Cracked Butterfly

De neonblonde1

133K 5.1K 1.7K

Ivy Glenn was a small town girl, ready to embark on a new career thousands of miles from the home and ideal... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Cracked Butterfly Soundtrack
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Author's Note

Chapter 2

7K 235 44
De neonblonde1

Twenty long hours, two days, and two nights and over thirteen hundred miles is what the girls traveled. Ivy's little KIA Soul being the mechanical trooper she'd hoped it to be.

They had driven through nine states, stopping at each state line crossing for a selfie. South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, DC, Maryland, Delaware, New York, New Jersey and finally into Connecticut.

The last hour they pulled into a gas station for fuel and the largest coffees they could buy. Ivy was surprised at the good time they had. She had five days to settle into her apartment, go shopping and just get a general lay of the land before joining the real world of corporate America.

After settling back into the car and buckling up, Ivy pulled out her phone to check on her apartment. One of the instructions she had been given by the manager of Wallace's HR department was to call when she was an hour away so that way the manager of her apartment complex could have everything ready for her.

It rang only twice before a deep male voice answered on the other end.

"Yes good morning this is Ivy Glenn and I was told to phone when I was an hour away from y'all."

Ivy blushed at what the man was saying, no doubt he was commenting on her accent and the use of y'all.

Quickly gesturing to Krista for a pen and paper Ivy took down the specific directions to her complex, the direct phone number for residents only and instructions on where to park.

Apparently they had the personnel to help new residents move in, so that meant that she and Krista would not have to deal with any of that! How exciting!

"Yes, I have everything written down and I understand exactly what to do" Ivy responded. "Oh and sir? Thank you!" The call ended and Ivy threw her phone into the console and then looked over at Krista who was grinning like the Cheshire cat.

"What?" Ivy said a little irritated because she knew what was coming, it always happened.

"Oh and sir? Thank you!" Krista repeated in an ever exaggerated southern drawl. Ivy reached out and playfully slapped her on the wrist.

Giggling, Krista turned in the seat so she could look at her friend. "Belle you are THE consummate 'Southern Belle' and I hope to God these northerners don't chew you up and spit you out because you are just too kind and sweet for your own good."

Ivy knew exactly what her friend was driving at, she'd seen Gone with the Wind and prayed to God that she was more like Scarlett than Melanie. She shivered at the thought.

"Well let's get going and show them what the South is really all about!" Ivy said grinning. She threw her car into drive and they sped back onto the main road and towards their destination.

Exactly one hour later they pulled in front of the most beautiful high rise building either of them had ever seen before except on the internet or TV.

It had to be at least forty stories tall. The outside was covered in glass; beautiful, dark, smoky glass. On the front of the building, in gorgeously polished brass lettering, was the name of the fortress. Emerald Heights.

Ivy was awestruck and speechless, the words were there but she couldn't give them life. There had to be a mistake. She kept looking at the paper where she had written the information and then back at the building. It was the correct address, description, and everything, right down to the landscaping. Well, there was only one thing to do and that was to go inside and make sure that she wasn't losing her mind somehow. Although, it was entirely possible at this stage of the game.

Pulling open the heavy glass inlaid door, Ivy walked up to the granite desk clearly labeled Resident Information Desk - Please ring bell for assistance.

But she didn't have to ring the bell because there was a large gentleman in a dark black suit and crew cut already standing behind said desk.

"Good morning madam, may I help you?" He was very professional and seemed proficient in his duties as oh I don't know, a hit man for the mafia maybe?

"Uh, yes thank you. I'm Ivy Glenn." Ivy responded and stuck out her hand to shake Goliath's. He stared at her hand for a moment and for a split second Ivy was starting to second guess trying to be cordial. Then, a slight smile broke out across his face revealing perfectly straight, white teeth.

"Pleasure Ms. Glenn. I'm Davis, head of security. Welcome to Emerald Heights.  Although I'm sure you must be tired after your road trip, I have some papers for you to sign and then I can give you your key and show you to your floor and unit. These papers are just stating that you are indeed an employee of Wallace Advertising, that you understand the rules of the complex, and that you will be responsible for any damages that may occur. If it is something out of your control the complex will assume the responsibility and make the repairs right away."

"I assume you parked in the correct parking space? Number 2929?"

With all the information being thrown at her, all Ivy could do was nod her head in agreement.

"Good, that is also your unit number. There are forty floors here, the top five floors house the swimming area, two full gyms, rooms to hosts parties and whatnot. The six floors underneath that are for company executives, you fall into that category. All of the other floors house employees that fulfill other positions at the firm. Now, before I show you to your unit do you have any questions for me Miss?"

Ivy shook her head no and signed the last paper with a flourish and handed the pen back to Davis. After thinking for a moment about all the information she was just given, yes, she did have a couple of questions.

"First are there any rules regarding decorating? I mean I'm not asking to repaint, but I would like to know if there is an issue with putting holes in the wall to hang pictures."

"Also, I need to find the nearest Target and a place to shop for work clothes. I'm afraid my wardrobe falls into the 'lacking' department as far as work apparel goes."

Ivy couldn't help but blush when Davis chuckled at her questions about the unit and shopping. And, she couldn't help but notice he was looking her best friend up and down like she was a tasty snack.

He would swallow her whole, this giant of a man. Ivy was pretty good at guessing people's height and weight and she would put him at around six two or three and probably two hundred pounds at least. He was not a small man by any stretch of the imagination.

Well built body from what she could tell under his suit. His arms looked very well defined and muscled. The fabric of his suit coat almost groaned with each move of his bicep.

"No miss there are no rules regarding the decorating of your unit and as far as places to buy groceries, eat out, and shop there is a Welcome binder in the kitchen on the counter that will give you the names of all of the places you could possibly need, as well as addresses and phone numbers."

"Now, let's get you settled in so you can do what you need to do for the rest of the day. Here are your keys; there are three, two for your unit door, one is extra, and the last key is for a storage unit that is down on the level under the parking structure. This way please." Davis finished by pointing towards the elevator.

The silence was comfortable as they entered the metal box and proceeded upwards at a decent pace until the elevator made a delicate little ding signaling that they had arrived at their destination.

The 29th floor was luxurious in and of itself. The lobby area was decorated in rich maroon and gold tones and accentuated with antique furnishings such as a rich looking leather couch, two club chairs, two end tables with ornate lamps and a coffee table which housed an array of magazines.

Ivy and Krista followed Davis to the left when they stepped out of the elevator and when they had gotten about half-way down the hall he stopped at a door to their right. The numbers of her apartment were on the outside of the most beautiful wooden door Ivy had ever seen and they were in the same elegant brass as on the outside of the complex.

Davis turned to Ivy as she started to cross the threshold. "Please allow me a moment to make sure that housekeeping did what was required of them and then you may come in." And with that he disappeared inside her unit and was gone for about five minutes before he reappeared.

A nice smile graced his face which told the girls he was indeed satisfied with what he found. "I believe that you will be comfortable and happy here Ms. Glenn and like I said before if you need anything this phone here will call directly to the lobby and my desk" he said pointing to a wall mounted phone.

Ivy returned the smile in kind. "Thank you Davis, for everything. There would have to be something really wrong with me for me to not be happy here."

He nodded to Ivy and then took a little more time nodding and smiling at Krista. "M'am" he said and slowly walked out back the way they had just come from.

"Oh my, wow" Ivy drawled as they stepped inside her apartment. Krista nodded and Ivy noticed, for the first time in forever, her best friend was rendered speechless.

The front entry way was marble tile. A light, rich mixture of brown and sand colors with what looked like thin gold veins running through it.

To the left and down a couple of steps was the living area. A buttery soft, cream colored leather couch sat in the middle of the room and was complimented on each side with matching wing back chairs.

The end tables were made of heavy glass and antique brass, the metal was ornate with a scroll design.

The coffee table was made in the same design as the end tables and contained an enormous fresh flower bouquet of yellow, white, and pink roses. The card simply read "Welcome to Emerald Heights."

There was a stone and brick fireplace with a gorgeous mahogany mantle and decorating the ends of the mantle were two huge candles in large decorative holders. The wrought iron fireplace tools rested in a holder made from the same antique brass as the coffee and end tables.

Going back up the steps the next room was the kitchen and the architect of the place had enough sense to leave the floor plan open so that when Ivy had visitors she could still converse with them even though they were in separate rooms.

The countertops were granite and had a pinkish cream colored hue to them which made them totally gorgeous, and Ivy was in love with her new apartment.

All of the appliances were top of the line stainless steel and Ivy noticed that there was even a Keurig coffee maker and a carousel that was already filled with delicious K cups!

"Girl when I come to visit just set me up a cot in here and I'll be happy" Krista joked. Ivy giggled as they continued on with the self tour.

There was a small guest restroom to the side of the kitchen and it had a pearl white pedestal sink, the basin scallop shaped. The mirror above the sink was huge, square in shape, and you guessed it, it had the same brass scroll work as the living room furniture. Ivy was beginning to notice a theme here.

It looked like they had two rooms left to investigate, the guest bedroom and the master bedroom. The guest room was bigger than Ivy's room back home!

It had plush cream carpet, a queen sized bed, dresser, two bedside tables with lamps, and a small bathroom with toilet, sink, and shower.

The walls were painted in a very light eggshell color which went beautifully with the lightness of the furniture. Nothing adorned the walls, Ivy basically had a blank canvas.

The bedding was beautiful but plain. It could use some sprucing up with throw pillows and maybe a throw for the foot of the bed.

Last but not least was her bedroom, the master bedroom. It had French double doors which intrigued both girls. Ivy's hand hovered above the door handles as she looked over at Krista. The other girl nodded and Ivy threw open the doors.

"Holy... Wow!" Ivy hitched. "I know" Krista said while nodding. The focal point of the room was a huge king sized canopy bed. The hand carved wood and metal scroll work made it look very rich and very expensive.

The curtains around the canopy frame looked like black silk but were sheer in nature. The bedding was sumptuous and black with accent pillows that were almost blood red giving it a very dangerous but sexy appeal to it.

There were two remotes on the bedside table. One read Smart on the outside and both girls guessed it belonged to the eighty inch flat screen TV mounted to the wall.

Krista picked up the other and pressed a button. Both girls squeaked and jumped as the blinds on the huge windows whirred upwards. Krista pushed the button again and the blinds started their descent.

Krista looked at Ivy and they both started giggling like crazy. "Oh my gosh Bells, is it wrong of me to say I don't want to ever go back to Glasscastle? Wallace sure knows how to take care of their employees!"

"I wish you could stay Krista. I'm seriously starting to miss you already and you aren't even gone yet." Ivy couldn't help but feel overwhelmed at the enormity of it all.

Her best friend linked arms with her and said "Come on. We'll check out your bathroom later. Let's go look for this notebook that Hottie McDreamy told you about and then let's see what you have in the way of groceries and make a day of it, hmm?"

Smiling at how Krista could always make her feel better they trooped back through the apartment and to the kitchen where sure enough sat a fancy looking binder with everything you could imagine; clothing boutiques, Target, Wal-Mart, grocery stores, eating establishments, and so much more.

Both girls noticed that Ivy's boxes had been brought in and were sitting in the entry way. They would take care of those when they returned from their outing into the city.

After checking the cabinets and making several lists, the girls set back off to the parking garage excited about exploring Southwold and the treasures it held.

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