Love for Two

By bialiens

21K 499 87

Hetalia couple one shots that are lowkey a mess of heartbreak but also happiness More

The Abrupt Return of Feliks
Fluent in Spanish
Snowy Dreams
Coffee Shop Memories
Breath and Rethink
50 Days Apart
So We Meet Again
Not An Object
Once Forgotten
Space Race
An Artist & His Lover
Buy the Stars with Sex
Unlikely Happenings
Cracks in the Garden
When the Sun Met the Moon
ER Issues
road trip to destiny
Everything He Wouldn't Say
A Model and a Dream
Come to Italy with Me
The Temptation & How it Ruins Alfred
Anxiously Awaiting His Return
Modern Heartbreak

How to Flirt With Your Angry Neighbor

125 4 1
By bialiens

Alfred Jones was a loud man. 

He couldn't help it! He got excited easily and he never held back when he showed his emotions. Being loud seemed to be built into Alfred's personality.

Recently, his loudness had gotten him into some trouble. It had caused him to receive a noise complaint from his new neighbor, Ivan Braginsky, via email. Alfred had, in fact, been trying to talk to his new neighbor but not like this. Alfred wanted to be friends not enemies.

Subject: You're Really Loud, Please Stop



Mr. Jones,

I had hoped you would quiet down after a day or two of me moving in. I thought the noise would be temporary but it's been a month and I've been proven incorrect. Please, quiet down. I have to get up early for my job and I haven't been sleeping well due to you. I will contact the landlord if you don't stop soon.

Much Thanks,

Ivan B.

Alfred had read the email at least twenty times. He'd been pensive as he tried to remember what he'd been doing that caused so much noise. The two men were next door neighbors and the walls were thin so.... 

Alfred knew that he was a loud person but something about this email made him smile. He really shouldn't find it endearing but he did. Alfred reread the email for a twenty first time and laughed aloud. He made up his mind to befriend Ivan because of the email. His response to the email would be flirty, he really wanted to see if Ivan would flirt back. The original email didn't call for a flirty response but Alfred was loud and single and incredibly bisexual.

Subject: re: You're Really Fucking Loud




Hi! I'm sorry to be sooooooo loud. I was watching marvel movies with my brother all weekend and then before that I was working out and the list of noise related things goes on and on. Would you like to join me next time I do a movie marathon? It wouldn't be any trouble and then we'd get to know each other better! You might actually start to like all the noise I make ;)

Yours Truly,

Alfred J.


Ivan stared at the email in shocked contempt. What kind of a response was that?! He wanted to shout. Ivan wasn't even sure where to begin formulating a response. Who flirted when they got an aggressive email? Alfred would surely be the death of him. 

Ivan felt his face heat up as he read it a second time. 

Ivan decided then and there that he would flirt back.

Subject: re: You're Really Fucking Loud




I won't report you to the landlord, yet. I'll give you a chance to quiet yourself, I may step in again but in a more...physical way.....

Ivan stopped and reread his last sentence. Okay, that definitely was more threatening than flirtatious. He tried again.

I'll give you another chance to quiet down even if I have to help you quiet down. I'm excellent at helping people. I don't think I'll grow to like your noise but I can be persuaded to a movie marathon with you, sweetheart.

Warmest Regards,

Ivan B.


Alfred gasped. He sat in his living room reading Ivan's email in disbelief. 

"Matty!" He called to his brother, who resided in the kitchen.

"What do you need?" Came the bored response.

"Remember when I told you about my neighbor who emailed me in anger a few day ago?" 

"Yeah, what about 'em?" Matthew asked as he walked into the living room. 

"THIS!" Alfred exclaimed as he thrust his laptop at his brother.

Matthew read it before making a face. "Are you really gonna have a movie marathon just to bone your neighbor? Also, sweetheart? Really? You barely know each other." 

"Uhm, duh to the movie marathon. And, I don't know about the sweetheart part. Maybe he's bad at flirting any other way, I don't know. Damn." Alfred replied as he took the laptop back.

Subject: re: You're Really Fucking Loud




I'm thrilled you want a movie marathon. You don't strike me as the movie marathon kind of guy. As for helping me "quiet down," anything is fair game. I'm down to try most things-

"-dude. Why does it sound like you're a prostitute?" Matthew cut in.

I'm curious as to what you think you can do. I'm glad you aren't going to report me, none of my previous neighbors had an issue with noise. Maybe you're just extra sensitive with noise. Let me know when you're free so I can plan us a movie marathon :-) 

Thank ye kindly,

Alfred J.

P.S. Call me xoxo

"You're giving a stranger your number?" Matthew squawked in surprise.

Alfred laughed in delight, "why wouldn't I?"

Matthew sighed. His brother was a dumbass.


Well. Alfred had given Ivan his number. They were definitely flirting now and it didn't even matter neither knew the other's sexuality. Ivan felt a rush of excitement at the idea of being able to text Alfred and talking to him more than just via email. Yeesh.

Pushing past whatever these feelings were, Ivan reread the email and rolled his eyes. He was most certainly not extra noise sensitive. 

Ivan liked how Alfred changed topics at random, it seemed like the other man was too excited to stay with one thought all the way through. Maybe this would actually be fun. Alfred might just grow on him. Ivan shuddered at the idea of catching real deal feelings for Alfred. Alfred was loud and flirtatious and unashamed of who he was. Ivan.... He wasn't any of those things and maybe that was what was holding Ivan back...



Hey, it's Ivan

Alfred J


hey!!! i'm glad you decided to txt me



Yeah. I was getting tired of emailing

Alfred J


ooooh sure. thats it and not because you wanted constant contact w me ;)

Ivan blinked. How did his annoying, obnoxious, loud neighbor see right through him? 



Yes. That's it. How did you know? When do you want to movie marathon? I'm looking forward to proving you wrong about your noise growing on me ;)


Alfred chuckled when he got the first text but he replied almost instantly anyways. He had to, Ivan entertained Alfred with his anger. The very anger that turned to flirtatious comments and promises of a movie marathon.

Ivan kept Alfred amused. That's all this was. Alfred didn't date, he didn't catch feelings, he never gave out his number to strangers, and he certainly didn't find Ivan beautiful.

Alfred kept replying almost instantly. He had to, he absolutely had to do that. He didn't know why but he felt compelled.

Angry Neighbor Ivan 


Yes. That's it. How did you know? When do you want to movie marathon? I'm looking forward to proving you wrong about your noise growing on me ;)



im just good like that 

can we movie marathon this friday?

Angry Neighbor Ivan


Sure, yeah. Your place at 8pm? I'll bring snacks and my best behavior.... Unless you like em naughty

Alfred hollered. This flirting was too much. Now, from a single text, he desperately wanted to know what kissing Ivan was like. 

He and Ivan had met when Ivan first moved in and they'd spoken briefly and then left their relationship to be just neighbors. But now.... This. This was different than anything Alfred thought it could be. Sure they weren't trying to get to know each other but they wanted to spend time together. Alfred called that a win.



my place at 8 works great and i'd prefer you on your best behavior but who knows... maybe you can change my mind

Angry Neighbor Ivan


I can change your mind easily


Friday. Ivan had honestly dreaded Friday arriving. 

But, it had.

Now, Ivan stood before a mirror staring at his outfit. 

"Toris?" He called to the kitchen.

"Whassup?" His friend asked through a mouthful of chips.  

"Do I look like I'm trying too hard?"

Toris scanned Ivan up and down. He took in the lavender shirt and ripped jeans. "Nah, you look beefy enough to where he'll know you work out."

Ivan rolled his eyes. He checked the clock, it was 7:58pm. He should grab his snacks and head over.

"I'm leaving. Feel free to stick around though." Ivan announced as he started towards the door.

"Kk, bye. Use protection." 

"Only because you asked."

Ivan walked the few feet over to Alfred's place. He stood in front of the door, heart pounding. He took a deep breath and knocked. hard.

Alfred answered almost instantly, "hey! I'm glad you made it." 

"I wouldn't miss this for the world." Ivan replied, smiling.

Alfred looked stunning. He wore a simple lavender button up with black jeans. His feet were clad in cat socks and his smile rivaled the sun. Alfred opened the door wider, allowing Ivan to step in.

"I've got the movies mostly set up. You put your snacks over there," Alfred started with a gesture towards the kitchen. "You can take your shoes off or leave them on. Uhm, I think that's it..."

"Everything sounds great."

Alfred smiled widely, obviously excited. "You're gonna love the movies I picked out."

"How would you know? We never talked about movie preferences." Ivan protested, amused.

"It's my sixth sense, knowing what things people like from very limited interactions."

"Let's put that to the test then, shall we?" 

Presently, the pair were sitting on the couch at the start of their second movie. Ivan had stopped watching the movie and was watching Alfred's reactions to a movie he had obviously seen a thousand times. His face would light up and he would laugh at jokes he'd heard before. His joy was infectious.

Alfred had completely nailed the movies. They were movies Ivan liked. How did he do it? Alfred was slowly becoming the eight wonder of the world to Ivan.

Ivan was snapped out of his thoughts by a soft snore. He looked over and saw Alfred sleeping soundly next to him, his head on Ivan's shoulder. 

Ivan tensed instinctively, he wasn't used to this kind of physical affection. His parents had hugged his siblings and him sparingly and even now he tended to avoid physical affection. But, here he was with a beautiful, kind man's head on his shoulder. Ivan felt his heart melt a little. As Ivan sat there, he felt exhausted and gave into sleep.

Alfred woke up to a terrible pain in his neck and Ivan's arm around his shoulders. This isn't how he expected things to go, not that he minded. He'd expected a night of mind blowing sex and then never speaking to Ivan again. Alfred didn't dare move, he didn't want to wake Ivan so he sat there and basked in the warmth of having someone next to him.

Ivan finally woke about thirty minutes later. 

"Morning," Alfred said when he realized Ivan was awake.

"Morning. Sorry that I fell asleep."

"It's no biggie, I actually liked having you here."

"Next time we do this, let me take you to dinner first." Ivan said, glancing down at Alfred.

"Like a date, maybe?" Alfred asked, smiling softly.

"Yeah, like a date. I can pick you up Monday at eight." 

"I'd love that."

Ivan grinned. He hadn't meant to fall for his neighbor but he was glad that he had.

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