Toxic Love (Pearl x Amethyst)

By qxeenmonaababes

5.2K 120 141

It's just turning Fall in Queens, NY and of course times are tough. Amethyst, a 25 year old is looking for a... More

Chapter 2: One Call, One Kiss
Chapter 3: Gunshots & Tears
Chapter 4: Together
Chapter 5: Bombs Away
Chapter 6: Split Paths
Chapter 7: Progress
~Author's Note~
Chapter 8: Fucked Up and Left U
Chapter 9: Gone
Chapter 10: Woke
Chapter 11: Unforgettable Secrets

Chapter 1: Mirrors & Gems

1.3K 20 66
By qxeenmonaababes

Pearls P.O.V
I was sitting in the office of one of my casinos in Queens NY until I suddenly heard gun shots. "Boss, it's the diamonds again." My British lady body guard tells me, tossing me a gun. "Damn it! I have a fucking headache!" I yell while loading my shoot gun up and making an announcement to my security guards. "Evacuate everyone and make sure they make it out." I say and throw the radio across the room. I walk out and immediately start shooting left and right.

I run out of bullets but Garnet throws me a gun as I drop the other one and begin shooting again. I jump and roll behind a bar counter, staying silent until these assholes decides to talk, their dumbass leader, Yellow Diamond. "Pearl, you have my diamond necklace​ don't you? Or will my boys have to rip this place apart,!" She yells the last part while picking me up by my throat and slamming me on to the wall. I groan in pain but stay down to fool the blondey walking my way. As soon as she's​ close enough to me, I swiftly hand-stand as my legs hit her shoulders and I curl my entire body upward and snap the bitches neck.

As she falls back, I fall on my knees with my clothed core still in her face until Garnet helps me up. "Thanks G, let's go home." I say as I walk towards my office and make a quick phone call for "reservations" for a body clean up and building restore. I unlock my safe and pull out 10 solid gold coins, then close the safe and lock it back up. Me and Garnet walk out to the front of the casino and a white van pulls up as a man jumps out the passenger side.

"Steven? I thought​ you we're still in college kid." I say as I smile a little and hug this tall boy. "That was years ago Pearl, coins please, tonight's not a good night to stay out. I got word Yellow D is dead, any reason why?" Steven asks me while taking the coins. "Stay outta my business cinnabon." I say as I click my car keys and my car drives up automatically. "It's ok to admit you killed her you know." He says. "But what's not cool is that all this drama your in everyday. I get scarred for you Pearl. You get shot in the heart today and can still manage to run Gems Enterprises by the next day. How do you do it." He says to me. "Well, it's easy. You make your enemies think they shoot your​ heart, but in reality they shot your brain, then you go ballistic." I say as he laughs and I drive off to let him and his boys clean up the bodies and rebuild my casino.

Me and Garnet get home and I swear it gets prettier every time I come home.

(^Her Mansion, but imagine it pitch black outside^)

"Hmm, it's good to be home." I say as I park the car. "At 2:00am, yeah it's definitely good to be home." Garnet says rubbing her beautiful eyes. Me and Garnet aren't dating but we do love each other, we don't really like the title 'Dating' because we are interested in other people, but I love her dearly as she does to me. Plus, we only have sex if we're in the mood, or we get drunk and act like idiots, but hey, that's our relationship and I wanna keep it that way. I kiss her cheek and she smiles. "I love you." I say to her. "I love you too." And we kiss.

I'm kinda wanting her right now but I'm really tired and my body aches from killing that tall mother fucking Yellow Dick head. "Come on love, I'm not carrying you in the house again." Garnet says and I laugh a little as I get out and walk in the house while holding her hand and resting my head on her shoulder. "Welcome back Ms.Grant and Ms.Davis." my head maid Christian says to me and Garnet. "Hey Chris." We both say tiredly as we lay on the couch together.

"Would you like anything to eat or drink mistresses?" He asks us. "I'll take pizza and white whine." I say as I cuddle into Garnet more. "Make that one large pizza and two glasses, please and thank you Chris. Also, let Jenny know to run a bath please." Garnet says to Chris as I hear him walk off. I turn on the fireplace and the TV so I have something to watch.

(^Her Living Room^)

After a few minutes of laughing at Boo! A Madea Halloween, our food gets ready and is placed on the coffee table in front of us. "Thank you Chris." We say to him. "No problem ladies." He says as we hear him walking away.

(^Their Food^)

Me and Garnet finish eating and I feel so tired. "Garnet, bring me to bed please? I'm so tired." I say to her. "Ok, come on." She says as she pick me up. "Your gonna at least shower first, you smell like cigars and alcohol love." She says. "Ooh, my signature cologne." I say. "I'd put it right back on the shelf too." She says and I laugh. "Ugh fine, let me get undressed." I say as I take off my clothes and get in the bath.

I feel her get in with me and I say "Bad idea Garnet." As I lean into her as the water acts like a blanket and her body is my bed and pillows. "Why is that? Are we fucking in the bathroom?" She says. "No, I'm too tired, but your warm, and this water is warm. Warm plus warm equals a sleeping Pearl." I say. "Well.." she says as she gives my neck a long sweet kiss. "Your not going to bed in the bathtub​." She says. "Man, I thought I had you." I say to her. "Almost, no not really." She says as we both laugh and wash our bodies off.

We get out and I get dressed as my music plays. I brush my teeth and spit out the water and paste. I look at myself in the mirror and just look at myself. I look in the corner of the mirror and see a few cracks. I start blinking rapidly as flashbacks start racing in my mind.

I was running in the burning house, all I was worried about was my mom. I ran in the bathroom and saw the mirror perfect as everything else was burning around me. Suddenly, a man looked at me through the mirror and bursted through as I was looking for my mother in the burning house. My mom pushed me out the way before the man could get me. My whole body froze up, I couldn't feel a thing. I fell on the ground and watched my own mother get killed by some guy that bursted through a mirror. The smoke in my lungs, the fire in the corner of my eyes, I couldn't breathe.
~~End Of Flashback~~

I feel hands on my waist and I scream and cover my face, something that I wanted to do before the man shot my mother. "Pearl! It's me, Garnet!" She says while my vision focuses on her. She wipes my tears away and kisses me. I kiss her back and she breaks it. "I'll sleep with you tonight, and we'll get that mirror fixed." She says as I nod slowly and grip on to her for dear life. She hugs me tightly as a few tears pour from my eyes.

She rubs my back as I feel sleepy all over again. She carries me to the bed as she pulls my body closer to hers, I feel safe. I'll give you a better introduction of myself tomorrow, night.

~~Time Skip To 9:00am~~

Pearl P.O.V
I rub my eyes as I sit up in the bed. I look over and see Garnet still sleeping. I smile and kiss her cheek. She turns and stirs a little and says "Mmm Pearl.." in her sleep. I laugh a little, she's a sleep talker. I go to my bathroom and wash my face and brush my teeth. I look at my watch and it reads 9:26am. Hmm, might as well give my introduction now. I'm Pearl Grant. Everyone knows me as Ms.Grant like Chris does, but my close friends like Garnet and some of my security guards know me as Pearl.

I've always lived in Queens NY, it's not the best place but if you want a life of adventure and drama, then you got here. The trick is you have to know people, or be beautiful as fuck. Now me, I like to believe I'm both.

Ok so maybe not beautiful, but at least pretty, ugh I don't care. As you might have figured out, my mom died while saving me. Cracked mirrors scare the fuck out of me ok? I'm not afraid to say it, yes it's because of my past but I just can't shake the feeling of becoming that little girl I used to be, scared, afraid, weak. Garnet is all I have left of my past, everything and everyone else is in my future. She was my first love, the one I fell in love with and she knows that.

She is kind, but she can be the coldest, meanest, and most dominant person in the world. She's like me, but British, black, and tall, those are some of the factors I love about her. Even if I find someone to settle down with, they'd have to understand me and Garnets relationship. Every time when I think I've found the right one, I open up only to be door slammed in the face by them. Garnet has always been there for me, so I'm never giving her up.

Well, now you know about me, I can carry on about my day. I make it to the kitchen with my chef already there for me, Bismuth. "Hey Ms.Grant, what will it be today?" She asks. "Two strawberry french toast specials, c'mon now you know my usual." I say while smiling at her and she laughs and nods. "Coming right up." She says and gets to work. I go out and get the mail and see that the people that finally owe me my damn money has the courage to get it to me.

I count and all 7 checks are here. I smile and walk back into my house. I open the front door and an aroma of strawberries hits my nose. It reminds me of my mother and how she was so sweet. Her name was Rose and she said that I was the best thing that happened to her. I was times perfectly, I was a perfect child, that I was the perfect birthday gift. I was born on her birthday which was amazing because even though I only knew her for 4 years, my birthdays were the best.

I smile and walk into the kitchen to see Garnet on her phone. I place the mail down and she looks at me and smiles. "Hey love, how did you sleep?" She asks me. "I slept like a baby. But I gotta call those mirror people, this is the third time this month, that thing haunts me." I say as I make a phone call and it will be here later on today. "I still hated to see you like that, it was awful. Come here." She says and I walk over to her as her legs wrap around my back.

Her hands travel around my neck and she kisses me deeply. I kiss back and we stay like that for about 5 minutes until she breaks the kiss softly. I open my eyes and see her lightly laughing. "W-what's so f-funny?" I ask her. "Your blushing again. Your so cute." She says and kisses my forehead. I smile and hug her. I think she's the only one that I yell at the least. One time I tried her, never again. That's what caused the crack in the mirror. She threw a wine bottle, that was full, at me but I kicked it out the way.

I might kiss and hug all up on other girls but Garnet has a place in my heart that can't be replaced. "Foods done." Bismuth says while placing it in front of us. I begin eating and Garnet speaks up. "So, those people finally give you your money huh?" And she puts a piece of french toast in her mouth. I swallow and nod. "Yep, they finally know who they're messing with. I just wonder what's gonna happen to the diamonds since I killed their sister." I say. "You know, the usual, get mad, come after you, you almost die but then you bounce back. Your Pearl Grant, my Pearl Grant, you can handle anything this world throws at you." Garnet says while taking a sip of her smoothie.

"True, plus, I throw back harder." I say and she laughs and nods. She swallows her food and kisses my cheek. "Well, I'll be back. I'm gonna go to the gym and work out for a bit, bye love." She says. "Aww, I was hoping to go to the mall with you G." I say to her. "Well, buy me things." She says as she laughs and heads out the door.

A gun shot goes off and screeching tires not too far behind. "No, NO!" I scream out as my heart beats out of my chest and I open the door. I see Garnet on the ground, a bullet through her heart. I run down the stairs and hold her close. "P-pearl. Go find someone to love like you did me, maybe even more. I'll always love you." She says with her final breath as I kiss her and she kisses back for a second, until I feel nothing but cold lips on my warm ones. I open my eyes and look at her. "NO DAMN IT!! IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME!!" I scream out as I hold her in my arms and as an ambulance bust through my gates and rush towards me.

~~Time Skip to 2:00pm~~

Garnets dead, she's really gone. I look at myself in the mirror and almost cry my make up off, I'm going to my first loves funeral.

(^Of Course She's not smiling^)

I look at myself in my full body mirror and I look good, if only Garnet was by my side. I look at my mirror in my bathroom and see the crack. Flashbacks of me and Garnet run through my mind, not my mother's death anymore. I wanna keep those memories, it's like that was the point in my life I realized that I was in love. I call my mirror people and call off the replacement. "Just cut it! I don't need it anymore and if it's not called off so help me Lord." I say angry because their pissing me off. "Yes, yes! It's called off and the money is back in your account Ms.Grant! Sorry for your lose and have a good day!" The lady on the other line says nervously as she hangs up.

I look on my Apple watch and see the money is back on my account. I look in the mirror and see Garnet standing there. "Pearl, don't go to the funeral." She says. "W-what? I love you of course I'm going?" I respond. "Damn it, no! Go to the mall like you said you were going to do. If you love me, you'd stop crying and go to the mall like I said. Pearl, if you love me, you'd trust me." She says as she steps out of the cracked mirror. She puts her hands on my face and kisses me. I open my eyes and she's gone but before I walk out of my room with a new change of clothes, she whispers "I'm always with you, but don't go to the funeral."

I know exactly what to do. I don't call off the wedding her family will be there but I just don't go. I call my people and make sure after the funeral, her family comes over as she is being cremated. I'll have the crosses with her ashes in it so I can give it to them and to me as an apologie for not being their at the funeral. I walk out the house and head to my car still in the front.

I get in and start my car. "What is your destination Ms.Grant?" The car asks me. "My strip mall please." I say as the coordinates enter the cars system as it starts driving its self to the mall with me in it. I look in my wallet and see my black card in there, good. I make it there in record time and I step out the car as I park it. I walk into the mall and my security guards are already there for me to block out paparazzi from exploding with questions.

I head into the jewelry store and decide to buy and a Pearl and Garnet necklace. "Hello Ms.Grant, I have your necklace but one moment please, this lady had ordered before you." She says a little nervous and I just nod. I look over and see only a part of her face. Until she puts her head up to look at the jeweler and I was shocked. She's so beautiful. I couldn't stop staring at her, her big purple eyes, her button nose, and her curves are just gorgeous. She's wearing something so simple but it's like, like, I can't even describe.

I feel the exact way I felt when I realized that I was in love with Garnet. I see her blushing and then walk away. "Wait, what happened?" I ask getting out of my daze. "Her card was cancelled, she wanted to buy this." The lady shows me a Amethyst necklace, it's a beautiful and rare gem.

"Hmm, not enough. Cancel my order and I want to buy...." I pause as I look for the best one. "That one! I want it, now." I say and she gets it as I look at it and admire it. "Glen, get the lady back here. Tell her I have a surprise." I say to one of my guards as they nod and run off. "Are you sure? I mean, she's not even worth it-" I cut the lady off. "If she wasn't worth it, why am I buying the necklace? I own this mall and so help me Lord I'll have you fired the next time you question me and my decisions. Don't you ever, EVER, doubt me or question, get the damn necklace and let me pay for it." I say to her angrily while looking her dead in the eyes. "Right away. Card please?" She asks me and I give it to her.

"Hello, I think you called for me ma'am?" The beautiful girls voice rings in my ears like wedding bells. I turn around and we both blush at the same time. "Y-yeah. I got you this instead of that stupid ass small thing you we're trying to buy earlier. Here." I say and give her the box. She smiles at me and I swear I almost melt then and there, her smile could stop a million wars and more. She slowly opens the box and she goes wide eyed and her jaw drops. She has the most dazzling stars in her eyes that complement her purple orbs and she looks up at me with the same expression and I couldn't help but laugh a little. "Do you like it?" I ask while grabbing my arm. "Are you insane?!  I love it!! But it's so expensive why-" I cut her off my taking it out of the box and telling her "Shhh, you talk to much. May I?" I ask and she nods with small tears of happiness in her eyes. She turns around and moves her pony tail out the way so I can put the necklace on her.

After I put it on, she drops her pony tail and turns around and smiles at me.

"I love it, I really do. Thank you so much, what's your name?" She asks me. "Pearl, Pearl Grant." I say and she goes wide eyed again. "Oh my God, your Pearl Grant! Literally the most successful woman in Queens!" She says and I laugh. "So you know me huh?" I ask and she nods. "Everyone does, your famous." She says. "Well, I prefer well known, but ya know, same diff." I say and we laugh.

Her laugh is so cute. I stop laughing just to hear hers. She stops and says "What's wrong?" "Nothing, it's just that your laugh is adorable." I say and she blushes. "Come on, how about we get to know each other better?" I ask as I offer her my arm. She intertwines her arm with mine and we spend most of the day walking around the store until she has to go, but I offer her to come back to my house.

"Oh no, I don't want to be a bother, you've already done so much Pearl, you've literally bought me the world today." She says and laughs that angelic laugh. "I know it's just that, something about you, I can't explain it." I say to her. She blushes while looking down but I lift up her face and I want to kiss her so badly, but it's too much for one day. We're so close together, I feel my heart doing back flips out of my chest. She smiles and grabs my hand with hers and says "Today has been amazing, but I have to go home to my dog Daisy. She must be starving but you could give me a ride home?" She says and I smile. "Of course, I'd love too." I say as we walk out of the mall, arm in arm, soon it'll be hand in hand, don't rush me. I do miss and love Garnet with all my heart but she's the one pushing us together. She's telling me to move on, to be happy, and that's what I'm gonna do, but Lord knows I'll never forget my Garnet Davis.

(~~We Will Never Forget~~)

(^In Loving Memory, Garnet Davis^)


"...Your Pearl Grant, my Pearl Grant, you can handle anything this world throws at you." Garnet says while taking a sip of her smoothie.

"True, plus, I throw back harder." I say and she laughs and nods. She swallows her food and kisses my cheek.
~~End Of Flashback~~

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