Trust | Jastin |

By beliebers4ever1994

40.4K 2.3K 2K

Justin Bieber lives a seemingly happy life with his fiancé. It looks perfect to everyone on the outside when... More

~ Introduction ~
~ Chapter One ~
~ Chapter Two ~
~ Chapter Three ~
~ Chapter Four ~
~ Chapter Five ~
~ Chapter Six ~
~ Chapter Seven ~
~ Chapter Eight ~
~ Chapter Nine ~
~ Chapter Ten ~
~ Chapter Eleven ~
~ Chapter Twelve ~
~ Chapter Thirteen ~
~ Chapter Fourteen ~
~ Chapter Fifteen ~
~ Chapter Sixteen ~
~ Chapter Seventeen ~

~ The End ~

1.4K 88 100
By beliebers4ever1994

~ Read Important End Notes ~

Justin hands were clasped together. His hands warm and wet with nervous sweat and his chest felt fluttery - not the good kind of fluttery, it never was when it came to Jordan and it hadn't been for a long time.

He ran his tongue over his lips as his eyes darted around the room as he began to grow impatient. He was good at waiting when he was nervous and he desperately just wanted to get up and leave. The sooner that he got this over with then the better but he was dreading actually going through with what he was about to do.

The loud sound a buzzer ringing through the relatively small room caused Justin to jump slightly and his head darted to stare at the door as it was pushed open and a police guard stepped inside, his hand clutching tightly onto the bicep of Jordan who was dressed in the prisoner uniform, a glum look residing on his still handsome face. Justin suddenly forgot how to breathe and he was forced to turn away from his fiancé. Ex fiancé.

Jordan was guided to sit in the seat across from Justin. The guard pushed him down to sit without removing the hand cuffs and then he left without a word. Leaving Justin alone with Jordan.
The room was silent and it was awkward. Justin's eyes were glued to stare at his face and he was unsure on how to start the conversation. Jordan cleared his throat and Justin heard the clanging of metal against metal as Justin shuffled his hands around and the cuffs hit against the table. Justin looked up.
"It's good to see you, Justin. I've missed you so much." Jordan began and Justin only stared at him quietly. Jordan sighed and leaned forward in his seat, his hands reaching out as if he wanted to grab a hold of Justin's but Justin's body didn't move to meet his needs and Jordan frowned.
"You know it's not true, right? These false allegations will be dropped, sweetheart, and we can forget it even happened." Jordan told him and it scared Justin just how convincing his voice sounded. If Justin didn't know any better then he'd immediately fall for his lies. He'd fall for them like he always does and suddenly Justin felt sick to the pit of his stomach when he realised just how stupid he has been.

He shook his head, a sudden fire lighting within him and he felt angry. How could Jordan have the audacity to lie to him still after everything they've been through?
"I don't believe you." Was all Justin muttered. His voice dangerously calm and Jordan could hear it in his tone that Justin was angry. He didn't question it.
"Justin." Jordan began and Justin's Hazel eyes burned holes in the man as he stared at him intensely. Jordan's eyes hardened and he pushed himself back in his seat as he let out a low chuckle, nodding his head at the brunette.
"It's Jason isn't it? You've been letting him fill your head with lies, haven't you?" Jordan scowled and Justin licked his lips as he scoffed and the gesture seemed to irritate Jordan as he kicked the table leg suddenly and pushed himself forward causing Justin to flinch at the sudden action.
"I can't believe you, Justin. You're supposed to love me. I bet you've been crawling in his bed for months like the little slut you are." He seethed bitterly and Justin would be lying if he said that the angry words didn't cause his heart to ache although it couldn't break because it was never whole to begin with. Jordan tore his heart up years before.

Justin shook his head as he gulped.
"No." He mumbled and Justin laughed as he shook his head.
"You and him have probably been laughing at me behind my back. He was in our home and I, the idiot I am, had no clue he was sleeping with my fiancé! I'll kill him!" Jordan seethed and Justin pushed his seat back slightly, fear growing within him.
"I love you, Jordan. I've loved you since I was eighteen." Justin spoke back, his voice unusually clear. Jordan stared at him with annoyance.
"So why are you doing this to me, Justin? If you love me so much?" Jordan spoke back and Justin gulped back his emotions.
"Because you don't love me, Jordan." Justin managed, his voice breaking slightly as he spoke and realisation hit him hard and it tore him up in ways he didn't know they could.

Justin thinks he's crazy, stupid even. He loves Jordan, who constantly hurts him, beats him and breaks him down. It's even crazier to think that's he once thought that Jordan loved him back.

Jordan stared at him with saddened eyes as he stuttered to talk.
"I do love you Justin. I love you so much that it hurts." He mumbled and his words sounded so sincere.
"Is that why you hurt me so much? Because you love me?" Justin asked him with sarcasm lacing his words and Jordan's mouth fell open as he struggled to reply.
"You know I don't mean it, I just get angry sometimes." Jordan began and Justin shook his head as he let it fall heavily into his hands as he groaned.
"Stop, Jordan. Just stop." He let out angrily as he looked back up at the man with ready eyes.
"You yelled at me, kicked me, punched me, cut me. Y-you, you raped me and now you're trying to say you loved me?" His voice was broken, like the rest of him and Jordan stared at him with hurt eyes as if what Justin was telling him hurt him more than they did Justin. His expression angered Justin and it only made him feel more stupid than he already did.
"You, Jordan. Never loved me. I wasted so many years of my life feeling worthless, because of you and you stole those years from me. I'm done. You can't hurt me anymore." Justin told him, his painful was was clear and strong and he was had no clue how good it would feel for him to finally say those words.

His heart was no longer heavy, broken still but it didn't hurt anymore. Lifted with relief and be felt free again. He felt like him again and he was determined to never let anyone change him again because he liked him and he didn't want to change. Not for Jordan and not for anyone.
"You don't destroy people you love, Jordan. I won't let you destroy me anymore." Justin told him as he pushed his chair backwards and he allowed himself to stand up. Jordan's eyes widened and he stood up too as his cuffed hands reached out to grab Justin's in desperation.
"No, Justin. Please. I love you, I love you so much baby. Please don't leave me." Jordan begged and Justin stared at him with sorrowful eyes as he tore his hand back from Jordan's grasp.
"Let go, Jordan, I have." He spoke softly and Justin watched as a tear leaked from Jordan eyes.
"I'll change. I promise, I'll change." Jordan called after him as Justin stumbled over to the exit and knocked on the door to signal to the guards that he was ready to leave.
"You shouldn't have to change to be able to treat me right. To be able to love me." Justin told him as he looked at him briefly from over his shoulder. Jordan shook his head rapidly as the door open to reveal a guard.
"He will never love you like I do, Justin. Never." Jordan's voice had changed from a distraught to angry and it helped Justin to realise that what he was doing was the right choice. Jordan would never change and he knew now that he deserved better.

He turned to face him once last time, his champagne eyes brighter than they had ever been as he stared at Jordan and he shook his head.
"He already does." Was all he replied as he walked away and the doors closed, drowning out the sound of Jordan yelling angrily for him to come back but Justin didn't listen as he found his way out of the police station.

He was no longer nervous and he felt good. Jordan was his past now and there he would remain. His heart was fluttering with relief and it felt could to feel free. To feel happy as he left the police station and walked out in the cool air of the parking Lott. He smiled as he looked over at the blonde standing anxiously by his car and Justin felt giddy as he walked over to the man quickly.
"Are you okay?" Jason asked as soon as he noticed his presence and Justin nodded almost immediately.
"I'm perfect, Jason." He grinned back and it was a genuine smile. One Jason had never seen grace his face and it was refreshing to see. It was all he ever wanted to see.

And Justin was glowing with happiness as he left the man, who had tore him down again and again and destroyed his whole well being, and left him in the past as he looked towards the man who had rescued him and had promised to mend his heart and Justin grinned at his future.

His bright and happy future filled with genuine love and smiles and it all begins with Jason. The one who saved him from his misery and the one who was going to fix him.

This it is.
The end.
Ahh, sooo this is the real end. I will no longer be updating this story but!
There will be a sequel. You guys seem to really love this story and I'm happy to write a sequel it that's what you truly want :)
I will keep you updated about news of the sequel.
Thank you sooo much for being here for this story. I really do love you guys :)

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