Midnight With My Alpha Mate

By Jnhawkins1312

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Book one in the Legendary Lunas series. Completed. ****************************************** He moved as qui... More

Chapter 1: Beginnings
Chapter 2 Alpha Boy
Chapter 3 Wolfie Mysteries
Chapter 4 part 1 Play with Me?
Chapter 4 part 2 The New kid
Chapter 5 part 1 Blushing Madness
Chapter 5 part 2 Soaking Strangers
Chapter 6 Mysterious Messenger
Chapter 7 part 1 Free Day
Chapter 7 part 2 Madness
Chapter 8 part 1 Anger Management
Chapter 8 part 2 Avoidance
Chapter 9 Quiet Place
Chapter 10 part 1 Rogues
Chapter 10 part 2 Deathly Conflict
Chapter 11 Painful Pleas
Chapter 12 part 1 Breakfast
Chapter 12 part 2 Broken
Chapter 13 part 1 Shell of Lies
Chapter 13 part 2 Wildest Nightmare
Chapter 14 part 1 Alone
Chapter 14 part 2 New Enemies
Chapter 15 Alpha?
Chapter 16 part 1 The Crew
Chapter 16 part 2 Origin Story
Chapter 17 part 1 Escape
Chapter 17 part 2 New Friends
Chapter 18 part 1 Shopping
Chapter 18 part 2 Motherly Instinct
Chapter 19 part 1 Stars and Wolves
Chapter 19 part 2 Realization
Chapter 20 Escape From Paradise
Chapter 21 part 1 Blue moon Magic
Chapter 21 part 2 A Show
Chapter 22 part 1 Volunteer
Chapter 22 part 2 An Example
Chapter 23 part 1 Lake Party
Chapter 23 part 2 Taken
Chapter 24 part 1 The Enemy
Chapter 24 part 2 Father Where Art Thou?
Chapter 25 part 1 Lead me
Chapter 25 part 2 Fake it Till You make It
Chapter 26 part 1 I'll Protect you
Chapter 26 part 2 The Great One
Chapter 27 part 1 The Prophecy
Chapter 27 part 2 Great Just Great
Chapter 28 Tracking
Chapter 29: Dear Future Victim
Till Death Do We Part
Princess Forever
Awakened Sleeping Beauty
Author's Announcement

Battle Ready

7.2K 232 25
By Jnhawkins1312

After two days straight of rigorously training, John had agreed to give me a bit of a break. By making me run all the way to the top of a near by hill and have a decent lunch. When he said break, I ran back into my room and changed into a white sumer dress. Then he told me what he actually meant. Apparently hiking is considered a "break" to John.

Training with John these past couple days has been great, in all honesty. I mean, not only does he know what he is talking about because he's a shaman. He is kind, and Linda is here to help me learn too.
The older couple have been like the parents I never had, honestly. They care about my safety, always telling me to take a break when all I want to do is keep going till I get more hurt.

Now here I am, battle ready, and prepared for the worst. John says he feels that the people hunting me are close. Very close. I feel it too. Inside I feel this pull, a pull of darkness I guess. Whatever it is, it's close.

I finish my lunch and stretch, taking in the sweet oak wood air. Soft green grass surrounding me as I pull my legs up to my chest one at a time to loosen them. After stretching myself out, I run all the way back to the cabin.
As the cabin I've been staying in for the past few days, the home of my dear friends, comes into view. I gasp, large flames stretching their long raging arms out of the burning cabin. I fall to my knees with a cry, the dark ashes, like flurries of death, floating in the air.

Tears roll down my ash stained cheeks as I stare in horror. Figures emerge from the ashes, like avenging angles. I quickly rush and dive behind a tree. I gasp for air as I try to stop the tears. Anger. Hot raging fire running through my veins. I summon all the water and air around me as I stand.

Turning to face the enemy and the burning cabin, I reach out for everything surrounding me. I feel my eyes, burning a raging fire of their own, turn blue as the ocean, as I feel the earth below me rumble. Shaking with power, I summon all the water I can and surge it to the burning cabin. A huge tidal wave of liquid surging to the mass of fiery flames.

*******†***Payton's POV******†******
I stare with a hungry gaze, as my men light the cabin on fire. A huge ghastly flame surging up into the smoke filled air. I smile as ash rains down to the earth.
I personally questioned the elderly couple. They wouldn't tell me anything, they acted as if I couldn't smell her scent all over the cabin. So I shoved them outside and made them watch as I burn down their kingdom.
The old man seems to be a shaman of some sort. The older woman seems pretty normal to me. Other than the few unholy words they called me, they seem pretty harmless.

"Alpha Thomas. We found something." Chase, now my main resource. 
"What is it?" I snap. They better have found Katherine. I've been without her for too long. Besides, I hate my conversion with Sergio Mora. He seems to just be insane. He doesn't really seem to be all there. He acts like I would actually let him have Katherine ever. I only agreed to this whole crazy plan, because I needed the help getting her.

Chase leads me to a small grassy area. Spray painted circles and targets littered the grass. Katherine's scent laid heavily here.
"Even when on the run, she keeps in shape." I chuckle a little at my little flower. That's one of my nicknames for Katherine. She hates it. Considering she is anything but small and harmless.

Chase and the others chuckle a little too. The twins didn't want to come. After our last fruitless efforts to find her, they couldn't take it anymore and decided to go home in solace. It was kinda sad. I love my pack so much, we're a huge family. When the pack discovered Katherine's disappearance, everyone was so upset. Their beloved Katherine, gone. I had no trouble finding people to search for her.

Suddenly the ground began to shake. Hard, violent shakes of rage. My men and I tumbling to the quaking earth. How can there be an earthquake here?! There are no earthquakes in Indiana.
The older couple wore grins of mischievousness. Almost as if they know what's going on.
"What is this shaman? What's going on?!" I shriek as another tremble of the earth shook.

"You will be no more Thomas man. I knew your father. An awful mate, an awful father, an even worse alpha. I'm glad he's dead. I met your poor mother too. Knew her for years." He spat.
Rage sharp and hot spread through my veins. "My father does not concern me. What he did to you is his business. He was a person I try to be every day. Do not speak of my mother. She was a cowered. Killing herself was not the answer!" I shout as his words sunk in.

He stares sadly at me as the ground shook again and everyone looked up. Seemingly floating midair, stood my flower. Katherine.
Her beautiful blue green eyes, now a deep pacific ocean blue. She wore a long white dress that flowed around he long legs, her golden hair outshining even the sun, electricity cackled up and down her long outstretched arms. A goddess amongst mortals.
*************Michael's POV**********
My men and I snuck around the burning cabin. We had seen and smelled the smoke. I had decided to follow it and figure out what was going on.
I slid against the cool boulder slowly. Signaling my pack members over to me, I look over the boulder and see Alpha Thomas talking to some older couple. What in the world is he doing?
The ground beneath my feet shuddered and shook powerfully. Gasping my pack and I crumpled to the forest floor. Earthquakes don't happen in Indiana. My pack and I shared confused glances. I crawled up the smooth boulder to get a better view of the alpha.

Alpha Thomas was yelling something at the old man as the ground shook violently. Suddenly everyone turned and stared amazed. I look over to what everyone else was staring at. I gasp in awe. My beautiful mate is basically floating on a large brown boulder. Her eyes the most beautiful blue I've ever seen. She wore a long, flowy, white summer dress. It flowed around her long tan legs. Electricity spiraling up and down her arms powerfully. Her golden hair, seemingly floating on its own, outshining even the bright sun.

Payton turned to stare at her, his eyes full of want and hope. She's my mate, not his, he can't look at her like that. I stood to give that mutt a piece of my mind, but the earth shook violently again and I tumbled back behind the boulder.
I shot up to run to Katherine and save her. I mean "Alpha Thomas" doesn't seem to plan to get her back to me, her real mate. Obviously he isn't in love with her. She's my mate, I feel awful all the years of tripping her in the halls, shoving her around, watching others hit her around. I feel even worse for rejecting her. I mean, I'm not to blame for most of the abuse from the others, I feel bad for what I did.

Memories of an adorable little golden haired girl, running up to me and hugging me. I've always known she is my mate. I've just been so afraid, afraid of what others will think and say, what if I can't be who she wants, who she needs.
I'm here for her now, though, and I will not leave her again. I promise to love her like I should have, instead of rejecting her. I will respect her and in return she'll raise my pups and we'll happy for once. Payton can't give her that. Sergio has to be behind this whole charade.

****†****†***Sergio POV******†*****†
I followed Payton to the cabin and watched as he burned it to the ground. Katherine's scent is heavy here. My wolf excitedly pacing in my head, excited with the prospect of finally seeing Katherine again. I miss her too honestly, her smile, her laugh, the way she protects everyone she cares about , no matter what.

I decided to hide with my rogues in the woods till Katherine is in sight. The only problem with that plan, is that Katherine is in sight. She just happens to be floating, and seemingly very mad. I decided to stay away, considering she did escape me when I kidnapped her, even though I'm dying to see her and touch her.

Payton or "Alpha Thomas" as he tries to make me call him, thinks I am willing to share my love. In reality Katherine is mine. I don't share, and when the time comes I'll just let her chose who she wants. Payton, or me. I have faith in her, considering I actually love her. Payton doesn't actually love her.

*****†*****Katherine's POV*†*****†**
Taking notice to payton my heart dropped. Why is he here? He's in danger, doesn't he see the burning cabin behind him?

My heart stopped and so did the burning in my veins. Of course he isn't worried. He's the one who set the fire. He must think John and Linda kidnapped me.
That isn't an excuse to burn down their cabin. How did he even find me.

John said the threat wasn't alone, what if Payton is the threat. I mean, if he hadn't meant harm he wouldn't have burned down the cabin. I know he has his men somewhere too.
Wait where are John and Linda?! He must have taken them out before lighting up the place. He isn't that ruthless.

I send a tidal wave, surging to the burning cabin. The cabin flames, big and powerful, scaled down to small torches here and there. I smile and look for John and Linda, finding them on the ground at Payton's feet.
"Leave them alone." I shout to Payton.

Dazed and surprised, Payton starts towards me. I send an air funnel towards him, to hold him back, as I float down and step off my massive rock.
Once on the ground, I start toward John and Linda, ignoring Payton. His men ran to me, as if they were to attack, and I  just penned them back with my powers.

I finally reach John and Linda and I help them up, cutting their restraints. Linda hugs me and tells me to be careful.
"I must fight alone. Isn't that what the prophecy said?" I inquire.
John looks down,"Well that's what we told you. We needed you to fight hard. Train harder than you would think, knowing you had others fighting with you. Actually your men are already here. Hiding in those bushes and your co-leader or if you prefer, your mate, is behind that boulder." He points to a large gray boulder to my right.

Two beautiful eyes peering over the boulder at me. They disappear as he ducks to hide, thinking I haven't seen him yet. I raise my eyebrows as I stalk over to them. I peer behind the boulder and hold back a laugh.
Michael is slowly crawling away, apparently he thinks that would save him.
I smile a little and lean against the rock, my powers still holding Payton and his men back.
"Well well well. Lookie who we got here. Little Michael Ryder, alpha of the worst pack ever." I chuckle.
He freezes and looks back at me. He jumps up and hugs me tightly, laying his chin on the top of my head. It was almost sweet, but I realise now that, this is who John was talking about. Michael and his men are my army.
I don't know if Michael can know that I have already forgiven him. If he finds out then, the trickery game is over.

I push away from him as he starts running his hands through my soft locks of hair.
"Katherine what's going on, why can you do that?" He asks, absentmindedly running his fingers in my hair.
"Ever heard of, The Prophecy? The prophecy of the white wolf? That's me. I'm the white wolf destined to defeat a dark force." I state annoyed.
"The dark force that's supposedly against our entire race? Yeah I know the legend. Katherine you don't have to be this if you don't want to." He murmurs deeply, affectionately.

I back away,"Yes I do. I have to do this
No one else can do this. I have extraordinary powers Michael, I can't just ignore my destiny because you want me safe." I say defiantly and use one of Payton's men as an example.
I pull him to me with my powers and look over at Michael's surprised face.
I lift the pack member in the air and twirl him a little. I smirk as I lower him to the ground and hold him in place.
"As you can see, I don't need you or your men here to assist me in taking Payton to the council." The council is where werewolf prisoners go to have their sentence decided.
The prophecy stated that I am to kill him, but I am not that kind of person. I don't just kill people. Especially when I still love that person. I think I still love him, considering he did just try to kill my friends, I'm not exactly sure.

He didn't come all the way here and burn down a cabin for good intentions. He has to be the evil the prophecy was talking about. Making Sergio the other evil.
"I don't think taking him to the Council is the best idea." Michael murmured looking at Payton.
"Well why n-" An arrow flies past michael and sinks into the chest of one of his men.

The man gives a gurgled cry of pain before sinking to the ground.
"Everyone prepare yourselves for battle they're are more than we thought!" Michael cries as rouges pour into the clearing, shrieks of battle filling the air as Michaels men shift and howl. Both sides charge towards each other, one just as fierce as the other.

I look over to Payton as he smirks and watches the battle begin.

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