The Beauty And The Alpha-Beas...

livelaughlovelaze tarafından

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Previously known as "A Werewolf Story". Four childhood best friends - Adrian, also the future alpha... Daha Fazla

The Beauty And The Alpha-Beast
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Four

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livelaughlovelaze tarafından

Five years ago

I was running as fast as I could. No, I won't let him beat me again this time, I told myself sternly, at the same time hearing my wolf agreeing with me inside my mind.

"You know it's pointless, Belle, I will catch you eventually," Adrian smirked at me teasingly through the mind link.

"Don't be so sure, there's always a first time you know that?" I replied, not letting what he said affect me.

I felt my limbs stretching as much as I could, going faster than I ever did. The wind blowing against my fur was the best feeling in the world, it gave me the confidence to run even faster. How that was possible, I didn't know. But as soon as my left leg connected to the ground, I slipped and fell, head first, with my face planting onto the ground. 

I groaned, trying to get up and continue running but I felt the big alpha wolf sit down on me, preventing me from getting up.

"Hey!" I protested, I guess I lost again this time. 

"Not bad, twelve seconds longer than the last time. Good job!" Adri licked me affectionately. 

"But I still didn't win," I muttered disappointedly.

"Belle, if you did win, then there would be something wrong with me. I'm going to be the Alpha someday, of course I will be faster than you. If you compete with anyone else, like Mike, I swear you'll beat him in a heartbeat. Besides, we're only training, not competing, so there's really no need to win." 

"Fine, if you put it that way." 

Adrian laughed, putting his entire body weight on me, covering the whole of me. I smiled, he was so huge compared to me, yet every time he did that, it made me feel protected. I felt his fur against mine and his breathing matching mine. It felt comfortable, feeling his heat radiating off of him as I rested from the run I just had a few moments ago, catching my breath back. 

Since my transformation, Adri had been training me every single day. Following after my parents, I would become the third in command someday in our pack, with Adri being Alpha and Chase being Beta. That's why, Adri had insisted that I were to become strong so that I could protect myself and the pack whenever the need arises. I agreed with him, submitting myself to all the horrible training Adri had come up with, though I wouldn't say I hated it. It wasn't actually that bad, I even enjoyed some of it, especially when Adri participated in them. 

"So, you ready for combat training next?" Adri asked from above me, through the mind link.

"Just a little while more," I muttered tiredly, my eyes fluttering close as I fell into a light nap. 

Adri chuckled, blowing his breath onto me in response.


Belle's POV

Feeling the wind against my fur and the soft luscious grass under my paws, I let my wolf take over. It had been so long since I took this path. Before I knew it, Chase had already overtaken me and beat me to that small shady clearing enclosed by many trees. Damn, I really needed to work out more often, I thought.

We went behind some trees to shift back into our human form before putting our clothes back on. "So, what's up?" I asked Chase as I got out of the bushes, climbing up the small treehouse we built together when we were young. I still remembered that it was Adri's idea, we built it for Dar for her birthday. It was more for us four than her, but since we knew she didn't like building these sort of things, we took it upon ourselves to built it and present it to her on her birthday. It had been so much fun, working together as a team. Only Uncle John knows about this secret hideout apart from us, we had to let him know since we needed help to build the treehouse. 

The paint was already peeling and the wood creaked below us as we stepped on it. 

"I should be the one asking you that question." Chase stated.

I looked at him, not getting it. "Tell me everything. And by everything I mean what you are hiding from me, what made you left in the first place. And don't give me that look, I know that you wouldn't just leave like that, definitely not so suddenly. Something was definitely up. Tell me." Chase demanded.

I sighed, wondering whether I should tell him. But would he believe it? Yes, he would, I answered myself. If no one would believe me in this big cruel world, I knew Chase would, I knew that whatever happened, Chase would always, always be there for me, supporting me. Not that Dar or Adri wouldn't, but they would probably take a while for them to consider. Well, in the past anyway.

"And don't think you can lie straight in my face, Belle. You know I can tell." Chase gave me that pointed look and I knew I had to tell him. I had been bursting to let someone know about this since two years ago. The truth was placed on my shoulders, like a heavy weight, and truth to be told, I'm not sure how much longer I could bear this burden alone. I needed someone to help me share this burden. And who else better than Chase?

"Besides, I already have a pretty good idea what this is about. I just need to hear it from you to believe it." Chase continued. "The clues were all there, it didn't take much for me to put two and two together."

"Oh yeah? Then how about you tell me what you think this is all about first. Then I'll tell you my version of the story."

"Okay," Chase said. "I know this has something, no actually, everything to do with A. It was on the day of Adrian's birthday, the day where his mate will find him. That was the day you left. In the morning before we got to school, everything was okay. But as soon as you saw him, something went wrong. I could see it in your eyes, it was obvious. We were all worried, you know that, but with Adri's problem and all, we didn't demand an answer from you. And then, I'm not sure what happened in school, but Adri was so mad at you, which is weird because he is never mad at you. The two of you - there's always something special between you two, I could see it, we could all see it. And… and then he announced about him - " He gulped, "him and Dar, and you just became so pale. I should have known then. I still remember you came home crying that day. You were clearly troubled. Everything pointed to one thing, one thing only. The only thing I could think of."

My breath was getting shorter, just anticipating him saying it out. To have him actually prove myself, to prove that this wasn't some kind of twisted joke, or some weird truth I came up with because I was so infatuated with Adri, that I was truly his mate. 

"You're his mate." Chase told me, looking directly into my eyes. His green eyes, so bright like emeralds, showing me just how real it was, just how much he believed in what he said.

I felt my breath caught in my throat. I didn't know what to say, so I nodded.

Chase remained silent for a moment, before muttering, once, "I knew it." He ran his fingers through his hair, and twice, "I knew it."

"Belle, I'm so terribly sorry. If only I had known then, then you wouldn't be so confused, you wouldn't have ran away. I'm - "

"Don't you dare say you're sorry Chase! This is not your fault. None of this is your fault." I protested, "It was entirely my own fault. I wasn't thinking, I was just so overwhelmed by all the emotions. When I saw Adri with Dar, it was as if the sky just fell onto me and I couldn't think rationally. I - I couldn't bear to hurt them, any of them." 

"Tell me what happened." Chase put a hand on my shoulder in comfort. 

I sighed, letting all those memories from two years ago come back to me. “When I first made eye contact with Adri that day, I knew. My wolf told me. And it came as such a surprise. I didn't know what to think, didn't know what to do, that's when you guys see me acting weirdly, that's cause I was freaking out inside. And then after school, I tried to tell Adri. But he didn't even let me finish what I had to say and started calling me a liar. I guess he was just too overwhelmed with all the girls after him the whole day, so when I was going to tell him that I was his mate, he didn't believe me, he couldn't. He was too frustrated with everything. He left afterwards, that was why I had to walk home myself and you found me crying. I didn't know what to do, Chase, it hurt so bad to be rejected.” Chase listened to me patiently, nodding at appropriate moments, his eyes filled with worry and care for me.

"Though technically he didn't reject me, since he didn't really know that I was his mate. I didn't even get to tell him. I just said that I had something to tell me and he stopped me before I could get to the main point. I think he knew what I was going to say, but no matter what, he didn't believe me. Not then, not even now. Anyway, when I heard that Adri and Dar were together, I couldn't take it. Especially after what he told Lily, it felt like being rejected a second time, all over again. I was so troubled, I didn't know what to think and the first thing that came into my mind was to run, to escape from this place. I didn't know how I was going to face them, Chase. We were best friends for goodness sake, I couldn't possibly smile and act fine with them being together in front of me every single day. So I ran. My parents called me again before I left school and I turned it down, but after what happened at dinner, it just seemed like an amazing idea, to be able to run and not have to face them, to face Adri. I didn't even know if he would forgive me. He was so angry at me when I tried to tell him." I rambled on, trying my best to keep my emotions in check.

Chase remained silent, trying to process everything. After a while, he said, "So what are you going to do now?"

"I don't know Chase. I really don't know. The two years I was away, it made me realise just how much I loved him. Even before I found out we were mates, I had loved him. I just didn't know."

He nodded, "Yes, it was obvious actually. Almost everyone could see that the two of you felt something for each other since you were young. You guys were inseparable. I mean when there were parties, usually you would stay with me while Adrian went socialising with everyone. But when he wasn't, you guys were always together. I think only the two of you didn't see it, even Dar did, I'm sure."

I sighed, "What am I supposed to do, Chase? I don't want to lose him. If I tell him now, I think it would be too much for him to take. The only other solution I can think of is to get him to forgive me first. Earn his trust back slowly, somehow, before breaking it to him."

"Yes, I agree. He wouldn't know how to react if you just tell him straight out, especially not in this situation when he's still mad, or confused, whatever way you would put it. But don't worry, Belle. Give him some time, I know for sure he'll come around. You have no idea how much he missed you since you left. He loves you very much."

"I know he loves me. But what kind of love is that? I want to make sure it's not just a love he feels for a best friend, but more than that, before I tell him that I am his mate. I don't want this to make him feel like he has to be with me. I mean, Rose always tells us that if two people are mates, they will eventually fall in love with each other. I used to believe it, and it's true we see so many great examples around us all the time, but I can't help thinking that somewhere out there, this isn't entirely true, that there may be mates who don't love each other. And - and I'm scared that it may happen to me. And if that's true, then I don't want it to happen. I don't want to lose him, Chase. He's my best friend. I can't lose him." I dived into Chase's arms, needing his support.

"I… I know what you mean." Chase said softly, his head buried onto my neck. 

Suddenly, something struck me. 

"What do you mean?" I sat back upright to look at him directly into those green orbs. 

He fidgeted, avoiding my eyes. 

"You found your mate," I stated drily, not even needing his confirmation. "And you didn't tell me. Why?" I demanded.

"What happened, Chase?" Before he answered, I knew for sure this wasn't going to be pleasant.

He continued to remain silent, not saying anything.

"That's what you wanted to talk about right? Chase, tell me, who is it? Do I know her?" I pried, concerned.

"I - I…" Chase stuttered, burying his face into his hands, not sure what to say.

The engines in my head had already started working, all the females faces and names of our pack coming to me as I analysed them one by one, striking those that were impossible off. And there were only four left. Three whom I wasn't very familiar with, but one face that I knew very, very well. But could it be? The more I thought about it, the more it became clear to me.

"It's her isn't it? It's Dar." I spoke softly. "It's Dar, our Dar." I remembered all the times when he would get so stiff and uptight whenever she was around or when we talked about her. 

Chase looked up at me sadly, nodding his head once. 

"What happened?" 

He took a moment to reorganise his thoughts before clearing his throat. "Nothing really, I felt tingles, or sparks, when I brushed my arm against hers while we were walking to class together. I knew instantly, I don't know why I was so sure. Maybe I had always felt something for her all along. I don't know but when I confronted her about it, she tried to deny it at first." His face was filled with pain, and disgust.

"I was so overwhelmed with my emotions, I didn't know what I was thinking." He paused, "I kissed her."

I kept in the gasp that was rising from my throat, "And?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. This was too much of a coincidence to be true. Me and Adri, Chase and Dar? And the most annoying part was that both our mates rejected us. But there was this part of me that couldn't believe that Dar would do this to Chase. What could possibly have happened?

"She… she told me in my face that we could never be together. Because… because," he gulped, "Because she loves Adri." Chase looked at me, sadness was evident in his eyes. How long did he keep that in for? We were both in such a similar position. 

"Oh Chase," I opened my arms and he came crushing me into a huge bear hug, I could feel him sobbing. It must have felt horrible, Dar actually told him that she loved Adri and rejected him. At least on my part, Adri didn't exactly reject me straight up, so I could still hold on to the last few straws of hope I could find. And keeping it all to himself, God, why didn't he tell me earlier? What's going to happen from now on?

"If only we were mates, imagine how much easier life would be for us." Chase joked, trying to lift the mood up.

I smiled back at him drily, we both knew that it was simply impossible. And even if we were, it wouldn't have worked, because we were just best friends, really great best friends. Sometimes, it even feels like a sibling kind of relationship. I don't know why and how, I only knew that it was impossible to explain our feelings - who we fall for, and who we don't fall for.

I held his face as I thought of the stupidity of this whole issue. Why did God have to make our lives so hard? I complained. 

"Afterwards? What did you say? Did you try to win her heart?" I asked, even though I knew he didn't really want to talk about it. But I needed to know, I wanted to help, I had to, since she claimed that she loved Adri, and anything to do with Adri involved me. This had become such a complicated love square between us four best friends. I didn't even know where Adri and Dar stood together after everything that had happened. 

"I did, but every time I tried, she would straight out reject me. I don't know how many more times I can go through with it." Chase sighed.

I didn't know what to say to him so I just kept quiet. I mean - what could I say?

"I need to do something about this, I can't take this, I can't just sit here and do nothing! What do I have to do to make her fall for me?" Chase continued.

All of a sudden, I remembered that when we were younger, Dar confessed to me that she had a crush on Chase. But that was such a long time ago, almost nine years. I still remembered seeing her upset when Chase defended me against her and her being really shy around him for some time. But after a while, she went back to her same usual self in front of him and I just forgot about it. Could she still feel something for Chase? There was a slim chance, especially since she claimed that she loved Adrian now.

"What is it?" Chase asked, seeing me deep on thought.

"I kind of thought of something but I can't be sure. I need to talk to Dar." I sighed, "How about this? Give me some time, I'll try to get Dar to talk to me again and then maybe then she would tell me how she feels about you."

And Adri, I thought silently.

"I guess this is something..." Chase muttered, clearly still upset.

I gave him a hug, hoping that would make him feel better, knowing that I was here for him, that we were here for each other. We sat there for a long time, quietly, both of us deep in own thoughts, while the wind blew, the crickets sung and the sun set above us.


"Belle! You're back! I missed you so much! No one would help me with my homework after you left!" Just as I got back to the pack house, little Lily pounced onto me, attacking me with a tight hug.

"Aw, I'm sorry sweetie. I missed you too," I told her sadly.

"Hey, I do help you! Can I get a hug too?" Eric pouted from behind her, making confused, since when was the two of them so close?

"You try to help, but you're so bad, you can't even do mine!" Lily laughed but ran towards him as he gave her a big bear hug, even carrying her up to swing her around.

I looked up to Chase smiling. When I gave him a questioning look, he answered in my mind, they're mates...

Wait, what? To say I was shocked was an understatement. Lily was 10 while Eric was 18.

Well, love transcends age and time, don't you think? Chase replied. Lily didn't actually find out, since she hasn't transformed yet. So it was Eric who found out, his wolf told him his speculations and he felt all the sparks and tingles around her. When he first found out, you can imagine how conflicted he was, but Adrian talked him out of it, not sure how, but he did and I'm glad it all turned out well for the two of them.

I smiled, looking at them so happy, they deserved to be happy.

"All right guys, time for dinner! I made Mac and Cheese today!" Rose called us cheerfully.

Hoots and shouts of joy could be heard. I smiled, happy to be back where I truly belonged. Nostalgia overwhelmed me as I followed Chase to our usual seats at the dining table.

Dar was sitting beside Chase but she didn't even bother to acknowledge him. And then there was an empty seat right beside me… Adrian's.

"I'll go get him, he's probably still asleep, he was up all night doing patrol." Chase said, about to stand up.

"I'll get him," I blurted out before I could process what I was going to say.

Rose asked, concerned, "Are you sure that's a good idea? I mean..."

"It's fine Rose, I need to talk to him anyway, you guys start eating." I told them, smiling. Rose nodded and I quickly left before I could change me mind.

I took my time to drag myself up the stairs, one step at a time. My heart was beating faster with each step I took. What would he say when he saw me? Would he still be cold and distant? Or angry?

I felt myself stopping right outside his door. I lifted my hand and knocked on his door, only to receive no reply. Hesitating, I decided to let myself in.

As soon as I got into the room, his scent filled my nose, making my heart palpitate wildly. I fought to calm myself down as I looked around the room. It looked exactly like it had been two years ago. His dark blue king sized bed stood in the middle of the room. And there I found him under the blankets, snoring peacefully. I smiled, he looked so innocent and peaceful. 

I knelt down beside the bed to look at his face closely. His sharp facial features made him look utterly handsome. Slowly, I reached out and trailed my fingers down the side of his face before putting my whole hand to hold his face. It felt so warm, so right. Adri stirred in his sleep, pressing his face deeper into my hand subconsciously. A breath was caught in my throat, not believing what he just did. And then before I knew how to react, his eyes fluttered open. His dark hazel eyes stared directly into mine.

Jumping up, I quickly said, "Ah... dinner's ready." Blood rushed to my cheeks, making me feel very warm and flustered.

"Kay, I'll be down in a minute." He replied groggily. 

I nodded, my mind in a blank. But before I knew it, his snores returned. I laughed silently, I should have known he would just go back to sleep.

Kneeling down beside him again, I shook him on his shoulder to wake him up. "Adri, wake up."

He reached out a hand to cover my mouth, eyes still closed. "Shhh... I'm sleeping." His voice deep and husky, sending shivers down my spine. The proximity between us and the touch of his hand on my face sent tingles through my whole body, making me burn in need.

"Adri, if you sleep now, you won't be able to sleep at night." I moved his hand away and complained. I thought I saw a ghost of a smile flicker on his face, but it was gone before I could process it.

"I don't need another Rose in my life..." Adri groaned as he sat up and rubbed his eyes.

My eyes grew wide when I realised that he was shirtless, heat burning at my cheeks. I thanked the stars that it was dark in here before I realised that werewolves could see in the dark. I face palmed myself mentally as I watched Adri get up and throw on his clothes.

I sat on the floor silently, It's now or never, my wolf urged me.

"Adri, can we... talk?"

Adrian froze before me. Turning around slowly, he asked casually. "What… do you want to talk about?"

I hesitated, not very sure how to phrase it. "Us. The two of us, and the four of us." I said carefully, staring at everywhere on his face except his eyes.

He paused for a moment, before saying, "Let's go down for dinner first. I'm hungry." His voice was cold and emotionless. It was then I realised that since I had entered his room, he hadn't been angry at me, rather he had been distant, leaving me hanging and not sure how he really felt. He never used to be around me like that, and it hurt to think that our relationship had become so strained. All because I left.

I quickly blocked the door, stopping him from leaving. No, he couldn't leave now, not when I finally had the courage to stand before him and try to fix us, try to make amends from my mistake two years ago. I had to try and explain to him.

"There's nothing to talk about, Belle. Let me pass." Adrian said sternly. Luckily he didn't use his Alpha voice on me.

"Look, just give me a chance to explain to you and apologise. Afterwards, you can still choose to be angry at me, but at least just let me say what I have to say." I begged.

His face softened just a little and he considered it. "You have five minutes," he said, crossing his arms over his chest, showing his broad shoulders and muscled arms.

Where would I start? There was so much to say! I started freaking out in my mind. Start with you're sorry and explain why you left, my wolf suggested.

"I… I'm sorry." I blurted out. "I'm sorry for everything - for leaving so suddenly, for not saying goodbye, for not giving you an explanation... For leaving you." I paused, looking up. "Look, I really am sorry, and I know my explanation probably won't sound much to you, but I'm just going to try to explain to you as much as I can."

His expression softened just a tiny bit, but it was still cold and he didn't bother to ask me to carry on.

"That day, I… uh had some issues. How should I put it? I found out something that was a shock to me. I didn't really know what to do, I tried to tell you but then you shouted at me, and I got really upset. My parents called me after and they offered me to go find them again, but I rejected it at first. You know I never wanted to leave you guys. But when I got home, you announced that you were going out with Dar, it just seemed to me like I was going to lose the both of you. It's stupid, I know. But with everything going on inside me, I couldn't think properly and I didn't know what to do. So being the coward that I was, I decided to run away. But I just want you to know that this was the biggest mistake of my life and I regret it from the moment I got on the cab and left this house. But it was too late."  

My voice was strained, hinting at just how close I was to tearing up. I took a deep breath to calm myself down.

"I'm sorry," I finally got the courage to look directly into his eyes as I finished lamely. "Will you forgive me?" 

Adrian looked conflicted. He ran his hands through his hair, trying to come to a conclusion while I held my breath in anticipation.

"Adri, please say you'll forgive me. I can't lose you." I choked back my tears as I begged him. "Please." 

"I don't know, Belle…" He whispered.

"Please give me a chance, just one chance to let me fix this. I can't live with you hating me."

"I don't hate you," He replied immediately, staring directly into my eyes. His voice so strong and sure that it made my breath hitch. 

"Then say you'll forgive me... please." I stared back into his eyes, showing him how much I meant what I said.  

He didn't say anything as he struggled to weigh his options and come up with a decision.

Adrenaline coursed through my veins as I anticipated for the verdict. This was it. This was the moment I had been stressing over for the past two years. Will I be forgiven?

"Damn it Belle, come here." He relented as he opened his arms for me with a small smile on his face. 

Without a moment's hesitation, I rushed into his arms as he gave me a bone-crushing bear hug. "I missed you so much, Belle. Don't you dare leave me like that again. Promise me, never again." He insisted.

"I promise! I missed you so much!" I tightened my hold on him, not believing that he actually forgave me. Happiness and relief burst inside of me and all I could think of was having my mate hold me so close in his arms, even if he didn't know the truth yet. I could only hope that once everything died down, I would finally find the courage to tell him the truth and that he wouldn't be too angry with me. 

Well, one can only hope.

AN: Hey guys! What do you think? Surprised that Chase and Dar are mates? What do you think about Lily and Eric? Glad that Adrian forgave Belle? I definitely am! Anyway, please vote and comment to let me know what you think! Thanks so much, it means a lot to me! :) Cheers xx

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