If I Was Here

By skaikruwerewolf

1.9K 63 59

Takes place in season 6A. Stiles' disappearance leaves the members of the McCall pack feeling an emptiness wh... More

authors note
memory lost
superposition [1]
sundowning [1]
sundowning [2]

superposition [2]

282 13 8
By skaikruwerewolf

After her argument with Liam, Veronica found Scott at the lacrosse field where they had talked for a while. It was dark out now. Lacrosse practice was over and Scott had left to go see Deaton. Scott had explained to her earlier about the missing pieces in his memory and Veronica had told him she felt as if there were missing pieces in her memory too. He was going to see Deaton and ask for his help.

Veronica sat in her English class working on an essay. She didn't want to work in the library, she rather be alone as she worked. She wasn't sure where Liam was. Or where Mason and Corey were either. When she was done she walked out of the room but stopped when she saw Liam sitting against the lockers across from the classroom.

"What are you doing?" she asked, confused.

"I uh, I was waiting for you." Liam said as he stood up, stumbling over his words.

"Sitting on the floor?" Veronica asked, wondering why the boy hadn't just walked into the room.

"I didn't want to interrupt you. I saw that you were writing and I know you don't like to be interrupted when you're writing." he said, shoving his hands in his pockets. It's something Liam does when he's nervous. This brought a smile to Veronica's face, but she tried to suppress it as she reminded herself she was still mad at him. She hugged her book to her chest and look down at her shoes. Liam took a step towards her, his shoes now coming into her view. She looked up at him and he smiled at her softly as he took her hand. "You're right. This isn't fair to Mason. Or Corey. I'll talk to him. And apologize. I was acting like an idiot."

"Yeah, you kinda were." Veronica agreed with a smile.

Liam laughed softly. "And I want to apologize to you too."

"You don't ha-"

"Yes, I do." Liam said. "I was acting like a jerk earlier, I'm so sorry." he continued, and softly placed a hand on her cheek.

"That's okay." Veronica said, pulling Liam close. "I forgive you." she said and gently pressed her lips against Liam's.

The boy's heart began to beat faster, the way it always does when he's close to her. Veronica made him strong, but she was also his weakness.

They walked down the hall hand in hand on their way out of the school. When they exited the building they found Corey standing there. He had been waiting for Liam.

Veronica glanced at the two boys. "Umm, I'm gonna-I'm just gonna go for a walk." she said, not knowing what excuse to come up with to leave the two alone to work out their differences. She kissed Liam on the cheek and then gave Corey's shoulder a squeeze as she walked by him. "Behave boys!" she called back as she walked away causing the boys to smile slightly.

Veronica walked around campus wondering why so many students were still here so late into the night. For some reason she gravitated towards the lacrosse field, which was mostly empty except for some of the lacrosse players who were out practicing. She focused on the boy that was wearing the jersey with the number '24' on it. There was something about it that immediately captured her attention, but she couldn't figure out why. For some reason she couldn't explain, she felt like that number was of importance to her. But why? She tried to remember any connection she may have had to it but came up with nothing, and she felt an incredible emptiness she couldn't explain. 

Her breathing had quickened and her hands started to tremble, and the fact that she didn't know why this was happening made her start to panic. She tried to steady her breathing as her eyes scanned her surroundings. That's when she saw Mason sitting in the stands and a sense of calm came over her almost immediately. She smiled at the sight of her best friend and began to walk towards him once the tightness in her chest had disappeared. "Hey you, I didn't know you were still here." she said as she took a seat next to him.

"Uh, yeah. I didn't want to go home yet." he said, but didn't turn to face her.

"What's wrong?" Veronica asked him, immediately knowing he was upset.

Mason finally turned to Veronica "I just-" Mason began but stopped to take a deep breath, "it seems like Liam and Corey hate each other more everyday and I don't know what to do anymore." Veronica put a hand on the back of Mason's neck and gently caressed the side of his face with her thumb. "It's frustrating. I don't want to lose either of them."

"You won't." Veronica assured her best friend. "They are actually talking things out. Right now." Mason turned to look at Veronica with hopeful eyes. "It's all going to be fine. I promise. They just need some time. And for us to talk some sense into them." Veronica said with a wink, making Mason laugh. He leaned into her and they wrapped their arms around each other.

The two pulled apart when Veronica's phone rang. It was Liam.


Mason and Veronica rushed to the library, where Liam and Corey explained what they discovered and how they found it.

"It's just like in physics!" Mason exclaimed excitedly. "It wasn't there until you saw it. Then it became real. To see something is to change its very existence. It changed reality!"

"I still don't get it." Corey admitted.

"Me neither." Veronica whispered to him.

"What do you think it is?" Liam asked.

"It looks like a library card, except it's blank." Veronica suggested.

Liam grabbed the card from Mason's hand and jumped over the counter. The other three teenagers quickly rushed around the counter to join Liam as he swiped the card. A name and photo appeared on the screen. "Jake Sullivan. He was in our physics lab." Mason said.

"I completely forgot about him." Corey added.

"Yeah me too. Veronica and I have Spanish class with him." Liam said.

"They erased him." Mason said in complete shock.

"Your hunch was right." Liam told Corey, and he smiled proudly.


Liam drove to Deaton's Animal Clinic with Veronica in the passengers seat. They wanted to tell Scott what they had discovered, and he was there with Lydia and Malia. Apparently they had a breakthrough as well. It seems that a member of the pack has been taken by the Ghost Riders, but no one can remember so no one knows for sure. At least not yet.

Maybe this is why I'm feeling like this. Veronica thought to herself, still not being able to explain what exactly it was she was feeling. Because I'm missing someone, because someone was taken from me. But who?

Liam parked the car and the teenagers rushed inside. They walked in and found everyone gathered around Lydia who aggressively wrote on a piece of paper.

"What's going on?" Veronica asked, suddenly worried.

"It's called automatic writing." Deaton explained to her and then turned to Lydia. "Lydia, slow down." he gently told her and then turned off the light they had been using to help her find a trance like state. They are using this method to see if any memories of the missing pack member would resurface.

Once the light was turned off Lydia immediately stopped writing and sat up straight.

"Is she okay?" Scott asked as Veronica and Liam walked over to the group.

"Lydia?" Deaton asked, but she still wouldn't respond.

Malia grabbed the paper Lydia was writing on and furrowed her eyebrows as she tried to understand what it meant. "What does Mischief mean?" she asked.

Scott looked over and his eyes widened. "That's not what she wrote." he said as he placed the paper on the desk for everyone to see.

When Veronica read what was written on the paper a chill ran down her spine and she took a couple of steps back, suddenly feeling panicked. Her eyes were wide and her breathing had quickened once again.

"What's wrong?" Liam asked, concerned. He placed a hand on arm, and Veronica was glad he did because it helped keep her on her feet.

"I don't know." Veronica answered, reaching up to her neck but she wasn't wearing a necklace. So why did she instinctively reach for one?

Lydia gasped, finally coming out of the trance. "What the hell is a Stiles?" she asked.


"What happened back at the Animal Clinic?" Liam asked Veronica as he parked in front of her house. He was worried about her reaction to what Lydia had written. 

"I'm not sure." she answered. "It was really weird. I don't know if I can explain it." 

She thought about telling him what happened earlier at the lacrosse field but decided against it not wanting him to worry anymore, so they sat in silence for a while. The two teenagers thought of the numerous possible meanings for the word that Lydia had written.  

"I should go." a very tired Veronica finally said, and she leaned over to kiss Liam goodbye. "Thank you for the ride." she said against his lips.

"Anytime." Liam said, and as Veronica pulled away he reached out and pulled her close again. "One more." he said making Veronica laugh and the two shared a sweet kiss before she got out of the car and walked towards the house.

Before walking in she looked back and waved goodbye to Liam as he drove off. Once inside she placed her bag on the floor and the keys on the table.

"It's about time you get home young lady, I was about to send your dad out looking for you." a voice said, startling the young girl.

"Mom?" Veronica whispered, almost in surprise.

"Yes. Don't be so surprised I stayed up waiting for you. It's a school night." the beautiful woman said as she stood up from the couch. "Want something to eat before going to bed?" Claudia offered her daughter.

"No, I'm fine." Veronica answered as she walked towards her mother and looked at her in awe, not sure why.

"Are you okay?" Claudia asked, tucking a strand of hair behind her daughters ear.

"Yeah, I'm ok." Veronica answered. "Just tired."

"Well there's nothing a hug from mom can't fix." she said and pulled Veronica close, embracing her in a warm and sweet hug that for some reason made Veronica's eyes fill with tears.

"I love you mom." Veronica said, wrapping her arms around her mother.

"I love you too, sweetheart." Claudia responded, hugging her daughter even tighter and placing a kiss on the top of her head.

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