Broken || Harry styles

By Cynical1dx

642K 14.2K 3.7K

“Someone once told me to be careful when trying to fix a broken person for you may cut yourself of the shatte... More

Broken - Harry Styles
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Im sorry!
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Q & A
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter turdyseven
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
im sorry

Chapter 6

17.9K 395 33
By Cynical1dx

Harry's P.O.V

My racing thoughts have kept me awake for the past hour; every single one of them revolves around Melody. She's so secretive. She refuses to put any kind of trust in me, she doesn't let me get to know her, she won't even answer simple questions. She tenses up at the mention of her family, she flinches away from me whenever I try to touch her, and she's really jumpy sometimes. Those are usually the signs of people who have been abused, or something to that affect. That would explain why her body was in such bad shape that day. Was she beaten to the point that she had to be hospitalized?

My heart breaks at the thought of someone ever intentionally hurting her, the amount of blood and bruises, and lack of water and food tells me that she wasn't just abused but neglected. How the fuck could someone be so heartless is to beat and neglect their own child?

All these crazy scenarios are playing out in my head, making me even more upset. I try to calm myself down because I don't even know what actually happened to her, with every deep breath, slowly my breathing start to become even until I felt my conciousness ebbing away, and all my thoughts slowly fading away as I let my mind slip into unconscious.

My mind is fuzzy, the last remnants of a dream being chased away by the realisation that I am awake again. I had a nice dream but the details are fading fast even as I try to recall them. With a mental sigh I allow my brain to focus and cautiously open one eye. The bright fall sunlight cuts the room in half and I see dust-motes dancing in the wall of light. I pull the duvet up over my head to keep it out. It's not going to work, my brain is awake now and already worrying about Melody. With another mental sigh, I pull the duvet back exposing my bare chest to the fidget air goosebumps arise on my skin immediately.

Once I get out of bed, I walk to my dresser pulling out a plain black T-Shirt, putting it on while walking over to the bathroom across from my room. I run my fingers through my mop of curls before washing my face, then brushing my teeth. I flick the bathroom light off and head to the living room.

"Morning Mel-" I stop myself when my gaze falls on the neatly folded clothes and blanket I let her borrow at the edge of the couch.

"Melody?" Panic sets in my tone. I turn on my heel to go back down the hallway checking all the rooms.

Déjà vu

"Melody!" I call out once again before I make my way back into the living room. She wouldn't just leave and not tell me, would she? I already knew the answer to that, since that's exactly what she did. Maybe she had something she needed to do? I sigh, running my hands up and down my face.

I force her out of my mind, and decide to start getting ready for my day.


"You're total is $198.53" the cashier says with a smile. I decided to go out and get my shopping out of the way, and to clear my mind. I nod getting my wallet from my back pocket, pulling out my twenty-dollar-bills. "That should be $200" I say, she nods grabbing the twenties counting them for herself. "This is only $140, sir" I look at her confused, I'm pretty sure I took out $200 from the bank yesterday. "Oh-uh sorry, here," I say handing her my credit card taking back my money. After I paid, I bagged my groceries, and made my way to my car.


I make 3 trips to the car, getting my groceries, and taking them back in the house. As soon as I'm done I make myself a cup of tea, taking a seat on the couch, and I turn on the Telly. My mind drifts off. I'm still confused about my money. I could of sworn I had two hundred yesterday. Maybe I spent it? No, I didn't. I took it out specifically for grocery shopping, like I do every month. Where did it go? Maybe it's in the between the couch cushions since that's where I found my wallet this morning, it must of fallen out last night when I was talking to Melody.

Melody.. Did she take it? She wouldn't. Would she? I shake my head to rid of my ridiculous thoughts. I resume my search for the money checking between each couch cushion; still no luck.

My mind drifts back to Melody. Why would she steal from me? Did she even take it? Of course she did. That's why she fled before I woke up.

My pulse speeds up, my breathing becomes very shallow, and my muscles grow tense. I felt my temperature rising, I could almost feel the blood boiling in my veins.

She fucking stole from me. Why? All I ever did was fucking help her and she stole from me? I'm beyond livid right now. How could she even have the audacity to do that? I've been nothing but damn nice to her and she fucking steals from me?


Melody's P.O.V

The bell rings, as soon as the door swings open revealing a livid Harry. His eyes immediately land on mine.
His normally calm and pleasant demeanor slowly changed and his face contorted in an all - consuming anger; his nostrils flaring, his eyes flashing and closing into slits, his mouth quivering and drooling, His usual shining emerald eyes had twisted into a dark and gloomy black. His hands fisted in rage.

His intense glaze sent goosebumps all over my body. My guilt has been eating me alive, literally since yesterday. I feel like a selfish jerk. I am a selfish jerk. The only thing I could do is continue to stare at him, even though that's the last thing I wanted to do, but I just couldn't bring myself to look away.

I'm snapped out of my trance as I see him making his was over to me. "Get up now," he says through clenched teeth. I can tell he's trying his best to keep calm. I'm again knocked back into reality by him practically dragging me out of the class ignoring Mrs.McElroy's shouts.

Before my mind can catch up to what's happening I'm slammed into a wall, knocking the breath out of me. I gasp at the sudden impact, my breathing quickens and my heart rate speeds up as I realize how close we are he's face a merely a couple of inches from mine. I can hear his ridged shallow deep breaths. His hot breath fanning across my face sending chills through my body.

"You stole from me," he whispers. "You stole from me!" He says, again but the time louder with more aggression. My mouth is screwed closed, I can't seem to muster up any words, I need to tell him how incredibly sorry I am, and that I will pay him back but instead I stand there on mute.

"Say something! Why would you fucking steal from me?!" He's now shouting backing up a few steps. "MELODY!" He warns when I didn't speak up.

"I-I needed it, I'm so so sorry Harry. I shouldn't if took it," "Damn fucking right you shouldn't of took it." He cuts me off. I nod letting him know that he's right.

"I'll p-pay you back," I say, wiping the tears that I didn't know have left my eyes.

"I don't give a fuck about the money, Melody! Why would you steal from me? Why did you just leave? Why didn't you just ask?I need answers, and you will give them to me. I'm taking you somewhere after school, meet me in the front." With that being said he walks away. Leaving me in the middle of the hallway by myself, tears soaking my cheeks.

I'm not ready for after school, but i need to go. I don't want to tell him anything. And I'm not, I can't. But the least I can do is just go with him. After I gather myself, and gain enough strength I make my way back into the classroom.




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