Nothing Lasts Forever

By ShivyMay27

358K 2.3K 554

Simone had been on her own for a few years since leaving home. Her mother, a devoted Christian, who prayed da... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
12Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 ~ Part 1
Chapter 27 ~ Part 2

Chapter 5

13.1K 70 9
By ShivyMay27

It was as if I was frozen, I couldn't believe what I was hearing and seeing. The door bell rang again and I was finally able to get to my feet, I collected the money and opened the door. I thanked the delivery guy and carried the food back to the kitchen all the while my thoughts going a mile a minute.

I quickly hurried back to the living room so I could hear what the guy would say next, he then got down on his knees and asked the viewers to close their eyes and open their hearts to the prayer he was about to deliver.

"Heavenly Father" he began, "I come in the name of your son Jesus asking for forgiveness, forgive us all for not listening to your still small voice and accepting you, forgive us for not being thankful for the sacrifice you made when you died on Calvary's cross"

I sat there with my eyes closed and tears streaming down my face, I knew about Christ, I knew of His death on the cross to save me from my sins but I never really knew Him, never had a personal relationship with the guy and for that I felt utterly and entirely guilty.

"Please Lord give us the strength to accept our weaknesses and know that in you we are strong, with you the darkest hour shall be made light, give us the strength this day to accept you fully in to our hearts and lives, in Jesus name we ask Amen."

When he ended his prayer and rose and asked us to allow Christ in I had made up my mind, I would give this Christ thing my best shot, but where do I even begin. At that moment Eric walked into the room, when he came around the sofa and saw my tear streaked face he rushed to my side.

'Baby what's wrong, is everything ok, what happened?" he bombarded me with questions and as I turned to face him I said blankly, "I think I just accepted Jesus into my life."

He looked at me confused like I had just said something as trivial as I wanted a puppy.

"Babe, why do you think that?" he asked a little stiffly.

"Well I was just watching this program and a guy just prayed and asked us to allow Christ into our hearts and I believe I did that.

A smile spread across his face, "honey I am not a Christian or anything but I think it's a little more to it than that, don't you?"

"I really don't know, I mean I went to church with my mom and brother when I was younger, but it never really interested me, so I guess I wasn't paying attention on the whole process." Now I was beginning to get confused.

"Come on sweet pea, I think you have had a long stressful day and probably just need some rest, things will straighten its self out eventually, on the Jesus matter I mean."

And just like that the conversation was over, I didn't push any further because I knew he wasn't the right person to talk to about the matter, at that point I decided I needed to get a hold of Chris.

I had tried calling him at least three times today already and left one message, but I wasn't getting him, where could that guy be?

The night rolled in pretty quickly and we were both getting ready for bed, the longest weekend of my life was over and I had to return to work in the morning, I was an Executive at a marketing company and everything that needed to be approved went through me, I had landed a job at the company right out of college and worked my way up, I was great at my job and loved everything about it, the atmosphere, the people even my boss who was a pretty good friend too, not many people can say that so I was lucky.

I had just walked out of the bathroom, where I had changed into my sleeping attire when I heard my phone ringing, I quickly glanced at the clock and saw it was 10:30 pm, I wondered who it was, I hustled over to the night stand and picked it up looking at the caller ID, I immediately flipped it open.


"Hey Simone, sorry I missed your calls, I got your message, how are you doing?" Chris asked sounding rather relaxed.

"Mr. I have been calling you nearly all day, where have you been?" I was a little peeved, but it was Chris after all so it wasn't that serious.

Chris chuckled lightly, "well mother, I was at a retreat and we turn our phones off, I had forgotten all about it and should have let you know I would be gone for the weekend, I do apologize."

"Hmmm, let me think about it, apology accepted."

"Ah well that's a relief I thought you weren't even going to give me another chance, your too kind my dear."

"Yup that's me; I am truly an angel; which just happens to be my middle name."

"So do you have any good news to tell me?"

"Unfortunately no, it's nothing like that, but I do need to talk with you."

"Sure, that's not a problem; you want to do it now or over lunch tomorrow?"

"Umm, lunch sounds better, my treat though, it will kind of be a thank you for being there for me the other night."

"Come on Simone there is no need to thank me, that's what friends are for after all."

Chris and I continued our talk for a few more minutes, he told me a little about his peaceful retreat and I must say I felt a pang of jealousy because he was so at peace and comfortable in his own skin; I looked over and saw that Eric was winding down and I didn't want to disturb his sleep.

"Ok so tomorrow at noon right?"

"Yeah, that's perfect, have a wonderful night my dear."

"Thanks, you do the same."

I then turned off the lights and curled up on my side at which point Eric rolled over and put his hand around me, he proceeded to lean in closer and whispered, "Good night my love, sleep well."

Before I could even respond he planted a kiss on my cheek; I smiled at this, "thanks babe you do the same."

It always amazes me at how quickly morning comes but for some reason I was awake before the alarm went off. I grabbed a blanket, using it as a shawl and went onto the balcony to watch the sun come up and I was amazed at how I never took the time to watch a sunrise or a sunset, never really taking time to appreciate the beauty around me and feel closer to the one who created it all.

Boy was I self-absorbed or what, I wouldn't call myself cocky or anything like that and I definitely didn't look down on others but the fact that I didn't take time out of my life to enjoy or appreciate the simpler things in life, what does that say about me.


So it's now 11:30 am and I was wrapping things up before heading off to meet Chris for lunch, I didn't have to worry about Eric because our lunch times didn't correspond and he worked quite a few blocks away from me, I would sometimes delay my lunch and go surprise him, I could always get a train, cab or a bus if I was desperate.

I loved my job but I couldn't wait to leave and see Chris, everyone was walking around giving me a sympathetic smile and those who I was fairly close so would give me a hug and say they were there for me, if I needed anything just ask, was there anything they could do, how was I holding up, the questions and comments just kept coming. I was starting to feel as though I was some type of new creature that was just discovered and now I was under scrutiny by everyone.

I had been so anxious to get back to work but now I am thinking this is going to be a long day, all I could do was smile and respond, "I am ok."

So now I was avoiding leaving my office for anything and remained there to finish up on some paper work and approve or deny some new campaigns. I kept glancing over at the clock; boy time was surely moving slowly.

I took one last phone call and decided since it was now 11:50 I would head out cause if leaving was anything like when I came in then I would run into quite a few people who wanted to give me their support, besides I hated being late.

Just as I predicted my normal 2 minute walk from my office to the elevator turned into 5 and I didn't want to be rude, people were really concerned and we looked out for our own here, so I dealt with it. Finally in and out the elevator heading for the exit as quickly as I could so as to not be stopped by anyone else I ran straight into something oh scratch that someone.

I looked up and came face to face with Chris, "Fancy meeting you here" he stated with that big ole grin on his face.

"Last I checked I worked in this building and you across the street Mr." I said comically because this was just like Chris to practically run me over and laugh in my face.

"Well I figured since I was in the neighborhood I would stop by and we could walk together, beside the one thing we didn't discuss was where we are eating."

I smiled because now that I think about it, we really didn't finalize a place to eat. "Ok buddy what do you feel like eating?" I asked linking our arms together and pulling him out the building.

"Hmmm I was thinking Thai." He smiled and looked down at me.

"Sounds good, do you have a restaurant in mind?" We were now standing at the curb and he was hailing a cab.

"As a matter of fact I do, it's a new place and everyone has been buzzing about it at my job."

A car pulled up at that moment we climbed in and Chris gave the address, it was about six blocks away and we could have walked but a cab would have gotten us there faster, and I was pretty hungry.

Chris paid the cabby and we headed into the restaurant, I was not a fussy eater and liked trying new things which anyone who knew me could tell you, but when I loved something boy did I eat a lot of it.

The restaurant was rather big, candles where lit everywhere and the colors used were red and gold, it was very well put together and give you a nice feeling, but it was crazy busy, I looked over at Chris who just stood there with all the confidence in the world.

He moved away from me and went to the hostess, "reservation for Marks." He stated and waited while she scanned her list, "Oh yes table for two, right this way Mr. Marks."

My jaw dropped open, how did he know I would agree to eat here? Then again he knew me pretty well so why bother; he walked over to me chuckling. "Close your mouth girl it's fly season."

"Ha ha, very funny" I smirked with mock amusement. "I see you were prepared to eat here huh"

"Come on Sisi you know you like trying new things." I had always loved my name; Simone and didn't tolerate nick names but Chris was the only one who I accepted it from and didn't mind because it's Chris, you can't be mad at the guy.

We were escorted to our table and given menus I looked mine over and decided I would have chicken Teriyaki and Chris had something that I can't even pronounce but he told me he heard it was really good, oh yeah something called Massaman curry, it had beef, onion, potato and peanut, strange I know.

We began talking about random things at first when the waiter returned with all these little bowls of different things, I was going to say we didn't order it but Chris stopped me, "these are like the appetizers, it's a custom to bring out several dishes for the people at the table to share."

"Oh, interesting ." Was all I could say, this was my first time in a Thai restaurant so I was out of my element. We began tasting the different dishes, some I liked, some I could live without, and I then began telling him what happened with Kate's parents, then I slowly told him about my experiences.

Chris had stopped sampling and was looking at me intently and nodding his head, when I was done, I asked "so what do you think; was my dream some kind of vision or something or am I going crazy?"

"I believe that it was real, sometimes God allows things to happen in our lives that will lead us to Him, especially if He has been trying different things along the way."

"Really, like what other ways would he have been trying to reach out to me and me not realize it?"

"Well for instance you came up in a Christian home so that laid the foundation, I was placed in your life to plant the seed and other subtle things that you may or may not have been aware of."

"Okay, I see what you're saying; it's like that train up a child thing right?"

Chris smiled at me, "Yes, if a child is taught about Christ at a young age, even when they get older and stray away they may very well return to those same principles because that is at the core of them."

"I knew you were the right person to talk to, I spoke to Eric about it last night but it wasn't very helpful and I was more confused than ever by the end."

"Well I am happy to be of help my dear."

I looked over at Chris who was always kind, warm and friendly and was proud to have him in my life, "you know I always appreciated the fact that although you talked to me about Christ, you never forced your religion down my throat."

"I can't do that because it's your decision to make, and if I force someone to do something they don't want or even understand it only pushes them further away."

Just then our food arrived and I was half way full from all the little dishes I had sampled, but I ate some of my Chicken Teriyaki and it was amazing. Lucky for us we could take the rest home.

I paid for everything and we headed out and caught a cab ride back to work, we talked a little on the way going and Chris invited me to come to a prayer service Wednesday night with him, I agreed, if God was trying to reach me then I should start listening.

I wonder if Eric would be willing to tag along, no harm in asking him. Chris and I said bye to each other and I headed back into to my office building. Strange enough the rest of the day flew by quickly and before I knew it my assistant was asking me if there was anything else I needed before she headed out for the day. I was a bit confused and when I looked up it was 5:35 pm.

I told her I would be fine and leaving soon, so she should have a good evening. She smiled and scurried off, leaving me to finish up what I was working on.

My cell phone began to ring and when I dug in my bag to pull it out I saw Eric on the ID, "hey love" I answered with a smile on my face.

"Hey baby, have you left work already, or would you like me to swing by and pick you up since I am now leaving here?"

"Yeah that would be great, I am just finishing up something here but should be done by the time you arrive."

"Alright I will see you in a bit, stay safe now."

"Yes, yes I will."

We ended the call and I went back to what I was doing so I could be done before he arrived, my phone rang again but this time it was Chris. "Hey buddy"

"Hey Sisi, I am now on my way out do you want me to wait for you and we catch the train together?"

'Train, where is your car?"

"Oh it's at the mechanic shop, just regular maintenance."

"OK, but no, Eric is on his way here to get me actually, would you like a ride though?"

"Nah, I will be fine, I guess I will see you tomorrow then."

"Ok later."

I realized that I wasn't going to finish this file today so I closed it and put it in my drawer, I would do it first thing tomorrow, I packed away everything then grabbed my purse and light jacket and headed out the door.

I think I will ask Eric tonight about coming to church with me and Chris, I wonder what he will say. Whatever he decides to do it won't stop me from going, I have to figure out what God is trying to tell me and I need to find Kate. I really hope she is alright, why isn't the police finding her or any information about the guys who took her. This is really strange, it's like they are not doing their jobs or something.

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