Yin And Yang Day's

By ObjectFans

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If You know "The Story About Yin and Yang" They Just Tell you About their Past that they Remamber, but on her... More

Vegetables Vs Meat
Inside Out
Brother's Day
The Grand Prix Of Objects School
Our Memories
Personality Change
Sweetie Alliances
Don't say No!
The Black Buddies Story
Yin On Mission
Big Brother Vs Little Brother
Yang one day Off
Christmas Story
The Wishing Well (Edit)
Limbs (Special)
Genius Scientist
Three Musketeers Story
The Growth Up Yin
Adventure Around the world
The Frankenstein

The Werewolf Story

920 7 952
By ObjectFans

Hai Everyone, this time in this story is from another reference from my Favorite movie, is Alvin and The Chipmunks Meet wolfman.
This story is a bit same from the movie, but I tried make it different too, so Enjoy!

Actually, you can imagine if this An objects version or a Human version.

(This story Special for you Taco_SourCream And MicWolfGirl2017 because They both like Warecat and Werewolf :3 )

The story start with When Yang is Running in the woods at night, he in aftering by a wolf and wake up from his sleep.
Yang: "WAAAHH!!"
Yin , Tune and Master Power is surprise and jumping from their bed because Yang Scream.

Yang: *Panting*
Tune: *Turn the Light on*
Yin near Yang Bed: "Now what, Yang? Vampire?"
Yang: "No... Actually, is a werewolf"
Yin: "Oh Dang it..." *Snap finger*
Tune: "I knew it~" *Tune Get the Notebook and Write* "Yin guess Yang Will have Nightmare of Vampire~ and I guess a Werewolf~" *get the Werewolf Score for Tune to Yin*
Tune: "Which is a silly dream again~" *turn off the light*
Yang: *Turn On the Light* "But,wait ..Guys.... How if we a little play now?"
Tune: *sigh* "Yang~.... It's night~"
Yang: "Okay, I can't sleep because I keep hearing the Howls all the night! It's From our Neighbor"
Yin: "Uh... Mr.Tablet?"
Yang: "Yeah! I can feel it is real! It's make me can't sleep and give a Nightmare when I sleep on the night!"

Master.Power is turn on the light of bed room.
Master: "I guess it's not, Yang.... You are always watch a horror movie every night, that's why you always get nightmare..."
Yang: "Master...? Didn't you ever see that someone is messing your backyard?"
Master: *sigh* "Yang, this is way too far, you must stop and now you all go to sleep, because School tomorrow"
Yin: *get to the bed* "Oh yeah.... School..."
Yang: "How can I to sleep...?"

Yin: *bring a bunny Doll* "Here Yang, you can have this to you"
Yang: "Oh please.... I not a kid anymore!"
Yin: "Oh...." *Walk to bed*
Yang: "Wait!" *Take the Doll*
Yin: "Good night ^ ^"
Yin and Tune get to their bed and sleep.
Master Power turn off the Light, but Yang didn't sleep. He close his eyes but he hear the Wolf Howls.

On the morning, Yang is sleepy and he almost drop the cereal, and the milk get to his face.
Master: "hurry up get breakfast Yang, you still must training for the school drama, right?"
Yang: "Huh? Oh yeah right..."
Master look at Yin.
Yin: *Have thermometer that very hot* "Uh... Master.... I think I can't go to school... I'm sick"
Master look the thermometer, he Know that Yin put it in Soup.
Master: "Hmhm, Nice try Yin, Next time don't put it in Soup"
Yin: "Oh... Okay..."
Master look at the clock.
Master: "Oh, time to go, I prepare your lunch"
Tune is the only one done eat all his cereal.

Master wait them in front the door.
Master: "Tune, for you"
Tune take his lunch with happy face and go.
Master: "And Yang, this is for You"
Yang: "No tomato and Celery ... Right?" *With still sleepy tone*
Master: "Nope"
Yang take the lunch and go.
Master: "And For You,Yin~"
Yin: "No meats in it, right?"
Master: "Yup"
Yin take the lunch and go.
And they walk together and Tune talk to Yin.
Tune: "Yin, since when don't you like Meats?"
Yin: "SinceBurrito been stealing my lunch that has egg and nuggets in it.So for now I become a Vegan or Vegetarian"
Tune: Silly me~ You wouldn't want to offend your attacker~"

Yang stop and make Yin and Tune Stop behind him. And Yang looking Mr.Tablet house.
Yang: "There's something creepy about Mr. Tablet"
Tune: "I'm sure he says the same thing about you~!" Walk leave Yang.
Yin walks follow Tune.
Yang: "Hmph! Some Buddy? Huh? Not trusting his best Buddy!"

And in somewhere else, Yang is do Acting Drama in School.
Yang: "I have injected the potion. Sweating, tachycardia, suffocation, ooooh! God!
Heaaat! Possible hypertension, I will check it, aaaaaaah! Spasms, convulsions, I feel
my body growing, I feel strong, big, hahaha big!"
The light turn Like lighting when Yang drink the potion.
Yang: *Coughing* "Test Tube! What you are do to the potion?! *Cough* Poison me?!"
Mr.Oscar: "No No No! Cut!"
Test Tube comes.

TT: "Yang, that's just Water in color....... But except is some those color have some a Substance, I think..."
Yang: !! *Coughing again* "You are almost brun my throat!"
TT: "Ahaha.... Opss"
Mr.Oscar: *sigh* "Okay! Don't care if you make over this, even weird or you must do it... But now you must can do this Drama good, and also for Yin...."
Yin get out with the Iron Paper
Mr.Oscar: "Get the Lighting sounds strongly and hit it hard and make.... You know? Blast!"
Yin: "Uh um....Yeah?"

Burrito & Gun is behind Yin.
Burrito: "Ha ha!"
Gun: "Looks who is here~?" *make his hand to fist*
Yin: "Uh!"
Gun: "you can't do anything, hm?!"
Burrito: *get Yin's Lunch* "You lucky this time, Dumb Boy...~"
Then Trophy is hit Yin's head by mop when he Mopping.
Trophy: "Ha Ha! Hahaha!" *Go Mopping somewhere else*

Yin run but bumps to a Chair when Soap are Sitting.
Yin: *grap Soap chair so she's not fall* "Sorry Soap... *Gasp*" *hide behind Soap Chair*
Gun and Burrito go away.
Soap: "Gosh Yin, can't you be a little brave?"
Yin: "I don't like to fight anyone...."
Salt is makes up her face, while Pepper have some costume.
Salt: "Hello~Like, what's that?"
Pepper: *wear her Tree costume* "Your Costume"
Salt: "What?! You mean... I'm Like.. a Tree?!"
Pepper: "I'm Like Sorry, Salt"
Salt: *run to pepper* "No! Noo!" *Thud*

Back to Yang.
Yang: "Oh Mr.Oscar! I have an idea! How if I test the potion, like a real? And I will make a real explosion!"
Mr.Oscar: "Yang....Yang! Please.... I want you become serious.... I'm very hoping to you"
Yang: *put the Madame Raya Kit* "But from this Madame Raya Kit! I promise it will be very good!"
Mr.Oscar take a coffee while Yang Put the Potion and add it randomly.
Test Tube that mopping the floor is looking Yang Put the Potion randomly.
TT: "Yang! You can't Playing with a chemical!"
Test Tube Take the Potion before he add the last potion.
Yang: "But who is become a Madness Scientist here?! You or me?!"
Yang take the potion again.
TT: "But! .... Look out!!!!" *Test Tube hiding*

[a massive explosion from Yang concoction creates a giant green mushroom cloud over the school, which can be seen from Yin-Yang and Tune house]
Master: " That looks like it's coming from the school!"
He moans and looks at the phone
Master: "Oh please don't ring! Don't ring! Don't ring!"
*the phone rings*
Master: *take the Phone On* "Hello...?"
Principal: *In angry Tone In the phone*
Master: "Okay Fine! I will come..." *Sigh*

In Principle Office.
Master: "Oh, so that's what happen...? I'm so sorry, Misses..."
Principal Star: "And Besides, I'm about to take early retirement. Oooh! Lucky me! Yang'll be somebody else's problem!"
Master: "You're retiring? Why, you don't look a day over 50?"
Principal Star: "I'm 31!"
Master: "Ooops. Heh"
Principal Star: "This is what having Yang for a student has done to me! However, now that you're here, it's "Yin" that I'm worried about"
Master: "Yin? Why?"
Principal Star bring Master Power to the Acting Room that messy with a green Goo's.
Master: *Gasp* "Oh how mess....?"
Principal Star: "Mhm..."

All Students cleaning the room, and Yin is Moping.
Trophy: *Pull Yin's Mop*
Yin: "Trophy! Let it go!Let it go!" (don't sing it!)
Trophy: "Ha ha!" *Let go*
Yin fall to a green Goo's.
Master: "Hei hei hei!!"
Master is angry but Principal is not let him.

Principal Star: "This is the problem, He always get Bullies, but he never want discuss to me"
Master: "But, He can't just like that..."
Yin is Moping again, behind the curtain, The Trio bullies is there.
Gun: *Have straw and put it the goo*
Burrito: *do the same thing like Gun*
Trophy: *ready to give them a sign to shot the Goo's to Yin*
Before they shot, Yang Cut Sand Bag Rope and fall to Trophy Legs.
Trophy: "AWW!"
Gun&Burrito get surprise and shot the Goo's to a wrong way and make them eyes get a goo: "AAH!!"
Yang: "Oh~ what's wrong? Did that goo just get you in your eyes~?" *Have a scissors in his back*
*Ba dum tiss*
Trophy: "Grr!"
And they let him alone.

Yang: *Helping Yin* "You okay Little Brother~?"
Yin: *gets up* "Yeah... Thanks Yang.... ^^"
Yin and Yang goes to the back curtain.
Principal Star: "But As a replacement, I not that give him a grounded, because He very responsible to protect his little brother"

The night, when they all going home.
Heart: "I don't get it, Yin was always the Nice one"
Tune: "What about me~?"
Cupcake: "You're the Good Listeners one"
Yang: "And me?"
Paintbrush: "[Scoffs] You're the weird one..."

They all walk together to going home, the moon is Full moon.
Soap: "Why Trophy, Burrito and Gun always just bullying you?"
Yin: "I don't know.... I think they are just hate me...
Test Tube: "Hehe... The Full moon tonight, huh?"
Milky: "Well, Full moon is Happen when...."
Paintbrush: *groans* "No no, I not want to hear anything about a Science now! My brain will come out from inside!"
Dice: "Eew... That's gross"
Lightbulb: "Don't mind It, Painty is like that since The Messing Of goo.
Paintbrush: "Yeah! And you know who is...?"
Suddenly Yang hear a foot step and he stopping.
Yang: "Do you hear that?"
Cupcake: "Hear what?"
Something is move fast.
Yang: "There!"
Yin: *shivering* "M.. Maybe.... Trophy.... Burrito and Gun...?
Heart: "I don't see anything"

Everyone didn't see anything.
Tune: "Yang~? Really~?"
Microphone: "There is nothing there, Yang"
Tune: "Yeah Yang~ that's just your imagination~"
Yang: "Maybe... (Looks his back) Maybe not?"
Tune and Yin pull Yang.

When they are going home, the fog is closing their way.
Dice: "A little Dark tonight... Isn't it?"
Paintbrush: "Well, maybe it's just this Fog"
Cupcake: "Oh good.... now the Fog is closing away..."
Microphone: "How this Fogs happen right now?"
TT: "Fogs is Happen when...."
Paintbrush: "Na ah! Remember what I say Earlier?!"
Microphone: "That's not a problem, this fog is make my Hair messy..."
Yang is suddenly stop again.
Paintbrush: *Groans* "What now?!"
Yang: "Did you guys see that?!"
Yang point the way but is gone.
Paintbrush: "Oh Yang! For the last Time, There....-!"
Before Paintbrush Finishing the words, the Growls in hear by all them.

Everyone: !!!
Yang: "MONSTER!!"
Everyone: "AAAAAAAH!!!!!"
Everyone is running to their home and scream.
Yin, Yang and Tune in their home and Yang in hurry close the door.

Master: "Hello kids, what's is going?"
Yang: "There is monster out there!! *Yang peek in peephole door* It's Scary! Furry! And Looks.... HUNGRY!!"
The door in Knock.
Yang: "AAAH!! Master! Don't open!"
Master open The door, and Mr. Tablet there.
Master: "Oh, It's just you, Mr.Tablet"
Mr.Tablet: "Good afternoon....Sir..."
Master: "You want come in?"
Mr.Tablet: "No, I just wanna say something to you, for this kids stay away from my property, and also, I keep hearing someone screaming on the night!"
Master: "Oh, that's just Yang, He has a Nightmare"
Yin and Tune Look at Yang angrily: "Hrrmmm!!"

Mr.Tablet: "And please, Make him stop it!"
Master: "Nothing to be worried, Sir... I was so sorry for him"
Yang: "And what are You doing in the night?! and how do you can hear me scream from your house that far away from us?!"
Mr.Tablet: "Uh... Your Scream is very loud!"
Yang: "Ha! That's make not any sense!"
Master: "Yang! Please...! Oh Mr.Tablet, I'm so sorry"
Mr.Tablet look at the moon is almost get seen.
Mr.Tablet: "I must to go! So! Remember! Control your kids!" *Panic*
Master: "Okay, good bye Sir..."
Before He left, he sniffing.
Mr.Tablet: "Your dinner is almost burnt..."
Master: "Oh no!" *Go in*
Mr.Tablet: "Bye...!"

Yang still look Mr.Tablet out door, but Tune close it.
Yang: "That guy creeps me up~!" *Shake hand in front Tune like the claws*

Master: *get the Lasagna from the oven* "How is he knows I make Lasagna?"
Yang: "Well! Time to go to my room!"
Yang going to upstairs, but Master stop him.
Master: "Yang! Come here!"
Yang go to Master Power.
Master: "There is something that I must say to you!"
Before he talks, the phone is ringing.
Master: *take the Phone On* "Hello?"
Is scream and make His ears almost deaf.
Master: "Oh hello Mr.Paula!" (Paintbrush Father) "What? Scream...Oh..."
The other calls is calling him.
"Master Power! What your kid do this time?!"
"Hello Mrs.Cupcake.... Uh I'm so sorry"
*Rings again*
"Hello....? Oh Hai Mrs.Heart..... Yeah I'm very sorry"

Yang is go to the Couch and there is the TV remote on it.
Tune&Yang: "I GOT IT~!"
Tune Get the remote fast.
Yang: "Hei!"
Tune: "Ha ha~!" *Turn on the TV*
The Madame Raya commercial.
Sugar Baby: "The Madame Raya~!"
Yang: "Cool! It's Madame!"
Tune: XP *turn to the other channel*
Yang take The Remote from Tune.
Tune: "Hei!" >:O
Yang: "Ha ha!"

Yang and Yin watch the Madame Raya.
SugarBaby: "Do you ever trust of a Mummy~? A Vampire~? Or a Werewolf~? Everyone thinks you are silly~? Then just get this book, Book of Madame Raya "Monster inside the book" And for the bonus, You can get this Necklace Fang, it's not do nothing, but can Refuse misfortune~"
Yin: *looks at the Necklace* "Is beauty....~"
SB: "Are This guy a Mommy? Or maybe his skins just have some radiation because of sun? Find out it all right here~ You must be 18 to call, but don't worry we don't ask!"
Yang: *Pay attention*
SB: "Because The monsters is Everywhere~ everywhere~ everywhere~"
Yang: "She is right....!"

Suddenly the TV in turn off.
Yang: "Hei!"
Yang looking for the Remote.
Yang: "Tune!"
Tune: *have remote* "Yang~? How long do you gonna stop~? That the silly thing?!"
Yang: *tried to get the remote from Tune* "But Tune! Didn't you see? She is Right! They are everywhere like Mr.Tablet that very mysterious!"
Tune: *sigh*
Yang: "And do you know what is he?!"
Yin: "No...?"
Yang: "A Werewolf!"
Yin: "Oh Yang~! *Roll his eyes*"
Yang: "Why do you not believe me?!"

Tune take a book, and read it.
Tune: "A postman~ An Lady~ our friend Microphone~"
Yang: "And what is that mean?"
Tune: *close the book and put it back* "That's the people that you blame of werewolf, except Us ~"
Yang: "Ohoho~ you are my family... Why you can be a werewolf?"
Tune: *sigh* "And Master Power too~"
Yang: "Oh right! Master power!"
Tune&Yin: *Laugh*
Tune: "Hehe~ No~! MASTER POWER~!"
Master in his back: "Yang!"
Yang: "AAH!"
Master: "That's was the parents from your friends, their Childrens is Screaming and afraid when they go home, some of them hide under their bed and blanket and didn't out, do you know what's going on~?"
Yang: "Umm... Anyone want Lasagna...?" <:)
Tune: <:)
Yin: <:)

Master Power take all Yang's Horror collection and Toys.
Yang: "Master...?! What are you doing?!"
Master: "My patience has run out! I have to take and confiscate your horror collection! And that's mean, No Horror Story, No Horror Movie or Midnight movie!"
Yang: *panic and shock*
Master: *going out from the Room and bring Yang's stuff* "And you not gonna be play as Mr.Hayde from your drama, and I will tell this to Mr.Oscar"
Master Leaving the room.
In School, Mr.Oscar scream like Yang too.
Mr.Oscar: "NOOOO!! Huaha!!" *Cried*

Principal Star: "Sir, I'm sure this time will be okay..... Is will be more good then Yang"
Master: "Yeah, you can choose someone to be..."
Mr.Oscar: "My hope is will be doomed! Please! Who do I must choose, Miss Star?!"
Trophy is come.
Trophy: "Mr. Oscar!I will help you!"
Mr.Oscar: "Oh thank you Trophy~.... So! Who it is?!"
Principal Star: "I think I know the people that perfect"
She whisper to Mr.Oscar.
Mr.Oscar: "Yin?"
Principal Star: *nods*
Mr.Oscar: "Alright.... uhum.... Yin! I will be make you, the Star~!"
Everyone shocked and looks him and Trophy mad at Yin.
Yin: *nervous* "Uh?" <:0

At home. Yin is tried to train his script and his friends there to help him. With Heart and Soap.
Yin: "I..... I can't do it...."
Soap: "Sure you can... We will help"
Heart: "Yeah, this is your choice!You can prove anyone and make them impressed!"
Master: "And I sure to help too..."
Tune: "Then so~ I will be play us Dr.Hyde when he going to drink the potion and then you come and turn~"
Yin: "I appreciate that you want help me.... But, how if Yang don't agree?"
Master: "Well, this is the best for him... And I'm sure now he learn his lesson"

Meanwhile in Yang's room, Yang still Depressed.
Yang: "No .... Friends..... No..... Family.... No MONSTERS! WHAT DO I DO?! I CAN'T BREATH! I CAN'T THINK! HOW I SHOULD....?! *Stop and look the candy in floor* Cool, a candy"

Yang eat the candy and sit on his bed near the window.
Yang: *sigh*
Yin is saying Good bye to Heart and Soap.
Yin: "Bye Girls!"
Heart: "Bye Yin"
Soap: "Bye-bye!"
Before Yin get in, there is the packet delivery.
Delivery: "Is delivery for Sir Powers"
Yin: "Uh, okay, thanks"
Yang look outside that his packet here.
Yang: "Yes!"

Yang: "Psst! Hei Yin, up here!"
Yin: "Hm?"
Yang: "That is mine, bring it here"
Yin: "But... This is not about a monster... Right?"
Yang: *Sniff fake and Cry fake* "Yin... That's so hurtful.... That is just the book that I must forget about the monster thing.... How you can talk like that to your old brother~...?"
Yin: *Yin comes* "Oh~.... Okay Yang... ^^"
Yang give the rope to Yin, and Yin Tied it, and Yang pull it.
Yang: "Thank you bro~"

In Yang's Room, he open the packet, and it's actually the Book monster from Madame.
Yang: "Bwahahaha! Oh yes! I got it!"
Yang found the Necklace Fang with some Gem Sliver stone, but he don't like it and throw out off the window.
The Necklace hit Yin's head.
Yin: "Ouch! Huh?"
Yin took the Necklace.
Yin: "Ooh~ pretty Necklace, I will save this for a gift for Soap" *put it inside his pocket*

Yang is read the book monster,  but Tune come in and Yang hide the book.
Tune: "Monster check~!"
Yang: "Hei!What's up with it? Isn't taking the monsters collections is enough?!"
Tune: "Turn around!"
Yang: "Hei! There is nothing I left for you!"
Tune check Yang's Pockets. And there is still a toys in it.
Tune check everything in Yang clothes and still many the toys.
Yang: "Haha... I can explain..."
Tune: "Of course you can~!"
Some toy is on and walk, Tune got it.
Yang: "Oh please...! Stop....Why do you do this to me?"
The toy stop under Yang Shoe.
Tune: "Take off your shoes~!"
Yang refused.
Tune stare him assertive.
Yang take his shoes and the more toys there and Tune take it all.
Tune is done and go out.
Yang: "Oh... You miss something to take..... It's my Heart!" *Dramatic fake*
Tune is out and The room is clear, then Yang look the book again.
Yang: *read the book and open the Page to page* "Hei.....? ...uhu?......Uhu...?"
Yang find the page about People hand is a Paws like a wolf.
Yang: "Aha!"

And the night, Tune is sleep, without his Headphones.
Yang comes and make Tune Wake up.
Tune: "AH!" *Yang close his Mouth*
Yang: "Psst, Tune! It's me.... Yang!"
Tune: *sigh and shake hand to Yang* "Nice to meet you~.... Now can I back to sleep?" *Coughing and lay down on bed*
Yang not allow Tune to sleep.
Yang: "Tune! Mr. Tablet is a werewolf! And I'm not going to rest until I prove it!"
Tune: "And apparently *cough* neither am I" *Sarcasm*
Yang: "Are you in, or... in?"
Tune: *sigh* "You Given those choices... I'm in!"
Tune Get up.
Tune: "but *cough* just one thing, if we are prove that and it's true.... Would you promise to stop screaming and nightmare at the night?!" *Cough*
Yang: *thinking* "Deal!"
They agree at each other and shake hand together?

(I will give the Video Song of original and the lyrics in below, enjoy!)

Yang get ready, And Tune wear his Headphones, Tune Give Yang a flashlight.

There's something wicked out there
We feel it in the air
It whispers, "Come and find me if you dare!"
(The scene when Yang And Tune go outside in the night)

Yang & Tune:
We sense disaster lurking
Must save our neighborhood (They in the Mr.Tablet Yard, and the Owl fly to them)
This monster must be stopped for good
(Trophy changes Yang's costume in school)
We're munks on a mission
We'll keep on searchin'
(Yin Is train with Soap how to be scary, And Meanwhile Tune and Yang is keep searching)
Munks on a mission
Whether by day or moonlight
(They inside Mr.Tablet House with many Spiders webs, and they bump and get surprise)
Munks on a mission
We'll keep on workin'
Munks on a mission
Making it safe out at night

(The Wolf howls In hear and Tune Yang hide inside the Bush)
We see a full moon rising
We hear the howls at night
But you remain out of our sight

(Mr.Tablet touch the rose but the spike left his Blood, and Tune Yang find it. They make the poster and one is fly to Mr.Tablet's door)
Yang & Tune:
We know we're getting closer
We don't know what's in store
But clues are leading to your door

(They Searching inside the house and get surprise of Silver wolf-shaped wand On it)
We're munks on a mission
We'll keep on searchin'
(Yang see the moon cloud shape like paws, Tune look back but it's gone)
Munks on a mission
(Yin bring the Potion water but fall, Mr. Oscar Faceplam)

(Yang thinking and Tune fall asleep, Yang:
>:( )
Whether by day or moonlight
Munks on a mission

We'll keep on workin'
(Tune and Yang watch Madame Raya at night)

Munks on a mission
Making it safe out at night
(Music end when they are inside the darkness and disappeared)

(Hope you like the Video Song :3)

Yang and Tune in Afternoon, is still discuss about Mr.Tablet the werewolf.
Yang: "Tune, hear this.... People who are the wolf is always have his hair changes like no usually like other people whatever in Day or Night" *Yang close the book* do you remember when in night his hair grow and so flurry?"
Tune: "My prediction~ He maybe have some hair spray and have wrong spray~ or maybe he wear the Baseball caps that like The grow hair and have a glue in it~?"
Yang: "But~ how is impossible with a normal people? Or what is people like that?"
Tune: "Maybe From his His ailing offspring~or maybe a We....~"
Yang stop his word there: "Aha~! Yup, Just say it! Werewolf!"
Tune: "Aren't you afraid this will rot your brain?"
Yang: "Too late
Yang turn Tune to look the Chalkboard.
Yang: "Turn around, now do you see...? We almost get it"

Master Power is get inside their room, Yang and Tune panic and Yang turn the Chalkboard and hit Tune and his Headphones.
Master Power: "Hei Boys, do you see... Hei, what are you doing?"
Yang: "Uh um.... Just playing with My Buddy Tune~ and some games, Right~?"
Tune: "Uh Yeah.... We just playing.... Um~"
They look the Chalkboard have the Tic tac toe drawing.
Tune: " tic-tac-toe game"
Yang: "And with some random Doodles too...."
Master: "Okay, do you see Yin?"
Yang: "Yeah, I think he's in the backyard"
Master: "Oh" *go out the room and close the door*
Tune&Yang: *Sigh gladly*
Yang turn the Chalkboard again and Tune fix his Headphones that a little Dent.

Master is open the door again.
Yang: "Ah!" *Turn the Chalkboard quickly*
Tune Get hits again and his Headphones His headphones loose from his head.
Master: "Thanks" *get out again*
Tune tried to find his Headphones, and Yang help.
Tune: "When I find my Headphones... I gonna kill you..... *Cough* "

Meanwhile in backyard, Yin train about his script.
Yin: "Oh behold of my creation~... They will be see of my..... *Forget* "
Yin read the script again.
Yin: "Uh.... To prove them that I.... Can...."
Master is on Yin's back and continue Yin's line but his shadow surprise him.
Master: "To prove them that I can show them That I can Get rid of all that is evil~!"
Yin turn around and look Master surprised and fainting.
Master: "Yin...?! You okay? Yin?"
Master tried wake him up.

Meanwhile in Their Room, Tune already find Headphones, working his works but Yang bring the Madame book and makes his works mess.
Yang: "Look at here, there still the prove more"
Yang read it. But Tune keep can't believe it.
Yang tried to find the page of prove.
Tune: "Please~Yang....~ we have been long~... But is nothing prove that Mr.Tablet a Wolf~!"
Yang: "Yeah~ maybe this is will!"
Yang show the Picture about the hands that have Wolf paws mark.
Yang: "Mhm~ The Wolfman, is will be have it!"

Meanwhile in the backyard again, Master Still wake Yin up because Fainting.
Master: "Yin?! Yin...?!"
Yin: "Oooouhh...."
Master: "You okay?"
Yin: "Uh Yeah... I guess...?"
Master: "How is it?"
Yin: "I still can't.... Do it..."
Master: "Yin, you can! And all you do is just scare your self, don't be nervous"
Yin: *get up and tried to memories without script* "No one can stop me ! Damn Jekyll it is, now I am Edward Hyde! Ha Ha! ....Wow!"
Yin is can Acting brave now.
Yin: "Wow! I can do it! I can scare myself!"
Master: "Good ^ ^"

Mr.Tablet is in his backyard.
Master: "Oh, hello Mr.Tablet"
Mr.Tablet: "Hello..." *Get to his garden cutting the bush*

Yin: "Oh! Master... There is something important that I must do, and I must go to Soap house"
Master: "Okay, but don't be late"
Yin accidentally make the script fall.
Yin: "Whoops"
Master: "I will take it"
Yin go to Soap House and bring The Necklace.

Meanwhile, in their room again.
Yang: "How if we get the prize for him and shake his hand? Or maybe say that is something on his hand, or maybe..."
Tune: "That's it! I'm quit!"
Tune erase the Chalkboard.
Yang: "What are you doing?!"
Tune: "I don't want be Silly like you! Because I help you! I'm not train my training in script~ my homework~ "
Yang: "You still think that?" *Look out the window*
Tune: "Grr!" *Throw the Eraser Chalkboard at Yang head*
Yang: "!! Hoho! Fine!"
Yang and Tune fighting.

Yin is in Soap house, know her door.
Soap: "Yes?" *In inside is Heart and Microphone*
Heart: "Oh, It's Yin :)"
Yin: "Oh... Uh , can I just speak with Soap?"
Mic: "Sure"
Their both let her.
Soap: "What is it Yin?,
Yin: *blush and Shy* "Umh...After you tried to help me to train my Acting.... I'm so thankful....But..."
Yin show the Necklace to Soap.
Soap: *gasp* "Oh Yin~ It's beautiful~"
Yin: "Hehe, I know.... " *Blush* "So... Haha... See you tomorrow!"
Yin left.
Soap: "Bye-bye!  ^ ^" *wear it*

Yin is in a way to go home. But he is alone in the way and something is run away like Yang see last time, and he hear noise too.
Yin: "Uh.... Yang? .... Tune?..... Is that you?"
Yin scared and walk slowly.
Yin: "come on guys.... Don't playing with me....This is isn't funny..."
Something jump and make Yin Scream

Master is find out Yang and Tune Fighting, and they are messy.
Master: "So let me get this straight, all of this happened over a game of tic-tac-toe?"
Yang: "Yeah, well... we're using the European rules. Gets awfully rough."
Yin is home, slam the door and Panting.
Yang: "Later Master!"
Yang and Tune go to the room.
Master: "Yin? You okay?"
Yin: *cry* "I..... I just on my way..... *Sniff* from Soap.... *Sniff* But then I saw the bad dog.... And it's bite my arm....!"
Master: "Ssshh..... It's okay, I let me see and cure you"
Yin: *sniffing* "Mmmh...."
Master: "Oh... Not that bad..... It is  dog dangerous?"
Yin: "No... But it's so grizzly...."
Master: "Aww, it's okay"
At Night, Yin's hand in warp by Baghdad, Yin sleep like a dog and his paws have Wolf mark.

In the morning, They are having breakfast.
Yin have hair and his ears have furs.
Yin: "Can I have a steak?"
Master, Tune and Yang Look each other confused.
Master: "Aha, very funny, Yin"
Give him Cereal.
Yin: *sniff* "Yuck!"
Yin didn't eat Cereal and open the freezer.
Yin: *sniffing* "Oh! Meat!" *Eat it* "Yuck! It's raisins In it!"
Master look at the Clock.

Master: "Well, time for you to go"
Master bring their Lunch and wait them outside door.
Master: "Tune"
Tune take it and go.
Master: "Yang, No Tomato and Celery"
Yang take it and go.
Master: "And Yin....-"
Yin: "It is a sandwich?"
Master: "Yin... You don't eat Meat"
Yin: "I don't...?"
Master: "No..."
Yin going and His brothers wait him.
Yang: "Yeah... Let's go~"
Yin is walk and Yang get Yin.
Yang: "Tag!Your it!" *Run away*
Yin run so fast.
Yang: *confused* "Is that Yin...?"
Tune: "Maybe.... It isn't...?"

In school, Principal Star and Mr.Oscar going to see their performance.
Mr. Oscar has been complaining about Yin's acting.
Mr.Oscar: "There is nothing we can do! He even can't do Acting good!"
Principal Star: " You're forgetting that we're doing this to improve his self-esteem"
Mr. Oscar starts to cry
Mr. Oscar: "What about MY self-esteem, sister? I will be the laughing stock of the Elementary School Theater Directors Bowling League!"
Principal Star: *put the finger to his Nose* "Now just see and enjoy it..."
And they see the Acting.

Tune: "I have injected the potion. Sweating, tachycardia, suffocation, ooooh! God!
Heaaat! Possible hypertension, I will check it, aaaaaaah! Spasms, convulsions, I feel
my body growing, I feel strong, big, hahaha big!"
Yang is mimics Tune moves behind the curtain, Tune drink the Potion.
Mic: *turn the light like lighting*
Yang: *hit the Iron glass make sounds like lighting*
Tune: *coughing* "I changing~!"
Tune is behind the table and Yin jump out.
Yin: *laugh evily* "WAAHAHAHAH!! AHAHAHA!"
Principal and Mr.Oscar get scared.
Soap turn but she scared too, Mic push her.
Mic: "Go on, Soap"

Soap: "Oh Henry~! Henry? Are you here?" *Gasp*
Yin: "Henry? No you dear.... "
Soap: "Where is Dr.Jekyll? I don't know you"
Yin: "but yes you will, Dear~ No one can stop me ! No Damn Jekyll it is, now I am Edward Hyde!EDWARD HYDEEEE!! Mwuahahahaha!"
Everyone scared of Yin's acting.
Yin: *back to himself* :3 "How is it?"
Principal Star: "You see? Everything is under control"

Yin get back to behind the stage.
Soap: "Wow Yin! You are amazing!"
Heart: "Yeah! That's cool!"
Yin: "Ohoho... Thanks" *blush*
Trophy is jealous, then he see the carpet that Yin stand. He pull it but he fall by himself.
Yin: *didn't Laugh and Help Trophy* "You okay Trophy?"
Trophy: "Uh... Yeah? I guess..."
Trophy gets up.
Trophy: "Hate to say this... But... You cool :) "
Yin: "Yeah, I am ^^"

At night, Tune is Sleep until Yang wake him up again.
Tune: *gasp*
Yang: "...."
Tune: "Can you not show up like that when I get sleep....?" *cough because not wear Headphones when he sleep*
Yang: "I never get rest! Until I find out Mr.Tablet is a werewolf!"

Tune: *is angry and Shake Yang* "Yang...!!" *Cough*
Yang: "What?!"
Tune: "There is .... no.... Werewolf!!
Yin is transform to a Werewolf.
Yang: "But..."
Tune: *wear Headphones* "just say it! It's no! Werewolf!"
Yin is behind them as a Wolf.
Yang: "There is.... No..."
Tune: "That's it~ that's it~"
Yang look back and look Yin surprise.

Tune: "WAAH!" *Falls from bed*

Yin jump and look at Yang.
Yang: "Yin? What's wrong with you...?"
Yin stare at Yang.
Yang: "Yi...Yin? Brother?" <:)

Yin: *Sniff him and Lick Yang*
Yang: *wipe*
Yin get down and bite the toy.
Yin: "Rrrr!
Yang: "Hei! That's mine!"
Yang throw Tune's Toy.
Yin: "Woof? *Bite* Grrr"
Tune: "He's like a-a-a puppy"
Yang: "A werewolf puppy."
Yang and Tune both cringe because Yin Pee.
Tune: *dryly* "A non-housebroken werewolf puppy!"
Yin: *whimper*
Tune: "No No! Yin! Bad Boy!"
Yang: "Well... This is you property... So, You clean it..."
Tune: "Excuse me~? But this is near your property~"
Yin is get out of a Window.
Yang: "Yin!! No!!"
Yin: "WOAARF!" *Falls*

Tune and Yang Look outside and Yin run away.
Tune and Yang lose his way.
Yang: "Yin!?"
Tune: "Yin!?"
Yang: "Yin!?"
Tune: "Yin!?"
Yang: "There he is!"
They found Yin in trash and messing it.
Tune: " What a mess~?..."
Neighbor: "Hey! Who's out there? I've got a lemon zester and I'm not afraid to use it!"
Tune: *clear his throat* "Meow~!"
Yin: *Howling* "AAOoouuu!!!"
Yang: *Gasp*
They stop Yin howl and Bring him home.
Yang: "Easy.... Boy...Easy...."

In home, Yin is playing around happily. Tune and Yang watch him.
Tune: "Uh~ You know? I think..... He is a little cute~"
Yang: "Yeah.... Hei, this is can make Yin easy to do Acting in Platform"
Tune: "Yeah... But now we are have A Brother Werewolf~...."
Yin: *Play with sock*
(The song is start here and I Give a song and lyrics, enjoy it!)

Yang & Tune:
Oh, brother, brother, tell us
(Yin turn Normal but still have Furry)
What's gotten in to you lately
We're beginning to think that there is
Nothing in the world that you can't do

You're getting stronger (Rise the Barbel) and faster (Run Faster) and bigger too.
(Yin get Popular by girls)
People keep on asking ,Yang: "Is there something wrong with you?!"
You're acting weird and talking rude
(Soap Hate Yin) and wolfing down your food (Messing the Cereal)
Everything lately brings the monster out in you

How do you do? What's up with you?
Little brother, Mister Hyde
How come you're howling at the moon tonight?
(yin Howling at the night and make everyone wake up)

We don't know what you're going through
We just hope you're gonna be alright
Now tell us, tell us, what should we do
Now that the monster is out in you? (in you, in you, in you, in you)

(yin and Mr.Oscar argue about Script and Yin throw away and Push Yang)
And now we're not so sure
(Yin Ripped Yang And Tune Toys)
We like it that things are turning out this way
We'd rather have our little brother back
Than a werewolf for a brother any day

You're getting stronger (Rise everyone in the chairs) and faster (Chasing Yang and Tune) and bigger too. (Yin is act annoying to Soap and Soap hate him)
People keep on asking Yang: "Is there nothing we can do?"
You're acting weird and talking rude and wolfing down your food. (Messing Freezer and eat Meats)
Everything lately brings the monster out in you (Scare everyone in school)

How do you do? What's up with you?
Little brother, Mister Hyde
(Yin Howling again at night)
How come you're howling at the moon tonight?
(Yang and Tune look at Yin sleep like a Dog)
We wish we knew what you're going through
We just hope you're gonna be alright
(Yang and Tune tried find in book monster to help)
Now tell us, tell us, what should we do
(Yin scare them)
Now that the monster is out in you?

(Song is done, do you like it? :3)

In school.
Mr.Oscar: "Okay Okay~ Children! Time to be ready, this is the last we have Training"
Salt: *inside the curtain* "It's Like been long when Yin still have make up...."

Yin: "Hurry up Pepper!"
Pepper: "Oh... Sorry"
Salt: *grap Yin* "You can't talk Like that at my Friend!"
Yin: "Grr! Rawr!!"
Salt: "Oh~ Like, I'm so scared~Rawr!"
Salt go away.
Yin: "Ha Ha Ha Ha!!"
Pepper: "Yin... Like .. what's the matter with you?"
Yin: "It's me... But I like this~" *fix his hair with gel*
Pepper: "I know..... But It's M-E-A-N"

Everyone is be ready to Acting the drama.
And after they done.
Mr.Oscar: "Excellent! Very good everyone! We can do this all tomorrow night!" *Cry happily*
Everyone going home, Tune and Yang talk with Milky and Test Tube.
Milky: "hmm that's why he act like that?"
Tune: "do you can help it~?"
TT: "I do, but it's no clue yet to changes him back"
Milky: "Yeah, if you find some clue, just tell us,okay?"
Yang: "Thank you"
Soap, Heart and Microphone come out and Yin behind them.
Yin: "Hei Girls~ Wanna going home together~?"
Microphone: *sigh*
Heart: *roll eyes*
Soap: "Oh Brother...."
They going home and leave Yin.
Yin: :O

At Night, Yin is bite Tune's book.
Tune: "Yin! That's my book~!"
Yin and Tune pull the book and the book is wet.
Tune: "Good.... 12 books ripped this day~"
Yang: "Oh come on, he is like a little Puppy~"
Yang look Yin ripped his sock.
Yang: "Yin!"
Yin: !!

Yin and Yang pull the sock.
Yang fall and bumping to bed.
Tune: "Remember~ He is like a little Puppy"
Yang: "We can't wait just like this! Maybe... We need help with someone else" *show the Madame book*

They lock Yin in bathroom.

Yin: *Ripping all the socks and then he look him self at mirror* ?!
Yin: "Grrrr....!" *He look himself be a wolf*
Yin: .....  :/ ..... <:O...... <:( ..... *Whimper* ??

Meanwhile Yang And Tune is come to Madame Raya Place, Yang look the Crystal ball inside.
Yang: "Oh~!"
Yang get to the chair and look at the Crystal ball.
Yang: "Oh crystal ball~ please do what I say~"
Sugar Baby: *Appear in crystal ball* "What do you want?!"
Yang: "AAH!" *Yang fall to Tune* *Thud*
Tune: !!
Sugar Baby is came out form under table.
SB: "You okay? I just took my Keys" *show the Keys"
Yang: "So, it's really You...?"
Tune: "Well~ Excuse me Miss? We are here to talk something Important~.... About our Brother....-"
Yang: "Uncle! About our Uncle!"

Then They are telling everything to Sugar Baby meanwhile she eat Noodles.
SB: "Mhm~ I can see your problem.... So he is really turn into a Wolfman?"
Tune: "Yeah~ I almost not believe "Him" Until I see it in my own eyes"
Yang: *Look at Tune angrily* "And but, He not act that dangerous, he act like .... A Puppy"
SB: "For now..... *Turn the flashlight on her face* But in the The Big Super Full Moon, he will be turn to aggressive and Dangerous Wolf~!" *The light back*

Yang: "So is there something to help our Bro.... I mean, Uncle!?"
SB: "Hmm Yeah, If you wanna save your Brother or Uncle, is nothing"
Tune&Yang: "What?!"
SB: "You must hit him in the head with The Silver wolf-shaped wand~!"
Yang: "And then he will be turn normal?!"
SB: "He will survive, or probably not?It's depends"
Tune: "Oh really?! There is it?! How even we supposed to trust you?"
Yang: "You sure nothing else?!"
SB: *shake head "No"*

Tune: *sigh* "Just come on~ we go now, thanks for your suggestion~"
SB: "Wait...."
They are stopped.
SB: "Your name, is Yang~ right?"
Yang: "Mhm?"
SB: "You owe me my 18 dollars for my monster book"
Yang: "Oh Right.... Uhm..." *Check his pocket and no money* "Uh, Tune?"
Tune: "Grr! This is my monthly savings!" *Pay her*
And they get back home.

And tomorrow in the afternoon at Their home, Milky and Test Tube is tried some experiments to Changes Yin back to a normal, Tune is bring the Blood samples.
Yang is read the book about the Moon.
Yang: "There it is.... A supermoon is full moon closely coinciding with perigee – the moon’s closest point to Earth in its monthly orbit. There are 4-6 supermoons a year on average"
Yang done reading.
Yang: *Gasp* "Oh no!"
Yang is go to Tune and bump him, He bumped to Test Tube when She checking some blood by a Microscope.
Yang: "Guys! The Super Full Moon is Happen tonight! And now is our show at school!"

Milky: "Can you clam a little...?"
TT: "Yeah, we are tried to work here...."
Tune: "What you are doing~?"
Milky: "I checking Yin's blood...."
Yang: "Yuck...! When did you get it?"
Tune: "When Yin go to the bush of rose, he get blood because of Spike~"
Milky: "But it's something weird of Yin's Blood.... I wonder that he got some virus when last time He get bite of dog. And make  his Brain going crazy, But this is something else....."
Test Tube: "Oh and We have some Mr.Tablet Blood samples here...... There!" *Get Mr.Tablet Blood*
Yang: "Let me see!"
Yang accidentally break the mirror and make Mr.Tablet Blood mix with Yin's blood.
Yang: "He he.... Opss"
TT: *groans*
Milky: "Just please don't bother us...!"
Milky see that blood by Microscope, She is see Yin's red blood and Mr.Tablet purple Blood.
Milky: "Test Tube, look..."
Test Tube look at the Microscope, Yin's Blood is get eaten by Mr.Tablet Blood.
TT: "Interesting..."

Yang look out of the window, and pull Tune to look.
Yang: "Tune! Look!"
Mr.Tablet is just go home and he leaves his Silver wolf-shaped wand at outside.
Tune: "Okay~? So who gonna do it?"
Yang: "we must hit him with it"
Tune: "I don't want hurt him, I better wait Test Tube and Milky~"
Yang: *sigh* "We don't have time! Fine... I do it!"

Yang go down and take Mr.Tablet wand. Yin is digging the garden and make the Flowers messy.
Yang: *Gonna hit him with it* "Hnng! Oh I can't do this...."
Yang is refused but he tried again.
Yang: "Hngg! ..... *Stop again* Oh what am I doing?! I can't hurt my own brother...."
Yang is going but he trips and fall, The wand is hit Yin's back.
Yin: "Ouch! Hey! What a big idea?!"
Yin get the wand.
Yang: "Oh no no... Yin... Stop! Don't!"
Yin: *break the wand into two*
Yang: "No!!"
Yin give back to Yang and go away.

Yang look at Mr.Tablet try to find his wand.
Mr.Tablet: "Where is my Wand?"
Yang panic and run, but he falls and bump to Master in backyard.
Master: *Look Mr.Tablet Wand that break into two* "Yang...!?"
Yang: "Hehe.. Yes Master?"

Master is talk with Yang in home with Tune and Yin.
Master: "I can't believe this Yang.... You are is showing this night, and you play as.... Uh... Who's The Doctor again?"
Yang: "Oh ... A Jaykly and Mr.Hayde? Hehe?"
Master: "You must return this and say sorry to Mr.Tablet, Yang..."
Yang: "I can't go to Mr. Tablet's, Master! Tonight's the school play! Yeah, that's right! And I've got the most important part!"
Tune: "Oh, right! That's probably why they call it 'Dr. Jekyll And His Butler"
Yang stare Tune angry and Hoping Master again.
Yang: "Oh please...~~?"
Master: "Oh alright, I will go to Mr.Tablet tonight ^ ^"
Yang: "Thanks! Thanks Master!" *Hugs Master*

In the Night, Master is gonna be to his house.
Master: "Here I goes..."
Master ring the bell and Tablet open it.
Mr.Tablet: "Oh, it's you..."
Master: "Uh... Hai... Can I talk with you? About..." *Show his broken Wand*
Mr.Tablet: "Fine... *let him in, and he looks at the moon* But hurry up...."

Meanwhile in school, everyone is come to watch the Drama. Principal and Mr.Oscar is in front the Stage.
Every Students is have their Costume, Yang look everyone behind Curtain.
Yang: "Oh darn.... Look at those people... How if this going to be rough?!"
Yin: "Hello you Loser~ enjoy the night?!"
Take off Yang pants and he wear White-red Heart Underpants.
Yin: "Ha ha ha!" *running*
Yang: >:#( *pull the Pants*
Tune come and pats Yang's back and make His Pant Take off again.
Tune: "What are we going to do now~?!"
Yin behind Tune and He Take off his Pants too and Tune Wear Blue-strips Underpants.
Yin: "Ha Ha Ha!! >:D Nice underwear! Losers!He he he!"

(Special in Human Version! XD)

Yin go away and the Curtain in Open.
Audience see Them both with Underwear, and Shoot them happy and whistle.
Tune: 😁 "He he~ enjoy the show~..." <:#)
Yang: 😁..... <:#)
They Pull their Pants.  😁 😄 Walk Embarrassing to behind the Stage.

On Mr.Tablet house.
Master: "So that's how it's happening....I'm sorry for my Son that break your stuff and bothering you..."
Mr.Tablet: "But everyone have a mistake~ right~? And now..... How about we talk? About your son?"
Mr.Tablet look at the Moon that half close with cloud. His hand have Wolf paw mark.
Mr.Tablet: "About me?"

Meanwhile, The Drama is in start and now is with Tune being Jaykly in the lab.
Tune: "I have injected the potion. Sweating, tachycardia, suffocation, ooooh! God!
Yin is start to turn into a Wolfman.
Yin: "Argh! Uhh!!"
Tune: " Possible hypertension, I will check it, aaaaaaah! Spasms, convulsions, I feel
my body growing, I feel strong, big, hahaha and Evil!!" *He drink the potion*
The Lighting is on.
Tune: *Coughing* "I'm Changing....~!"
Tune Get to behind the table, and he looks Yin turn into a Wolfman.
Tune: *Gasp*
Yin: *Out and break all the Potions glass* "RWAR!!"
Everyone is Claps, but Principal and Mr.Oscar confused because it's not in planned.

Back to Mr.Tablet.
Master: "Yeah, he is things you are a werewolf, I know it isn't true, He just always watch a horror Movie at the night
When Master talk, Mr.Tablet is start turns into a Wolfman and he very angry and throw his wand.
Master: "Sir! I know you angry about this...
But he still a kid *He looks at back* Now it's not nice throw stuff like that, and you are thinking you are a..... A.... A....... W...Wolf?!"
Mr.Tablet is attack him.
Master try to run away.

Meanwhile in school again, Is now Soap Scene.
Soap: "Oh Henry~? Henry~? Are you here?"
She surprise because Yin appear and not do his words.
Soap: *whisper* "Say your Line.... No dear...!"
Yang is in, and he is become as servant.
Yang: "Uh... You called, sir? Hehe..."
Yin chasing Yang and Get him.
Yang: "W Wait! Sir! Sir!"
Yin get Yang and throw him to inside the umbrella place.
Everyone is Looking them interesting.
Yin: "Rwar! Roar!"
Soap: "No no!This is wrong!" *Soap cry and go away from the stage and go outside*
Tune still behind the Table and Whisper to Yang.
Tune: "We must do something~...!"
Yang: *whisper* "I know what am I doing, I be right back!"

Master is running from Mr.Tablet that turn to a wolf.
Master: "I must hurry! Must calling help! And save my boys!"
Mr.Tablet is very fast chasing him. But Master is unconscious because he slam to the tree.
Mr.Tablet didn't attack him and he see Soap in backyard school in swing.
Soap: "Oh Yin.... He never do this! What is happen with him...."
Soap then get up and go inside again.
Soap: "Oh well *sniff* this Drama still going on...."
Mr.Tablet is walk to a school.

Now back to the Drama, Tune is come out from the Table.
Tune: "Oh... What just happen~...? I just having a weird dream....~"
Yang is come wear The dress as Mary.
Yang: *tried to be a girl voice* "Oh dear~? are you here~?"
Tune: "Oh~! There you are Mrs.Mary~"
Mr.Oscar Crying and see the script.
Mr.Oscar: (It's not on the scripts!!)

Soap is come in, now the drama start be Random.
Yang: *gasp*
Tune: "Oh oh~! It's your twin sister~ Merry~"
Soap: "Oh um.... Hai Sis... What are you doing here?"
Yang: "Well , I just come to see... Uh... Some mad Scientist here~ with my Twin Sister~"
People are laugh.
Yang: *Whisper to Soap* "Bay the way.. those not a make up.... Yin is a Werewolf!"
Soap: *gasp*
Yin is jump from up and Chasing Yang and Soap.
Tune: "....... <:)....." (Cricket sounds here~)

Yang is hide and Soap Run from Yin.
Yang: "Wait... What am I afraid of? That's just Yin"
Mr.Tablet is come and Find Yang.
Yang: "Alright Yin......Oh... Hehe ...Hello?"
Yang see the Wand pice that he bring.
Yang: "That Wand is look like Mr.Tablet...? *Gasp* Mr.Tablet! I knew it!"
Mr.Tablet: *Growl*
Yang: "Ah!!" *He run away*
Yin is still Aftering Soap and Everyone there is get off, but Yin bump to Salt that become a tree.
Salt: "Ah! Hei!"
She Hits Yin because She don't know about he became a wolfman.
Yin: "Rwar!!"
Salt: "Oh Like... That Doesn't work"
Yin is run to chase Soap.
Salt is look Mr.Tablet become a Werewolf, and She Fainted.
Mic: "Soap?!What happen?!"
Soap: "Run! Yin is a Werewolf!"
Heart: "Yin?! AAH!"
Yin Chasing them

Meanwhile, In the Drama.
Pepper: "So... How is your experiment works?"
Tune: "Oh well~ I accidentally break it and the Potion is make Disaster~..."
Salt is come out.
Salt: "Oh Yeah~ that's one potion is hit me and make me can Moves~ and Speak~ and dances~"
Everyone look them seriously.
Mr.Tablet is after Yang and Yang is in up the Stage, Mr.Tablet is gonna Scratch him, But Yang jump and make the Rope get cut. Yang get tied with a Rope.
Suddenly the Background is change to the Sea and The Beach.
Tune: "Uh Maybe you wanna~.... Uh..... Go to the Sea?"
Pepper: "Omg, Yes! You cutie man~ how about if we get Date Now~?"
(Cupcake in far away. 😠)

Soap is in end way, Yin is get Closer to her.
Soap: "Yin... No... Please..... It's me... Soap!"
Yin: "Grrr!"
Soap: "No!"
Soap have a Necklace that Yin give to her.
Yin: "!!"
Yin remember that he give Her that.
Soap: "Oh Yin~ It's beautiful!"
Yin start remember and scared of himself and he walk back from Soap.
Yin: *whimper*
Soap: "Yin! Wait...! I will help you...."

Yin is go away from Soap until He go to Tune, Pepper and Salt.
Tune: "Oh look~ that is Mary~"
When in the mid Scene, Mr.Tablet Jump in front Soap.
Soap: "AAH!!"
From behind Curtain.
Mic&Heart: "Soap!"
Everyone that watch get surprise.
Yin is in front Soap and Protect her
Yin: "Rwar!!"
and Fight Mr.Tablet.
Yang in up them.
Yang: "Get him Yin!"
They are fight and fight and Yin bite Mr.Tablet on his arm.
Mr.Tablet: "RWAAR!!"

Suddenly they start Change back to normal.
Mr.Tablet: "Ugh...... Waaah!!"
Yin: "Grrr..... Aaahhh.....!"
They changes to normal, And Mr.Tablet run away.
Everyone is Clapping.
Trophy: "That's Cool, Dude!"
Gun: "Awesome!"
Burrito: "Wohoo!"
Principal and Mr.Oscar is just quite.
Salt: "Oh Thank you.... Like, Thank you....!"
The Curtain is Closing Salt: "Mff!"

Yang: "Ha Ha Haaaa!!" *He is Falling to Tune*
Tune: "Ugh!"
Everyone comes to see Yin.
Yin: "Aww.... What happen?"
Soap: "You...You save me ... Yin"
Yin: "I am?"
Mic: "Wait.... You don't remember anything about you being a wolf?"
Yin: "No?"
Paintbrush: "Alright! Alright! Someone tell me what's going on?"
Yang: "And how he changes back?"
Milky and Test Tube there.
TT: "Uhum, We can Explain"
(If you wonder why they didn't show up, they actually just hide and watch Yin become a Werewolf)

Milk: "Uh... But..." *Looks at Paintbrush*
Paintbrush: "No no, it's fine now.... You can tell it"
TT: "Okay, when we are checking Yin and Tablet's Blood, Yin blood get Eaten by Mr.Tablet Blood"
Milky: "And when Yin Bite Mr.Tablet back, Yin's blood is not Half bad yet and still normal, so Yin's Blood is Transfer to him and make Mr.Tablet Bacteria Blood in eaten"
Tune: "Wait! So Mr.Tablet have a Bacteria that Dangerous?"
TT: "This ill is called Porphyria and Hypertrichosis Syndrome, Hypertrichosis is when the people have many hairs and fur on their body. And Porphyria is about the Sensitive Skin because of the Sun bright, and make their skin burn. And it's can make someone be hallucinations"
Yang: "So that's why He always have hair and so wild.... Because He get sick and Hallucinations?!"
Tune: "See~? I told you .... There is no Werewolf~"
Yang: "Oh well! That's not important now.... Our Brother is back!"
Soap kiss Yin.
Yin: ^///^

And then, Master is awake.
Master: "Owhh....Huh?! What am I doing?! I must tell to everyone!"
Meanwhile that, Mr.Oscar is Talking.
Principal Star: *Sigh and get boring*
Principal Star have a Microphone.
Principal Star: "Okay... Testing.... Can the music in low a little~? Okay"
Everyone look at Principal.
Principal Star: "I'm so happy because we are here together for my last day to retiring.... Awww....?"
Children: "Aww...."
Yang: *roll eyes*
Principal Star: "But don't worry, is someone will be replace me, He is your New Principal"
Mr.Tablet is get back normal and looks at Yin, Yang and Tune
Principal Star: "Is Mr.Tablet"
Yin,Yang and Tune nervous. Everyone Claps.
Mr.Tablet: "I'm happy to see you all here.... And first time I will be a principal for this school"

Master is get in.
Master: "There he is..."
Master about to his Him with a Silver Wolf wand piece.
Yin,Yang,Tune: "MASTER~ NO!! STOP!"
Master: "Get away boys! This guy is a...!"
Yin: "No! No his not!"
Master: "But I see him...!"
Yang: "Master .... I know how do you feel like me to say that.... But, now it doesn't matter... Yin is beat those Wolfman...."
Master: "Yin....? Beat the Wolf?"
Yin: *nod*
Master: "Aww... Come here..."
Master hug Yin and Yin hug Master.
Tune: *whisper* "You know that he is not a wolf~?"
Yang: "I know~ but now I happy that someone is believe me....And always in here, a family~"
Tune smile at Yang and they get closer together taps their back together and smile at Yin.

Mr.Tablet is look Yin and he gasped.
Mr.Tablet: "Thank you....;)"
Yin: "Oh yeah, no problem, Sir ^ ^"

Heart, Soap And Microphone is look at them.
Heart: *sigh happy* "Yin Yin Yin...."
Mic: "Always the Nice and Sweet one...
Heart: "But .... Now what?"
Soap look at the Music box
Soap: *gasp* "I have idea"
The music is start.
Principal Star: "Children! children! Please! Nothing to be Wild!"
Yang: "Us? Wild?!"

(This the end Story and the song, Enjoy it!)

Soap, Heart and Mic:

Hey boys, just what was that noise
Coming from somewhere over there?
If it wasn't you and it wasn't me,
then what in the wide wide world could it be?
Yin,Yang and Tune: "Awoooo!!"
You want to scream and shout,
and jump right out of your skin,
Yin,Yang and Tune: "Ah, Ah, Awoooo!!"
Don't be crying about,
Come on and take my hand and you will understand.
Yang: Oh Baby~!
(Everyone dance even Principal)
Everything's gonna be alright
Don't you be afraid when things go bump in the night
(Master and Principal dance together, and Mr.Tablet with Mr.Oscar dance with everyone)
Get closer to me and baby hold on tight
Cause everything's gonna be all right

Yin, Yang, And Tune:
Hey girl, we don't wanna rock your world
But we don't believe in that mean old boogie man
There ain't no such thing no how, no way, where
But sometimes late at night we still get a little scared
Soap, Heart and Mic: "Awooo~!"
You want to scream and shout
and jump right out of your skin
Soap, Heart and Mic: "Ah, Ah, Awooo~!"
Don't be cryin' about
Come on and take my hand and you will understand (Yin is take Soap hand And dance Together)
Heart: "Oh Baby~"

The Boys and Girls:
(Trophy, Gun,Burrito, Salt and Pepper dance together)
Everything's gonna be alright
Don't you be afraid when things go bump in the night
Get closer to me and baby hold on tight
Cause everything's gonna be all right

(repeat again)

*To be continued*

That's the story! Hope you like it!

And btw this story is almost like the original, but it make it a little different.
Don't forget to Votes and Comments for the next Story!
(And Also hope you like the Song too and the Lyrics that I make! :3)

(Btw, 9493 Words! Wooohoo!)

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