Simply Amazing

By ceenaeMISFITperez

1K 58 2

"All i know is i will ride with you till the wheels fall off" All rights reserved Read on. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 3

71 2 0
By ceenaeMISFITperez

Imaanie .

" I'm coming! " I shouted racing down the stairs to attend to the person at the door who was ringing my doorbell like a fool.

I opened the door right on time when Brandon was about to ring it again.

My sister and brother smiled big when they saw me "Goodness,  y'all made it " I opened the door wide open as I pulled Yolanda into a warm hug, her hair was in long box braids,  she had on a full length leather jacket and a black short jumpsuit underneath the jacket. 

I pulled out of the hug as I turned my attention to Brandon " Blonde hair now " I dug my fingers in his short blonded hair. He looked different or maybe it's the growth,  he has facial hair now.  I pulled him into a hug as well.

" Come in,  I fucking missed yall" I opened the door wider as they both walked in.

"where's Riley? " Yolanda asked as she followed behind me into the living room.

" She's sleeping , Trey put her to sleep earlier " I said sitting down.

" Where the hell is he anyway? " Brandon asked as he walked around the living room looking at the framed pictures of me and Trey and the one we took with Riley as well.

" Well he's out on a meeting but for now,  would you guys like some juice,  wine,  soda? " I asked

Yolanda took off her jacket and placed it on the empty couch " Now we finna get drunk " she rubbed her hands like Birdman which caused me to laugh as I got up.

" I don't drink alcohol anymore " Yolanda gave me a look

"since when? " she asked the look on her face said she didn't believe a word I said.

" No like for real,  I'm a mother now remember " I raised my eyebrow

She sucked her teeth "girl shut up with all that,  not even wine? " she asked I shook my head no

"did Trey tell you to stop drinking? " she asked

" Yolanda really now? " I gave her a look she shrugged "what? Oooouu is that a bottle of Moët girl? " she asked as she walked towards Trey's mini bar.

" How you gon' have a bar full of alcohol in your house yet you don't drink? " she asked

" well everything you see in there belongs to Trey and nobody touches his wine Landa " I tried to stop my sister from taking the bottle of Moët .

" loosen up Imaanie, he's your husband he'll understand "

" But that's the last bottle of Moët left though , the rest is just some Brandy and all these whiskey's" I said

" Yo Imaa,  I think I hear a baby crying " Brandon stuck his head to where me and Yolanda stood,  oh shit " that's Riley,  I'll be back " I said running out the living room to upstairs where Riley was sleeping in her crib in Trey and I's room.  Her room was too big for her so me and Trey decided to take her crib into our room. 

" mommy's girl " I picked her up as her cries stopped  when I embraced her,  I took her pacifier and put it back into her mouth as she sucked on it while we made our way back downstairs.

Brandon and Yolanda were sitting on the couch " This is a nice condo " I heard Brandon say as I walked to were they were sitting. 

" shit,  that's her? " Yolanda jumped from the couch as she came to take Riley from my arms but she refused,  she kept on looking away when Yolanda tried to take her.

" She doesn't like you man get over it " Brandon pushed Yolanda away as he walked towards me and kissed Riley on her forehead.

" I'm Uncle Bran Bran " he said I laughed at how his lame ass introduced himself.

" okay get away from her,  it's clear she doesn't like both of you guys " I said taking a seat next to Brandon.

" she likes me,  everyone loves their uncle no matter how uncivilized they could be sometimes " Brandon spoke " You wish " Yolanda waved at him as she took a sip from her glass.. Wait what?

" You drinking the moët aren't you? " I asked she shrugged giving me a look , I rolled my eyes.

" I Told you that belongs to Trey and that's the last bottle -" she cut me off

" And I'm your sister,  Trey should know that.  " she said taking another sip from the glass.  I shook my head,  they haven't much changed I see.

" So I was on the phone with dad this morning " I said rocking Riley back and forth as she played with my hair. 

" I told him to call you " Brandon blurted

" you did? " Yolanda and I asked at the same time.

" well I can't stand the fact that y'all don't talk and shit so I talked to the old man and he agreed on calling you to apologize and sorting shit out witch'u " he said,  I should've known my dad would never call me and be so nice all of a sudden but I'm glad that it was Brandon that kicked some sense into him.

" He told you his birthday was coming up and that he wants all of us there including this princess right here " he said pinching Riley's cheeks.

" Yeah he did , we had one of our longs talks this morning and I was happy that he finally talks to me " I said thinking about all these years I spent without talking to my dad,  I felt like there was something missing in my life.  It also felt like I didn't have a family at all, crying some nights and I wake Trey up because it was hard feeling neglected. Trust me that's the worst feeling in the world,  feeling neglected by all the people you had faith In and you love by all the people you trusted . It makes you feel bad about yourself,  question your existence and hate people for no reason but thanks to Trey , I swear that man made me a better person He was always there when I felt weak,  when I needed somebody to cry on and vent to.  He kept me strong at my weakest,  that's the reason I can proudly say he's the family I chose for myself that stuck by me through everything that was happening in my life or happened always showed me the bigger picture in life and that's why I'll never turn my back on him,  no matter what we go through I'll always keep him strong when he seems to be weak, because no matter what I went through he always found a way to make me feel better and heal quickly. 

" So I'm looking for a nice place to stay at meanwhile I'm here" Yolanda asked taking a sip from her wine glass leaving a lipstick stain.

" Nice place,  what's your budget for the place? " I asked

" well I don't have a job yet but I have an interview on Monday with the Daze Magazine so I'm guessing it will go well and my bank account has a few thousand dollars. Your place looks good though I want something like this " she said looking around.

" Will you afford a condo like this? It's too much expense Landa"

" if your lil job can afford this then what makes you think i won't? " I'll take it as the alcohol talking for her, my sister has a big mouth when she gets a lil tipsy.

" Trey hasn't found a job yet? " Brandon shot the question,  I gave him a stern look and turned my attention to Riley who was now starting to cry.

" she's hungry,  I'll be back . Brandon get your ugly feet off my damn table" I said smacking his legs off my glass table,  this boy still had no manners.

I made it to the kitchen as I put Riley on the counter and placed her stuffed animal in front of her so she wouldn't move but sit in one place and play with it as if wondering what it is.

" Fuck " I cursed when I realised we were running out of her powder milk .

" Daddy didn't tell me your milk is almost finished baby,  this won't even make a bottle " I sighed as I looked at Riley who was too busy chewing on the animals ear to even know what was going on.

I can't even call Trey and tell him to bring some of Riley's milk after the meeting because he's probably still in a meeting with Danny  , sending him a text won't help either .

" We need to call your dad baby " I picked her up as I walked back to the living room to get my phone from the couch. 

Yolanda was just everywhere and talking shit , Brandon has been on his phone.  I wonder which girl he's lying too now,  he's always on his phone it's unattractive mahnn Lock that shit !!

" Have you seen my phone? " I asked him,  he simply shook his head.  I moved the cushions from the couch as I spotted my iPhone. 

" ohh I found it " I took it as I went out to the balcony while Riley began crying again,  this time you could see she wasn't playing.  I rocked her to sooth her a little as I waited patiently with the phone on my ear for that one person's voice that was going to ease my mind a little.

" Come on Trey " I mumbled,  Riley continued to cry,  refusing to stop at some point I began to panic,  I didn't know what to do and the longer I waited for Trey to pick up his phone so I could feel a little better but there was no answer , nothing to keep me together.

The more Riley cried,  the more I felt like crying as well because she didn't want to stop.  "Shh baby " I rocked her up and and down as my hand rubbed her small back. 

" come I help you with her,  Who you calling? " Brandon appeared,  he saw the look on my face as he walked towards us and tried to take Riley from me,  this time she didn't fight it instead she continued crying .

" come on Trey " I mumbled once more as Brandon tried to calm Riley down.

" He ain't picking up? " he asked,  I ignored him as I hung up and locked my phone taking a loud sigh.

" We ran out of Riley's milk " I said

" What you talking about,  you have all the milk she needs with you right now " he said making a joke out of it,  when he saw my serious face he began to register.

" can't you quickly run to the store I'll look after her so long " Brandon said still rocking a crying Riley.

" I don't have cash on me and I don't even have my card,  I borrowed Trey so he could put some gas " I said

" Doesn't he have his own money , damn" Brandon mumbled I rolled my eyes.

" Brandon if you came to my house to mumble disrespectful shit under your breath then you can take your shit and your drunk sister over there and leave " I said seriously

" I'm just fucking playing,  you always taking shit seriously and that's your sister too "

" I don't care,  it seems y'all are just here to judge me about my husband or tell me how to live my life-" he cut me off

" Hey relax okay,  I was just playing . I can give you money to go buy some right now but I'm only doing this for Riley " he said

" yeah whatever,  you'd never do anything for me anyway "

" Imaanie  what's gotten into you like calm down "

" I'm calm,  bring my baby " I took a crying Riley as I tried to calm her down.

" What y'all doing out here ?" Yolanda asked as she stumbled on  Riley's stuffed animal,  this girl was drunk.

" Why Is baby crying ?" she asked,  I was not in the mood.  I was losing myself slowly with these two people disturbing my peace of mind and all I wanted right now was Trey.

" Landa  watch were you going,  I'm going to the store right now should I bring you guys anything? " I shook my head as I looked at the time on my phone

" Yeah,  I want some ice-cream Imaanie doesn't have all of that in here " Yolanda blurted.

Brandon nodded as if he was not interested in what she was saying because it was just the alcohol babbling.

" Imaa , what type of milk should I get for Princess? "

" Give me your phone lemme type down what type of formula you should get "

Riley was now calm,  she laid her head on my shoulder as I kept rubbing her back. Brandon  handed me his phone as I typed down what I needed.

" alright,  I'll be back then " he said leaving me and Yolanda by the balcony looking at the city.

" Mommy's girl,  are you okay? " I looked at Riley who was now quiet but looked sleepy.

" I'm going to make her some mash , you coming? " I asked Yolanda who was staring at nothing in particular.

" Sure" she mumbled

We walked into the house again,  as I went straight to the kitchen to make something for my baby , Yolanda appeared at the door with her wine glass on her left hand.

" how does it feel to be a mother huh ?" she asked

" Good " I simply answered as I got started with my baby's food

" Can I hold her? "

" She doesn't like you " I said she rolled her eyes swinging the glass to her mouth.

" I'm her Aunt sure she likes me she just doesn't know who I am yet " she said walking closer to us

" hey pretty pretty " she played with her

" she looks alot like Trey but she has moms eyes " she said looking at Riley

" she reminds me of her " I looked up at her as she took Riley into her arms and she didn't cry but look up at her trying to figure out who she was.

" Do you know who she reminds me of? " I asked her she shook her head.

" grandma , she doesn't have bushy eyebrows like all of us in the house . Her eyebrows are frozen and remember how Brandon used to ask her 'gran why you don't have eyebrows? " we both laughed at how Brandon didn't get the fact that grandma didn't have eyebrows he just didn't get it.  Riley's eyebrows aren't bushy .

" So I'm really hungry and I came in here and I looked in the cardboard and fridge and there's just isn't much.  What's going on with you Sis? " she asked .. Here it goes

" I don't know what you talking about? "

" Doesn't trey work or something? "

" I swear you and Brandon are getting on my nerves like for real , I don't even know why you are here! " I snapped slamming my hands on the counter, it was a couple of seconds before Riley cried. I cleared my throat as I walked towards Yolanda and took Riley , I rocked her back and forth as I tried my hardest not to breakdown I was so pissed I wanted to smash things down, my heart was beating and I was shaking,  somebody get Yolanda out of my face.

" I don't even get why you're mad seriously" she simply said walking around the counter,  standing a distance apart from me .

" I just don't get it why you put up with Trey all the fuckin time Imaah,  I really don't.  You work your ass of everyday, come home to 2 kids? I know your smarter than that,  damn it " her voice raised.

" Well it's none of your business,  whatever happens in my life is none of your business. You come up in here to always tell me how bad I'm living my life or what I'm doing wrong yet you don't know shit . I'm married obviously our lives won't be the same,  let me worry about my husband alone I don't need anyone to tell me shit and especially you Yolanda Marie" I pointed my finger at her as I gave her a death glare.

" Say one more thing and I swear to God -" I threatened, she looked at me back with a facial expression I couldn't read.

I rocked my baby till she settled down,  I put her on the counter again avoiding eye contact with my sister . She just stood there,  looking at me while sipping on her glass of wine.  If you think words can kill trust me silence is the killer. 

I made Riley some food as quickly as I could before taking her from the counter to the living room just in time for the door to open,  I was expecting Trey but Brandon ' cool ' ass walked in with a smile on his face. 

" I got everything,  even got us some pop corn I figured we need to watch a couple of movies " he said cheerfully but I was so into my emotions that I heard what he was saying but I wasn't listening.

" where's Yolanda? "

"kitchen" I said as I fed Riley .

" why you look like that? " Brandon asked,  I looked down controlling my tears as I cleared my throat.

" I'm fine " I mumbled as I quickly wiped the tear that escaped willingly, Brandon looked at me not saying anything.  I watched him take a seat next to me not looking at my face.

" I juss-" I broke down

" Tell me what to do? " I cried,  he looked at me and my face wasn't lying,  these were the tears I've been keeping for too long .

" You and Landa got into it right? " I'm glad he knew that his sister  was the cause of this.

" You know that if I have to choose between Trey and my family i'ld choose him right ?" I sniffled looking at him.

" What happened to family first Imaah ? " he asked I kept quiet as I looked at Riley who refused to eat another spoonful of mash .

" Trey is my family now he was there when I needed him,  you and Yolanda were never there Brandon ! not even dad but Trey,  he was there.  Every single day,  I mean I love all of you but Riley, Trey and I are a family now and they come first all the time " I said

" aiight " he rubbed the stress off his face as Yolanda came out of the kitchen,  Finally.

" You back?  Thank God " she rolled her eyes as she gave me a look. 

" Take my bag for me I'm ready to leave " she said taking her jacket from the couch before she caught her balance,  I wish she tripped and fell

" you wanna leave already? " Brandon gave her a confused look .

" Yes and I really don't want to see myself here in five minutes time" she said looking at her wrist watch. 

" what has gotten into the both of you acting like kids all of a sudden ?" Brandon was very confused " I went to the store a few minutes ago and I come back y'all can't even stand each other , what happened ?" as those words left his mouth the door caught all of us off guard even Riley.

Trey appeared and right after he closed the door behind him he realised that we were all looking at him. Wait.. Is Trey wearing shades? Nigga never walked in the house with shades on.

Could my day get better " Whoop whoop the unemployed man of the house just walked in,  see Brandon it's our que to leave now.  Take my bag " Yolanda said walking towards Trey " Damn you even smell better than me " Sarcastically she said pushing passed him and out she went slamming the door behind her.  My attention went back to Trey,  he stood there as if lost.

Brandon did exactly what his sister told him,  him and Trey shared a look that made me get up from the couch as soon as possible before something magically happens. 

" Take care of yourself aiight " Brandon spoke to me his eyes not tearing from Trey before he walked out right in front of him.  Once the door slammed,  Trey walked straight up not even acknowledging my presence what the hell?

I looked at Riley who was chewing on her plastic spoon " Did your daddy just go upstairs without saying anything to mommy? " I was talking to Riley cause she was the only one in the  room looking at my dumbfounded face .

I took her as I got up making my way upstairs,  what in the hell was happening today people are just acting strange especially that big headed Yolanda , my facial expression changed when I thought of her.  I didn't know she made me that sick.

I made my way to our room, spotting Trey sprawled out on the bed with his shoes on and he knew how I felt about being in bed with shoes,  I cleared my throat to make my presence known. He did not move a muscle I widened my eyes at Riley and slightly shrugged before I walked in further and sat on the edge of the bed,  I suddenly remembered what Yolanda said to Trey before she left about him smelling good.  I could smell the alcohol from where I was sitting,  my hand rested on his leg as I shook him up. 

He groaned,  why was he drunk?  Wasn't he supposed to meet up with Danny or is Danny the bar?  Had no fucking idea but I did see him drunk and I don't remember the last time I saw him this drunk.

" Trey " I spoke up now seriously as I put Riley on the bed while I walked around the bed to Trey's side. His eyes were open but blood shot red and low. I gave him a questioning look and to be honest it didn't even look like he had the energy to sit up,  he was faded.

This mf ..

" I'm trying to understand what happened because last time I checked you were going on a meeting with Danny? What happened? " I didn't get a response but I did get a reaction,  he lifted his head up trying his hardest to lift it up as long as he could. 

" shit " he slurred before he quickly tried to sit up and when he got his strength he got out of bed and right when he wanted to stand,  he tripped on Riley's other Stuffed animal and he fell . He fell so hard I could hear the thud of the wooden floor. 

While still at mission,  he crawled as fast as he could to the bathroom and right before he could make it to the toilet seat, he puked on the tiles crawling and still making his way to the seat until he finally made it.  I watched with my arms crossed to my chest when both his hands held the seat on both sides for support as he let everything out. 
When he was done he collapsed on the floor.  Great..

I walked towards the bathroom and it smelt of alcohol,  his puke looked disgusting. 

" you okay? " I kneeled down to look at his face.  He tried his hardest to nod.  " Come on babe,  let's get you out of this T-shirt " I pulled his body up to a sitting position and tried to pull his T-shirt out —which eventually came off. 

My towel hung on the door of the shower,  I grabbed it as I wiped Trey's lips.  The floor was still a mess,  I had to clean it up ASAP but first I have to get Trey in bed and I don't even know how I was going to do that .

" I'm sorry " he slurred with his eyes closed

" it's okay babe,  just help me get you out of here " I said pulling him up as I wrapped his arm around my neck while my other hand supported his back. 

" You gotta walk Trey " I said,  this Nigga was damn heavy but I helped him walk slowly to the bed as he dropped his body on it.  He laid on his back. 

Riley was too busy with Trey's phone to even care about what was happening.  I unbuckled Trey's belt as I let the zip down . I undid his shoe laces as I took his shoes off and pulled down his jeans as well. 

I got a blanket from the closet just in case he vomits while he's sleeping.  I covered him with it as I went back to the bathroom to start cleaning the mess,  oh boy. 

A few minutes later the bathroom was clean I was sitting on the couch downstairs with a sleeping Riley,  I was tired as well and coming to think of it I have work in the morning.  I yawned when I thought about the office,  it's just too much for me. 

I put Riley on her crib as I got in bed with a snoring Trey, I wonder what went down to his meeting with Danny.


Hey loves! Like I'm so happy that I'm writing this story,  I've had so many ideas and I just want it to be always Unpredictable in that way you readers will enjoy it.

Thanks for the support,  it means the world to me so I'm truly thankful.




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