(Sherlock x Reader) Never tru...

By watsonholmie

180K 5.8K 2.9K

You've become flat mates with the infamous Sherlock Holmes, and this is the story of the adventures you have... More

Chapter 1 - Finding a new flat mate
Chapter 2 - Unpacking and first (?) meetings...
Chapter 3 - Mornings and Suspicion
Chapter 4 - Murderer?
Chapter 6 - Blood Eagle
Chapter 7 - Dinner and letting slip
Chapter 8 - Avoidence
Chapter 9 - Body Composition
Chapter 10 - Exception
Chapter 11 - I don't understand
Chapter 12 - Drunk dates
Chapter 13 - Slightly Unexpected
Chapter 14 - Heartattack
Chapter 15 - Save the life
Chapter 16 - The Warehouse
Chapter 17 - Survival
Chapter 18 - New Beginnings
Chapter 19 - Family

Chapter 5 - Distractions

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By watsonholmie

Ever since the investigation you two went on together the thought of what you were doing when you were alone kept running through that baffling man's head. It was as if he just couldn't switch off his thoughts anymore, the irritating ones at least. Especially if you were in the room with him. You always had a distracting air about you, a mysetry to be solved. Unfortunately for him you distracted him so much that it was like he had to puzzle you out before he could do anything else.

He gave up, "get out." It was an order directed to you, who was quite peacefully reading a book at that point in time so you had no idea what he was talking about, but it also surprised you that he had talked at all. He just couldn't handle your distractions anymore, you on the other hand found his direction alarmingly rude.

"Why?" your brow furrowed you placed the book down carefully. You wanted to question him, he'd been in an odd mood like this since after the crime scene he'd shown off to you at. He'd never been this bad before, yes he had his arseholeish tendencies but it wasn't anything you couldn't handle. Within reason of course; it wasn't as if you hadn't dealt with people like this before because you had many, many times. That also seemed to come with your job, total dickwads who thought you were a helpless little girl who needed to be rescued. Those who actually voiced those opinions however are no longer with us. Regrettably.

This particular arsehole however was neither scared of you or had underestimated you, and yet he still ordered you around like you were a lost dog. It seemed that he had forgotten that half of this apartment was paid for by you and you weren't just squatting in his living space, "get out." he repeated simply.

You decided to obey it was the best thing you could do as it seemed that he just wouldn't listen to reason, "Okay, but," he rolled his eyes to heaven when the 'but' came into your sentence, you tried to ignore it, "only if you answer my question." He seemed not too happy about that but he nodded his head and muttered something you couldn't hear, it sounded like it was said in an agreeable manner so you continued, "why do you keep staring at me?"

"I-uh..." it seemed that the oh so clever and sharp tongued detective was lost for words...or not, "You're extremely distracting, you know that?" He sounded exasperated as if your conversation right now was making him give a lot of effort to it causing his brain to hurt, "If you're in the room I just can't focus, your presence is overwhelming."

You weren't used to people being so truthful it was close to an alien experience for you. No one ever talked to you like that except when they were bringing bad news, you learnt that the hard way. You were usually the cause of the bad news so it made no difference really. It was always bad no matter the circumstances so this took you back a little. Your first day of school, your parents were so proud of you, making new friends. Finally learning, that was the last time they'd ever said they loved you. The last time they had ever told you the truth. It was the last ever kind truth you'd heard until today, and you weren't entirely sure if this truth was good or not. It seemed on the fence. Indifferent, and you liked that. You didn't have to jusge it, it wasn't there for you to judge it

"You don't have to leave you know, it'd just be helpful. I really want to slove this case," he said sincerely. There it was, that honesty again. You couldn't help but agree and leave picking up your cup of tea and book. You had gone silent, just like the obidient little dog you were. Woof woof! Waiting for the next order just so you could get a new treat. You hated yourself for being so weak and not being able to think for yourself but you wouldn't let this break you. Not today, otherwise the people you had started to get close to might get hurt. You walked off to your room leaving him behind.


It was much later in the day when you got back from your little adventure, which took place in your room obviously (Nowhere else suspicious, what are you talking about?!), that you heard a banging on your door that didn't sound all that pleasant. It was Sherlock and he sounded frantic, "_____! _____, are you in there? Can you hear me?" you gave a heavy sigh and started to change quickly, it wouldn't do for you to not change out of this outfit and open the door just for him to see you like this. He might start to suspect something.

"I'm coming, just wait a sec!" you called out you had no idea how long he'd been slamming on the door like that but thank god he hadn't tried to knock it down, otherwise he'd see that you were gone and most definately not in your room. It was not to your advantage however that one of your boots would not come off no matter how hard you pulled. You eventually gave up after a lot of grunting and whining, it was no use, that shoe was stuck on there for good. You decided to let him in.

"Hello Sherlock what can I help you wi-" You got cut off by a rather heavy (for his frame) man falling on top of you as he was leaning against the door. "Oof!" you landed on the floor with a very unhappy looking detective staring at you whilst lying, rather uncomfortably, on top of you. Oh how you wished this was in different circumstances!

"I've been knocking on your door for ten minutes, why didn't you answer?" he was frowning now, eyes scanning your face as if he was still trying to figure you out, but the pieces weren't all there for him  to put in place. Yet.

"I had my headphones in, now will you get off me?" you gave him a shove and he rolled over to your side. You were panting a little, there were multiple reasons as to why. 1) it wasn't everyday that your roommate landed on top of ypu (who happened to be quite attractive but you would never admit that) and 2) you had just run back here from about twenty minutes away so who could blame you? You'd just done a considerable amount of exercise. "What did you want anyway?" you questioned, looking at him out of the corner of your eye.

"Our assasin has made another move! Another victim has been found!" his eyes lit up as he jumped up into action and offered a hand for you to take. You had started to think he got a thrill out of things like this. You took it and helped yourself up but not without a little wince, oh how youu wish human instict wasn't so strong. especially in old people, they were the most vicious, "A warehouse this time, woman who's retired. No proper connections to the criminal underworld but you never know! Now come on lets go!" he rushed off down the corridor like an excited little boy.

"Is it okay if I don't tag along this time?" you called out after him and he froze, his shoulders sagging. It was if he wanted you to come along, surely he mustn't get that lonely? Maybe he just needed a friend so he wasn't the only freak out there.

"Okay," and with that he left. The flat seemed very very empty without him in it. It was odd, you didn't like it, he was a constant there. Never leaving except for cases and meeting John (and possibly Mary, if that was even her name) but it was as if he was the soul of the flat itself and if he left so did the life of the building. If he left so did 221b in a way. And that made you sad.

You decided to put that thought away and out of your mind and get this horrible shoe off. It was starting to get annoying.


A/N - I swear to god if Sherlock doesn't get back in character sooner or later I will fucking throttle him and rewrite this whole thing again. *ahem* 'scuse my french. Anyway, as you're reading this I'm writing the next chapter so it should (i say should but who knows!) be up later this evening. It's really hard to direct this fanfic, the characters just do what they want. I'm gonna have a little bit of a time skip in the next chapter and there might be a fancy dinner involved, so look forward to that!

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