Chapter 11

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Michael's POV

"Michael?" Taylor said. There she was, as beautiful as always standing across the hall from me and her arm in a sling. Her eyes started to brim with tears and she walked toward me. We met in a hug and she turned my head down so she could kiss me. The kiss was short and sweet, but had strong emotion in it. Again, I could feel a current of electricity in it.
"Awww." Said Maddie, who was standing right behind Taylor. "I knew you guys would get together. You guys are such a cute couple."
"How-how are you alive? The explosion, it reminded me of the after shots of nuclear bomb. You-you caused it Michael. I thought you were dead. We all thought you were dead." Taylor asked, stuttering on a lot of the words.
"Hey Michael we couldn't find anyo... Oh, looks like you did." Annabeth said as she was coming up to me. I looked at Taylor and I could see her putting up a mask.
"Who are you?" Taylor asked, venom lacing her tone.
"I'm Annabeth, Michael's friend. And you are?" Annabeth put her hand out to shake. I could sense Taylor's relief and she put out her hand too. The handshake was a little weird because Annabeth was nearly 7 inches taller than Taylor, but they made it work.
"Taylor Ridley, Michael's girlfriend."
"Oh, so your the famous Taylor that Michael keeps telling me about. But, I feel like my boyfriend mentioned that name."
"What's your boyfriends name?" She asked.
"Jackson, Percy Jackson." Suddenly Annabeth looked confused, then she fell to the floor unconscious. I looked at Taylor.
"What did you do that for?!"
"Michael, Percy is the one who did this to me." She pointed at her broken arm. "He killed a few of our guards and escaped on a flying black horse. He is dangerous." Hearing her say all this about Percy, my awe for the dude vanished, replaced by anger.
"I'll kill him." I muttered. I started walking down the halls looking for a black haired boy. With Taylor in tow, some people glanced at me, remembering who I am, or was. I looked out the window and saw him. He was standing there, tossing a football to Spencer. A stupid grin on his face with Calypso and Piper talking at the side. Spencer threw the ball to Jason and Leo was off to the side annoying Calypso. I burst out of the school, gaining the attention of most everyone out there, including the Electroclan.
"Michael?" Everyone said in unison. Well, except Spencer, he said, "Lil' Norris?" Percy looked at me.
"Hey I see you found someon... Oh boy."
"Yeah oh boy is right, I can't believe I trusted you. You killed some of our guards, broke Taylor's arm and then you show hospitality to me? Who do you think you are?"
"You already know who I am."
"That's it!" I yelled. I made a lightning ball about the size of a baseball and threw it at him. He dodged and ran. Taylor laughed.
"Guess he's not as much a hero as everyone says he is." Just then, a huge wave of water appeared dousing Taylor and I. The rest of the Electroclan ran to me, saying, "How are you alive?" And, "Its good to see you." Then we dug in for a battle. Zeus started sparking. Taylor started focusing, McKenna started to heat up, and Tessa enhanced all of us. I was feeling really electric and sent out a shockwave towards the seven of them. All of them fell, except for Jason. He called lightning down and hit right next to us, out clothes schroched from the intense heat.
"That was a warning shot. Back off."
"Taylor." I said. Taylor concentrated, then Jason screamed out in pain and fell to his knees, then fainted. Everyone else started to get back up. Hazel called up the Earth, Frank morphed into a giant bear, and Percy called on water. Frank growled and bounded after Ian, Abi, and Jack, Hazel kept Zeus and Ostin busy and Taylor, Cassy, Quentin, Tara, Torstyn, and I went after Percy. Cassy extended her hand and tried to paralyze him but it wasn't working. Taylor tried to reboot him but it still didn't work. I threw lighting balls but I was getting drained. I threw one, but Percy deflected it off of his sword and into Quentin. Quentin got knocked to the ground unconscious and Tara ran to him. Torstyn tried to microwave him but Percy just put water over him, without touching him. Percy sent water to Torstyn and drowned him in it.(Well, he got knocked unconscious from lack of air) Then he sent a blunt piece of ice at the back of Taylor's head and she got knocked out too. He hit Tara upside the head with the flat of his sword and he charged at me. I pulsed and he jumped back just in time. We then had a brawl but Percy was overpowered. He had me in a chokehold and I could see my peripheral vision getting blurry. I pulsed again and again, and I could feel his skin starting to blister. I felt a drop of liquid on my shoulder, and looked at it. Blood. Percy's shoulder was bleeding. He tightened his grip on my neck, then my vision went completely black.

I woke in a dark room that I didn't recognize. Plastic zip ties were on my wrists and I was in a plastic chair. The room was padded with soft plastic and was about 7 by 7. I tried remembering what happened but couldn't. Then my heart froze, what if Hatch took us? I was praying to all the Olympians that that didn't happen. Luckily at that moment, Annabeth walked in. I started struggling against the bands on me trying to get free.
"Where are the others?" I growled.
"Away." Annabeth simply said.
"How could you do this to us? I thought you were our friend."
"I am your friend. Percy did what he had to do to escape."
"Really? Cause last time I checked friends don't break each other's arms."
"That was an accident. Taylors arm is unfortunate."
"Oh yeah, what about all the other guards he killed and put in the hospital?" Annabeths eyes narrowed.
"He killed people?"
"Yeah, Taylor said that people just froze up and fell over with blood rushing out of there eyes and mouth and nose. How do you explain that?" He's a murderer." Annabeth's eyes went wide in fear and she rushed out the room. I started pulsing to melt the bands off me and they did. I reached down to me feet and melted through those bands too. I got up and went to the door. I tried the handle. Locked. Rats. I went to the side of the door ready to rush anyone that enetered to try and escape. Now all I had to do was wait.

Ok I am so sorry that I haven't updated in a while, but as I said in my other book Cancer, my friend got was admitted to a mental hospital and with all my finals and that and relationships and everything it's turning the stress into depressions so just bare with me please.

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