COMPLICATED Chapters 23-32

Від AshleyMistMalichi

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Something strange, VERY strange is going on in Xander/Spikeville. Especially after that 'unusual' Thanksgivi... Більше



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Від AshleyMistMalichi

Title: Complicated

Author: AshleyMistMalichi

Feedback: This was my first EVER FANfic...SO, tear me a new one! *PM it, good/bad, & ugly, Bring it!* ^^

Characters: Spike, Xander; and Dawn, Buffy, Willow and, Anya? ^^

Pairing: S/X SPANDER! Yeah baby!

Ratings: Let's play it safe and call itNC-17!* ^^

Spoilers: BTVS Season's 1-7

Disclaimer: I own nothing...just a computer and a burning desire to write slash. All hail that which is the amazing mind of Joss, and those Childer of his... Mutant Enemy Inc. for whom without, we would have nothing to write about in this fun Vampire/slashy world. *We are but his minions*

The Summary: PLEASE See CHAPTER 1 of this Series for this and ANY WARNINGS.

Warnings: THIS CHAPTER WILL contain the following: certain 'Pet' words, oops, that's one of 'em! Also *gasp* teasy NC-17 foretelling of A LOT of steamy, spicy m/m sex! lots o' slashy AND angsty goodness...And 'curse' words, (oh and possible 'Spells'.


for THIS Chapters KEY: * means* ANYONE's thoughts...


A/N AGAIN, a HUGE Thank You to those of you that have been patiently awaiting these new Chapters.

This, and the following Chapters are gonna seem kinda, 'off' and 'very strange' to you too.

That is okay though, so please keep reading, lol because they are meant to be for the plot to continue to thrive and thicken. AND, to start making sense!

Remember, BL writing is Just like a good big ole' pot of homemade Chili, and it's about to get REALLY spicy up in here! ^^

Also, I hope you realize that, by now, EVERYTHING about Spike and Xander's on and off relationship truly IS VERY 'complicated.'

Especially now, even though THEY are doing their best to resolve their OWN personal relationship 'issues' unfortunately, when you add in a nosy : Slayer; a former NOW back in the Biz, Vengeance Deamoness; AND a scary 'resolve-face' sporting POWERFUL Witch, & a naughty little former Green Key to the Universe, (currently shaped like a bratty teen girl) poor Spike and Xander won't know what hits them next, as these three innocently scheming young women and one teen girl turn our boys world, upside down and inside out!

^^ Enjoy! AMM7


Title: 'Spikey' The Snow Vamp......... A Christmas Fic...let....

Author: AshleyMistMalichi

is is a 'side story' of the continuation of, 'COMPLICATED'

Paring? s/x babe....

Rate it? Rating: NC-17...pure smut a tiny plot? Snowball size? OH COME ON! It's ME! YOU KNOW there's gonna be a story.

*rolls eyes* (duh)

 = )

Summary? & A/N: The LONG... Ya need to read, COMPLICATED's first side story, 'A Cornucopia of Spike' first, for this to make ANY sense...Then? It's Christmas Eve at Buffy's...and the gangs all there! Xander has never seen a MESS like this!

Tha' short: Spike, Xander, Christmasy Goodness, Magic & wow!

Warnings? Eventual NC-17 'smushy' messy sexy lovins'....mmmm...possibly a few of the flashbacks to the Vampire Feast with Death By Chocolate ^^ AND: Um 'stoopid' (yes, it has been spelled that way on purpose) nicknames, future uses of lots of whipped cream and naughty uses of Girl Scout Cookies? strawberry Twizzlers, (Thin Mints?) A lot of warm gooey Christmas feelings... good food, and, an amazing gift. OR two, or three, or more...

Disclaimer? Um, characters not mine, never, just dirty evil little mind is mine! ALL MINE!.....BUT, the Characters to BTVS, *sad sigh* Not mine, AND it ALL belongs to Joss the Toy maker & his merry band of Mutant Enemy elves!

Feedback?  YES please, as it is always of the good!

Dedications? To all that celebrate it! 'Happy CHRISTMAS! '(VERY EARLY!)

~COMPLICATED Chapter 27~

**************tiny evil grin******************

Naughty Author Note: (Giggle)..Um, Okay then, just a few moments earlier...**

Xander had sighed once again, and sat on the edge of his bed.

As he held his head in his hands, his elbows biting into his thighs, he was deep in thought.

Well ONE troubling thought...*Why had he dreamed of Spike?*......Those musings however had been cut short, as he'd once AGAIN tumbled off the bed.


Instead of being wigged out by a VERY REALISTIC dream, he had been startled to an inch of his life by Spike's very loud bellow of,


*Hello, Mr. Vampire! Neighbors much?*

*Ggggr* Xander thought, getting up, to go tell off that self-centered, cheezy-chips-stealing, blood-sucking.., towels-on-the-bathroom-floor-throwing, pain-in-his-ass-'former' and now possibly AGAIN roomie'..(ha, what a fuckin' laugh!)..

After Xander's last night male version of, 'Spike On A Hot Tin Roof' all's he had been missing were the tight breeches and an open to the waist white shirt and himself, fists clenched, head thrown back caterwauling like a love sick fool to the wind,


That was LAST night, and THIS was, reaching down, he picked up his trusty old alarm clock. 

After giving it a good solid 'thunk' on it's metal side,  he heaved a sigh of relief as it resumed its job. 

Then, he ALMOST dropped it again after discovering, "good GOD! Was that REALLY Anya's VOICE?" He muttered to himself after sticking a finger in his ear, and next shaking his head.

Removing his finger, he yawned hard, trying to pop his ears.

*Perhaps I imagined it?*

But when he recognized the brimming anger in her suddenly 'nails on a chalkboard vocals, he gasp,

"WTF is she doing back here, in MY apartment??!! And did Spike JUST admit he was naked?!"

Straining his hearing, this time he DOES drop his poor clock as he feels himself burn a blush rose red down to his toe tips!

Although he had-had every intention to bellow back to them both,

"Anya! Spike?! What the silly fuck is going on out there?!" 

Instead, to his shame, and PROBABLY 'cause he had been SOOOO angry, instead his voice had broke like a twelve year old, and he had ended up just sounding like a very indignant squeak! 


Still, he JUST HAD to know what was the what!

 Just 'what in the fuckin' WHAT was goin' on at Chez Xanders!?

Throwing open the door, he stormed out of the room, ready to lay into Spike.

Xander's feet came skidding to a halt so fast, he bumped right smack dab into Spike.

A  now turned toward him, BUTT er FULL MONTY nekkid, red-faced, um, NOW hard? (gah!) Spike!

Xander felt his poor brain fizzle as every 'wet dream' he had EVER had lately about his Vampiric Nemesis quickly came true in a flash! 

Especially after that NAUGHTY Spike in the FLESH, smirked at him, flashing him a blindingly white fangy toothy grin. 'JUST as he had in those CRAZY DREAMS!'

Quickly Xander wiggled, and tried to push himself away, only to find himself being held, 'firmly' by the now FULLY smirking and leering Vampire.

The very 'strong' STILL nude, AND STILL smirking, AND Leering, MASTER Vampire.

Spike, upon suddenly finding himself with an armful of Xander, noticed a few things.

One, Xander was blushing. 

Two, Xander was hard.

And Three, Xander's colorful silky Scooby Doo printed boxers were already damp.

*Hmm, interesting.*

Spike paused, and as he sniffed the air...Feeling the smirk already playing on his full lips growing even wider. . .Ah, yes. . .Cannot leave out number Four.

Alexander Lavelle Harris, 1/3 of Buffy's Slayerettes, 1/3 of the Scoobies, THAT Xander, The White Hat Harris, was actually, 'aroused.'

*Question now was, why?*

Spike looked over at 'her' gloatingly smirking face.

And as he was noticing the sudden dawning realizations on the Vengeance Demon's features after she had watched the two men embracing, it was then he realized, the move had been just like the one they had shared in their dreams. (of course minus that killer kiss) 

Also? That the smirk on her face, was slowly turning into a full on grin.

A nasty, jealous, evil grin.

He waited, knowing it was coming.

"Well, Spike," Anya quipped, miffed that SHE had not done what just holding Xander had done, so obviously well.

"Looks like you're not only sleeping in a closet, you've come OUT of it too?" Anya inquired, slender brow arched. 

His own smile turning just as nasty, as he is ignoring the stuttering, muttering, red-faced Xander now standing next to him, Spike blithely replies,

"Aww, what's the matter Luv?" He softly sneered, advancing on her slowly; and with his muscles rippling, his game face morphed and his fangs dropped, as he stalked slowly toward her.. a large primitive cat.

He almost purred...And as he silkily taunted her, 

"Are you upset 'cause just the 'thought' of you, the mere 'sight' of you makes me willy shrivel?"

Spike threw her a nasty leer; and after turning to look back at Xander, Spike suddenly found himself looking at thin air, because Xander, was no longer standing there.

Xander had rushed back into his room, stepping, hopping, carefully avoiding the glass on the floor from the broken lamp, and after snatching his blanket off of his bed, he was now thrusting it at the STILL nude (OMG!) STILL smirking, and fully NOW leering MASTER Vampire, that was STILL standing in HIS living room, looking like he wanted to go ten rounds with his ex-fiancé' who was now a very POWERFUL Vengeance Demon!

As he saw her beautiful face morph into the ugly veiny one he shuddered.

*FUCK a DUCK, and, Mother, Mary & Jesophat, could his life just possibly get any more weird?*

As Spike took the spread from the Human's trembling hands, he could feel the fear, the sadness and embarrassment pouring off of Xander, just like it had in the dream.

*Sod it all!* 

Spike inwardly fumed as he awkwardly covered himself up as best he could with the bulky blanket, before plopping himself down on the bland and tasteless sectional furniture. 

Ignoring them both, his bright blue eyes became fixed on the upcoming play before him.

*Kinda reminded him of Passions; his favorite Soap on the telly.* 

He mused, wishing for some Cheezy Chippers and an icy cold beer, like the two he had nicked from Xanders fridge before bedtime.


Clearing his throat, determined to ignore the obviously miffed-off Vampire, as he took a deep steadying breath, Xander looked right down into Anya's darkening eyes, bluntly reminding her that,

"Anya, Alexander Bell spent many sleepless nights inventing the Telephone..I know you have one..Next time, I'd appreciate it IF you'd kindly use it."

"But, Xander! I thought we should skip all of the 'pretense' and we would just, you know, go back to wh," She whined, her Demon face receding, and melting back into her own beautiful one.

And as she smiled up at him slyly, while eagerly lifting her hands to touch him, a loud, warning growl filled the room at the same time Xander held up his own large tanned hands to block her grabby smaller ones.

"Save it Anya!" He seriously replied, glaring down at her before reminding her,

"Ayn, it's TOO late for an 'US' YOU KNOW this. 

Plus, I already told you, um, I was cool with staying JUST friends and all but, I DO have to be to work in like two hours! 

And, for SOME strange reason, I have fallen out of my bed, twice now and..." He inquired as Xander's large hand formed two fingers.


Over on the sectional couch Spike loudly snorted.

"Yeah, too right, Whelp! Flip 'er off for me as well!" Looking at Anya he slowly mouthed..""

Xander glared at him, blushed, dropped his hands to his sides, and looked at his toes. 

Then, he looked up and over at his annoying house guest.

The now blanket covered Vampire was just sitting there, watching him, watching, them. 

Just sitting on his sectional furniture watching his life play out like it was some demented play.

*It..just.. pissed.. him.. off!*

"Spike, I don't need any help from the bleached section!" He all but growled.

Spike shot him back a frustrated look, and then looked dead at Anya.

Who turning away, was now pointedly ignored him.

Instead, she turned towards Xander, slipping her slender arms around his waist, as she tried yet another avenue to get him dialed back to where THEY used to be, which was together, as she foolishly ignored the warning signs streaming from him as she tried once more to hug him to her body.


 Xander sighed, his own arms remaining slack at his sides, his bent head dropping to his chest as his frustration at the entire situation deepened as he realized,

'He knew she'd never shut the fuck up; and, he SO needed to change his boxers, which were beginning to feel all 'ick' and; he SO CRAVED some FUCKIN' SLEEP TOO! 

Weekly and a lot of Weekend Vampire hunting with the 'gang' along with Buffy and the 'Bleached One'; and damn, if that 'activity' wasn't slowly taking it's toll on him!

He was not as young as he once was and, Hells Bells, they had fuckin' Super Powers!'



Inwardly he groaned as she attempted one last time to get Xander to listen.

"Xander, see, I got a Vengeance call, and um, so, I was popping over here to let you know that I could not make it to our breakfast date, 'cause I had to go to Paris." 

She paused, before taking a deep breath, and babbled on,

 "Um, okay, so anyway, then, um, when I heard you moaning, see, and you SOUNDED like you were in a LOT of pain, AND I was SO worried, so I popped into our. . .er, YOUR, your bedroom, and I, well, I kinda, sorta, 'touched' your forehead." 

She had softly mumbled that 'last' part on purpose. . .

Her voice trailed as Xander was suddenly and roughly shoving her clinging hands away.

He was SO utterly disgusted just by her touching him. 

They had talked about this before.

Dreams were private...

He was SO shocked! 

She'd invaded his thoughts!

Then,... he got very pissed,... again.

His voice became low, and very quiet, as he threatened,

"Anya, have a safe trip. Leave, and leave now."

And then he turned around, and looked at his un-dead roommate.

"Spike, just, go on back to bed." He told the nosy Vampire.


Spike, who had been listening, and watching it all with interest, was now offended at Xander's current, off handed and condescending tone.

"Oi, now! I'm not bloody 10 years old Mate! Don't go talkin' ta' me as if I were a soddin' baby!" He pouted.

A/N this is a good example of that cute, pink killer pout. Xander is toast.

He had used Spike pout # 3, the tiny but powerful, 'little pink pout.'


Xander's traitorous brain instantly became useless as he felt his sticky boxers tenting once again. 

Helplessly watching as the blond brat in a MASTER Vampire suit continued his pouting; using that luscious full bottom lip to offer up that perfect pink lipped mouth just begging to be sucked, and licked, and..

*Oh shit! THOSE LIPS! 'Lips of Spike!' 

How he HAD missed kissing them, touching them, tracing them with his tongue! 

And dear God, could he POSSIBLY sound ANY more like Buffy?! 

What in the silly Hell was wrong with him! 

First the dream..Now this??!*


The room suddenly vibrated then echo'd with the sound of a stomped foot as Anya spat,


YOU ARE S T I L L thinking about, HIM?!

About KISSING HIM?! And, wanting, to, do, er, other stuff with HIM!?



But after one look at Spike's smirky face and Xander's impression of a Hoot Owl, Anya growled, 


"Psht, NOT Bloody likely in THIS OR the next Century, you barmy bint!"

"Spike, that wasn't nice."

"FUCK nice! YOU said so yourself, she was inside there, messing about in our minds! Don't know about YOU Xan, but I feel, violated!"

"REALLY SPIKE? YOU FEEL, OH WHATEVER! MEN!" Anya loudly snorted, and with a wave of her arms, the room was now minus one Vengeful Vengeance Demon.

Shrugging, and feeling a HUGE NATTERING, WHINY weight rolling off of his shoulders, Xander, now stumbling his way to the kitchen, had just asked over his shoulder, if Spike, 

"Wanted anything?"

(NOT FULLY thinking about how what he had JUST said, sounded more like a 'come on' than the real inquiry it had been meant to be) he grabbed the broom and dust pan to sweep up the mess in his room. 

Suddenly feeling hungry and deciding he was gonna grab a snack after he'd finished the cleaning, he felt he was being polite to his ONLY remaining 'guest' in inquiring of Spike's possible 'food' related 'needs.'

So, it was ONLY natural when he about wet himself, after no sooner than those innocently MEANT words had left his mouth, he was feeling the soft lips of said Vampire at the shell of one of his VERY sensitive ears, whispering,

"Why Mate?" as Spike all but purred, before licking a tiny trace up and down, edging along Xander's sensitive ear rim, that was now causing a low moan to escape his trembling mouth after realizing it too late.

And it was something he had forgotten that Spike had already taught him; and had shown him long ago.

'Damn him!

 He NEVER played fair!'

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