The Hill - BLACKBIRD book 5

By MonicaPrelooker

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+18 - eps 22-27 - A case takes Russell and Brock to the brink of death. It'll be up to Gillian and the team t... More

episode 22 - #thecold
1. caption
2. tattoo
3. home alone
4. stealing t
5. get ready
6. records
7. not yet
8. the family
9. paperwork
10. relapse
11. war council
12. on the way
13. due north
14. hold the fort
15. ladies night
16. taking office
17. patient zero
18. friday
19. missing corpse
20. the trail
episode 23 - #thehill
1. eleventh hour
2. ambush
3. battle calls
4. attention
5. the worm
6. hold the line
7. showtime
8. into the night
9. change of plans
10. up the hill
11. breathe
12. wild horses
13. a way out
14. prognosis
15. one cold dawn
episode 24 - #thethreat
1. the cloud
2. the patients
3. personal calls
4. not over
5. first-aid profile
6. viral
7. bang, bang, you're...
8. the red line
9. gone
10. the way home
11. really
12. a name
13. room
14. some ride
15. red alert
16. bloody friday
17. hotline
18. next
19. bad news, good news
episode 25 - #thechair
1. morning moods
2. turbulence
3. back home
4. two of a kind
5. on the move
6. fall back
7. catch me a dragon
8. she's got it
9. easy sunday
10. a little action
11. stone wall
12. diplomacy
13. domestics
14. unspoken
15. one step at a time
episode 26 - #thestrain
1. XXX
2. wake up
3. ticket to ride
4. stopover
5. the virus
6. torture
7. room with a view
8. 101
9. no cure
10. cousins
12. distress call
13. rescue
14. the hanger
15. update
episode 27 - #theword
1. murder, she said
2. something
3. call it a day
4. the watch
5. roller coaster
6. not that conversation
7. before breakfast
8. morning tips
9. down the shadowy lane
10. wildflowers
11. some rest
12. no way out
13. one on one
14. shock treatment
15. up the stairs
16. till words do us part
17. shrink back
18. off she goes
19. punch line

11. going bananas

509 43 3
By MonicaPrelooker

Russell walked into the 101 with a tower of pizza boxes and a large pack of soda cans. Ron followed with a pile of thick books. Nobody even glanced at them.

Tanya and Kurt were focused on their computers. Aldana printed documents for Gillian, who checked information on the timeline, where Brock scribbled side notes while Fred pinned color stacks on the map taped to the other board. Hank was still reading by the swimming pool.

"Hey, Ron, thank you so much for bringing lunch," said Russell.

"You're very welcome, Russ. Thanks for the heavy books, too."

"Fred, we need another board. And a plasma screen," said Gillian, scowling at the board.

"Sure, let me rub the magic lamp."

Kurt was about to make one of his jokes about Fred's reply, but trailed off. He sniffed the air and looked up.


His cry startled the others, and they dropped whatever they were doing to gather around the table and attack the pizzas like hungry wolves.

All of them, noticed Russell. Even Brock. He looked like running for the Mingling of the Year Award. He seized a slice of pizza, grabbed a soda and nodded at Russell to join him by the board. As he did, he muttered a word to Gillian, who followed him. Russell swallowed a mocking scoff at the way his friend tried to pretend that having Brock there was just another day at the office. Really, those two. Who were they trying to fool?

They kept their voices low to explain to Russell what they had. He nodded slowly, his eyes moving over the timeline.

"So we're dealing with a cousin of Ebola's," he said, to sum it up. "A virus that's very hard to detect, with no known treatment, which causes permanent neurological damage."

"And there's no way to tell if this is the first or the second trial stage," said Brock. "Because it causes different psychiatric disorders."

"So far, all the cases presented encephalitis," said Russell.

"The ones we know of," Gillian replied. "Maybe their first trial went unnoticed, so they tampered with the virus a little further to get a more dramatic effect, because sending people to the shrink was too mellow for them."

Brock nodded his agreement. "If they tweak this wild strain again to make it airborne, there's no telling the damage they can cause."

"They could turn half a city into schizophrenia patients in a couple of weeks," said Gillian.

Russell breathed deep at the perspective. It sounded like a damn bad dream. "Any leads?"

Brock shook his head, frustrated. "No consistent victimology to establish a demographic profile."

"All we have is the infection points," said Gillian, pointing at the map. "The convenience store near the theatre and a minimarket across the street from the aquarium."

Russell studied the color stacks on the map. "Four cases from the first point and six from the second. They're escalating."

"Yes," said Brock. "We should expect more victims next time."

"The problem is that next time maybe already happened. The symptoms take about a week to show," said Gillian. "Maybe there are already more victims, and we have no way to find out."

"I got it!" cried Tanya from her computer, pizza in hand and a triumphant grin on her face. "All the victims from the aquarium bought soda cans at the minimarket!"

Everybody shot suspicious looks at their own cans. Gillian gifted them with a smirk.

"So we still have about a week before going bananas, right? That should do to figure this out."

Hank's and Aldana's phones buzzed almost at the same time. She checked the call and said, "It's our field office. I'll have all the minimarket stock of tampered cans removed."

"And sent to the CDC," said Gillian. "To feed the love."

Ron couldn't help the tease. "Fed the love?"

So Fred corrected Gillian. "To proper-fed the love."

Hank disconnected. "Speaking of the devil, the CDC is sending their report in ten minutes."

Gillian strode across the room to Kurt's side. "Where's your search?"

"Here's the list of equipment. Not my expertise, but looks like you need a cutting-edge lab to pull this off. Am I right, Doctor?"

Hank came closer to take a look at the list. "You're damn right."

"So we need to see which labs in town have this equipment," said Ron.

Gillian nodded. "And access to their staff and their on-going projects."

"Yeah, well, good luck with that," said Hank.

"I can get the warrants if you give me the names of the labs," said Brock.

Kurt started typing but Gillian grabbed a sticky note and a pen, and beat Kurt to give the list to Brock. Russell swallowed a scoff at her speed.

Gillian knew Russell was having a field day with her fangirl mood, but damned if she cared. She'd have a chance to regret it when the time came for questions and teases. In the meantime, she allowed her eyes to follow Brock when he walked out toward the reception area, phone to his ear and her note in hand.

She'd never seen him like this before, not trying to push everybody away, barricaded behind his cold, stiff attitude. On the contrary, he'd even changed his mandatory suit in order to blend in with the team. As if he'd left his trademark bitter persona back in DC. The man who'd boarded the jet had every bit of the caring and charming Brock she loved most. Plus all of his sharp wits. It was just like Christmas for her.

Aldana disconnected and joined her. "They asked if we have any break, any lead they can share with the locals."

Gillian snorted. "Really? We've been in town how long? Three hours? D'they think we're some kinda wizards?"

"Maybe Russ and Brockner can give them some kind of preliminary profile or something?"

"That should do. Tell Russ."

Hank waved at her from the table. "I'm online with the CDC."

"Let me know when you have the report printed."

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