Things I Hate About Adrian Va...

De 2WantLoveAnd2BeLoved

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Ezra Drake hated Adrian Vang with a burning passion for reasons the even he himself could not explain. That'... Mais

Chapter One~ Ezra
Chapter Two~ Adrian
Chapter Three~ Ezra
Chapter Four~ Ezra
Chapter Five~ Adrian
Chapter Six~ Adrian
Chapter Seven~ Ezra
Chapter Eight~ Adrian
Chapter Nine~ Ezra
Chapter Ten~ Adrian
Chapter Eleven~ Ezra
Chapter Twelve~ Adrian
Chapter Thirteen~ Ezra
Chapter Fourteen~ Adrian
Chapter Sixteen~ Ezra
Chapter Seventeen~ Ezra
Chapter Eighteen~ Adrian
Chapter Nineteen~ Ezra
Chapter Twenty~ Adrian
Chapter Twenty-One~ Ezra
Chapter Twenty-Two~ Ezra
Chapter Twenty-Three~ Ezra
Chapter Twenty-Four~ Ezra
Chapter Twenty-Five~ Adrian
Chapter Twenty-Six~ Ezra
Chapter Twenty-Seven~ Ezra
Epilogue~ Ezra

Chapter Fifteen~ Ezra

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De 2WantLoveAnd2BeLoved

He and Adrian were just finishing when they had been interrupted by a knocking at the door. They of course had finished, and even when the knocking continued they laid in bed for a few more minutes, cuddling, until Ezra got annoyed and pulled on a pair of sweatpants so he wouldn't be answering the door naked.

Which wouldn't have been a real problem if he had known it was Spencer. They had been best friends for a long time and had seen everything that was eventually going to be seen.

"So he's here?" Spencer asked, grinning evilly and pushing past Ezra, immediately heading for his bedroom and Ezra hoped to god that Adrian had put some cloths on.

Earlier that day, when it had been just the two of them, Spencer demanded to know more about the date, even though Ezra had called him directly after and talked to him about it for three hours, so his best friend was a up to date as possible.

Ezra watched as Spencer pushed open his bedroom door, and over his shoulder, Ezra could see Adrian sitting on his bed, wearing a hoodie that was too big to belong to Adrian, so that meant it was Ezra's, and his skinny jeans. On his lap was an open textbook and Ezra remembered his promise. "Define syntax, you horny fuck," Adrian said, and when there was no response Adrain raised his head, and his eyes widened at the sight of two boys rather than one.

"Hello cupcake!" Spencer greeted, entering the room and dropping down into the chair that Ezra had in front of his desk. Adrian studied him for a moment, and then shifted his gaze to Ezra, who shrugged and then went to lay across his mattress, wrapping his arms around Adri's waist.

"I like cupcakes," Adrian commented, and Ezra watched in amusement as Spencer wiggled his eyebrows.

"I thought you would". Spencer spun around in the chair once. "Do you like frosting?"

"I-" Adrian was clearly confused, but he answered anyways, nodding as he did so. "Yeah".

"Have you ever tasted it sexually?" This didn't really seem to make sense, and Adrian's lips parted for a moment before he smirked suddenly.

"By that do you mean have I ever licked it off of someone's naked body?"

Spencer shrugged. "Or had someone lick it off of you," he grinned, catching Ezra's eye and winking. "Both work".

"I can't say that I have," Adrian admitted, and he glanced at Ezra's exposed torso then, "sadly though. In my previous sexual experiences there was never really anything involved besides cigarettes and emotional trauma". Spencer looked intrigued and Ezra tightened his arms around Adrian's waist, offering him support that he wasn't sure the other needed.

"That's the best kind," Spencer said, and then he spun around counter clockwise and kicked a bunch of things off of Ezra's desk as he did so. "So Adrian Vang. Have you ever given head?"

Adrian once again glanced at Ezra, his expression very unsure and Ezra rolled his eyes, trying to tell him without words that his best friend was kind of a lunatic and he should just go with it. "I have".

"Are you any good at it?"

"Spence," Ezra interrupted, and Adrian let out a surprised laugh.

"I don't know. I like to think so, but I think you should be asking Ezra that question".

"Alright," Spencer said, very serious, and then he directed his attention to Ezra and stared at him expectantly.

"What?" Ezra asked, looking between the two boys, one breathtakingly beautiful and the other breathtakingly stupid.

"Is he any good?" Spencer asked, and Ezra blinked.

"You can't seriously expect me to answer that". Now both Spencer and Adrian were looking at him, both awaiting an answer that Ezra didn't really want to give. This was private stuff. None of it concerned Spencer. He answered anyways when it became clear that they were both planning on staring at him until he did so. "He's very good," Ezra addressed his best friend, not daring to look at the boy who shook in his arms as he giggled. "His gag reflex is under control and he understands that teeth is good if you use the right amount. It's not at all like Sarah Mc-what's-her-face who tried to bite my dick off that one time". Spencer looked pleased with this answer, and Ezra, who still was refusing to look at his boyfriend, would bet his life on the fact that Adrian did too.

"Now Adrian," Spencer said, bracing his elbows on his knees and leaning forwards, "I'm going to ask you a very serious question, and I need you to answer it very seriously". Now Ezra looked at Adrian to see his eyes very wide as he nodded, biting his lower lip in preparation. Ezra wanted to tell him that the question Spencer was about to ask, whatever it may be, was most likely going to be extremely stupid and shouldn't really be taken seriously. "Are you good at giving head because you play the saxophone?"

One second: and Ezra remembered Spence asking him that question all those days ago. Two seconds: and Spencer blinked, looking at the boy in front of him, waiting for an answer. Three seconds: and Adri burst out laughing. It was such a beautiful and full sound that Ezra felt it warming his heart, and when he glanced at Spencer he noticed that even his best friend, who had the greatest poker face ever was trying to fight a smile at the sound and failing miserably.

"That's funny," Adri said once he had calmed down a bit, but an adorable grin was still stretching his face and Ezra wanted to kiss it. "Surprisingly I haven't heard that one before, but, in all honestly, I think it might actually help". The look of victory on Spencer's face as he looked at Ezra was sickening.

"Don't appease him," Ezra groaned, pressing his face into Adrian's hip and he felt the boy's hand in his hair.

"I'm not. I think it helps with the teeth thing". Ezra didn't see how this made any sense, but he had never even tried to play a saxophone before, so it very well could be a perfectly reasonable answer.

"Spencer, go home," Ezra grumbled, and Adrian once again shook as he laughed at this. Spencer, on the other hand, did not find it as funny.

"You cock. I'm just trying to get to know your new boyfriend some-"

"No," Ezra clarified, pulling his face away from Adrian so he could be heard better. "You just wanted him to say that thing about blowjobs so you could rub it in my face for the next year that I was wrong while you were right".

Adrian interrupted their stupid little arguement. "Well, as entertaining as that was for me, El is parked on the street in front of your house, and I think I better go join her before she comes and removes your dick from your body". Ezra winced at this, and Spencer looked intrigued.

"This sounds interesting," Spence said, and Ezra ignored him as he watched Adrian climb off of the bed and look around for his shoes for a moment.

"I'll walk you out," Ezra offered, and Adrian paused, looking up at him and grinning for just a second before bending over to tie the laces of his maroon converse. "I'll be back in a minute, Spence. Don't touch anything".

Ezra closed his bedroom door behind him and Adrian after they exited, and they walked down the hall in a peaceful un-awkward silence. It was nice, and Ezra didn't even break it when they got to the door and turned to each other. A mutual agreement was made with their eyes, and they both leaned towards one another at the same time, Ezra ducking down and Adrian pressing up onto his toes so their mouths could meet in the middle. It was a sweet kiss that only lasted a second, but as always, it left Ezra wanting more.

When Adrian had disappeared into Helen's car, Ezra shut the front door and pressed his face against the wood, groaning loudly. What did it mean if he already missed him?

"He makes you happy, man," Spencer had said once Ezra returned to his room, and he nodded in agreement absently, dropping down onto his bed as he cautiously watched Spencer spin in his desk chair. "No. Ezra. I'm serious. I've never seen you look at anyone the way you look at him, including Haley Carlile , and you two were together for months".

"Carlile?" Ezra asked, not familiar with the name. He shrugged and Spencer rolled his eyes.

"Please talk to me about your happiness, Ezra, that's kind of what I'm trying to get at".

"I know," Ezra said, swallowing. He was afraid of the words he was about to say, but this was Spencer and he could tell him everything. "I think I might love him". Spencer's spinning stopped, and he was very serious when he met Ezra's eyes.

"You... love him?" He asked, and even though that wasn't exactly what Ezra had said, he nodded. It felt so true, but he didn't know that this could happen in a week's time. Now that the thought about it, it probably didn't. His previous obsession with hating the boy could possibly be one of the reasons why Ezra was so sure about his feelings. He already knew his so well before they even started dating. "Well fuck Ezra".

"Is it a bad thing?" He asked nervously. He had never been in love before. Though, asking Spencer was a stupid idea, since to his knowledge, neither had his friend.

"Falling in love? Not at all. It's a great thing. It's just, well, you're going to need to tell the boys then". The boys. The team. His best friends. Not all of them would be as open minded as Spencer, Ezra knew and understood this, and wanted to be friends will all of them for at least a bit longer.

"I know," Ezra said carefully, "I just want to wait for a little longer". Spencer looked him up and down carefully, studying his half naked form but it wasn't in a way that made him uncomfortable. His best friend nodded at him.

"Alright, man. Just don't wait too long".

"You think Adrian is going to want to tell people?" Ezra asked, wondering why Spencer was so urgent, and his best friend shook his head slowly.

"No. I think it's going to kill you not to talk to your best friends about this". Spencer stood then, looking down at him for a very long moment and the silence between them was tense. "It's not easy, Ezra, and you're more emotional than me". Before Ezra could asked what Spencer was referring to, the boy disappeared into the hallway, and a minute later Ezra heard the front door closing behind him.


"Are you the band teacher?" Ezra asked, looking at the young, fairly attractive man who was sitting at the desk. He looked up when Ezra entered and his eyes furrowed together in confusion.

"You don't play an instrument," the man said simply, and Ezra's lips twitched.

"I'm looking for Adrian Va-"

"Hello sexy," a soft and very familiar voice interrupted and both Ezra, and the teacher, looked surprised at this. Ezra's eyes landed on his boyfriend, who was standing in the door of the practice room at they had hooked up in the previous week.

"Um..." Ezra pressed his lips together, doubtfully looking at the teacher in the room, who was studying him so closely that it made him a bit uncomfortable, and Adrian laughed softly.

"Don't worry about him. He has a really hot husband so he can't judge either of us for wanting to make out with other boys," Adri assured, and Ezra relaxed a bit, but not completely. He directed his attention back to Adrian, who was staring at his arms quite contently. "You're ridiculously attractive".

Ezra grinned at him, forgetting the presence of the other man in the room and walked towards Adrian, saying gently, "and you're gorgeous," before gently kissing him and the smaller boy giggled against his mouth.

"Come on". Adrian grasped his collar and pulled him back into the practice room and Ezra shut the door behind them and drew the smaller boys lips back to his, kissing him deeply for a moment, teasing him with his tongue, before he pulled away and smiled lazily down at the younger boy. God, he was in love.

"I wanted to see you," Ezra admitted and Adrian smiled. Ezra's parents wanted to go out to dinner that night as a family, so he was told that his tutoring could wait, which meant that there would be no Adrian gracing his presence. "I'm going to miss you".

Adrian hummed thoughtfully and pressed up onto his tip toes, kissing the corner of Ezra's mouth sweetly. "I'll miss you too, hun, but you're going to be late for practice". Ezra groaned, at that moment considering quitting the soccer team, and this, or something must have read on his face because Adrian laughed. "You gotta go, baby".

Ezra rolled his eyes, but when they settled on Adrian once more, he grinned and kissed him quickly, cupping his chin as he did so. "God, you're so fucking perfect and" I love you, "you have no idea what you do to me".

"You're going to be late".

As luck would have it, he wasn't late. But Spencer was, which meant that they would all have to run anyway. When the boy showed up, he looked winded and his lips were swollen, and he was smiling. That smile stayed on his face, even as the rest of his teammates glared at him and cursed him. Spencer went to stand next to Ezra, placing his feet in time to join them in their jog around the field.

"What the fuck, man," Ezra hissed, and Spencer shook his head, grinning. "Where were you?"

"Fixing something that had to be fixed". It wasn't a very descriptive answer, and Ezra really wanted to know more, but coach blew the whistle and they were forced to jog. Ezra felt it was better to save his breath for not dying rather than question his friend on stupid things the didn't actually care about.

"Don't be mad at me," Spence panted, and Ezra growled. "Ez".

"Shut up".

"Ezra, don't be mad at me".

"Stop taking, Spencer," he demanded, but knowing his best friend, he most definitely wouldn't.

"Ezra, baby". He didn't respond, focusing on his breathing as they rounded the first corner. This would be the first lap of many, and he wasn't about to be careless since his breath had yet to burn. "Ezra, you sexy mother fucker, I want you to take me so hard that when I cum I see rainbows and butterflies and unicorns and-"

"Jesus fuck man," Ezra groaned, turning and placing his hands on Spencer's shoulders and shoving him away. Spencer stumbled and lost his footing, falling backwards. To try and catch himself, his hand clenched around Ezra's arm, though this only cause the both of them to fall. Ezra swore, dropping down next to his best friend and hoping that they weren't trampled by their team mates behind them.

They shared a look with one another, and then both burst out laughing.

"Drake, Kipson! On your feet!" their coach yelled from across the field, and Ezra continued to laugh as he clambered up and then offered a hand to Spencer, pulling him up alongside of him.

"Why were you even mad?" Spencer asked as they began to jog again and Ezra peered at him out of the corner of his eye, still grinning.

"Because, if I knew you were going to be late anyways, I would have spent more time with Adrian," he admitted and Spencer chuckled.

"You are so whipped". He was, but he couldn't care less. He was also happy.


"Alright men," Coach began, and Ezra's teeth dug into his lower lip. He was exhausted from running, especially since it was the hottest day of the winter season yet (it was Florida so it didn't get that cold anyways though) and they had been forced to run twice the amount that they usually did as punishment for Spencer's tardiness. "We all know what happens in two weeks".

"We do?" The idiot, better known as Spencer asked, and Ezra ducked his head and chuckled at his best friends stupidity.

"Ez," Francis said, sounding tired. He was the goalie, so out of the team he was the least used to running long distances, "wanna fill him in?"

"Valley fall's game," Ezra told his friend, and Spencer's face changed into a goofy smile.

"Well I knew that. I thought he meant there was a holiday or something-"

"Yes! It is the annual Valley Fall's game. That means the biggest crowd we'll be getting all year, and in that crowd will be scouts recruiting for colleges. Now I know some of you have already picked schools," Spencer elbowed Ezra, "but for others of you this is a very big deal". Coach went on to talk about playing in college for a bit and Ezra tuned him out, only playing attention when he once again began addressing next week's game. "After last year," he shot Ezra a look and he ducked his head, "we need to win. Never again will something like that happen. We do not allow them to show us up like that. Not on our field".

For the rest of practice they were forced to play against one another, splitting them into "even" teams, which meant that it was Ezra on the team with all of the freshmen and sophomores, and all of the other experienced players on the other side, scoring point after point. Eventually his coach called him out of the game to talk.

"How's that ankle feeling?" he asked, and Ezra glanced down at it before nodding at him. "Good, son. Last year... what happened wasn't fair to you, and it wasn't your fault, but we can't let it happen again, okay?"

"Are you not putting me against Caleb this year, sir?" he questioned, hoping his coach wouldn't say this.

He had been worrying about it a lot lately. That his coach would change the game plan and put Ezra, his star player, somewhere as far from the deceptive forward that was Caleb Higgins. This was the last thing that Ezra wanted.

"You're the only one who compares to him, Drake. I have no choice, but this year, you play him, you got it? It's not the other way around". Ezra blinked, and then nodded.

"Yes sir". He got a clap on the back and was pushed towards the field. As he went, Spencer caught his eyes and raised his eyebrows. Are you okay? He was asking, and Ezra grinned.

Fucking perfect.

Finally, in two weeks, Ezra could get his revenge. It was why he had been working so hard the past year.

Now he just needed to wait two weeks.

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