Me+You Do the Math✔️

By DesireToShine

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//Ranked #35 Chicklit// Arabella Stone's life was full of disappointment after disappointment. She slowly bui... More

Ch.1 *My Impending Doom*
Ch.2 *Sporks and other utensils*
Ch.3 *Bitter Coffee- Made with love*
Ch.4 *Don't Hug Me*
Ch.5 *Almost History*
Ch.6 *Just a Kiss*
Ch.7 *Suprise Midnight Visits*
Ch.8 *Sweet Pumkin Proposals*
Ch.9 *Venti Cup of Hell*
Ch.10 *Peer Pressure Over Skype*
Ch.11 *Heck NO TechNO*
Ch.12 *Royal Sexual Tension*
Ch.13 *JehovahWitnesses and the Worst Pizza*
Ch.14 *Confrontations Over 2nd Lunch*
Ch.15 *Secret Languages*
Ch.16 *Malicious Utterance*
Ch.17 *Accidents and French Lullabies*
Ch.18 *Greek Gods on Morphine*
Ch.19 *Nine Years Ago*
Ch.20 *Damn it Dj*
Ch.21 *A Day to Forget*
Ch.22 *It's In The Facts*
Ch.23 *Profound Mental Reclusiveness*
Ch.24 *Ty-Breaker*
Ch.25 *I Take It All Back*
Ch.26 *Bi-Polar Mother Nature*
Ch.27 *Bird Watching*
Ch.28 *Off Brand Oreo Cookies*
Ch.29 *Sorry DiCaprio*
Ch.30 *The Voices*
Ch.31 *Triassic Telephone*
Ch.32 *Lost Him*
Ch.33 *Functional Family*
Ch.34 *Revelations and Epiphanies*
Ch.35 *Never Fraternize With the Enemy Kids*

Ch.36 *They Break*

136 16 12
By DesireToShine

Hey, just a heads up. I don't mean the stuff that is in this chapter. Everyone deserves to live and have a happy life. 

Also, I dabble on recovering people, and I'd just like to let you know that Ella's views are biased on her situation. I do believe that you can always fight to recover for the rest of your life. Not everyone falls back into it, and those people are the strongest. 

Not very edited...

So enjoy please and thank you



I couldn't hold in the smile on my face as I practically danced up my the stairs to my house.

The door unlocked with a click and swung open. All the lights were off except for in the kitchen. Sounds of clanking bottles and heavy breaths met my ears.

My smile dropped. Not today. Any other freaking day.

"Shit!" My dad's voice sounded through the house. Turning to pick up my bag I had left in the hallway, another string of creative curses hit my ears. I flinched and slowly made my way to the kitchen. Peeking around the corner I saw the mess of what was once a presentable business man.

He was lying on the floor surrounded by the bottles I had emptied, his face red and panting. Drunk.

"Get out of here Ella." The voice told me.


I took a deep breath and sighed to announce myself. His dark eyes lifted to mine and scowled.

"Oh, it's you." I stood myself taller, trying to prove some sort of dominance. "What are you so chipper about." His voice was cold and mean.

"Nothing." I pushed away from the question like it was nothing.

He groaned and stood up. His legs were unsteady as he swayed. 

"Worthless..." He tried to mumble. 

"I'm sorry what was that?"

He grabbed one of the broken shards of glass that was left on the kitchen counter and pointed it at me. I flinched back. "Y-you heard me."

I started to take a few steps back in fear. My heart beat out my chest and my bottom lip quivered. "Put it down." I tried to assert myself. 

I didn't work. 

"No!" He laughed dryly, still swaying. "Not so happy now?" 

His voice was bitter. What the hell did I ever do to you? 

"Stop it..."He rolled his eyes and groaned. The shard of broken glass bottle dropped from his hand and landed with all the others. 

"Waste of air, that's what you are."

I- um... My tongue felt numb in my mouth. I wanted to say something. Anything to get him to stop. Anything to get myself out of this situation. 

Unfortunately for me, he continued. "All you do half the time is just sit there emotionless and empty!" 

"No, I don't," I mumbled. I blinked away several tears. 

I won't cry. I won't cry. I will not cry. 

"You have no friends, they all just pity you. Your little boyfriend must be insane- how the fuck does he actually like you? I can't believe your mother-" 

I was left staring back in shock. He didn't stutter or stumble his words once.

Part of my wished he didn't actually believe that. Maybe I would have, but not anymore.


"You're not worth it. You're not worth living!" He yelled in anger at me. His hands were shaking.

I took a deep breath during his little speech and gained some confidence.

I closed my eyes for a slight moment before taking a step closer and opening them."You know what? No! Fuck you."

"Stop Ella!" The voice yelled at me. For once it didn't sound like it was outside of my head. It was inside of it. The wasn't the thing on my mind though. 

My focus was on my father and his retaliation. 

The back of his left hand met with the side of my cheek leaving a burning sensation. I stumbled back and clutched at it.

The thick black stainless steel wedding ring hit my cheekbone. I winced at both the pain and the thought that he had no business wearing that. 

I should have seen it coming. This whole thing. I should have known one day he was going to snap and take us all down with him.

Because that's what recovering people do. They break.

"Y-you w-w-will not disrespect me like t-t-t-that."

"You are not to disrespect my mom, my family. Everyone I love!" I yelled back. I was pushing it.

"Get out of my house!" He screamed. I fidgeted with the zipper on my bomber jacket, trying to hold back tears.


I didn't move. Couldn't move.

I saw him moving towards me and trying to take the bag out of my hand. His other hand grabbed my arm with such force that all I could think about how it was going to bruise later.

He tried to yank me forward and out into the hallway.

My body reacted and jerked back, ripping my arm out of his death grip.

I pointed a shaky finger at him, "If you fucking lay a hand on me or anyone else in this family, I'll tell everyone about the whore house."

He jumped back and looked at me with a burning hatred that until now, I didn't think was possible to look at your child like.

Mason came up from the stairs only seconds later after our stare down. His eyes flickered between me and our father. I watched as the fear registered.

"Mase! Listen go call the police-" I called over to him. Fear spread through my voice quicker than a forest fire and the end of my sentence broke off. 

Poor Mason, having to get caught up in this. It wasn't his fight.

It's not any of ours. 

He nodded, turned, and shut the door behind him as he pulled out his phone.

For some reason, I think he saw this coming. He wasn't the least bit surprised I told him to call. For all, I knew he already had the number dialed. It wasn't like he couldn't hear the commotion. 

A thought crossed my mind, the basement door doesn't have a lock.

I turned back to my father as his face contorted in rage. He was breathing heavy and I could smell the scotch on his breath.

"It's alright Ella. Keep him occupied for the next few minutes until the police come. Keep Mason safe." The voice sounded in my head. For the second time, I was relieved to hear it. It was helping me.

I picked up my bag once again. "You made a big mistake."

He laughed slightly and swayed. I didn't react fast enough. I thought he was just drunk, that he wouldn't try anything.

He made a move to go open the den door. If it wasn't for my therapy training I wouldn't have been fast enough to make it in front of the door before him.

I pressed myself up against its frame, and pushed all my weight against it, in hopes he wouldn't try to open it.

"I could still open it." He smiled maliciously.

Yeah like 110 pounds was going to make much of a difference.

My good leg, strengthened from the months, went up and kicked him where it hurts. He doubled over in pain, as I sat back and knocked on the door.

"You sadistic monster." I spat at him and opened the door for Mason. "Did you call them?" I asked and took his hand.

We rushed out of father's reach and over to mom's study. I locked the door behind me.

Mason nodded. He was still holding the phone to his ear, "I did. Are you okay?"

I glimpse in the mirror. My face was red and raw and purple bruises were spotting my cheek like intricate flowers. There was also a small bleeding cut from where his ring must have been.

I touched the wound and winced. "Ah, yeah I'm fine. Are you?"

The voice sounded sympathetic, "Don't lie."

"Yes ma'ma, we are in the office... Yes, the door is locked... No, it's just me and my sister." He was talking to his phone. He cupped a hand over the bottom part and look over at me, mouthing the words,  "What happened?"

He ignored my question and sat down in the chair still staring at the locked door.

I was on edge too. It might have just been me, but somewhere in the distance I already heard sirens.

I turned and told him everything.



The cold plastic chair only added to my anxiety. I never wanted to be in this situation.

The soft eyes of an officer stared back at me expecting an answer to the question I didn't even remember.

I let out the breath of air I had been holding for the longest time in a sigh. "I'm sorry- what?"

He didn't make any facial expression, "I asked why you engaged in a fight with him."

I looked up and met his dark eyes, "It wasn't my fault."

"I understand. I'm asking why you felt the need to."

My toes curled, "Because he's a fucking psychopath." I threw my hands up in the air, "Look I don't know what you want me to say! I was acting off adrenaline okay? I had just made my relationship official, and I really didn't feel like dealing with his crap."

Plus he was about to fucking murder me and my brother I wasn't about just let it happen. 

Probably not the best decision I've ever made. 

"Has your father done something like this before?"

I breathed out and back in a pattern, "He was never abusive- if that's what your asking, but yes, he used to drink a lot."

"And he stopped? Did you think you were going to have a normal family?"

"I was seven okay? I don't know!" I calmed myself down again with the breathing and the voice coaxing myself, "Sorry, it's just he was never really a good father."

He nodded, "I understand,"

"Can I leave now- or...?"

It's been an hour or interrogation, seeing what I knew, and what I didn't. I think it was enough.

All I wanted to do was get out of the dingy room and especially out of the uncomfortable chair.

He gathered his file and notes, "Yes I think we are done here. Though we will need pictures of your injuries."

Instinctively reaching up and touching my face I frowned. The bruise had spread across my cheek and although the blood had dried, the cut was still red and raw.

I nodded solemnly.

After the pictures, I was about to leave the room into the station lobby when he called my name.

I swiveled my head to face him, "He's not going to bother you anymore. You're safe."

I was informed mom had installed several security cameras and caught it all on tape. Also, they brought back his whole record he tried so desperately to hide. It wasn't pretty and he would be serving a lot of time. 

It was definitely something I'd never want to watch.
Living it was hard enough.

A quick nod, a short thanks, and I was out the door.

The hotter, less air-conditioned room still had circulating air and I was thankful.

I met both of my brother's eyes, and they both stood up to approach me. Mason handed me my phone and fell into my arms for a hug.

T shifted on his feet. "I'm so sorry."

I let out a small smile, "Everything is fine. It's over."

He let out a sigh and his face crumpled. It was quiet for a moment longer. We all just relished in each other's company. T's name was called and he curtly nodded before walking into the room I previously was interrogated in.

Mason looked at me, "Ty has been calling and texting nonstop. I didn't think it was in my liberty to discuss this with him."

"Thank you." The breathed. it came out in a low whisper.

I stepped outside into the cooler night air and lifted the phone to my ear. He practically picked up on the first ring. As soon as it clicked his voice filled my ear. "El! Oh my god, are you okay? Are you hurt? WHAT HAPPENED!?"

I didn't respond for a while, and he tried talking again, "Ella? "

"Yeah?" My voice came out low and barely audible.

"What happened? They wouldn't tell me anything. Are you home? Can we talk?"

I didn't- couldn't discuss this with him.

At this point, I finally broke down. The tears streamed down my face as I sobbed into the phone.

"Are you okay? Ella?"

I rushed my way to my mom's car and sat on the hood. I just held my knees close to my chest and cried.

My voice cracked, "I love you." I sobbed into the phone.


I was surprised with myself. Why oh why did I have to say it now?

"What?- Oh I..."

My heart twinges in pain. I shouldn't have said that.


"I'm sorry." My breaths were hitched and fast. "It's just I love you so much and I'm so sorry you have to deal with me. I-I understand if your way over your head or whatever, it's just thanks for being there all the times before." 

He spent more than 5 months with me, even while I was having those days, and even while I was convinced I didn't like him. He spent that time pining after me. What kind of guy does that?

"A good one." The voice butted in. 

I wiped under my eyes. The line was silent.

"Meet me at the park across for our houses. Can you get there?"

I nodded and confirmed that I could.



The park was dimly lit but I was used to it. The trees threw and eerily glow all across the lawn and playground. "Ty?" I called out, climbing out of my car. 

He stood up from the wooden bench and walked to me as fast as he could. Towards the end, he was running. His arms circled around me as I fell into his chest. 

Tears budded in my eyes but again, I blinked them away. I peeked my head up to look at his face. 

"I'm so sorry I said that- it's just I was crying and you were there- I've had a really hard last few hours-" I stopped, and frowned, "I'm sorry." 

I wasn't going to take it back because I'd be lying if I did. I loved him even before we started this.

He frowned, "Why?" 

I stepped out of his embrace and leaned against the car. 

Deep breaths. 

"Why what?" I asked. 

"Why you're sorry. It doesn't make any sense why would you be?" 

His voice sounded desperate as he leaned next to me.

"I'm sorry- I'm sorry I sprang it on you. I'm sorry I'm a mess. I'm sorry I said it on the first night. I'm sorry you didn't say it back." I rambled. 

He let out one small laugh before turning to me and taking my hands in his. "Okay first of all, no. You really are dim aren't you?" 

My eyebrows furrowed and I debated pulling my hands out of his. 

But his hands felt warm on mine so I didn't. The tiny tingles also shooting up my arms also played a small part. 

"Je suis fou de toi."

I rolled my eyes, "We discussed this. No speaking French in front of me until I've learned it." 

"I've already said I love you." His eyes crinkled at the sides in a smile.



Everything came back to me and clicked in my head like a puzzle. 

"You didn't say mag whore..." I said, my voice trailing off.

 He paused and took his hand from mine. Holding up a finger he hummed. "No, I think I said something about how I'd love you for always. But there was a chance you were dying so I think it suited the situation."

"Oh my god." I was floored. 

He smiled sheepishly and glanced over to me. "I love you," 

"So you've just been hiding your feelings for me for the past 2 months?" I questioned. 

That's Ty started to laugh. "Oh god no." 

Taken aback I titled my head, "What?"

"Three months? More like nine years," he said with such humor and childish gid that I didn't question it. 

But then his words hit me. 

"Wait, what?"



The end. And they all live happily ever after. 

Lol joking joking. 

There's an epilouge! 

See you all for the last update Wednesday


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