Boy dragon slayers x reader [...

By pamkittycat

34.5K 639 245

This is a book If you want to know more about Fairy Tail then go watch the anime yourself it's really good a... More

Chapter 1 *Edited*
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20
Chapter 21.
Chaper 22.
Chapter 23.
Chaper 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Valentime's day special [not a proper chapter]
Chapter. 27
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
ending (wink wink)

Chapter 30.

553 7 5
By pamkittycat

~ Y/n's dream ~

"Well hello there," the man said in a threatening voice

"Well well look what the bitch dragged out from hell," I said smirking

"You won't be talking to me like that soon you mistake of a child," the man said

I growled no wonder why I have felt so weak for a while, and why all of my past memories and nightmares have resurfaced. I'm going to kill this asshole very god damn soon and I couldn't care less if the guild kicks me out just as long as he dies then I can rest in peace. 

"I have come to tell you that we will be battling each other tomorrow so be prepared," he said smirking 

~Waking up from the dream~ 

*Growling intensely* I say up from my bed and looked around the room watching for any hint of movement or disturbance that could be around me. I sigh and shake my head trying to get the memory out of my head. 

I look out the window and see that it is soon going to break into dawn. I get up from my bed and get my extremely heavy weights [if you watch naruto then the same ones that Lee has during the chunin exams but a tad heavier], my thick black cloak, my mask [death watchers mask which you can find in my drawings book], combat boots, my training clothes,  weapons pouch, portal scythe that can turn into a hairpin, and finally I put my hair into a bun.

I start to make my way outside when I am stopped by the first master

"Is something wrong? Shouldn't you be asleep?" She said

"I'm done sleeping, I just need to train tell the team that I will meet up with them in the arena alright," I said still looking in front of me 

"Alright, just be careful," She said 

I nodded my head and continued my way out and headed off for the forest. There is no way in hell that I am going to let that bastard win this time no fucking way. I'll rip him to pieces!

I finally make my way to the dense forest and howl, a series of howls follows and I could hear the pitter-pattering of paws hitting ever so lightly on the forest floor making their way to me. The wolfs surround me growling, I nodded to the main one that was right in front of me showing that I had noticed them. 

"I come here for an alliance not for war," I said calmly 

The wolfs had seemed to relax knowing that I was no threat but still kept their guard up.

~His P.O.V~

I can't wait to spill some blood and let out a few secrets~ Too bad we only have five minutes, I really wanted to savor killing her in front of all of those who care about her. I wonder if anyone will try to stop out fight and try to kill her themselves when I reveal who she really is. Oh, no matter. she will soon be dealt with in soon time. 

I watch as she talks to the animals trying her hardest to make a deal with them but is failing. Hump looks like after all this time of me draining her magical energy it's finally taking its place. By the time she has to fight me she won't have the energy to even stand.

The sun has now finally broken through and I teleport to the balcony of Ravan Tail waiting for my team to show. I look around and see that the only others here are Sabertooth and Fairy Tail team B. This will definitely be a lot of fun for me indeed. 

~Y/n's P.O.V~

I quickly teleport to the balcony of Fairy Tail team A, I wait for my team to arrive and of course made the mistake of looking over to the Ravan Tail balcony and saw that he was standing there watching my every move. I disappear into the shadows and wait.

After about 15 minutes the team arrives and I come out of the shadows, I scared Natsu and Gray by doing so but eh who cares. Everyone has now entered the arena and is waiting patiently for the games to start. The pumpkin dude comes up and yells through the microphone


The crowd cheered in joy while the other guilds lean in closer to figure, out who gets to fight in the last battle of the GMG.

"NOW THEN THE LAST PEOPLE WHO WILL BE FIGHTING IS THE MAD HATTER FROM RAVEN TAIL AND THE CHESIRE CAT FROM FAIRY TAIL" Pumpkin dude screamed, I glared at him for the dumb nickname but jumped down none the less as did he.   

We both face each other and growl, we both knew that our guilds were wondering what the hell was going on but didn't care. I smirked and said

"Well, well, well, old man I see that you finally came out of hiding but for what? To see me suffering or to steal a certain something"

I could feel his glare on me, I threw off my cloak and revealed my armored self with my mask, of course, he did the same but had no mask. The crowd gasped and started whispering to one another on what was happening. The asshole smirked and said with his voice laced in venom

"Like father, like daughter" 

Everyone gasped, I, however, growled and attacked. No, I didn't move but he did. 

The ground tore apart going everywhere, some would call it chaos I would call it fun. I grinned insanely and looked up to him, I pulled out my hair clip and turned it into my scythe. 

I then transformed into my demon body and as fast as sound started attacking. He dodged most of my attacks but started playing what he did to me on the screen for all to see. This didn't stop me at all hell it made me go faster shocking him. I guessed he expected me to stand back like a coward but I ain't one like him. I changed what was on the screen to what he did to poor children that were down in the basement with me. So you wanna know what he did? He stole them, tortured them, raped them ad mutilated them until the weren't recognizable. 

His eyes started to glow a crimson red while mine went multicolored we both stopped our attack and moved to one side of the arena and started the main event. I placed a protective barrier around him when he wasn't noticing and around the arena so that way no one would get hurt. At the same time, we both summoned massive dragons, I could feel te curious glances of the dragons slayer but paid no mind. My dragon was green while his was blue. I smirked and said 

"Are you really trying to fight a forest dragon slayer with a water dragon slayer magic? Ha! Pathetic, just like you really" 

He growled and without any thought attacked me. Mistake number one, I placed a clone to where I was standing to fight and hid in the shadows getting ready to make my final blow. The clone and father were fighting to the death, so far the clone was winning. The dragons kept on going at one another fighting like their is nothing else to live for, as they are fighting they start tearing apart the little islands that are floating around us and make them land back on the ground floor as the dragons were fighting so was my 'father' and my clone. As he went to launch as the clone, I quickly flew up underneath him and slammed my scythe into his rib cage, quickly took it out and started slashing his entire body. Thankfully the barrier blocked him from making any clones but the fight was still not over.

His dead body arose from the ground and started attacking all over again, I started to laugh and made my scythe rip a hole through time and space and flew threw it. I knew that he would go after me and hell not even a minute later he was in the rip with me. I quickly left it and turned around so fast that I had gotten whiplash. I closed the portal before he came out but his arm was half way through so it fell to the ground and landed beside me. I looked at the giant clock and knew that he only had around 40 seconds until he will be crushed into nothing.

I was declared the winner but shortly after fainted from using so much magical energy. I fell into the arms of someone but I'm not sure who.

~Timeskip to after the battle with the dragons and when the celestial spirits close the gate together since Gajeel is too lazy to- Hey Kitty! Your the one who couldn't be assed to make that part! Hey shut it bolts I'll say what I'll want to!~




She blushed red and I smirked in amusement knowing that I have won the argument. I get changed into a nice fitting suit and head out to the dance floor before the girls could do anything else to me. 

I saw all the boys in a line standing in front of me blushing bright red hell even Zeref is there blushing, I laugh at their faces and walk off but not before I am pulled back to them. Natsu looks at me dead serious and I straighten my composer.

"Y/n, we all love you with all our hearts but we need you to decide who you want as your mate so please choose"

I blush scarlet red and sigh

"Alright boys, I choose 










now reader choose the dragon slayer who you want to be with for now I must bid you a goodbye on this story but fear not for I have other stories that you may like and have just released a new one about the Naruto world and the Akatsuki.

~Never give up in what you believe in no matter what~Kitty


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