The Hill - BLACKBIRD book 5

By MonicaPrelooker

48.8K 4.7K 290

+18 - eps 22-27 - A case takes Russell and Brock to the brink of death. It'll be up to Gillian and the team t... More

episode 22 - #thecold
1. caption
2. tattoo
3. home alone
4. stealing t
5. get ready
6. records
7. not yet
8. the family
9. paperwork
10. relapse
11. war council
12. on the way
13. due north
14. hold the fort
15. ladies night
16. taking office
17. patient zero
18. friday
19. missing corpse
20. the trail
episode 23 - #thehill
1. eleventh hour
2. ambush
3. battle calls
4. attention
5. the worm
6. hold the line
7. showtime
8. into the night
9. change of plans
10. up the hill
11. breathe
12. wild horses
13. a way out
14. prognosis
15. one cold dawn
episode 24 - #thethreat
1. the cloud
2. the patients
3. personal calls
4. not over
5. first-aid profile
6. viral
7. bang, bang, you're...
8. the red line
9. gone
10. the way home
11. really
12. a name
13. room
14. some ride
15. red alert
16. bloody friday
17. hotline
18. next
19. bad news, good news
episode 25 - #thechair
1. morning moods
2. turbulence
3. back home
4. two of a kind
5. on the move
6. fall back
7. catch me a dragon
8. she's got it
9. easy sunday
10. a little action
11. stone wall
12. diplomacy
13. domestics
14. unspoken
15. one step at a time
episode 26 - #thestrain
1. XXX
2. wake up
3. ticket to ride
4. stopover
5. the virus
6. torture
7. room with a view
8. 101
9. no cure
10. cousins
11. going bananas
12. distress call
13. rescue
14. the hanger
15. update
episode 27 - #theword
1. murder, she said
2. something
3. call it a day
4. the watch
5. roller coaster
7. before breakfast
8. morning tips
9. down the shadowy lane
10. wildflowers
11. some rest
12. no way out
13. one on one
14. shock treatment
15. up the stairs
16. till words do us part
17. shrink back
18. off she goes
19. punch line

6. not that conversation

403 46 1
By MonicaPrelooker

Something in his voice felt like a slap across her face, pushing her back to her senses. She wanted to curse out loud at realizing what she'd just done. No. She wanted to get out of the SUV and run away. For good. What had gotten to her? How could she twist like that what was nothing but his good intentions? Why did she end up being the bitter one, and for all the wrong reasons?

Brock looked out again and Gillian felt as if he'd just turned his back on her. Damn idiot! Their first chance to talk about something other than the case and she'd screwed up this big! She took a whole minute to loathe herself. Until it hit her. Then she felt even worse. Because there was no something-other-than-the-case with him. Jeez! When would she ever learn? There was nothing else they could talk about, because there was nothing else between them other than work! There had never been and there would never be!

She noticed how different this silence was. Thick, awkward. She'd really screwed up. Poor Brock! He was only trying to be polite! Why did she have to be such an ass? She felt the compelling urge to apologize, and honesty was the only option with him.

"I'm sorry, sir," she said in a repentant low voice. "I didn't mean to be so rude. It's just that I can't help it, this feeling when it comes to you..."

She trailed off and Brock felt his ears stir up like a dog's. He turned to her once more, waiting for her to go on. Because he just couldn't risk filling in this blank.

She lowered her eyes and shrugged, any attempt of saving face forgotten.

"That for you I'm nothing but trouble."

"I never saw you that way, Gillian."

She met his eyes, puzzled at his quick, categorical reply.

Brock pressed his lips together, regretting his outburst. Now he had two choices: shut the hell up or go totally suicidal. So.

"And I'm not here because of what happened in Boston."

Nice, Brockner. You're here because of what didn't happen back then. But you were vague enough to let her pick what you're talking about.

She stiffened. What!? Oh, no! Not the pending pity talk! How on earth did they come to it?

A cat strolling lazily across the subject's lawn allowed Brock to look away from her.

"We're not having that conversation, sir," she muttered, a warning edge in her voice.

He watched the cat and managed to answer as if commenting on the weather.

"Of course not. This isn't the time, or the place." But you bet we're having it soon enough.

His tone suggested she could come down to Def Con two and lock back the nukes. Maybe even play a little smartass, as a desperate attempt to smooth things over after what she'd just done—if that train wasn't actually long gone.

"It won't be the time until after Doomsday, sir."

Dead end, Brockner. At least she's trying to find a humorous turn to it. Change flanks. He scoffed.

"You afraid?" Daredevil Gillian? C'mon, take the bait.

She scoffed back—not falling.

Brock kept his mix of serious and tease.

"Once we close this case, then."


He couldn't help a mild smile at her irony and shot a sideways glance at her. The minefield had become one of her quick banters, and he wanted to keep it that way. It'd help her lower her defenses. About an inch.

"You think I'm bossing you around."

"You're entitled to, sir."

"I shouldn't need to."

"Sorry, sir. That gambit ain't working. Sir."

"Gambit? I don't do gambits, Gillian."

"Of course not, sir."

Gillian felt grateful he kept looking out, because his soft chuckle melted away all of her attitude. She couldn't keep it up when the stupid man insisted in being so nice.

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