For Honour - How to Train You...

By Skilg4nnon

162K 1.8K 790

You are a knight, son to Lord William Rogan, soon to earn honour and glory to the Phoenix Legion. Or at least... More

Make me proud...
The Demonic Nightmare
Dragon Slayer
Lets go home...
Take me (LEMON!)
New Dawn
Dragon racing
The Black Dragon Legion
The next generation

The Knight and the Valkyrie

12.9K 145 96
By Skilg4nnon

Never had a someone rode a dragon as big as yours, nor had anyone ever tamed anything near as aggressive. While the other dragons seemed to sneer at you before, they stopped that very quickly after Satan put them in their place. Now they just kept a respectful distance.

The Vikings too, stayed away from the beast. Strange to think that even though they fought the dragons for years, they still didn't want to fight your Goliath. They stared in open admiration, you must had accented to godhood in their eyes. You felt more powerful then any king, as if you could tell them to bow and they'd do it. You jumped down dramatically, hiding your tiredness as vanity made you stand tall despite the fact you wanted to collapse.

Your shield's Templar cross had been melted off, leaving the metal blacked from heat. Your chest was slightly bent from Satan's teeth, while your helmet had the line of his claws running down.

You placed your hand on your shoulder, rolling your arm in your socket. Similarly Satan rose to his hind legs, showing off his full size and blasted a large plume of black flames into the sky. Everyone took a visible step back, more then a little afraid of the colossus. It would appear that Satan also liked the attention, you both took a somewhat evil satisfaction in being seen as superior.

Valka and Cloudjumper were the first in the scene, landing on a building not far off. Cloudjumper gave a low pitched growl while Satan snarled, Cloudjumper lifted its four wings and tried to intimidate Satan. To your surprise the Nightmare turned around as if to flee, when he suddenly spun and tail whipped the smaller dragon.

"Cloudjumper!" Valka cried in concern, seeing a long trail of blood from a decent size cut above his eye. Satan smirked evilly, making it clear he wasn't going to tolerate any kind of threat. Cloudjumper was no push over however, roaring in fury. It was only through Valka's efforts to calm him that he didn't attack Satan, which would have ended badly one way or any other. "Outlander! Get that dragon under control!"

You lifted your shield and bashed the Nightmare in the head, knocking his brains around inside a little. Satan looked at you for a moment, considering simply on wether or not to eat you or something. Ultimately though he decided against it, since he wasn't strong enough to throw down with you. Though he did give a huff of annoyance, giving Cloudjumper of look that says it wasn't over.

Valka jumped down nimbly, landing only a few feet from you as she approached rapidly. "Outlander, we need to talk."
"I was sure you were done for." Hiccup told you, sitting opposite you in the great hall. You could see a great weight had been lifted from his shoulders, your supposed death must have been a burden on him. Hiccup would have blamed himself for what happened despite there being no other option, your armour was too much for Toothless to carry.

"Me too, but wouldn't you know me and Satan found a bond." You told him smirking, again feeling quite god like. Satan was seated behind you, standing over every other dragon in the great hall. You'd gotten stares off of everyone all day, though Astrid had been missing.

"I just want to say..." Hiccup started, but you knew what he was going to say. You reached over and pressed your hand on his shoulder, smiling a him.

"Don't worry about it, there's nothing to be sorry about. I'm not angry or anything, as far as I'm concerned you and I are friends." Hiccup gave a deep breath, clearly happy about your feelings, or lack of. He took your hand in his own, you both gave a tight squeeze as a sign of friendship.

"Thanks, so how's dragon riding been suiting you?" He asked.

"Where to begin? It's been nothing but pain, agony and misery." You stated sarcastically, earning a slap from Satan's tail. You gave a short laugh, teasing your dragon. "So far it's been hard to describe, we had to land somewhere for the night..." Your trailed off, thinking about whatever it was that had been watching you both. Satan didn't seem to like it either, it was a time best left behind. It was however, a great bonding period for you.

"Well, your home now." Hiccup smiled, not realising what you'd been through. Home. It was strange to think Berk was your home, even though there was no reason for it not to be. How long has it been? You honestly were having trouble remembering, around three months was your best guess. Yet as much as you liked it here, liked the people and the dragons, you were still yearning for Ashfield.

"Yeah, its good to be home." You concluded, giving a false smile. It was then that you saw your helmet start to move from the table, you and hiccup both watched it for a few seconds before you suddenly held it down and bashed the side of it a few times. It rang like a bell, causing a dazed and confused Terrible Terror to wobble out.

You and Hiccup both laughed, though there was a question which had been lingering in your mind. "How's Astrid?"

Hiccup had an unreadable expression on his face, one that made your heart beat. "She's fine, she and Stormfly are both fine. Stormflys gonna need a could weeks rest, your dragon seemed to have done a number on her."

You signed with relief, your biggest fear was to hear that she's been hurt or possibly even killed thanks to Satan. You were still horrified to know that Stormfly was out of action for a while, but at least she was alive.

"Thank God, That's a weight of my chest."

"She was worried too, she didn't stay still all night. I think she would have marched back on foot if it wasn't that Stormfly needed attention, I don't know where she is now though." You nodded at what Hiccup told you, looking up at Satan. There was no way you'd be able to live with Astrid anymore, seeing as there wasn't enough room for the Demonic and that he'd be constantly snapping at Stormfly.
Hiccup and Valka continuously tried to study Satan, but he wouldn't let them near him. Satan couldn't be left in the stables either, since he'd try and carve out large sections for himself. So instead you and he lived apart from the village, staying out on dragon island and sleeping under the stars together.

It was just as well you left though, since Astrid had returned to her usual hostile self. Any attempt at conversation resulted in one word answers, short responses and genuinely agitated behaviour. You were used to rejection though, so you left for dragon island. You didn't know what you did, since last time you saw her you saved her from Satan. Then again, maybe she was angry because you tamed the dragon that tried to kill and eat Stormfly.

Satan pushed his head against you slowly, knocking you over causing him to make a rumbling sound you were sure was laughter. Since you weren't in your armour, having left it on Berk, you got pushed pretty far. Getting up quickly you punched the dragon in his arm, though he just looked at it. You just laughed together, quickly forming a deep friendship.

You'd been alone with Satan for a week now, not speaking or seeing another person in that time. At first Hiccup had wanted to invite you to the rest of the Riders, training with him and the rest of the group. Not only that, but it would be an excellent opportunity to study the Demonic Nightmare. Once again though, a combination of Satan's size and temper made this nearly impossible.

So you'd been on your own with the dragon, learning all you could with each other. Of course fashioning a saddle had been a nightmare, you and Hiccup had stayed up late into the night trying to figure it out. At first you'd simply decided to build a larger version of Hookfang's saddle, but you then noticed Satan wasn't the exact proportions as Monstrous Nightmares. He was bulkier in his body, his neck was longer and thicker, not only that but his wings needed to be far larger to support his great body.

But you managed, creating a saddle the was big enough for Satan while affording to suit your comfort. An added benefit was that Satan was strong enough to fly while carrying your armour, meaning you could take your full gear wherever you went. You kept your sword too, something a few of the Vikings seemed to disagree with. The time for fighting was long since over so there was no need for it, then again no one was going to argue with you.

You patted Satan's head again, working on decoration of your Shield. You mixed a bit of water with ash from burnt fires, creating a thick paste. You'd set about painting it across your shield to create a black dragon rising from red fire. Similar to your old design of a red Phoenix rising from black ashes, it was easy to create rather then design a whole new emblem. You'd officially left the Phoenix legion of course, but that only gave way for you to create the Black Dragon Legion. You doubted anyone would ever join other then you, but maybe one say you'd have taught some of these Vikings to honour the code and take the tests nessercery to join.

You'd have to create a new code too, since every legion had its own. Though with a week in your own you'd already started the first few lines.

Through rock, metal and fire,
I fight no matter how dire.
When hope is lost and the enemy sings,
I will not stop until I win.
Despite the screams of fear and pain,
I will push through the crimson rain.

That's all you had for now, not originally intending for it to be so violent. Guess that was the knight in you, since you always held onto that. You looked out into the open terrain, longing to speak with Astrid. What did she think? Why was she angry? It had been a week since you'd left Berk, guess it was time to go see her.

"Go away!" She roared from inside the house.

"Well I tried." You shrugged turning to walk away, only for Satan to push you back. You gave a sigh, knocking on the door again. "Astrid, this has gone on long enough. Just come out already!" You yelled through the wooden door, only for a the head of a battle axe to materialise through the wood as she threw it from inside.

"I said leave!" She stormed at you, sounding as if she might breath fire herself.

"Why? What the hell have I done?!" You demanded, now getting annoyed borderline angry. The door open and immediately a punch came flying at you, Astrid's fist slammed into your jaw with a fury you honestly hadn't felt before. You dropped onto your behind, starring wide eyed at the small blondie. Satan gave a small grumbling noise that sound like laughter, bastard dragon.

"I said, go away!" She raged, looking like she might breath fire herself. You got up quickly as she threw another punch, one you caught and pushed back. Astrid stumbled as she was far lighter then you, but she was a fury of fists and kicks. You tackled her into the house, pushing her against the wall as she kicked your knee. You gave a grunt of pain and spun around throwing her across the room, not afraid to brawl with her.

"What the hells going on?!" You shouted, not thinking you'd done anything to warrant that would lead to violence, specifically this level of rage. She lifted a piece of wood from her fire place and started swinging, it slammed against your shoulder and splintered while you punched her in the stomach.

"You think you can come storm back in here like some damn hero?! Think your so high and mighty?!" She demanded which confused you as she swung an elbow into your nose, jerking your head back. You gave a furious roar and grabbed her arm before pulling her in to a head butt, then swung her around onto the floor.

"Is this because of Satan? I get your not happy with me taming a dragon that hurt Stormfly but I didn't exactly plan it! I figured it was better then dying!" You told her before a huge flying kick came your way, you barely blocked it by rising your forearm to absorb it. It hurt like hell, especially since she then went low and kneed you in the stomach causing the air to whoosh out of you.

"That's not it! It's you! The stupid sacrifice of yours, jumping down into certain death for me!" She knocked you into your back, getting on top and hammering punches into your face. You couldn't do much except for take them, causing your already bruised and hurting body to feel numb from the exploding pain. Your skin split on your cheekbones and eye socket, causing blood to trickle down. "You had to be a hero! Worrying me sick!" Astrid sent three more punches, each weaker then the last.

"Astrid I..."

"Why?!" She yelled, more to herself then to you. Her face was red, her eyes puffy as she blinked away tears. Her blonde hair had come loose and was brushing over your face, you just lay there looking at her. "Why did you do that? Why risk yourself for me like that?" Her voice was on straining, tears now forming.

You sat silent for a moment, searching for the right words. "Because I wasn't going to let someone die on my watch, especially not a friend. You were always there for me, since that first night in the beach when we spoke. And because..." You went quite, your face darkening. "Because I'm expendable, I have no family here. If I died, no one would mourn me, not here and not in Ashfield."

"I would..." Astrid told you, tears running off her face into your bruised and bloodied face. "I can't stand to lose you, I felt like the world ended when I saw Hiccup come back without you. I love you (Y/N), i don't know what I would do if you died because of me."

You didn't know what to say, you knew you were on the edge of something intense. Astrid loved you? But you didn't... No, that's not true. You did love her, you knew that now. Why else would you have trusted her to take you riding, why else would you been so desperate to save her. Why else would you willing to die to ensure her safety? Why else would your heart feel like it was about to burst?

"Well go on!" She shouted at you. "Shout! Scream! Tell me I'm a idiot! That it's never work, just like Hiccup did!' You there was something between them, but there was something between you two too. "Say something!" She begged.

You didn't say anything, instead you simply reared your head up to kiss her...

Hey guys, authors note. Next chapter is defiantly going to be Lemon, smut and nothing but sex. If you fellow perverts want to enjoy feel free, but if you don't then I promise they'll be nothing important in the chapter. Nothing's going to be said that will change the story, also let me know how you think Hiccup and Astrid should have broken up and the circumstances surrounding it.

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