Uncontrollable (Percy Jackson...

By shannontracey

40.6K 949 237

Percy was having an amazing school year nothing "strange" has happened and he was grateful. Its finally summe... More

Authors note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Twelve

1.1K 33 6
By shannontracey

OMG IM UPDATING GUYS!! Okay so this chapter is going to be confusing, i'm adding character that shouldn't really be introduced yet because this story is based like inbetween the battle of the labrityth and titan curse so just a heads up cause im just adding them to make it more interesting :) hope you enjoy! Thank you for being patiant with me and not leaving i love you all so much!!


Annabeth's POV

Nico and I dragged ourselves back to the big house.

"How do you think he's going to react", Nico asked. A hundred scenarios rushed through my head, None of them good.

"Badly", I replied. We came up to Chiron's office door and turned the knob, Chiron was still in his wheelchair and Poseidon was sitting, When we entered he stood up he looked at us with a small smile, He looked behind us and his smile washed off his face.

"Where is my son", He shouted. His voice echoed and shook the Big house. I stepped back.

"He's gone. He jumped into the ocean and is gone", I chocked out. A tear ran down my face. Poseidons eyes got a scary color, It looked like storm clouds. Outside the wind was blowing making a whistling sound, I glanced to the window it was dark out now.

"POSEIDON", Chiron yelled. "Not now".

Nico stepped forward which is kinda funny, A small 13 year old stepping up to a god, You dont see that everyday.

"Um sir, I believe we can find Percy, But we will need to hurry before Luke finds hin", Nico said in a confident voice which is hard to do infront of powerful god.

Poseidon glared at Nico probably planning how to kill him. "And who might you be son". He snarled at Nico.

"Not son", Nico gulped. "Sir, Nephew. I'm Son of Hades",Poseidon laughed.

"I knew you looked firmilar", Nico shuffled uncomfortably. "Very well how will we find my son", Poseidon continued.

A idea hit me like a truck. "I know how! but we need a ride to New York. We need to go see Rachel Dare".


Luke's POV

We finally got out of that stupid cave.

"How could you let that scrawny kid get away", I yelled at the two stupid giants, They scratched there heads.

"Maybe scrawny but powerful, Why don't you use him, Why use the son of Poseidon?", I pulled out my backbiter and slashed right through the giants body, He vaporized on the spot.

"Would you like to join him" I yelled to the other one, He shook his head and stayed quiet. Seconds later my phone rang in my pocket, They say Half bloods shouldn't use phones cause they attract monsters but who cares i'll kill anything that gets in the way.

"Yes", i said in the phone.

"The plan worked, He is gone", Said the voice on the other line, I smiled.

"Excellent thank you, You've done good now stay there and watch out, We will be there soon with our secret weapon", I hung up the phone and shoved my phone back in my pocket.

"Okay we need to get to the boat, It about 100 miles to the shore, Get the others quickly or i'll leave without you, We have a package we need to collect.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~

Annabeth's POV

Racheal Dare is the last person i would go to for help, But i was seriously desperate. I was in my cabin packing up all my stuff, Nico and I were going into the city in a hour or so. I packed some books (of course cause nerd), some gold drachmas and my invisble baseball cap. A knock on the door stopped me from my packing, I turned to the doorway to see Alice.

"What are you doing, Shouldn't you be at combat training", I said. She stayed quiet with her head down, She shuffled uneasily she almost fell over but she caught herself on a nightstand.

"Alice", I said more sternly she snuffled something was really bothering her, I walked over to her and went on my knees so i waw her height i grabbed her hands that were covering her face and pulled them down.

"Whats wrong", I asked again. This time she lifted her head her eye's were all bloodshot and puffy like she hasnt slept in days and been crying.

"Did you have another nightmare", She nodded her head. I pulled her down so we were sitting.

"Tell me about it", She started to shake.

"Tell me as much as you want", I said in a soft voice. She managed a voice.

"It was about Percy, He-he's in danger", She croaked out.

"How do you know, What did you see".

"He's fine for now, But soon a big boat will come and the blonde boy will get him. Percy isn't himself right now. Please Annabeth save him!!", she cried out. I wasn't sure why she was dreamimg out this but i knew i had to find him. I looked back at Alice.

"I will Alice, I promise i'm going to New York tonight, But i'll be back in a day or so", Alice wiped away her tears and hugged me. The dinner bell rang, Everyone filed into the Pavilion, While Nico and I waite on the top of Half-blood hill next to Thalias tree, Argus was getting the camp van ready. 20 minutes later we were on the road towards the city, It was later at night before we arrived, Argus dropped us off in the heart of New York. We thanked him and got out, We didn't say anything until he was around the block.

"Do you even know where were going", Nico asked. I laughed.

"Not really but knowing Racheal she won't be hard to find".

We walked for a few miles nobody was on the streets which i thought was odd, We walked further than a creepy van drove past us very slowly the windows were tinted and it was dark out so we couldn't see who was driving, It sped up and turned a corner.

"What was up with that", I asked. Nico grabbed his arms and held himself like he was cold.

"Not sure but i have a bad feeling, Can we stop for food or sonething".

"Ya sure", We found a small restaurant that was still open we both ordered burgers and fries. I sat there and read, While Nico fidaled with his sword. There was no one else in the restaurant with us so we didn't get any weird looks.

"Nico put that thing away", I said to him. He stuck it under the table out of sight.

"Sorry bad habit".Are food finally arrived and we both dug in, After we ate and paid we set out again. We walked for awhile than Nico grabbed my arm startling me.

"Annabeth", He said all worried. "Look over there it's that van", I followed his glance and there it was the van from earlier.

"Not good", I mumbled. "Come on let's try to lose them", I said than grabbed Nico hand and dragged him down the street. We raced down the side walk turning corners but everywhere we went the van would find us.

"How come we can't lose them", Nico said out of breath.

"I don't know but we can't go on like this all night".

"There", Nico yelled pointing to a old run down apartment building. "Let's hide in there", We snuck around a building losing the van than we ran across the street into the building. We both collapse on the floor.

"Hopefully that tricked them", Nico said.

"Ya i hope, I'll take first watch, Get some sleep", I told Nico. He didn't argue he went over to a old couch and fell asleep instantly. I sat on a chair near a window watching outside, No sign of that stupid van. My eye's began to droop it had to be midnight or even later, Finally i couldn't fight the drowsiness i fell asleep. Which wasn't very wise idea for a Daughter of Athena.



I hope you guys like this chapter i will try to update the best i can. vote and comment :) i love you guys <3

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