woke. | II

By veyroniqa

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paused . FEATURED STORY // DEC 2018 [Highest #32 in FantasyAdventure] It starts with the dreams... Set in the... More



891 41 47
By veyroniqa

I couldn't believe my eyes.

She says she can't remember the details but she kept telling me 'trees'. Has anyone experienced something like this before?

"Danny, Danny." I could hear her now, she sounded so pitiful and I knew she had night terrors. I got out of bed and went to her room, which was connected by a large bathroom we shared and the scene before me stopped me dead in my tracks.

"Dana!" I had cried before rushing to her side and pulled her out of bed. I half dragged and half carried her to the bathroom, my eyes never leaving the four poster she slept in. The lace was all ruined and she was drenched in something foul. I was too afraid to leave her to go look for our parents so I hoisted her into my arms and stumbled out through my room.

"Talk to me," I urged her, "Say something, hmm?" But all I could hear were her sobs against my chest.

"Mama!" I yelled, "Papa!" I saw the doors to their room open and my mother with her blond hair all rolled up, her nightie a flash of white in the dim moonlight that shone through the skylight overhead. She reached for the railing on her left and rushed towards us with father right behind her, "What is it, Daniel?"

He had such a proper way of speaking, I didn't feel it properly encompassed the situation at hand so I said with as much urgency as I could master in one inadequate four letter word.


They brought her to the hospital and replaced her bed. Now all I hear are the beeps at night. Such a horrendous sound, keeping me awake and taunting me with guilt. She was my twin but I never took her seriously. She had always been so whimsical, I assumed it was another one of her games.

Please share!

How long has it been? A year? More? I tapped on the poster's profile to send her a message. Dana never recovered, what could I do for this girl and her friend? But I felt bound to tell her what I know: it meant your time is near. Say your goodbyes and cherish what little time you have left. It felt too impersonal to impart over the internet so I asked her to meet me with her friend at a cafe. Dana's favorite cafe, even if it was about half an hour west from where we stayed.

In my hands I gripped a nutmeg chocolate and recounted all times I let Dana down.

"Can I sleep here tonight?" She was sitting on my bed and I had just showered. "What have you been reading, D?" I smiled, she was fond of books, mostly thrillers, but it always left her afraid of the dark.

"Nothing, I just want to stay with you tonight. I don't see you as much anymore." She huffed as she made herself comfortable. It was true, while our bond is just as strong as any pair of twins who did everything together from the moment they were born, we have begun to find ourselves and create a life without depending on the other as much. 

"No, no, no. Don't try to guilt trip me! You just have to stop scaring yourself, now shoo!" I thought I was doing her a favor. I wanted her to be brave.

"Can we keep the door open at least?" She gestured at the bathroom door.

"No, you know the light keeps me awake." I paused, "Stop reading before bed or if you are going to read, be a man about it." I took a bloster and used it to chase her back to her room.

"It's the dreams, Danny!" She pleaded. And how did I answer her? "Stop reading about Milana!" And for good measure, I shut the door. I shut it. I closed her out and now she's gone.

"Um... Everleigh?" I looked up to see an Asian with striking pale skin and a shock of electric blue hair. It was so unexpected, it took me a moment to stand and offer her my hand, "Hadeslynn?" I asked.

"Nah! That's my dimwit bff," She gestured at a taller girl behind her, who had concern in her grey eyes. "Cool name, right? I came up with it." The Asian girl continued, "Anyway, you can call me Alex and she's Hady."

"Hadilynn." The taller girl said and took my hand.

"Have a seat. Would you girls like something to drink, or eat?"

"Coffee for her and I'll have whatever you're having!" Alexis grinned and winked. "Oh and a burger!"

After getting their drinks and a cheeseburger, I dove right in, "Who's the one waking up with..." I faltered, "Extra baggage?"

"Extra baggage?" The one called Alexis snorted, "How about... A sleepsake?"

Her best friend and I stared at her.

"You know, keepsake?"

That clicked, "Ooooh, Alex did I ever tell you you have such a way with words?" Hadilynn sounded like she was on the edge of rolling her eyes. I found the little digression quirky, but it didn't seem to adhere to the solemn situation at hand. 

"Ok, a sleepsake then." I said, to bring us back to what we gathered for. The word tasted odd in my mouth and yet somehow, felt right.

"I did!" Alexis' hand shot in the air, and I half expected her to still be hanging on to whatever she woke with. "She was in class-" Hadilynn started to say.

"In class?!" I couldn't help myself, "Dana always woke up with a," I shot Alexis a look, "Sleepsake, in the morning. In bed. That's odd, but... Just because it's unheard of doesn't mean it doesn't happen." I concluded.

"Yeah? Why haven't you said anything about sleepsakes before?" Alexis asked. "You've got all those numbers on social media... Speaking of, it's quite disturbing how Dana's account is still active." She looked at me imploringly. 

I gaped at her candidness, I think my mouth might have been open but I was at a loss of words. Her friend reached over the table and touched my hand, "It's okay, she doesn't have a filter, that one." And then she actually rolled her eyes before they darkened and she looked at me straight into mine. "But why haven't you? Said anything." 

"I didn't think anyone would believe me.' I took a deep breath and unburdened myself on these two strangers, searching me with their eyes. Pale grey and black. It was unnerving how they contrasted in a way Dana and I were always similar. I pictured her long wavy hair that shone white in the sun, her blue eyes a reflection of pristine waters. "I didn't believe Dana when it started, up till the end. The night before the eversleep took her, she was practically drowning in bed. It was drenched." 

"And you just thought to keep this to yourself?" Hadilynn asked quietly, there was no judgement in her voice. She sounded troubled and looked down at the table as though it may hold her answers. 

"Nobody else has said anything about it." I answered just as softly. 

"Just because everyone's doing it doesn't make it right," Alexis grumbled, "But just because nobody's doing it doesn't make it wrong." I was starting to like this girl. She is so refreshingly candid without being cruel. 

"The whole thing about you dreaming about her..." Hadilynn started to ask but faltered into silence. I knew what the question was. I had expected people to doubt me like how I doubt myself. 

"Honestly, I'm not sure if I was just hallucinating or if I just miss her too damn much." I closed my eyes milliseconds after the words left my lips, but it was enough for me to catch the subtle look they shared, "Last night was the strangest ever, she told me she's not scared anymore... But she wants me to join her." I shook my head slowly. She looked pale and unhealthy - like a ghost. "How do I even do that?"

"Go into the light?" Alexis laughed and Hadilynn shot me a look that said 'get used to it'.

"It's not like I haven't tried. But every single time, it's like making my way though molasses."

"Wait, you remember your dreams?" Grey eyes wide with wonder. The hope I witnessed in them was almost painful.

"Sort of, that's how I saw Dana. She was standing there like she was expecting me."

"Woah, dude. Chills. But I- we've never remembered anything. I had to recite 'trees' to myself over and over again till I got to Hady." She paused for a moment and her friend cut in, "Do you think that's like, a twin thing?"

"Yeah, maybe having a twin who's crossed over makes this... Thing, stronger?"

I racked my brain for a plausible explanation, "This is going to sound morbid," I started, "But I don't plan to wake up every time I go to sleep. I want to find her." Want.

"Ookay, initiate phase one: sleep with the intention of entering the eversleep." Alexis, of course. 

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