Please keep Haunting Me | Swe...

By Horroryas

19.5K 536 297

My 3rd Sweeney Todd fanfiction. All in the timeline of the movie! The past, Present and future! Past: Story 1... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Toby vs. Mrs. Lovett

Part 9

841 25 18
By Horroryas

His look was shocked and confused, "who are you? What will you do to me? - I told you I'm innocent!"

My look was hard. I looked at him with disbelief.

"You've got your proof Ella" Edward whispered. But my eyes were fixed on the impersonator of Sweeney Todd. Ed was right. I was going insane.

I nodded, "I'll move out in the morning"
"Thank you... take him away!" Ed exclaimed.

The impersonator looked at me with worry and confusion again.

"Oh quit acting - we know what you did and who you are!" Edward hissed to the man.
The man took a glance at Edward.
"How do you know, when I myself don't..." the man replied with a discusted voice towards Edward.

Other police officers came to drag the impersonator away.

"Wait!" I exclaimed.
Everyone froze and looked at me.
"What is your real name?" I whispered to the impersonator while avoiding eye contact.
Everyone looked back at the man.
"John....Depp" he replied with confused anger.
(Sorry I just couldn't think of a name)

I nodded almost invisibly.
They took the man - John away, and I was left with Edward standing all alone.

"Ella... do not worry. I know of a place where you could live in. It's as far away from Fleet Street as possible." He whispered.
I nodded, "thank you"
I looked back up to the empty bars then turned around to leave with Ed following me.


When I came back home, I noticed that everything was cleared up. No broken chairs or glass on the floor. Another proof that I was in fact going insane.

I walked towards the old counter and leaned against it.

"They put people to pies..." I chucked silently to myself.
"They put people to pies..."

"What's that dear?" I heard the amusing Mrs. Lovett's voice creak behind me. I didn't turn around. My eyes were glued to the concrete floor and I stared. Ignoring Mrs. Lovett like she does not exist.
She sigh, and then walked around the counter to face me. I did not look at her.
"I'm sorry, love..." she whispered.
"I'm sorry for not treating you welcomly. But... I must be honest dear.... I was.... I am.... I was jelous."
She looked down shamelessly and I looked up at her. Her expression was sad.
"You see... I.... I am fond of Mr. Todd.... and seeing him like you.... just.... teared me apart.... you know what I mean?"
I nodded.... then quickly shook my head... I'm not taking anything from this impersonator.
"B*tch.... I'm not taking in your sh*t... you're a f*ck*ng impersonator, and Mrs. Lovett died like 50 f*ck*ng years ago. She was f*ck*ng burned alive in her own damn furnace by Sweeney Todd himself, so get out of this house before I seriously call the f*ck*ng police." I said calmly and agressivelly all at once.

She looked shocked at me. Her mouth open to comment but she didn't even know what to say. She looked down.
"Follow me..." she whispered ready to leave the room but instead I declined the offer, "No! Just get out!"

"If ya really think I'm a impersonator, follow me!" She hissed with a commanding look on her face.

I clenched my hands and jaw and followed her with thunder rushing inside me, ready to explode.

I followed her to a door that faced the ground slightly. The basement.

Although this was my house, I never really went to the basement before. I never had the time or the need to go there.

She carefully opened the doors and went through the door down. I hesitantly followed her.

The basement was dark and cold. She picked up a candle from the floor and lit it up with nothing but her hands. She turned around and faced me. "You sure you want me to leave?"
I nodded carefully.
"The problem is that I can't. Even if I wanted to. Mr. T left because he was freed. He was freed from his purpose of haunting this place. But I can't. I can't now because he left. My purpose was to be with Mr. T as he promised.... to live by the sea.... married.... but now I can't ya see. I'm stuck here because of him. He's in heaven already... o-or hell in other circumstances... but he's free... and now I never will be."
I rolled my eyes, "wow, you're a really good actress you know! - how about you leave this place and start working on a TV show? Or a movie? Perhaps a play? Or even a musical?!"

Suddenly the furnace lit up with dangerously roaring fire. It became boiling hot. A smell of rotting flesh has finally filled my lungs and I started to choke.

"I'm not messing around Ms. Cincere. I'm telling the truth!"

"I find it hard to believe" I chocked out.

Her face was serious and suddenly, she turned around, facing the furnace.
She stared marching towards it rapidly.
"Wait!" I exclaimed but before she could hear me she jumped inside the furnace's burning flames.
She looked emotionless as she turned around to face me.
Suddenly her body turned into ash and it fell down to the flames.
The flames enstinquished quickly, leaving me in complete darkness.

"I'll leave you alone. But I can't ever leave the house" a voice whispered in my ear.

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