These Awkward Moments

Von reedus_junkie

85.8K 3.1K 591

Daryl Dixon has faced a lot since the world changed and this has resulted in even greater change in his own l... Mehr

Chapter 1 New Comers
Chapter 2 Supply Run
Chapter 3 First Time Ever
Chapter 4 Defensive Moves
Chapter 5 Hilltop
Chapter 6 The Fight
Chapter 7 The Last Stand
Chapter 8 Community Dinner
Chapter 9 Sparks
Chapter 10 Courting
Chapter 11 In Between
Chapter 12 Building
Chapter 13 The Picnic
Chapter 14 It's a Long Story
Chapter 15 Guy Talk
Chapter 16 Revelation
Chapter 17 Let's Be Clear
Chapter 18 The Rest of the Story
Chapter 19 Choices
Chapter 20 Outside
Chapter 21 Saviors
Chapter 22 The Wait
Chapter 23 Blessed
Chapter 24 Closer
Chapter 25 Family
Chapter 26 The Meeting
Chapter 27 A New/Old Tradition
Chapter 28 Holding you
Chapter 29 At Last
Chapter 30 The Cabin
Chapter 31 Come Away With Me
Chapter 32 Growth
Chapter 33 New Home, New Friends
Chapter 34 Ties That Bind
Chapter 36 Chupacabra The Sequel
Chapter 37 Confirmation
Chapter 38 Delivery
Chapter 39 Back to Hilltop
Chapter 40 Going Public
Chapter 41 The Kingdom
Chapter 42 Taken
Chapter 43 Dreams
Chapter 44 Hidden
Chapter 45 Recovery
Chapter 46 Dumb Redneck Luck
Chapter 47 The Calm
Chapter 48 Unexpected
Chapter 49 Introductions
Chapter 50 Declaration
Chapter 51 Found
Chapter 52 Decisions
Chapter 53 Heart to Heart
Chapter 54 No Regrets
Chapter 55 Worries
Chapter 56 The Farm
Chapter 57 Dry
Chapter 58 Wings
Chapter 59 Loving
Chapter 60 Imminent Threat
Chapter 61 The Roundup
Chapter 62 Patience
Chapter 63 The Search
Part 64 Trapped
Part 65 Home
Part 66 The Nerves
Part 67 Balancing Act
Part 68 Suspicion
Part 69 The Warning
Part 70 Promises
Part 71 Into the Fire
Part 72 The Offer
Part 73 Life
Part 74 Moving On

Chapter 35 Misconception

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Von reedus_junkie

Four months later
Delilah's POV
I got over my embarrassment about being overheard in the throes of passion fairly quickly. Kenny and John began to join Carlos and Billy on a regular basis coming to Alexandria for band practice. I joined them occasionally to go over a song or two, but tried to make certain that Daryl was around when I sang with them, just out of respect for his feelings about Kenny. To their credit, Kenny and John hadn't really said anything about the incident, and Kenny seemed to have backed away from his blatant flirtation.

We traveled twice a month to the Kingdom and the Hilltop to entertain after dinner. This always involved an overnight stay because we didn't like to travel back home after dark. I really enjoyed the opportunity to go beyond the walls of Alexandria on a regular basis. The roads continued to grow safer as our regular patrols had greatly reduced the number of walkers that entered the area.

The time was approaching when gasoline would become too scarce to use except for dire emergencies. The communities had already begun to band together to breed and raise horses in preparation. But at this point we were still using cars for most travel. Today we were headed to the Hilltop for a visit. Roe and I rode with Kenny, John, and Max in the truck while Daryl was ahead of us on his motorcycle. Carlos and Billy brought up the rear in their car.

Maggie came to greet us as the men unloaded bags and instruments from the back of the truck. "We're so glad y'all are back! Everyone has been lookin' forward ta hearin' y'all play again since the last time ya came through." She hugged me past her large belly.

"Oh my goodness! Look how your baby has grown!" My hand automatically started towards her bump, but I hesitated remembering that not every woman liked for her belly to be public property. "Sorry, I forget that I'm not your doctor. It's an automatic assessment to palpate the fundus..." I shrugged.

Maggie laughed and reached out for my hand placing it on her belly. "I get it Delilah. If it was anyone but you I'd probably smack 'em."

She was due any day, which was the major reason I had wanted to schedule this trip at this time. I felt her fundus, making certain it was a butt and not a head that bounced back against my hand. I smiled at her. "Perfect position. Have you been having any Braxton-Hicks contractions?"

She rolled her eyes. "Oh my Lord, yes! I haven't gotten much sleep for the last week because of it. Dr. Carson did an ultrasound yesterday to confirm that the head was down. It still amazes me that y'all can tell just by touchin' the top of my belly."

I smiled at her. "Yeah, you never forget the feelin' the first time you feel a head bounce
back on yer hand. It just feels... wrong."

We giggled and walked towards the main house arm in arm. Carlos and Billy walked just ahead of us carrying some bags. She had put me, Daryl, Roe, Max, and Mercy in a guest trailer. The others were all staying in spare rooms inside Barrington House. I was carrying Mercy on my hip with the sling under her butt for support. She was getting too big and active to keep her strapped to my back for very long.

Maggie patted Mercy on her back. "So how is life with a toddler?"

I rolled my eyes. "Busy as all get out! This one is into everything! And to top it all off she's a climber and has no fear of fallin'. Daryl and Max only make things worse and encourage the little minx. It's like livin' inside a three ring circus!"

Maggie laughed. I had confided in her at our last get together that Daryl and I were hoping to get pregnant again soon. "Girl! And you're crazy enough ta want another one!"

I laughed along with her. "Yup! Absolutely! As nerve rackin' as it is, bein' a mama is the best thing I've ever done in my life. Daryl and I both can't wait for more."

I looked over my shoulder at Daryl. He had been watching Maggie and I walk and laugh ahead of him. He smiled into my eyes as he shook his hair to the side. He still took my breath away several times a day with the simplest actions.

"And what about life with a teenager? How is Max settling in?"

My smile grew. "He's actually doin' great. He's a super sweet kid. I've really been impressed with how easy goin' he is for a teenager. He sorta fits right in, and he follows Daryl everywhere like a shadow."

The men took care of delivering bags to the rooms we would be in. We wouldn't bother unpacking completely as we would likely only be here overnight. We headed to the covered seating area for lunch and quickly caught up with our friends from this community. Daryl had his arm draped around my waist and I leaned against him comfortably. It felt so good to have his body to lean into for support.

I leaned back and whispered in his ear. "Have I told ya lately how much I love you."

He smiled and whispered back. "Not since this mornin' when I was lovin' that hot body. I love you too Doc." He dropped his mouth and nibbled on my neck as I giggled.

I had been wearing my hair down a lot lately to help hide the love bite marks that frequently covered my neck. Roe teased that it was like living with a couple of teenagers. Daryl was currently sporting a large retaliation hickey at the base of his neck near his collarbone that was mostly, but not completely, covered by clothing.

Jesus spotted us and headed towards our table with a huge smile on his face and I stood to greet him. "Hey there! How's the most gorgeous doctor is the world? You look absolutely radiant! Married life must be agreeing with you." He lifted me off my feet in a hug.

I laughed and hugged him back. "I'm doing great. Married life agrees with me very much thank you. I highly recommend it! How is the most fabulously pretty person I've ever met?" I lowered my voice. "Any news on the relationship front?"

He shook his head, put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close to whisper in my ear. "Nah, I think I'm doomed to the single life Delilah. But that's ok, as long as I get to flirt with you and drive your husband crazy with jealousy." He nuzzled his face into my neck tickling me with his facial hair.

I giggled and pulled back to look at him. "Why exactly is it that you delight in that particular activity?"

He leaned in closely again. "Oh I don't just delight in it, I live for it! Who knows, maybe it's my way of getting back at Daryl for being straight and being so damn sexy?"

I laughed and pretended to smack his shoulder. "Stop!" I glanced over at Daryl who was sitting at the table watching John and Kenny pass Mercy back and forth. He turned to look at the source of my laughter and scowled slightly.

Jesus put his hand on his shoulder as if I had wounded him grievously. "Ow! Now you owe me a sparring session. Were you planning a poomsae this afternoon?"

I nodded. "Yes. We should have plenty of time between lunch and warm up before dinner. And I'd love to have someone to work with. I've missed training with you."

He smiled and touched my nose. "It's a date then."

I turned back to the table just as Kenny was raising Mercy to pass her across the table to Daryl. As he lifted her a plate of food caught on her side and spilled onto her dress. Kenny stood up quickly. "I'm sorry. I didn't see how close to the edge that was. The food wasn't hot." He tried to brush the worst of the spill off. Daryl reached across the table and Kenny passed the baby to him. "That's ok Kenny. I got her."

Daryl walked past me and put his hand to my waist before kissing my cheek. "Gonna go change baby girl. Be back in a few."

"You sure darlin'? I could change her." I called.

He threw up a hand. "'At's aw'ight Doc. I got it."

I sat back down at the table, rejoining the group. Maggie and I were engrossed in a discussion about labor when Daryl returned. He set Mercy in my lap, then continued walking past without saying anything else. That was unusually quiet even for Daryl. He walked towards the truck and started pulling some equipment from the back. I turned back to finish my conversation with Maggie, but kept one eye on Daryl

Maggie's attention also turned to Daryl and we both stopped our conversation. Daryl had slung his crossbow onto his back and was holstering his handgun as he walked towards the gate. I stood and took a few steps towards him, but he was outside before I could get within calling distance. He hadn't told me about any plans to go hunting today, and it wasn't like him to leave without saying anything.

I turned around to see Maggie watching me and shrugged. Max looked at me concerned and I managed a weak smile. I sat back down with Mercy and tried to rejoin the conversations around the table, but I was too distracted. I asked Roe if he could watch Mercy while I trained with Jesus.

My heart wasn't really into the poomsae or the sparring that day. Jesus finally pulled me to him. "What's up Delilah? Your heart and your head are in two different places since we talked at lunch time."

I told him about Daryl's strange behavior. "Maybe he just needed some open space to clear his head? Knowing Daryl it could be a million different weird reasons, but you won't know until he gets back and you can talk to him yourself. In the meantime, why are you beating yourself up worrying over something you can't control?"

I nodded and tried to pull myself back into the work-out. I didn't get the opportunity to spar with someone with a similar style as mine often. Jesus was the only one who used many of the same techniques I used. Morgan's aikido was very different. A small crowd started to gather around to watch us, including several children.

We finished our training session and I returned to the trailer hoping to find Daryl had returned. Roe was there playing on the floor with Mercy. I glanced around the small trailer. "No Lila girl. He ain't come back yet."

I lowered my head, and he looked at me sympathetically. "Any idea at all what made him take off without sayin' anything?"

I shook my head. "No. The only thing I can figure was that he got mad about me talkin' ta Jesus, but that just don't make any sense at all. I mean, there surely isn't a reason ta be jealous a me bein' friends with a gay man, right?"

Roe shook his head. "I dunno girl. No tellin' what's goin' on in that head a his unless he starts talkin'."

I nodded. "I know, but that's pretty hard ta do if he just walks away and doesn't tell me what's got him all broody. What if he doesn't come back tonight? Please Roe, can you go see if you can track him down?"

Roe shrugged, then nodded. "Yeah, I'll go see what I can find. But you know better'n I do that if Daryl don't wanna be found I won't be able ta track him."

I nodded. Roe readied a pack and his weapons. I picked up Mercy and began to nurse her. There was a knock on the door and Roe opened it to see Jesus standing there. "Hey what's up?

Jesus shrugged. "I was just a little bugged by how upset Delilah was about Daryl. Just wanted to know if there was anything I could do?"

"Not unless ya wanna go with me ta try'n track him down in the woods." Roe bent over and kissed my forehead. "Tell the guys I'll try ta be back before dinner. You stay calm and don't do anything stupid."

Jesus looked at him. "Give me two minutes to grab my things. I'm going with you." He kissed me on the forehead too and took off after my brother.

I sat alone in the trailer feeding the baby. Max was out visiting with friends. The other guys were all socializing while they waited for dinner time. I felt a tear roll down my face. I dashed it away with my hand and scolded myself for giving in to a pity party. I felt as if this day had exhausted me.

I moved to the bed with Mercy. As I continued feeding her I felt hot tears slip down my cheeks. I knew it wasn't logical. I told myself I was overreacting, but I couldn't stop the tears. I closed my eyes to rest for a few minutes.

I woke up a couple of hours later to loud knocking on the trailer door. Mercy startled awake and started fussing. I picked her up and headed to the door. Kenny was waiting there for me to answer. "Where is everyone? It's time for rehearsal."

I ran a hand through my hair and knew that my eyes were probably puffy from crying myself to sleep. "Oh. Sorry. Roe went out lookin' for Daryl. I musta fallin' asleep. Roe's not back yet?"

Kenny shook his head. "Nah, I hadn't seen him. Where'd Daryl go?"

I shrugged. "I dunno. He came here and changed Mercy, then when he brought her back to me he just grabbed his bow and took off."

Kenny put his hands on his hips and nodded. "Prolly just took off huntin'. He do this a lot?"

"No! Never. At least, not since we've been together. He always tells me where he's goin' and when he'll be back. I was worried and talked Roe in ta goin' after him. Jesus went too."

Kenny looked at me up and down. "You ok Delilah? Ya look a bit... off."

I shrugged. "I thought I was just really tired. But ta be honest, I really don't feel well at all. Maybe I should drop by and check in with Dr. Carson just ta be sure."

Kenny nodded. "Ya want me ta look after Mercy while ya go see the doc?"

I nodded and smiled at him. "That would be really nice actually. It should only take a couple of minutes. You don't mind?"

He shrugged. "Nah, I don't mind at all. You go."

I got cleaned up, then left and went straight to Dr. Carson's trailer. As I crossed the compound I heard someone calling my name. I turned and saw Max trotting towards me. "Hey Delilah. What's up?"

I tried to smile at him, but failed miserably. "I'm not feelin' so great, so I was just headed over ta see Dr. Carson."

He looked concerned. "Is Daryl back yet?"

I shook my head. "No. Roe and Jesus went out ta look for him, but they're not back either."

He nodded. "Well then, I should go with you."

I shook my head. "Nah baby. Ya don't gotta do that. I'm just gonna talk to the doctor."

He shook his head back. "No ma'am. I do have to. Daryl would want someone with you, and he'd have my hide if he found out that you weren't feeling well and I didn't go. I'm going."

I smiled at him at put my arm around his waist. "Ok then. Let's go."

There were three people leaving as we walked in. "Hey Delilah! It's great to see you! How've you been?"

I smiled and shook hands with Dr. Carson and introduced him to Max. "Well, I thought I was doin' pretty good until the last couple a days... now I'm not so sure."

He looked at me concerned. "We've got a flu bug running around here, but you haven't been here long enough to pick that up. What type of symptoms are you having?"

I frowned. "Well that's just it... nothing really specific. I'm fatigued. In fact I couldn't hold my eyes open this afternoon and ended up takin' a nap with Mercy. I never take naps. My head feels... fuzzy... like I just can't think straight."

He started examining me. "Any other symptoms? Fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, sore throat, congestion," I shook my head. "First date of last menstrual cycle?"

I raised an eyebrow and looked at him. "Before I got pregnant with Mercy. I haven't had a cycle since she was born, and I'm still breastfeeding."

He nodded. "What are you and Daryl using for birth control?"

I tilted my head to the side and blushed slightly to admit this in front of Max. "Ummm... nothing...we decided to go ahead and try for another baby. But I haven't had any of the symptoms I had with Mercy. No breast tenderness, no nausea or morning sickness. I haven't even had any mood swings... unless you count today when Daryl took off and I just wanted to cry."

He nodded. "You know each pregnancy is different, and you may not feel the same with other pregnancies as you did with Mercy. I don't have any pregnancy tests left. Maybe we should do an ultrasound just to be safe?"

I nodded and he had me lay down on the exam table. I hesitated to pull my shirt up. "What is it Delilah? Don't you want to know?"

I shrugged. "I guess I just feel bad that Daryl's not here ta see."

He smiled. "Tell ya what... if it's positive, you just bring Daryl, right back by here as soon as he returns and we'll let him take a peek too, ok?"

I nodded and smiled at him as I lifted my shirt and scooted my pants lower. Max moved closer and reached for my hand. Dr. Carson squirted cold gel on my belly and pulled the machine closer. The screen showed shades of gray, black, and white as the image focused through layers of tissue. "Wait!"


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