Ivy ( rise of the planet of t...

By obiwan_kenobi7

62.5K 1.6K 480

Will Rodman, leading scientist at Gen-Sys labs and a struggling son. Diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, Wi... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Six

3.9K 113 46
By obiwan_kenobi7

James Franco's biceps tho :')

*              *               *

Readjusting my arms beneath my head, I continued to stare up at the ceiling as I lay on Caesar's bed. I closed my eyes, and proceeded to stop breathing, but only for a few seconds.

After them few seconds, I heard Caesar begin to hoot gently, then more loudly as he prodded my limp arm. Hehe, he thinks I'm dead. I carry on staying still, purposefully wanting Caesar to freak out. This is a good game.

I began breathing again, but so subtly that he could barely tell.

Take note, this is one of my talents which I am most proud of.

His hands grabbed me and my shoulders shook, yet I remained limp, letting Caesar's panic get the better of him.

The next part, I admit, was very smart of him.

He put his hands on the sides of my stomach, and tickled me endlessly. And guess what. I still didn't move.

I felt the bed dip as he jumped off, he began hooting louder and louder, and I knew I couldn't keep it up for much longer as Caesar would resort to telling Dad, and then I'm in trouble.

I opened one eye, seeing Caesar's back turned to me as he panicked, trying to think of what to do. And so, ever so stealthily, I managed to creep up from the bed and tip-toed behind him.

I smiled as I stood right behind him, glad I had the upper hand. I raised my hands, before bringing them down onto his shoulders.

"BOO!", I yelled in his ear. A loud screech followed, and I instantly covered my ears, failing to prevent the boisterous laughter that emerged from me.

It didn't take long for him to start chasing me, so I jumped onto the bed and braced for the impact. He crashed into me, taking us both down onto the bed. I tried to push him off of me, but my giggles took away most of my energy, leaving me vulnerable to his tackling.

We wrestled for a bit, before we both landed on the floor and broke apart. I pushed my hands against the wooden floor and stood up, stretching my arms and heading for the door.

"I need to poo", I signed to Caesar, laughing as he responded with his fingers pinching his nose.

A minute later, I had plonked myself on the toilet and was letting it all out.

I'll spare you the details.

After I was done, I began heading to my room to get changed for the day. Poking my head through the door, I saw Dad and Grandpa were both still asleep from yesterday.

Opening my wardrobe, I contemplated on what to wear today. It was a sunny day, meaning I was probably going to be outside a lot. I ended up picking a shirt that had a dj monkey on it (Caesar picked this one, go figure) and matched it with my loose knee length shorts.

As I finished off tying my hair into a pony, I began to hear music coming from downstairs. Real, perfect music.

I gasped, making a beeline for the stairs and sliding down it. There he was...my grandpa...playing the piano.

I was stunned. I couldn't remember the last time he ever played the piano properly. I heard heavy footsteps behind me, and I know it was Dad as he too became stunned by Grandpa's sudden change.

"Grandpa...", I said, making him stop to look at me. Tears sprang up in his eyes, and so mine followed too. I was so happy, I couldn't even begin to describe.

"Oh, little Ivy. Can you believe it?", he spoke, amazement drenched in his words. Dad walked ahead of me, still trying to believe that his medicine had worked.

Caesar, I thought. I need to tell him the good news. He's going to be so happy I just know it. I slid away unnoticed, running up the stairs and towards Caesar's room. My smile faltered when I couldn't seem to hear Caesar upstairs, but instead saw a flash of black to my left as it disappeared out the window. I ran towards it, just in time to see Caesar make a beeline for the neighbour's house.


I climbed up to the window ledge, grabbing various bricks in the wall and using the drain pipe for support as I expertly made my way to the bottom. I had made this climb so many times, I knew it like the back of my hand.

"Caesar!", I yelled, sprinting across the garden, placing my foot on a chair and leaping over the fence. I landed on all fours, kind of proud of my little gymnastic showing-off if that's what you can call it.

I saw the girl from next door, staring into her garage with a worried look on her face. Then I knew, I had found Caesar.

"Is Caesar in there?", I asked her, not caring for a reply. I stumbled in, seeing Caesar having his fun, riding on a bike. I sighed in relief, seeing he was okay.


I turned my head in confusion. My eyes widened in realisation.

"You better shut your mouth, tramp", I threatened. She switched from being worried, to downright scared. Hey, what can I say. I have that affect on people.

"Dad!", she yelled, running off towards her house. I took off after her, not risking the chance of being caught out in the neighbours' house. She was inches ahead of me and so I reached my arm out, clasping onto her white shirt and yanking her backwards.

"I told you to shut your mouth!", I yelled in her face as she lay on the floor crying.

She just carried on crying. I looked back at her house in front of me, now worried that her parents will definitely hear me. I growled in frustration down at the girl.


Giving up on shutting her up, I ran back to the garage to try and make an escape before they came after us.

"Caesar, home!", I urged him, breathing heavily as I yanked on his arm. He just wouldn't budge.

"What! Where?", I heard a man say from near the house. I resumed on the task at hand except I was getting no where, even with my full strength. Caesar just wasn't in the mood for listening today. Or living, apparently.

"Caesar! We have to go now", I said one last time, before the neighbours had entered the garage. I sighed, turning around to face them to try and talk my way out of this.

"Mr neighbour, we were just leaving. You can put the bat do-", I began, before he interrupted me.

"Like hell you were. First you beat up my girl, and then you try and steal my property? Get the fuck out before I hit you", he threatened.

I narrowed my eyes at that.

"You even touch me or my brother, I'm gonna take your head off", I spat at him. He faltered his stance for a second, taken aback by my blunt comeback.

"Brother, huh? I guess you are just as much of an animal as this ugly beast", he retorted, spitting on the floor.

But before I had a chance to react, the man charged at Caesar, bat high in the air above his head. Screeching came from behind me, things thrown around and within a few seconds, I was left on my own in the garage as the man chased Caesar out into the garden.

"CAESAR NO!", I shouted, running out after them. I was stopped by the kids living at the house as they surrounded me, preventing me from protecting Caesar from the man. These people were horrible.

"Caesar!", I heard someone yell from over the fence. I perked up at the sound.

"DAD! GRANDPA!", I called out, desperate for their help. Caesar struggled to climb over the fence to safety, his fear taking control of his capability to escape.

They appeared seconds after, by which I had managed to break out from the circle of kids surrounding me.

"Hey, hey hey! Enough! Enough!", Dad yelled, placing himself between the man and Caesar. I sighed in relief, my chest heaving up and down as I tried to come back from my panicking state.

"The hell is the matter with you?", Dad asked, picking Caesar up and shooting glares at the man. I pulled up the sleeve of my shirt, also glaring at the family.

"If I see that animal, or even this animal...", he began, pointing at both Caesar and me, "anywhere near my kids or my house again-"

"He's not dangerous", Grandpa reasoned, taking a more calm approach to the situation. I watched as the kids peered out warily from behind their Dad, and I found myself irritated at the very sight of them.

"It won't happen again", Dad finished, heading for the gate back into our garden.

"Damn right it won't", the man replied cockily. I really don't like his attitude, I decided. But I also decided I was too young to do something about him. His kids, on the other hand, were definitely do-able.

I glared at them all, noticing how they looked at me as if I was going to attack any second. I jerked my head forward, satisfied when they jumped in surprise. I let Dad and Grandpa leave, before I proceeded to make my final mark.

I walked forward and onto the patio, completely unfazed as the man rose his bat up again. I dropped my pants and crouched, sighing as I relieved myself in their garden. They looked at me in disbelief, seeming unsure of what to make of the situation. Once I was done, I pulled my pants up, checked to see if I was satisfied with my handiwork, and went home.

*                *                  *

I gotta hand it to you guys. You are all so damn supportive of me and this book. More than 500 reads and I've only written 5 chapters. Damn!

Thanks a lot :)

What did you think of this one, hmmmm? :D

How about... 8 votes and 8 comments for the next chapter. You do that much, and as you can see, I update immediately once the goal is reached. No faffing about, I promise :')

Your feedback is quite motivational to me, believe it or not.

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