The Time Cop Chronicles

By virata

418 34 2

When time travel becomes a reality a special unit is created to resolve the long list of unsolved crimes dati... More

Career Day
Meet me at Old Sac
Stealth mode
Half awake.
The Legal Technicalities
The Long Road to Recovery
For a Few Extra Dollars
The Fix
The Call

Large Pepperoni

42 3 0
By virata

As sound of police sirens and traffic filled the night I sat by the open picnic table and dialed on the wireless handset.

"Domino's how can I help you?"

"Yes, I'd like to order a large pepperoni pizza with added pineapple and a six pack of Coke."

"And what address is that?"

"I'm at the Motel 6 on Watt Avenue. I'll be at the big picnic table outside. "

"And what's your name Sir?"


"OK anything else Mr Stone?"

"Nope that's all."

"Very well. We should have it delivered within 30 minutes or it's free."

"Thank you."

30 minutes or it's free. What a great policy that was. Too bad they did away with that later on.

I hung up then walked over to the only open parking space in the lot. It was just a few steps away and in front of my room. Leaning down I placed 2 long curved spikes where a tire was sure to run over it. I had parked my rented Escort out on the street.

Pulling out my watch I calculated they had exactly 25 minutes before closing time. Just enough to get my order out but too late for any others. I put my feet up on the opposite bench seats and waited.

She drove up in a yellow AMC Gremlin. A hideous  hatchback that was just about impossible to see anywhere but in the past. As I had planned she drove right into the empty parking spot and I could hear a small pop as the drivers side tire hit one of the spikes.

Jennifer jumped out holding a pizza box. She stopped and leaned in as she heard the sound of pressurized air escaping. She paused just long enough to place the box on the hood of her car.

"Oh no! Oh CRAP!" She cried as knelt down looking for the source of the leak.

Standing up from the table I walked over to 'help'.

"Everything OK? I can hear your tire. Sounds bad."

The tire was deflating rapidly and the Gremlin slumped slightly to one side.

"Oh great! Just what I needed to end my day- a flat tire." She exclaimed looking up to the sky.

Walking casually to the front of the vehicle I leaned down to look and reached in to remove the spikes I'd planted.

"Looks like you might've run over something sharp. But maybe I can help. Do you have a spare? I can help change it."

"Yes, but... well .... I was just here to deliver a pizza and-"

"I know. I ordered it. I'm Stone and the pepperoni pizzas for me."

"Yes! I was just wondering about that. I'm Jenny and obviously this is for you." She said handing me the pizza and the sodas.

I pulled out a $20.00 bill and handed it to her in exchange.

"So where do you keep the jack and spare?"

"In the back ... but you really don't need to go out of your way. I dont want you to go to all that trouble."

"No trouble at all Jenny. I'm bored anyway."

Opening the back I found the jack and the lug nut wrench attached to the side.

"I really appreciate this Mr. Stone I've never had to change one before."

"Nothing to it. I'll explain what I'm doing as I do it."

"OK. Just let me know how I can help."

"Sure! So first let's chock your tire. Look for something to keep your vehicle from rolling back."

"Like what?"

Seeing a layer of bricks bordering yard I suggested,"We could use one of those bricks! Just lay it tight against the back of the rear wheel."

"So do you work for Domino's full time?"

"No part-time. I'm a student and this helps with the bills and expenses." She said as she placed the brick against the tire and kicked it in tighter.

"Are you some kind of businessman?"

"Not exactly. Just doing some research on missing persons in this area."

"Really? Is it for a documentary or something?"

"Um... not exactly. Let's just say I'm trying to find out how to prevent future disappearances. Since I'm not real familiar with the youth culture here I'm here to investigate."

"Maybe I can help?" She suggested.

Prying the hubcap off I laid it on the ground nearby.

"OK Maybe you could. Can you tell me why a young woman about your age would suddenly disappear? And how that might happen. Just hypothetically."

" That's easy. They're depressed."

"And what would cause such depression."

"Usually there's a guy involved."

"So a broken heart? Not drugs or failing grades?"

"No most girls my age kind of get through that but when a guy breaks your heart that's the serious stuff."

"I see. Sounds like your speaking from experience?"

"Well to be honest, yes. Going through it right now."

"Sorry to hear that."

Loosening the lug-nuts I began to explain- "
So you want to loosen these first. Then take them off and I usually use the hubcap to hold them all."

"That's a good idea."

"Then you find a good spot to place the jack. So that it doesn't hit anything fragile. Then we crank it up a few inches like so." I said as it slowly lifted the tire a little off the ground.

"Seems easy enough."

Pulling the tire off I had her bring the spare.

"Could you hand me a Coke?" I asked as I laid the flat tire down under the vehicle. " Help yourself to one if you want."

"So why put that under the vehicle?" Jenny asked.

"Just a precaution. If the jack falls over the tire will keep the car from hitting the ground. Because if that happened you'd have a hard time getting the jack underneath again."

She nodded as it began to make sense. "Did that ever happen to you Mr Stone?"

"No but it's still a good practice."

"So about that depression. Maybe you should just get a new boyfriend? I mean at your age it shouldn't be too hard to find other eligible young men."

"Easier said than done. It's complicated." She said as her eyes looked off to the street.

I could detect just mentioning it was beginning alter her mood.

Turning her attention back to the tire I had her put on the lug nuts while I held the tire in place.

"OK now that they're hand tight you tighten one or 2 lugs with the lug wrench before we lower the jack."

She looked oddly at the jack. Trying to figure it out.

"And how do you lower it?"
"See the slotted round stub?"
"This one?"
"Yeah just use the handle to give the slot a twist counterclockwise."

The vehicle dropped down on the new tires slowly.

"OK now you just tighten the rest of the lugs and get the hub cap back on." I said handing her the wrench.

She got busy as I went back to the picnic table and began to eat a slice of pizza.

After throwing in the flat tire she closed the back door and dusted her hands off.

As I was sitting down she came over and sat down for a minute.

"Well that wasn't too hard was it?" I asked.

"No not with your help. I just wanted to thank you."
"Aw think nothing of it. I was bored anyway. And now you learned how to do it yourself!"

"I guess I did."

"I really should pay you for your kindness."

"No no. Wouldn't be a act of kindness if I took money. But I wouldn't mind the company if you weren't in s hurry to leave. I could ask you a few more questions for my research."

"Sure I can spare a few minutes."

She sat down and lowered her sleeves as I opened the pizza box.

"Go ahead you deserve it."

She took a slice and began to talk about her relationship. It was really no big mystery. Randy was just one of your typical jealous controlling type personalities. And Jenny .....

"So I know what your thinking Mr Stone and I know he can be a jerk at times but despite all that I do love him. I think I can change him."

"Well take it from an old man. Guys do change but only if they do it of their own free will. They don't change from external influences. It's all got to come from in here." I said pointing to my heart.

A sadness came over her face as she knew it was true. I could sense the spirit of depression was beginning to weigh down on her.

"It's getting late Mr Stone. I really should be going."

"Taking the receipt off the pizza box I wrote the room telephone number on it and handed it to her.

"I can tell your not doing too well. Take this number and feel free to call me if you want to talk about it."

"I really can't impose-"
"It's no imposition. I'm stuck here for a few days anyway. It wouldn't hurt to have that number would it?"
"I guess not."
"Good! We'll have a safe drive home Jennifer Castle. It was a pleasure meeting you."
"Same here. Goodnight Mr Stone."
I watched the  Gremlin as it drove away onto the busy street.

I had 2 days left before her disappearance. I began to wonder how far or even if I should intervene. It was just a bad romance after all.

I didn't get much sleep as my mind was too busy figuring out the possible scenarios that might lead to her death. The last time I glanced at my watch it was 3:26 AM before I lost track and finally fell asleep from mental exhaustion.

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