Percy Jackson VS. Michael Vey

By Cheetahs1907

17K 207 149

Percy and Michael. Two super-powerful beings that have tremendous potential. What happens when the meet? More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Stranger Things
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 12

605 12 3
By Cheetahs1907

Percy's POV

I can tell you one thing about Michael Vey. That kid can cause some pain. Of course I just soaked my arm in water and all the pain and blisters and burnt flesh went away, but while it was there, it hurt. When I had him in a headlock it was a struggle to keep my eyes open from black out of him pulsing. But, nonetheless, I kept him incapacitated. Although one thing has really been bothering me. Cassy and Taylor both have powers that mess with the electrical impulses in your body. But they both don't work on me, so I must not have any electricity in me. I mean, think about it, maybe I have water doing the job instead of electricity because if I have electricity in me that would give Zeus an unfair advantage. But then again, that would mean Hazel and Nico would have Earth in them instead of electricity. Man this is making my head hurt. Anyways, I was thinking about this when suddenly I heard the door open and then slam. We were at the "safe" house that the Electroclan was staying at. Apollo was there chauffeur called Charley. Back to the present, it was Annabeth who charged into the room, and she had anger in her eyes.
"Perseus Jackson." She said. Uh oh, that's never good when she uses my full name.
"Yeah?" I squeaked out.
"Michael said that you killed some of their guards. And he also said that they had blood pooling from their noses, eyes, and mouth. Were you controlling their blood?"
"Annabeth, I would've been killed! They were gonna put me in a memory extractor. Do you have any idea what torture chamber they put me in?"
"I don't care, Perseus! We both agreed that you wouldn't ever control something that wasn't meant to be controlled! Controlling water is cool, it makes people laugh and smile. Controlling blood makes people run away in fear." Suddenly my heart clenched.
"Are you afraid of me?" I asked. Annabeth looked at me.
"No of course not, your my boyfriend Percy!" But even then I could hear the doubt in her voice. It hurt me almost as much as the time I controlled the poison. That look of pure fear over Annabeth's entire body. Suddenly I just got up and ran.

I had no idea where I was running too, I just had to get away. I ended up at a pizza place with too long a name to say, so I'll say Max's Pizza. It had the word pig in the name, which I'm not too sure is a good thing for a restaurant. I sat down at a table and looked around. Family's eating together, friends hanging out together, completely oblivious to all the destruction the world has adverted. Suddenly I felt someone slide onto the bench next to me.
"Hey." A pretty brunette said.
"I'm Maddie. Why are you here by yourself? Are you waiting on someone?" She asked. Before I could reply 3 more people slid into my table.
"Hey Spencer." I said. I recognized him as the kid who I was throwing the football around with. Maddie raised an eyebrow.
"Her Perce. I see you've met Maddie. Well this is Katie, and this is Drew." Katie blushed when I nodded at her, though I have no idea why. Drew just did one of those 'whassup' nods. For once the popular kids actually sat at the table with me.
"So Percy what was going on at lunch. All I just see is you on Lil' Norris fighting with a bunch of other good-looking people. It was scary but awesome." Spencer said. I sigh.
"You guys wouldn't understand. This goes beyond mortal men's comprehension." I mentally applauded myself for using big boy words. Spencer looked down then back up with a sad look.
"Oh well all right. I was just hoping my life would get a little bit more thrilling than basketball and college." Spencer stood up, then everyone else did too.
"See you around Percy." The rest of Spencer's gang said their own assortment of goodbyes and I was left alone feeling even more depresssed than when I came in.

I was walking to the "safe" house. At night. Even though I'm in Meridian Idaho, a place no one knows about, with my luck I got jumped. A dude way shorter than me was walking towards me with a knife.
"Just give me your wallet man. Just give it to me and I'll let you go." He said in a slightly shaky voice.
"Wow. Your life must be so unlucky. Out of all the people you choose me to jump? That really sucks." He looked at me strangely.
"You think this is a joke? I'm robbing you now give me your wallet before I'm wanted for something a lot worse than robbery."
"Alright, go ahead and try it. Try to stab me and you'll wish you're wanted for murder." The man took a step towards me and I shot water up to his leg and froze it.
"What the hell? How'd you do that? You better let me go before..." he never finished his sentence because I put a water bubble over his head. He started to flail around as much as he could but I kept it there. I went over to the knife in his arm and disarmed him and threw it away. He looked like he was on the verge of passing out so I just knocked him down and froze water over his chest, securing him to the ground.
"Hey! I saw your face! I'm gonna report you to the police!" Usually people say I'm an idiot but this dude was a whole 'nother level of stupid.
"Yup tell the police, 'I was mugging this dude the other day and he had some weird voodoo crap. You should go catch him and set me free!" I then punch him and knocked him out. I proceeded my walk back to the "safe" house.

I went through the front door and Annabeth hugged me as soon as I did. I hesitantly hugged her back.
"Percy I'm sorry. I didn't mean to go off on you like that. It's just, that... that place is just messing with my emotions." Annabeth said, while sounding like she was on the verge of crying. Which was unlike her.
"Hey, it's okay. But don't worry we're out now, we're together, and we will never go back in. I promise." I felt her smile.
"How come I'm supposed to be cheering you up but you're cheering me up?" This time it was my turn to smile.
"It's just something I do." I turned and walked with Annabeth hand in hand to Jason's bedroom. I opened the door.
"We need to leave. Now." I said
"What why? What happened?" Jason replied.
"A dude tried to mug me and I was a bit pissed off so I think you can figure out what happened." I said whilst Jason's eyes widened.
"Man Percy you take sushi to a whole other level." He sat up and packed the few things he had. I went around to everyones rooms and told them the same thing. I got the "Electroclan" minus Michael and put them in the back of a deli truck, that Apollo was waiting in. I went over to the room Michael was in and as soon as I opened the door I felt a blow to the side of my body and an electric shock. I passed out before I even hit the ground.

Yea I haven't updated in forever but I'm going into high school and I'm deciding a lot of things. Mostly just to play football or not but I think I'm gonna do it. But anyways I have a question for you all. What country do you live in and if you live in the USA tell me your state. I just got back from Yosemite in California and there were lots of people from different countries so I'm curious. But anyways check out my profile I updated my bio and it'll probably be that way for a loooonnnngggg time. But yea random fact about me my friends say I have 6 girlfriends. And not like girls that are friends but girlfriends. If you read my bio you'll understand. Anyway tell me a random fact about you. See you guys.

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