one shots » bts suga

By kumamontrash

39.7K 1.3K 1.1K

Just a bunch of one shots that I couldn't be bothered making full books of. Enjoy~ More

Piano pt 1
Piano pt 2
Eyes closed
Same Difference
Same difference pt 2
Unknown lover
Heard you
Are you ok?

Piano pt 3

2.2K 115 147
By kumamontrash

"What's wrong auntie?"

"Your grandma wanted to see you"

"Hi halmeoni"

I smile at her but she looks at me weirdly.

"Who is this child? I want to see my granddaughter. She's three. Three!"

She starts going crazy as the nurses drag me outside.

"Sorry miss, her condition is still not very stable"

I nod at her weakly as I plop myself on a chair. I see a vending machine and I quickly run up to it.

I buy some juice before slowly heading back to my chair. As I was walking I go past lots of rooms.

But one stood out. I go back to it which I had passed. I look at the folder out front.



I start mumbling to myself. I take a big sip as i read the next line. I start to choke on my juice.


Why was Yoongi in the hospital? I put my head against my mouth. I knew something was up!

I quickly run up to the front desk and ask if he could have visitors. She nods her head. I run back to his room and knock loudly before going inside.

"Eomma calm down I'm-"

His eyes widen as he sees me. Tears start welling up in my eyes. He was so pale.


I run up to him.

"(Y/n) what are you doing here!"

"I wanted to-"

"No! Get out!"

I look at him shocked. How could he say that.

"Yoongi I just-"

"I said GET OUT!"

I couldn't hold back my tears. They fell to the floor before I turned around quickly and ran outside. I shut the door and fell beside it.

Minutes later auntie found me. On the floor.

"(Y/n) it's fine grandmas fine"

I smile at her weakly. I feel a little bad since that wasn't really what I was sad about. We went back home and I just locked myself up in my room.


"Stop visiting me"

"Yoongi please-"

"I said STOP! Just leave me alone!"

I dragged my feet over to the door and shut it tight. I held back my tears this time. He was getting paler the day.

Soon I stopped going inside, but I still went. I just stayed outside the doorway.

Every day I went to visit him but I never went inside. I couldn't bare him yelling at me anymore.

His mom would just look at me and sigh before going inside. She never really noticed me or offered me to go inside, Yoongi had probably told her to not let me in.

One day as I went over I noticed that the folder out front was different. I looked at it before breaking into a run to the front desk.

"Where is Min Yoongi?"

"He's been replaced here"

She points at a room and I looked at her horrified. I knelt down and started crying.

"Miss I'm so sorry, are you okay"

"Your mother has been moved to this room"


Auntie pushed me away as the nurse told her the reason. She probably thought I couldn't hear but I did. I wish I never did though.

"We move patients who might not make it over to the other rooms"

Auntie looks at her petrified. I tried to hold back my tears, pretending I didn't hear anything.

I walked up to his room and stopped at the door. I couldn't do it, I couldn't open the door. I just ended up having a crying fit outside his door.

He could probably hear me. I sat on the chairs next to his room.

"I'm so sorry Yoongi"


Days past as I sat there everyday. I didn't even go to the orphanage anymore. I just stayed next to his room all day. But I never went in.

I was too much of a coward to. Every time I sat out there I always ended up bursting out crying.

Soon when I came there his folder was gone. I got on my knees and the tears wouldn't stop.

Suddenly a hand was placed on my shoulder. I looked up to see it was his mother. She had puffy eyes too.

"I'm sorry. He told me- he told me to give you this"

I cried even more when I saw what it was.

It was a letter. I bowed to her before grabbing it. I walked away, back home.

I ripped the envelope open.

'Hey (y/n)
Sorry this is late'

I take the other paper that was behind it. It was music sheets. I look at it confused for a while before I read it.

'First Love'

I collapsed on the chair. My hand was pressed against my mouth to stop my sobs.

I straightened myself up before sitting at the piano and playing it. I played it as if he was right next to me. I felt his presence as I played his piece.

I imagined him giving me his last gummy smile as I finish it off.

I burst out crying as the sheet falls to the ground. The keys get all wet and I couldn't breath anymore.

When I finally regained my thoughts I stared at the floor blankly and realised the sheets were all on the ground. I quickly picked them up and noticed something written on the back.

'I'm sorry I lied, But can you tell me? Do first loves ever work?'

I look at it confused. What was he trying to say. I play the piece over and over again until I finally realised.

It was me.

Damn I suck at story telling. Disappointed with the ending ya know, was expecting it to be a little sadder but oh well sorry to disappoint. Oh and just to point out, yes this was insfired by your lie in April. Don't sue me I'm sorry okay. Thanks for reading my trash xx

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