s mom sighed as everyone sat around the table for dinner.

Liam and Louis were sitting on either side of me. “What did you to him last night?” Liam winked. I felt the urge to slap him across the face but I restrained myself. After all it was Thanksgiving and I had to be lady-like.

“Oh my god” was all I said and covered my face. I cannot talk about my sex life to my ex-boyfriends anymore. It was weird, right? Definitely weird.

In the middle of saying what we are thankful for Niall strolled in. Acting like it was no big deal he was late and barely looking at me as he sat down at the table.

My phone buzzed under my leg and I checked it quick.

From Niall: I’ll explain later.

I rolled my eys and tucked the phone back under my leg.

Niall was sitting next to my mom. She was gushing over him the whole time. Kind of awkward for my mom to be in love with my boyfriend. It was disturbing. But it didn’t seem to phase him.

My mom kept whispering things to him. I wondered what she was saying. Probably something embarrassing about me since Niall kept glancing my way. I wanted to take my fork and stab it through my eye. I hate dinners like this.

My mom was last to say what she was thankful for. Well Niall was now that he finally showed up. “I am thankful for my family. And this beautiful home that we have been blessed with. And I was thinking” my mom paused and looked over at me. “It would be so wonderful if my oldest daughter could find someone as wonderful as this man to my right.”

I choked and tried to play it off as a cough/sneeze. Liam was laughing next to me. Niall had a smile on his face and my cheeks were burning red. “Can we not do this whole setting your daughter up with guys thing again? It didn’t really work out the twenty other times you did it” I shot back at her.

She gasped and glowered at me. I knew that bothered my mom. “Things were going well for you and Liam for a while.”

“It’s my turn” Niall interrupted and I was glad. “I am thankful for my new job at the university.”

“Let’s eat!” my dad cheered.

“Also, I’m thankful that I got another chance with the girl from last year.” Seriously? I shot him a look. Here we go again. Just shut up.

“Lucky girl” my mom swooned. Yeah, lucky me.

This Thanksgiving was going much better than last years. I wasn’t upstairs crying in my room yet. Louis and Liam weren’t wrestling on the floor over something that happened almost two years ago. No Nikki to drive me insane. Definitely much better than last year.

Door bell. “I’ll get it” I announced even though no was listening. The guys were gathered around the TV watching football and all the women were in the kitchen sipping wine and gossiping.

“Hello Kellie” Victoria said in a creepy voice that made my hair stand up on the back of my neck. What was she doing here? How did she know where I lived?

“Can I help you?” I asked her in an annoyed tone.

“Is Niall here?”

“Um, one second.” I shut the door in her face. “Niall!” I called. “Someone’s here to see you.” I didn’t want to tell him. He was late and now I knew why. Now I just needed to know the reason.

He opened the door with a surprised expression. “Vicki, what are you doing here?” He stepped outside and I slammed the door closed.

“Who was that?” Louis asked.

“No one” I shrugged. “Just his ex-girlfriend.” I plopped down on the couch between my dad and Liam to watch the game. I was over that drama. I knew Niall wanted nothing to do with her so I left him to her.

Once the screaming started, they muted the TV. “I know what’s going on Niall!” she yelled in his face. Everyone was staring at the window and I knew where this was going to lead.

Like the little annoying brother he was, Shaun cracked open the window to hear better.

“You don’t know what you’re talking about” Niall defended.

“I should have known. From the first day of classes. She’s your student Niall. I knew there was a reason you got so defensive when I accused you. And even then I was just making it up. But I saw you” she cried.

“What’s going on?” my mom asked as she stepped into the living room.

“Niall’s fucking one of his students” Shaun said. My eyes grew wide and I sunk down on the couch.

Gasps were heard through out the room. “No he isn’t” Niall’s mom said. “He wouldn’t risk his career like that.” 

Yes he would, I thought to myself.

“Just tell me how long” Victoria stood there with her hands on her hips. “Were you with her when we were together?”

“No” Niall shook his head. “I would never do that.”

“The school board is going to get a kick out of this” she laughed.

“Vicki, you wouldn’t.” I could hear the concern in his voice. My heart was beating a mile a minute and I was hoping no one had noticed. Liam was clearly uncomfortable and a smirk played on Louis’ lips. At least she hasn’t said names yet. No one would know it was me or any of it was true. I mean she is completely out of her mind and would do anything to get Niall back.

 “I would love for that little bitch to get thrown out of school. I’ve hated her since the minute she stepped into my office demanding to drop your class.” I sunk further and further into the couch.

“You have no idea what you are talking about. You keep making all these accusations with no solid proof. Are you really that delusional?” He was mocking her now. Good. “I broke up with and you can’t move on. I get it Vicki but you need to stop with this.”

“I’m delusional?” she laughed in menacing tone. “You are dating one of your students and you are at her house for Thanksgiving. And I’m delusional?”

All eyes fell on me and I didn’t know what to do. My face was probably as red as the cranberries from dinner. If looks could kill, the stare I was getting from my mother would put me six feet under.

“She’s a family friend. I am not here with her.”

Niall’s dad opened the door and pulled his son inside and Vicki followed. “What the hell is going on?” he demanded.

“Dad, this is my ex-girlfriend Victoria. She thinks I have something going on with Kellie.”

“Is this true?” my mom looked at me.

“Of course not” I stood up. “She’s out of her mind.”

“Then explain him going up to your apartment the other night after he left mine” she asked in a threatening tone.

“We’re friends” I said dragging out the word. “He’s a friend of the family and I was upset that night.”

“So there is really nothing going on between the two of you?” she asked, loosening up her shoulders now.

“No” I sighed. “I got into a big fight with Louis that night and I knew he was downstairs and I needed someone to talk to. He was there as a shoulder to cry on and some advice.” I turned towards my parents. “I know that’s not appropriate since he’s my professor but we are friends.”

“Okay” my dad said. “I believe you.”

“Niall, please show your friend out” his dad told him. He nodded and led Vicki outside. Thank god that was over. That could have gone really bad.

Once Vicki had drove off and Niall came back inside I thought things would die down. My dad turned towards me and I gulped. “Now tell us the truth Kellie.”

“I did” I said, trying to look into his eyes.

“So the morning that Niall was at your apartment when we showed up you were really just studying.”

“Yes” I swallowed hard again.

“You really expect me to believe that.” I nodded my head but I knew my expression didn’t meet it.

“Oh my god” my mother cried. “You deflowered my daughter.”

“Really? Mom? Deflowering? Who even uses that word anymore?” My arms were folded across my chest. I was no longer anxious. I was down right mad.

“So you are with him then?” I felt like I was on trial and the jury was listening carefully to each word I said.

“Fine” I groaned. “Yes. Niall and I have been seeing each other. Are you happy now?” My arms were out wide.

“He took my baby’s virginity” was all she could say.

“Don’t worry about that Mom. Louis took that years ago” I couldn’t help but laugh. Louis’ mom slapped him on the back of his head when he laughed with me.

“Thank god it’s Kellie and not that psycho” Niall’s dad said. “The girl you’ve been asking so much advice about was Kellie right?” Niall nodded. My heart kind of leaped at the fact that he was asking his dad advice about me. I shouldn’t be this happy when it all falling apart.

“You slept with Louis!?” she screamed.

“And Liam” I shrugged as if it were no big deal. There were little arguments going on all over the room.

“Kellie” Niall warned. My mom had to sit down and fan herself. Maybe if she spent less time trying to control my life and actually talk to me peacefully I would fill her in on these minor details.

“You slept with my sister?” Shaun asked Liam in a disgusted tone.

Liam shook his head and chuckled. “On the other side of your bedroom wall” he placed a hand on my brother’s shoulder.

“Liam!” I shouted. I was mortified. I guess I kind brought this on myself though. I didn’t expect it all blow up like this. Thank you Vicki, you are a pleasure as always.

The arguments continued. My mom and dad were yelling at me then at Niall’s parents. In the mist of everything I didn’t even see Niall walk out the front door.

I chased after him, leaving the chaotic scene behind me.

“Niall!” I called out for him. His hands were balled into fists. His head was hung low as he stomped his feet down the sidewalk.

“I can’t do this anymore Kellie” he said but didn’t turn to look at me.

“Please stop” I begged but that didn’t help either. “It’s going to be okay.”

He stopped and I almost collided into his backside. His face was red with anger when he turned around. “You slept with him?” was all he said.

“What?” I asked confused.

“You slept with Liam? How long did that take? A day? A week after I left? Tell me how long it was until you jumped into his pants.”

"Excuse me?" I took a step back, fearing that I might actually hit him in the face. “Really?” I looked at him with such disgust. My hands rested on my hips as I stared at him. “You left Niall. Not me. You broke up. With. Me.” I said pointing my chest. Mostly to my heart that was breaking into pieces. “Was I supposed to wait around for you?”

“No” he sighed, kicking the pebbles beneath his feet.

“You wouldn’t pick up the phone” I cried reliving the past. Those days where I broke down and called him just to hear his voice and he never answered. “You didn’t answer my texts. I tried Niall.” The tears were streaming down my face now.

“I know” he breathed and pulled me into his chest.

I pushed him back. I didn’t need him comforting me. I was stronger than that. “And you hooked up with Vicki” I shot back.

“So we both fucked up.”

“Yeah” I let out an exasperated sigh.

“I just can’t believe you actually slept with Liam” he shook his head.

“No that it makes much of a difference but he’s not nearly as good as you” I smiled.

“Helps a little” he smiled back. “Now what do we do?”

“Move to another country and avoid the warzone that is my house right now.”

“I wish.” He took his hand in mine and walked back to my house. I could see through the bay window that the fights were still going on. I knew it was a lot for everyone to take in.

When we walked through the door everyone stopped yelling and turned to us. “Get your hands off my daughter” my dad yelled.

“Will” Niall’s dad warned. “They are both adults. They can make their own decisions.”

“She’s a child” my dad shouted back.

“I’m 19” I argued.

“As long as you live under my roof young lady you will do as I say.”

“Then I’ll move out.” I hated arguing with my dad. I usually only ever fought with my mom. So yelling at him was really hard for me.

“And where are you going to live?”

“I don’t know” I answered honestly. “But it’s better than living with any of you.” I saw my mom face fall. I didn’t want to hurt her but this was my life. I’m 19 and they can’t tell me how to live it. I’ve always been independent and thought for myself. They raised me that way. They had to deal with consequences of that.

“You take one step out that door young lady and I will call the cops” my father threatened.

“And tell them what?” I argued. “That your legal daughter is moving out?”

“No. But I’m sure they would love hearing about a teacher having sex with a minor?”

“What?” I screamed.

“Will” Niall’s dad warned again.

“I’m sure he was seeing her when he came into town. You really expect me to believe this all happened this year?”

“Daddy, please” I pleaded with him. “I’m sorry.” I tried hugging him but he pushed me to the side.

“Stay away from my daughter and I will keep the police out of this.” Niall nodded and my heart sank. “I will figure out what to do with all of this in the morning. For now, if everyone doesn’t mind, please leave.”

I ran up the stairs and slammed my door. My make-up stained my pillow. I couldn’t believe this was happening. Just a few short hours ago I had it all. Now I had nothing. 

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