Mass Effect - Fragments

By JeremyLash

8.9K 168 31

The galaxy is recovering in the wake of the Reaper war - nearly a year has passed and Commander Shepard awake... More

Chapter 1 - Third Time's a Charm
Chapter 3 - The Masks We Wear
Chapter 4 - Home Truths
Chapter 5 - Repurcussions
Chapter 6 - Homecoming
Chapter 7 - Congressional Theory
Chapter 8 - Reckoning
Chapter 9 - Flames From Heaven
Chapter 10 - Loose Ends
Chapter 11 - Closure

Chapter 2 - Reality Check

738 22 2
By JeremyLash

It’d been three days, going by the ship’s clock, since Shepard had awoken. He’d been provided with a terminal and an omni tool to use between his rehab. Hackett hadn’t been wrong: his personal terminal had pinged as soon as it had activated, signalling a very short message, a little over two days ago..

More lives than a Prothean, it would seem Shepard.

Thank the goddess you’re alive. We are on our way back.


P.S. I am going to murder you with my brain when I see you again.

Shepard chuckled. Well, that was something to look forwards to. He minimised the message and began sifting through the news feeds, what few were able to transmit. It painted a grim picture, but not without hope. The fall of the Reapers hadn’t transitioned into straight up infighting - the peace held. Though there were some interesting changes afoot:

The Salarians were threatening to withdraw from the Council, protesting at the overt Turian and Krogan alliance as well as the blatant abuse of power by the Asari Republics. Primarch Victus and Wrex were making good on promises it seemed, having managed to control the clans even whilst stranded in the Sol system, as well as direct disparate and stranded forces across the Galaxy. The Asari had been temporarily suspended from galactic politics, although there were still aid efforts funneling into Thessia, whilst an interim “Reconstruction Council” had been formed, based out of Arcturus station - Volus, Elcor, Quarian, Krogan and Geth had joined the Turians, Asari, Humans and even some Salarians in mapping out the way ahead.

Hope, but tinged with loss. Casualties weren’t even being estimated - the numbers simply too high. The husks that were being recovered were being buried en-masse, as identification was near impossible. Everyone had lost someone. And yet, here he was. Alive.

It almost didn’t feel fair - the universe out of balance. Not neat enough. He’d tried to raise the Migrant Fleet (Which probably wasn’t the right term for it now, he supposed) but to no avail - the comm buoys were still not quite functioning reliably. The only way the others had managed to communicate to their homeworlds was via the entanglement communication devices and the Alliance didn’t have one encoded for Rannoch - not since the Quarians had left. The extranet was still reliant on the buoys and the Mass Relay transmitters.

His mother had returned to the bridge, but she was making a point of dropping in every few hours, almost as if to make sure he wasn’t an illusion. She had restored her composure somewhat, but he himself had broken down a bit as she’d embraced him. The relief, the sheer weight lifting away.

But now he had his life back - no overshadowing threat, no galactic conflict. According to the medics he wouldn’t be fit for active duty for quite a while, possibly never: his left leg had been nearly crushed and his bones, despite being reinforced had fractured along multiple lines. Even after eleven months of constant nano-therapy and treatment, he would have a limp. His implants wouldn’t help much either, several having been fried. Miranda had stated that some might be replaceable, but since the majority had been installed “during reconstruction” last time, it wasn’t feasible to have a full service, as it were.

Hackett had swung by again, with the topic of future work coming up - at this stage, even the Admiral wasn’t certain, with politics still playing on his mind. Shepard could tell that the old man was conflicted: wanting the best for “The Galaxy saviour”, but also recognising the deep political pain that Shepard could become as an unknown. The question had been shelved until his recovery was complete.

Shepard looked up as the door hissed open, revealing a rather tired looking Miranda. She managed a wan smile at him and, to his surprise, slumped down into a chair beside the bed.

“You working yourself to the bone there, Ms Lawson?”

“Some of us haven’t had the luxury of a year long sleep, Shepard.” Her voice was strained, but still had a lilt of humour there. The Commander took it in good faith, despite the tactless nature. He reached out and patted her shoulder.

“I haven’t had the chance to say thank you, Miranda. Again.”

The former Cerberus operative reached up and patted his hand.

“No need, Shepard. Frankly, your mother has more or less covered that base and given me free reign on the ship. eve ori’s on board. We’re safe Shepard. For the first time in years, we’re safe. And we have you to thank. A little bit of necromancy is the least I could do.”

Shepard arched an eyebrow at the term and chuckled.

“A few new hobbies picked up there Miranda?”

Lawson smiled and leaned back on the chair.

“You aren’t the only casualty recovering on board and we all have to do something to pass the time. A bit of esoteric reading never hurt. Plus the rules appeal to my bitchy nature and dress sense.”

Wow, two bits of humour in one conversation. She had made progress. Miranda saw his surprised by appreciative look and laughed.

“Good to see you smile, Shepard. I wanted to let you know - the Normandy is currently docking. Brace yourself for visitors.”

She stood and squeezed his hand, before walking out of the room, heading on her rounds. Shepard managed to get through a few more news reports before the door hissed open again, revealing a familiar blue face.

The Shadow Broker tried to look defiance and righteous indignation, but couldn’t stop the grin from splitting her face. Liara moved quickly to his bedside and enveloped Shepard in a tight hug. Over her shoulder he saw Kaidan Alenko enter, wearing his dress down gear, followed closely by James Vega, Joker and the chrome form of EDI. All were wearing shocked but relieved grins on their faces.

“Damn loco, who owes you favours that gets you out of a suicide mission twice?”

Vega’s hug was crushing, barely giving him time to inhale as the Asari let him go.

“James.. not.. so… tight… ribs.”

Vega released him with a laugh.

“Not so tough, eh Commander?”

“Well, you know, having the Citadel drop on you takes the wind out of your sails.”

That got a chuckle. Alenko extended a hand by Shepard dragged him in for a hug too.

“Got to see you Kaiden. Commander now, eh? I hope the Normandy is treating you well.”

“Well, sir, someone kept it in good shape. Thank god you’re alive, though. Damn near tore us up.”

That was a sobering moment, but Shepard didn’t dwell, couldn’t dwell. He nodded, swallowing the lump, then turned a smile on Joker. He extended a hand and shook Moreau’s likewise proffered hand carefully. The Pilot was just shaking his head in disbelief, but seemed to have something on his mind.

“Commander I… I’m sorry. We got your team but. I should’ve done something else. Tried to take out Harbinger…”

“Joker - I’m alive. Everyone else is alive. The big metal cuttlefish is dead.” Shepard smiled gently, trying to get the Pilot to relax, “Frankly, I’m just so damn happy that you guys are still kicking. I hope you’re not letting him mope EDI.”

The AI smiled, before stepping forward to hug Shepard.

“Joker has been testing the limits of my tolerance Commander. It has not given him time to ‘mope’, as you put it.”

That comment left the room silent for a moment. Vega’s snorting laugh broke the spell as Joker went bright red. EDI smirked, wrapping an arm gently around the pilot’s waist.

“Wow, wait until the Geth get a handle on innuendo. So, not that you guys aren’t enough, what about everyone else? Four winds, as I heard it. And what have you lot been doing?”

Liara pursed her lips and gave a small shrug.

“Wrex is nearly back on Tuchanka, along with Grunt, I believe - after repairing the Charon Relay, the fleets had a handle on how to “Quick fix”, as I think you would put it. Most of the major systems are connected and the interim Council is already in the process of moving the Citadel back to the Widow system. What was left of it, of course. Quite an undertaking. But it’s making everyone work together.”

Her smile was rather smug. Shepard could have hazarded a guess that she was pulling strings to ensure that said co-operation continued. Alenko followed up, continuing the train of thought.

“We’ve just been keeping things in order in Sol and into the Traverse. Removing any unstable elements. Hell, we even had Batarians advising us on counter slaving operations. There’s one for the history books.”

Liara continued: “I spoke to Garrus a week ago; they’re en route to Palaven, the Hierarchy is still intact. Rebuilding is underway already. As yet, he does not know you’re up and about. Javik is… no longer with us.”

Shepard nodded, his mouth twisting into a grimace. He couldn’t blame the Prothean - out of his time, his destiny fulfilled.

“At least he got to see his enemy defeated, his race avenged. Small comfort.”

Liara nodded, then tapped her lip.

“Samara, I believe, has been… busy. She took her leave after we… gave up on you.”

The silence was awkward. Shepard forced a grin.

“Hey, even the Alliance didn’t know who I was. Don’t blame yourselves. A planet of millions - I’m one guy.”

Liara’s faced snapped up, her eyes hard. He hadn’t seen them like that since… since Illium, just after he’d awoken the first time.

“You are far more than that John Shepard.”

He held up a hand placatingly, noting with interest how Kaiden had moved around to place a comforting hand on her shoulder. Joker was nodding in agreement, however.

“She’s right Commander. You were the one who got us all through this.”

Shepard let his head flop back and exhaled.

“Tell that to Hackett. I wish I was just another guy, to be honest. By the sounds of it, I’m a political hand grenade waiting to happen.”

He leaned forwards, resting his hands in his lap. Liara smiled wanly.

“Unfortunately yes, Shepard. For a little while at least. You are going to be quite the focus. Everyone is settling down. you coming back will be a reminder. Of loss. And of hope.”

Shepard breathed out heavily, shaking his head.

“Big stuff. And here was me thinking ‘retirement’ and ‘beach house’. So, the others?”

Vega shrugged,  “Zaeed, Goto and Jack the Tatt are still on Earth, keeping order around the refugee camps. And Sparks is probably on Rannoch planning that big ass wedding.”

Shepard laughed, but stopped as he saw the faces around him. He tilted his head and frowned. Suddenly no one, not even EDI, seemed to want to meet his gaze. He felt his stomach tighten, his heart lurch. Liara was staring daggers at Vega, who had the look of a man who wanted the universe to forget the last ten seconds.

“What. Wedding?”

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