
By xoboozey

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Jack Barakat is 17 years old. He's been in a mental hospital for almost a year now, for trying to take his ow... More

15 {Last Chapter }


152 9 10
By xoboozey

"Jack it's time to get up you have group therapy this morning."A woman I had came to know as nurse Jenna said.

Since my stay at Saint Jimmy's home for mentally ill teens. I've been here for a year so, I had mostly became friends with all the nurses.

Jenna was probably the only real friend I have made here so far though.

Mostly because I keep to myself most of the time and people here don't seem to care for me to much. But it doesn't really bother me because I don't care much for talking, or making friends anyway.

"Good morning Jenna."
I mumble.
As I pull my white blankets over my head. 

"Come on Jack you have to get up, because I have some exciting news to tell you!"

I rolled my eyes at her and held on to my blankets tightly. Not wanting to move from my warm bed.

"Your getting a room mate Jack try and be at least a little more excited." She huffed.

I just stared at the wall ignoring her. 

"It's to early for room mates. " I mumbled.

"Did you sleep well?" She asked.

I just sighed in response. "Yeah best sleep of my life."

"Any nightmares?" I stayed quiet. Jack...."Jenna sighed.

"You need to tell me if you had nightmares, Don't you want to get better?"

"Yeah I did okay." I huffed

"Kay any thing else I should know about? "

"Nope I'm fine Jen."

We both knew that was far from the truth but I said it anyway because its easier then saying the truth.

"Okay get up and get dressed so you can eat breakfast and take your medication."

"Who's my new room mate?" I asked while pulling a blink-182 hoodie over my head.

"His name is Alex , he's 18, and he got here last night." She smiled.

"Jack you know you can't wear anything with writing on it. Change please.That's 2 points so far today." She sighed.

The point system was something new the doctors had added like a month after I got here. You get 2 points taken away if you wear shirts or hoodies with writing. 4 if you don't eat at least half of your meal, 3 for touching another patient 7 if you throw up your food. 10 if you hurt yourself or others, 5 if you don't show up for therapy and 3 if your rude.

I sighed but changed into baggy blue tee shirt.

"Bye Jen."I huffed.

I slipped into some black skinny jeans and some black Converse without laces. I tried to tackle the mess that was my hair in an effort to at least look decent. Not that it really mattered since my hair is a real pain. Reluctantly I walked out my room and down the hall to the cafeteria.


"Morning Jacky." Jaime shouted as I entered the cafeteria.

"What do you want Jaime?" I huffed in frustration.

"You know what I want Jacky" he whispered.

"Whatever just leave me alone I don't want to go down that road with you again."

"Keep telling yourself that Jack."

~Flashback ~

I frowned at Jaime as tears threatened to fall to his cheeks.

"Don't cry... please. I-I can't take you hurting me anymore. If you loved me you wouldn't beat me. I just can't take it anymore."

Tears were now streaming down his tanned cheeks.

"I won't ever hurt you again Jack... Please don't leave me I need you baby."

"Can't you just see I love you. Why can't you just give me one more chance instead of pushing away the only person that loves you. I AM THE ONLY ONE THAT LOVES YOU." He screamed in a mixture of anger and sadness.

"I'm sorry Jaime, you don't deserve a charity case like me anyway."

"Whatever Jack just... get out."

~End of Flashback~

I walked away from Jaime so I could go get breakfast. Since its basically a requirement to eat. I didn't really feel like eating today but its not like I had a choice. I'd probably just eat a tiny bit and throw the rest away anyway.

I listened to all the other people babbling on about random stuff,while I ate some oatmeal with blueberries.

There are three tables in the cafeteria.The "bad boys" table, my table and then the ED table. That is constantly watched by nurses.

I scanned the room looking over at Jaime's table.

Where Jaime,Vic (Jaime's best friend) his brother Mike, and Oliver sat.

They basically ruled this place.

Well at least they liked to think they did. But they were just as messed up as everyone else here.

I sat alone except for two guys named Kellin and Tony we never really talked much.
But other than the nurses they are the closest thing to friends I have.

My eyes drifted from Jaime's table to the Eating disorder table. Alan, Austin, Ashton, Rian, Haley, and Tyler were being watched as they were forced to at least eat a few grapes.

Standing up slowly I grabbed my tray and walked over to the trash can where a nurse was standing so she could check how much I ate. I didn't eat much so she took off 4 points.

I looked down at the white tile floor as I walked to the nurses desk and got in the small line to get my medication. Like I had done every day for the past year.

My mind drifted to memories that have haunted me since I was 14.

~Flashback ~

I cried out in pain as my step father backhanded my cheek.

"Stupid boy you can't do anything right. Even your real Father didn't want a fuck up like you. Ugh you make me sick." He screamed as he kicked my ribs and stomach repeatedly. While he took a large mouth full of whiskey. After he emptied it he bashed it over my head as I cried out.

Cheeks tear stained, body bruised and heart broken.

~End of Flashback ~

I shook my head in an effort to try and clear my head but my vision was already blurry with tears. I tried my best to blink them away before anyone saw.

Before I could be asked any questions I got my meds from the nurse, took them and walked out of the cafeteria. As I walked out of the cafeteria I caught sight of a boy with honey colored hair and brown eyes by the nurses desk. I just ignored him though, kids arrive here all the time.

Shoving my hands in my pockets I walked all the way back to my room because group therapy wasn't for another 15 minutes. I could have just waited in the cafeteria because group was just in the next room but I didn't want to chance possibly have to talk to Jaime again today.

Thank you for reading turtles I wrote this so long ago so it's nice to see that I'm still getting reads 🐢

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