By Brink_of_pure_awe

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I woke up at six at night to a loud alarm I went to the computer and it flashed PLEASE EXIT THE BUILDING IN T... More

Chapter One Brey: A life changed
Chapter Two Nick: My Parents' wishes
Chapter Three Haleigh: Mission 1
Chapter four Justin: Fast forward
Chapter five Victoria: the return
Chapter Six Daniel: Surprise
Chapter Seven Chloe: Austin Smith
Chapter Eight Chloe: Dating
Chapter Nine Chloe: Lies
Chapter Ten Chloe: the TRUTH
Chapter Eleven Emily: Exit Stage Right
Chapter Tweleve Nick: Payment
Chapter Thirdteen Haleigh: Changes and Betrayal
Chapter Fourteen Justin: Assistance
Chapter Fifteen Tori: the unknown
Chapter Seventeen Danny: FML
Chapter Eighteen Daniel: Like it's my Last
Chapter Nineteen Chloe: Normal not Boring
Chapter Twenty Emily: Sonnet 71

Chapter Sixteen Daniel: well then

31 3 0
By Brink_of_pure_awe

I didn't think when AG told me to do it. I thought everything would go back to being the same afterwards, but it didn't. Now I'm watching two of my so-called friends getting married regretting saying yes to AG. To be fair she did tell me that nothing would be the same after, but I just that they wouldn't trust me for a while then I could try to rebuild that. Then I was sent to twenty-five different countries and had to destroy a few more lives and in the mien time I've been living in LA. She said that she told them that I was I an extremely classified location, but she told Brey and Nick enough so they wouldn't killed me. When I blew up the safe house we were staying at I made sure there was enough time for them to get out, I shot Justin in a place that wasn't lethal, and I did nothing to Haleigh besides letting her see me smiling.

I really wanted to go down there just to mess with them, but I would've been shot on site. I felt like I needed to talk to someone and Justin wasn't an option since he was probably still pissed at me for shooting him. Nick has his thing with Chloe that I really don't want to mess with. Leaving Brey who there is a fifty percent chance that she will kill me before I can say anything, but sadly she was my best shot. When I let myself in to her apartment I couldn't stop thinking that it was a bad idea. I sat down at the breakfast bar and waited for her to come in when I realized that she would try kill me. I grabbed a metal pan from the kitchen to try to block the knife that she was going to throw at me. When she walked through the door she shot me in the shoulder and I fell to the ground.

Then she walked over to and crouched down beside me and said that it would've been a good idea if I'd went to Justin. "So what are going to try to do" she said picking up the frying pan that I dropped. "Well, I thought that I could try to get your help convincing everyone else that I wasn't actually trying to kill them" I said. Then she laughed "well them you're going to need more than my help" she replied. "You could help me talk to Nick" I said trying to sit up. "You could've just called and asked to talk to him" she said throwing a hand towel at me. I put it on my shoulder and stood up realizing there wasn't an exit wound and that this was going to hurt as Brey pulled out a pair of needle nose pliers and a bottle of rubbing alcohol. Ten minutes of trying not to scream too loudly, a lot of pain, and Brey calling me all sorts of names the bullet finally unleashed its self from my shoulder. She put a bandage on it and then told me to meet her and Nick at the Sandy Shores beachside poolside bar at around nine.

I didn't think about it that much but when I showed up Nick, Brey, and Justin where sitting at a table for four right next to the pool. When I walked over to the table Justin lost it while Nick asked Brey what was going on. "So Danny here paid me a visit to..." at that point Justin tackled me into the pool and we started to fight. Brey and Nick where being of no help while my best friend was trying to drown me, and I was just trying to get him off of me. I got to the edge of the pool and pulled myself out while Justin was swimming to the edge. Brey tossed me a towel then told me to sit down, and when Justin managed to walk back to the table she asked "Are you done." He nodded very reluctantly then sat down snatching the towel that Brey was handing him. "So as I was saying" she started "Danny wants to explain what happened." "He shot me" he said threw gritted teeth, "and I shot him so stop bitching about it" she said getting annoyed. "I had orders" I started "believe me I get that it wasn't the smartest thing I've done, and I'm sorry dude." He looked at Brey then Nick "So you two knew about this" he said. "Yeah, don't lose sleep over it" Nick replied and Brey added that there is a lot of stuff that we didn't know. We sat there having a few more drinks and I thought it was a good idea for Justin and me to go to the beach for a little while.

The next morning I woke up on his couch with a really huge headache, and I couldn't remember exactly what happened, how that I got there, or what I had to drink that got me that wasted. I went to Dino's got us some breakfast since Justin was still asleep. I ended up eating mine with a girl who worked there. She was absolutely gorgeous and we ended up talking until the end of her shift which was around three. When I left I ended up leaving a one hundred dollar tip and her gave me her number. Thankfully I'm still amazing when it comes to women, but I'm not "mr.one night stand" anymore it's more like dating a different girl every month. I've tried having a "relationship" with a few of them, and when that works out in any other way than pain and agony on both sides I might try it again. Until then I will wait till I find a girl that is Independent, smart, pretty, a badass, and won't try to kill me. The last one is the most important since it's usually the biggest problem.

I dropped of Justin's breakfast at around noon and he was talking about how easily I got drunk. He said that I lost my touch and that I just couldn't handle myself like I had in the past. I have always been able to do everything a bit better than Justin ever could especially when it comes to the alcoholic beverage department, so I decided that we were both going to go out to a few bars and whoever passes out first has to call and flirt with Brey. Which isn't that bad but if the loser says anything stupid she will probably beat the hell out of them. That night we went out and after an astonishing twenty something drinks each Justin called and asked brey out to dinner and put it on speaker for all to hear. "Aye sho I wassh thinking at we shhood go out shometime" he said trying not to sound as drunk as he was. She laughed for about five minutes "No, and I know that this was a dare and I will destroy you and Danny later" she said then hung up. We both laughed like there was a chance for both of us to be in one piece tomorrow and that was how completely wasted we were. We started talking to these two girls named Liz and Mary who were just as drunk as we were. Liz was pretty with gray eyes and red hair, and Mary was a pretty brunette with brown eyes. They ended up leaving with us Liz and Justin went in his room while Mary and I stayed on the couch. Then I remembered the reason I came to Myrtle Beach in the first place to fix a few things.

The next morning I woke up to the door slamming shut. I felt Mary laying on my chest, but something felt wrong. I moved my hand down her back when I felt something wet and warm, and I looked at my hand it was blood. I blotted up seeing the knife in her back and where it barely cut my stomach. I looked and checked Justin's room Liz's body was right beside the bed and she had a huge gash across her stomach. Then there was Justin laying on the bed that was soaked with blood he had a pillow over his face that was also covered in blood. At that point I started freaking out I ran out the apartment in just my pants and a hoodie I grabbed running out the door.

I got to the bottom of the stairs when I heard someone yell my name, but that didn't stop me from jumping in my car and speeding away as fast as possible. I had gotten a few miles away when this motorcycle pulled up next to me, and pointed a gun at me. I started to speed up then I turned right on to a one-way street cutting off two lanes of traffic. Then I started going even faster when I saw them in the rear view gaining on me, and I started weaving through traffic. I turned onto this road that I knew was almost never used, so I could leave this unknown person who was trying to kill me in the dust. Then a navy blue truck came out of nowhere and rammed me off the road. This truck looked bad-ass it looked like it could pull a train or something else ridiculous, but that's all I could tell from what little I saw of it as it drove to my capsized car before I passed out.

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