Assassination on the Kill

By Angelgirl4ever02

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Known as the strongest team in the Assassin World, they make impossible missions a success. Though only at ag... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: Night Reaperz
Chapter 2: Night Reaperz's Daily Lives
Chapter 3: A New Friend (Part 1)
Chapter 4: A New Friend (Part 2)
Chapter 5: Enemies
Chapter 6: Not All Surprises Are Nice (Part 1)
Chapter 7: Not All Surprises Are Nice (Part 2)
Chapter 8: You're One Of Us
Chapter 9: Good Luck
Chapter 10: Mischievous Glint
Chapter 11: Spirits
Chapter 12: Oh Yeah, Almost Forgot
Chapter 14: Not The Only Ones Here
Chapter 15: The Past That Haunts
Chapter 16: It's Just Like That Time
Chapter 17: Triple The Trouble
Chapter 18: Preparation
Chapter 19: Puissance

Chapter 13: The Masked Man

61 1 0
By Angelgirl4ever02


I put the binoculars to my eyes. I was on the roof of a 30 story building, the one that apparently had a crime scene on it a few weeks back. I peer at the building that was a street away. Guests were starting to enter the hotel, they were tourists mostly but I could definitely spot some of the guests of the private event. I shift my gaze upwards towards the penthouse at the top. The owner was in a bathrobe and sipping some wine, must be his usual after bathing. My target isn't him, it's the jewels he own. Someone is paying me to get his sapphires and I intend to get that money. Being a freelance assassin is tough on the finance side but I do what works. As I bend over to get a closer look, the chains around my waist jingles ever so slightly, the blade of my weapons scraping the concrete quietly. I spotted a maid ironing out his suit that was looking too shiny with the sequins.

Suddenly I sensed a change in the wind, I look around but all I saw were clouds slowly uncovering the moon. A figure stands, its shadow long. I blink and it's gone. Must be just me, I haven't been sleeping lately. I put my binoculars away and jumped off the building, plunging my blades into the building as I slid down. Clubbers were starting to crowd the alleyways which wasn't very convenient for me. I pull my hood up as I walk through the noisy and unbelievably narrow alleyway, weaving through the people. Everyone was too busy to notice me and yet I felt a pair of eyes on me. I finally made it out and was now at the back of the hotel. There was a 'Staff Only' door. Perfect.


I stare at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a pale blue dress that had dark blue gems sewn on the front. It wasn't my style at all but we needed them as disguises. All our dresses were identical except the colour and area of gems sewn.

The gems of my dress were in the center that goes top to bottom vertically. Jennifer's was black and her white gems lined the top and bottom edges of her dress. Katherine's was midnight blue and her light blue gems covered the entire top in front and scatters down the skirt. Iris' was a white dress and her black gems were sewn around her waist and the top and bottom edge of her dress. The gems look as if they are floating upwards from the bottom of the skirt. We wore shoes to match our dresses. Takahiro was wearing a dark purple, almost black, suit with matching black shoes. The jacket of his suit had white gems sewn from the shoulders down, scattering the front.

"And how come I'm a janitor?" Ranger asks for probably the umpteen time. Takahiro sighs, repeating his plan again. "Because," he says, dragging the word, "we'll be inside the private event as nieces and nephew of a client that we once helped. She was invited and it was the perfect chance to infiltrate the building. You on the other hand, will be going behind the scenes. Like way behind."

Ranger's face was still confused. "And?" he asks. Takahiro sighs again, "And," he emphasizes, "you will pretend to be the janitor that is going around to clean rooms and you will make your way to the penthouse. Tell the owner that his usual janitor is away and you were the replacement. Make your way into his office. I don't know how but do it." Ranger nods his head, understanding his part at last. "What about you guys?"

Iris smirks, "We'll be talking to people of the black society, you know where those dirty deeds go down? It will be very useful. We will make our way up at 12am sharp. You have 2 hours." We finally reached the hotel, we had walked from the seamstress store. But we did blend in by walking a few streets to the hotel along with the other guests. "Hey guys, isn't that?" I point towards the 30 story building. "Oh that brings back memories." Katherine says.

"Let's quickly head in, Ella is waiting for us at the doors." Iris quickly ushers us to the room that the secret event is being held. A lady in her late 20s wearing a shimmery light green dress that almost reached the floor, was at the door. "There you are!" She exclaims at us. Her blonde hair was in a bun with some strands hanging, everything held together in a silver leaf hair clip. Her silver heels clicked as she walked over to us and led us to registration.

"Ella! So nice to see you again!" The man holding a clipboard greets her. "And who are these children?" Our eyes twitched in irritation, holding back from saying anything. "Jordon! These are my nieces and nephew! They'll be joining the event during their short stay here." She beams her pearly whites at him. "A visit to their aunt? How nice, please enjoy the party." Despite Jordon's tone his eyes stared us down, we smiled forcefully as we walk into the open doors.

Violin music was playing and several waiters walked around with trays of wine and champagne. One approaches us and Ella takes a champagne glass. "Anything for these young ladies and lad?" He politely asks her with his head slightly bowed. Iris mouths a 'no' to Ella behind the waiter's back. "No thank you but thank you for asking." She tells him, the waiter bows again before going back to walking his rounds. "Did you get it?" Takahiro asks Iris. "Yep." She holds up a white card with the hotel's name and logo on it. It had a red yarn attached and along it was the word printed 'Staff'. She quickly slips it into her pocket.

"Food table." Katherine points out to us and we follow her gaze. At the end of the table was a fruit punch bowl. But what caught our attention was the men in white masks around it. "Henchmen of the Masked Man. That means he must be here." Katherine says. "And I believe that is him." Takahiro points towards the seating area. A man in a gold mask was seated and talking to ladies that were surrounding him. "The info we got was accurate. I'll go ahead with Jennifer, you guys try the henchmen." Iris motions Jennifer to follow her and the 3 of us including Ella make our way towards the food table.


I followed Iris as we headed towards the Masked Man. She hands me a black mask and she puts on a white one, they were not like the ones the Masked Man uses. It was as if they were made of vines. "Well if it isn't my least favorite people in the world." The Masked Man declares as he spotted us.

"Ladies." He motions for the others to move out of the way as Iris and I stopped in front of him. "We need a few words." Iris smiles smugly at him and he dismisses the ladies whom were muttering words of disapproval and didn't wish to leave. "Beat it." I say in a deadly tone and glared at them with my evil eye. They shut their lips and quickly shuffled away with their gaze on the ground.

I sat down next to Iris and we faced the Masked Man. "So," he adjusts in his seat, "What can I do for you?" I glance at Iris and she exchanges the gesture. I pull out a piece of folded paper and slid it across the table. He catches it and opens it up to see the contents. "We're finding a couple of people this time. Know these troublemakers?" Iris' eyes don't leave him as he scans the paper. "Maybe if you, I don't know, give me a little something to jot my memory?" He smirks. Iris snaps her fingers and a waiter appears, "One whisky." The waiter looked taken aback, "But miss you are unde-" Iris turns to glare at him, "One whisky," she repeats but with more threat in her voice. The waiter pales and shakes his head and quickly walks to get her order, "Make it a bottle." Iris shouts after him. She turns back to the Masked Man, "Now talk."

He chuckles before reading the paper, "The Chris Twins huh? They have been scoring a lot of loot lately. Ah the Johnson Brothers, such fools they were." Iris raises her brow, "They're dead?" The Masked Man shakes his head, "Oh not at all. But I have encountered them. They tried to..." He trials off, thinking of what word to use, "let's say, negotiate with me. They're quite the persuaders." Iris smirks, "Always the dealer eh?" He chuckles and continues looking at the paper. "As long as it's money, it's possible."

My patience was running out and I drum my fingers on the armchair. Iris notices and mouths to me 'Just a little longer'. I sigh internally, this is gonna take a while. This is why I prefer the none talking and faster way. I shift my legs such that they were crossing. I felt the belts on each thigh rub the other and my guns shifted in their holders but I know the Masked Man heard as he looks at me, I force a smile.

"You're especially quiet." He tells Iris as his eyes stay on me. "She isn't the talkative type, especially when it comes to polite underdogs." Iris nudges me under the table and I felt a piece of paper. I grab it and rubbed my forefinger on the engraving. If you're not sure what I'm talking about it's the language the blind feel, you know them little dots? Yeah.

'Say something.' I felt my cheeks hurt from this fake smile plastered on my face. "Polite underdogs? You're too nice." I glance at Iris before looking at the Masked Man in the eye, "I prefer the term," I mouth a few words and he instantly crushes the paper in his hand. "You little-" Iris interrupts him, "I do hope you are fully aware that we have the upper hand. It's the only reason you're alive." He grumbles a little before shifting his eyes back to the now crumpled piece of paper. I shift to my usual smirk. As Iris continues I look around only to find that there were several people we knew. This was going to be a long night.

"Your whisky miss." I turn to see the same waiter from earlier holding a bottle of whisky and three cups with a chunk of ice in each. I sigh internally, make that a very long night.



Whilst Iris and Jennifer make their way to the leader, we head towards the men. As we near, I noticed one of the men taking a bottle out from his jacket, he opens it and was about to pour its content into the fruit punch. I rush forward and grabbed it before disappearing behind another guest.

The others quickly rush forward to distract all of them from their missing bottle. I look at the bottle, it didn't have a label attached. I whiffed the content and almost gagged. Nobody needs this. I rush through the crowd and excused myself to Jordan at the door again, telling him I left something in the car and he of course stared me down. I made my way around the building to some shrubs. I pour the contents away and I watch as the shrubs instantly turned a darker green and it's leaves withered. It's dead in a matter of seconds. I quickly drop the bottle into a trash bin and went back inside to the food table.

"-and that's when I realized I had his shoe!" Several men laughed and I noticed how the others stood behind Ella, using her as a distraction. "Oh you're so charming! Do tell me more." I could tell Ella was forcing herself to laugh along. She waves at the others behind her back and they slowly backed up and went around the masked henchmen. After a few more minutes they finally dispatched themselves from them. I walk over to them. "I thought I would never be able to leave." Ella sighed and fan herself with her hand. She looked exhausted and I noticed how she rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Did you guys searched them?" I turn my attention to my team. "Yep. And it turns out one of them swiped quite a few loot." Tricia held out her hands and it had gold watches, silver bracelets and necklaces, even a few jeweled rings. "We'll put those in the lost and found. What else was there?" Takahiro held out a file. "This was in one of their jackets. It's a list of their doings." That will come in handy. "Ella, how long before you need to head to V.I.P?" I ask her. Ella's main purpose of visit was to negotiate with another man of high standard to benefit their businesses.

"Soon I'm afraid. Will you be alright the rest of the evening?" She adjusts her hair. "We should be fine. Thank you very much for this favor." Iris and Jennifer walks over and it was Iris who said that. They take down their masks and folds it in half before keeping it in their pocket. "My pleasure. After what you had done for me it was the least I could do." Ella thanks us. "All we did was kill your ex-lover and you helped us into a private secret event held by one of the most successful businessman." Jennifer points out.

"Yes but your services helped me greatly. Oh look at the time." Ella starts walking away whilst waving at us. "If you need anything, just use my card." We watch as she disappears into the crowd. "Let's get that black info shall we?" Takahiro jerks his thumb towards the crowd of people at the sitting area. I then noticed the Masked Man was gone. "How'd it go?" I ask the pair. They glance at each other. "Well it was fine. We got what we needed. Good enough." Iris shrugs. Jennifer scoffs, "Barely good enough." Despite their words their tone and faces were smug and I could smell a tint of alcohol.


We left our temporary meeting area and headed to the seating area. We saw several old partners. Some even greeted us in respect, well we did do their dirty deed. We then found a golden door, we look between one another. "Casino."

We put on our masks and enter the room. The door must have been sound proof because the second we entered, it was buzzing with several voices. There was a lot of chatter and every bar was occupied. No one bothered to look at us despite our height, but then again maybe it's because of it. We sneaked through and walked the entire casino, searching for our target but it wasn't in sight which was surprising. Suddenly there was a series of applause going around, I noticed the owner had appeared which meant nobody was in the penthouse, perfect. "Let's head upstairs." I look at my hand held watch and it states 11:15pm, hopefully Ranger has already entered territory grounds.

We walk along the walls until we found the stairs that lead to the hotel rooms. We climbed up to the 5th floor and located an elevator. I press the arrow facing upwards and whilst the elevator made its way to our level, we hid in areas that the security camera in the elevator couldn't see. When the doors opened, I quickly whip out my phone and started up the virus I had put beforehand in the security network. It will only last 30 seconds such that it won't see us get in and out. The other cameras in the entire hotel were already disabled. Let's just say the security guard went on vacation and it's useful to have connections.

Once activated we rushed in and immediately sprang to action. Jennifer and Tricia guarded either side of the doors. Katherine plugs in ear-plug like devices in her ears but it actually amplifies sound by at least 10 times, this is so she can check for any footsteps coming our way from afar. I take out the tablet in my jacket and nod at Iris whom was waiting for my signal. She taps the card on a reader and slides it through the scanner. The light turns green and a section of the wall below the buttons opened up. It was a gold button with silver words on it stating 'Top'.

Iris clicks it and the doors started to close. I check to see we have 20 seconds left. I look through footage on my tablet, checking that no one was around the lift area so no one will notice us when we exit. All clear.


Right after I clicked the button the doors closed and started ascending. I turn to see Takahiro checking his tablet. "Weapons." As soon as I gave the order everyone took their weapon out. Jennifer started loading Shiro, the white gun, as she had only stocked Kuroo, the black gun, since it was the colour of her dress. She tosses Shiro to me and I catch it with my left hand. I was about to put it in my pocket when I realized it wouldn't fit and would have an obvious budge on the side of my dress.

"OO9." She lifts her head to her code name and looks at me. "Belt holder." She takes out the one on her right leg and tosses it to me. I secure it on my right leg and put Shiro in. Jennifer's belt was under my knife belts. So I had 3 belts on my right thigh and 2 on my left thigh. "2bullet, do you have a gun?" Takahiro takes out a crossbow from his jacket, how he put that in there I don't know.

"Trixie what about you?" She holds up a G36C, again I have no idea how because she's only wearing a dress. Jennifer tosses me extra bullets and I slip them in my pockets and some on the belt. I take out my gloves which was yes white just because I wanted it to match. I made the others have matching ones too because if we wore our usual it would stand out. Besides, it was a chance to get new ones. "10 seconds." Takahiro informs us and I see that we still had 4 more floors to go.

"8 seconds."

3 more floors.

"6 seconds."

2 more floors.

"4 seconds."

1 more floor.

"2 seconds."

The door opens and we immediately jumped out and hid behind the blind spots of the camera range before it was even fully opened. We sigh in relief silently. I look around to see we were in a hallway which went 2 different ways. I do the hand signals which meant 'Split up'. Jennifer and I went one hallway and Tricia, Katherine and Takahiro went the other. As we proceeded forward, I watched the front whilst Jennifer watched the back. We approached fast and was absolutely silent. We reached the corner and I hold my hand out to stop Jennifer. I hear for a sound or even a creak, nothing. I give a nod to Jennifer and we quickly turned the corner.

One of us screamed.


How's that for a cliffhanger HAHAHA I'm evil okay bye ;P

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