The Blindness

By blipper16

9.4K 374 17

Lieutenant, Kayna Neric, is on her first assignment at Atlantis. Her skills in combat landed her a position... More

the planet
Convince my crew
the culling
the queen
everything changes
the ritual
your huntress
let the hive aid you
the joy of betrayal?
i will deal with them myself
when last we meet
our hive
a ritual, you will have
essence of my keeper
the last message
Important A/N
Thank you all so very much!

the capture

612 27 0
By blipper16

chapter two is here and we hope you enjoy... 

The case was far different for Kayna. She awoke to a wet smell almost organic in nature. The ground was hard but warm, and slightly moist, it had to be a hive. She almost panicked but she thought of her training, 'Wraith can feed off your emotions as well, you must remain calm, clear headed'. It was difficult to assess her situation but she did the best she could, the air was thick with mists, she was on an open floor, no walls, tables or chairs nearby. She could feel life all around her it was subtle and strange but nothing threatening until she dropped to the floor and spun around. She could hear it, a growl, it was low and close but she had managed to avoid it.

"For having no eyes you are quite the capable human." the growl was right above her now. She rolled again but it was too late he had her. She spun around with her arms out connecting with the wraiths head and he released her with a howl. "thou, not the wisest." he growled again. She kept her distance from him even as he moved, he questioned if she could hear him, so he dropped a small item from his pocket on the ground. She turned but didn't give way when he took a step she followed him keeping him at arm's length the entire time.

"Impressive." he eventually groaned. "You have already learned the sound of my footsteps. And the skills you showed during your capture have granted you my...ssppeecciiaall attentions." the wraith was almost purring, and she knew he was not thinking of killing her.

"You will never have me." she growled back at him.

"You will beg me for my favor by the time I am done with you." he howled back.

"Not a chance." she returned

"And what makes you so certain of your resolve in the matter?" the irritation quickly becoming more and more evident in his voice.

"I have already found my Parvana" before she knew it the Wraith was on her, she blocked several of his first attacks but he quickly pinned her against the wall and got a hold of her throat.

"Where did you hear such a word foolish human?" he growled. She coughed and fought, but he easily over powered her. "tell me!" he demanded.

"From my mate." she managed to say as the Wraith squeezed her neck. He picked her up and she struggled fiercely. He carried her several steps and tossed her down on something soft. "No. No." she pushed against him and he tried to hold her down. He brought a knee against her chest trying to hold her down while he removed his own clothing, but she managed to get a swing in. she dragged her claws crossed his face and the Wraith struck her with such force in response she felt nothing but darkness after.


She awoke to something pulling on her hair. She reached up there was a hand there she was being dragged, it stopped when she touched it. Suddenly she was standing, pulled to her feet by her hair and slammed against a nearby wall. She could feel the hot breath of a Wraith close to her skin and she took a deep breath.

"We can't have you do that again, now can we." the voice sent cruel shivers down her spine. She didn't think, it was a reaction. She turned and sunk her teeth deep into the neck of the Wraith, ripping as much flesh as she could in the processes. He gasped and took a step backward, eventually falling to the ground, lifeless. She stood there for several minutes, she couldn't be sure what to do. Killing a Wraith would almost certainly get her killed, but trying to run if the hive was at hyperspace, would also be a death sentence. There were no options that she could see, so she claimed her kill. She heard foot steps and whispering as she stood over the dead Wraith. Eventually, it was a stunner sound that ended her fight.

*******************    ( The Commander )  ***********************

This time when she woke it was soft and she was covered with a blanket. She gasped and checked her own clothing, it was intact.

"You do not need to fear me, yet, human." the voice growled from a crossed the room, it was much less menacing than the last.

"What is it with Wraith always pointing out I'm human?" she took a deep breath and turned in the direction of the voice. She could hear a multi-toned chuckle in the distance when she turned her ear towards the sound the Wraith continued.

"You are blind, yet you seem to have created quite a stir among my underlings. Six dead during your capture and another here on my hive." he kept his tones calm and watched the human as she listened to him.

"And I will kill any one of you that tries to touch me." she had found the edge of the bed she sat on and was slowly moving down the edge in search of anything useful. "So what am I to do with you? It seems a waste to end such a spirited life by simply feeding on you as my underlings would have done. But I can not have you just killing my crew. If you are looking for a weapon, you will not find one there." he growled calmly. As she pulled her hand away from the desk she had been searching next to her. He never approached her, he remained at the same distance, he calmly discussed the situation with her, it reminded her all too much of her own wraith.

"What do you want from me?" she calmly asked.

"Perhaps I just wish... a taste of your fruit." his purring was seductive in nature and it moved. She took several deep breaths and followed the sound.

"I will never betray him." she said protectively.

"Ah. So there is another?" he asked inquisitively. She could hear the clink of glass, and the flow of water. "You must tell me of him. He must be a strong soul to keep such a powerful mate." the voice came closer to her and she moved back from it. "Water." the Wraith purred next to her. She took several deep breaths before she reached a hand out into the air, a glass found its way into her grasp. When she took a small sip, it felt so good to wash the blood away, she took several more until the taste was diluted.

"You can't persuade me or seduce me. I've already made my choice." she slowly moved away from the voice only to be caught in its grasp. The Wraith moved very close and very slow, he teased her with his breath, if she hadn't already been seduced she might have easily let him.

"No." she growled and pushed him away. "You are not my Parvana" she cried.

"Your mate is wraith?" he growled. As he backed away from her.

"What does it matter?" She snapped back at him. She heard a hiss and several growls between footsteps.

"If you leave this room, your life will be forfeit. I will not warn you again." the wraith groaned and the whisk of a door opening and closing left her with only the hum of the hive around her. She soon fell into the blankets around her and passed out.

     *********************    (the elder )    *************************

She woke sometime later in a panic.There was nothing around her she was still in the same soft bed she fell asleep in. After sitting for some time she started to move about the room, she found a few small tables and a large cabinet with cloth inside. When she found the door she stood in it for almost an hour before she went back inside, running was no longer her best option. She eventually sat back down on the bed and she heard the swish of the door opening. A low toned growl and then it closed. The foot steps came right up next to her, and she heard the clunk of something hitting the table nearby.

"I have brought cloth and soap. Until I decide what to do with you. It is not safe for you to leave this room. You are currently offensive." he stated as he reached out to grab her hand, but she managed to avoid him. "It's only water." he said calmly. She allowed him to show her the water and a pile of towels near by. He backed away and she soaked the cloth and rubbed it against her face to clean it.

"I suppose returning me to my mate is not an option?" she said playfully.

"I can not return you to someone I do not know." he purred inquisitively. She took several deep breaths and set the cloth she was using aside.

"He was marked with a star-burst over his left eye when he achieved the rank of consort among Queens. I don't know what else would describe him to you."

"You lie." the Wraith hissed as he took a step forward. "The elder would never take a human mate, let alone as his Parvana how do you know such things human?" the Wraith demanded. She could tell he was inches from her but she did not give in.

"I told you because he is my Parvana, my soul." she stood her ground even as the Wraith pushed at her mind. Her walls were thick and secure, he gained nothing by trying to read her thoughts. Her physical stance, however, gave away everything. She wasn't budging, even fairly convincing in her resolve.

"If what you say is true then you can prove it by telling me his name." the Wraith backed off her a moment trying to allow her a false sense of security. She let out a laugh of her own.

"Not a chance, even if I thought it would get you to release me. I will not tell you. You would have to kill me." she balled her fists ready to strike at any moment, as she heard the Wraith foot's steps stalk around her.

"If you were truly Parvana, then you would know I can not kill you unless I kill both halves of your soul." the Wraith purred as he rounded on her. "This means I can try to kill you. Over and over again. But unless I kill your Parvana as well, you will continue to draw breath until he draws his last, as well." he was so close she could feel his breath on her neck but she stood her ground, focusing on keeping her heart beat from racing.

"So you are a beast, like the rest of your crew. You would dishonor him through me." the Wraith hissed and backed away. She took a deep breath and said nothing more for awhile. She could hear his footsteps pacing behind her.

"If there was a Queen in this hive she would have killed you and him for betraying her." the Wraith was calm but menacing.

"But you are no Queen." she said sternly.

"No. I am not." he laughed in response. "I also know this Wraith you speak of. We were once...brothers." he was much calmer than before, almost civil.

"And now?" she calmly asked.

"We have not served the same queen for many lifetimes." he said somberly.

"Then you would use me against him?" she responded quietly. The Wraith growled at the insult. Nothing was said for several minutes until she heard the swish of the door again. He was gone for several hours, in that time she was able to wash with the pitchers of water he left. In the cabinet, she found a lot of cloth that was not hard leather. None of it, she could figure out. So she grabbed one of the leather jackets and put it on. When she searched the bottom of the cabinet she found what she thought was sewing materials. Needle's, threads, even a small blade she assumed was for cutting. It was even longer still before she would see her Wraith captor again, given her plenty of time to customize her new jacket as best she could.

*****************  ( old debts, new pets ) **********************

The sound of the door opening caused her to spin around to face it. The following swish told her the door closed and she listened for foot steps.

"There are garments better-suited to your figure, available." the wraith was unable to hide his laughter. She had cut the arms off and woven a rope through the midsection so she could tie it at her waist. Then cut the length short enough so she didn't trip over it. For not being able to see it was fairly well done. However, the form did not fit her and it made her look more amusing than anything else.

"Have you ever tried to tie a thousand strings when you can't see them?" she stated boldly. Only to hear the Wraith laugh again.

"Point taken." he chuckled again. "I can see why he choose you." she could hear foot steps move a crossed the room and there was a new smell. She noticed that before he had time to set the tray down.

"You have deiced?" she asked quietly. She heard the wraith sigh and huff a bit.

"I would not have my Parvana used against me. Nor would I see it done to another Wraith." he sighed again. "Returning you to an enemy will prove... challenging, if not impossible. Until that time, you will remain as my concubine. If you can convince my crew of your loyalty, to me."

"If you think I'm gonna betray him, just to get back to him." she snapped.

"You must convince my crew, not me.I somehow do not doubt I will be reminded of your loyalty to the elder many times in the coming weeks."

"What exactly does that mean, then?" she asked calmly.

"There can be no question of your loyalty to me among my crew, or they will kill you. And if they doubt my ability to control you, they will kill us both. When we are among my crew, you must show nothing but loyalty to me, and I will do my best to seclude you as much as possible. So long as my crew believes you share my bed, you will be safe." the Wraith was right next to her. "And if you ever choice to..." he whispered in her ear.

"I won't." she snapped. "I won't ever lay with you, not willingly." she was much calmer this time.

"I will see to finding you something more... acceptable to wear. There are duties expected of a concubine, you will need to perform them." his footsteps faded as the swish of the door sounded in the distance.

"Why are you doing this?" she asked before he could close the door.

"Consider it, an old debt." he grumbled, as the door swished closed. It would be hours before she would hear the door open again.

   *****************  ( vision? )  ******************

"Put this on." the voice was stern and the foot steps walked right up to her. Before she could question it the Wraith took her hand and place something hard in her hand. She slid her hands over it, it was slightly moist but not wet, it felt a lot like the floor of the hive.

"Absolutely not, no." she shoved the object back at the Wraith. He growled and pushed it back at her.

"It may not even be compatible with your physiology. However, I insist you try." he growled forcefully.

"What good is a drone mask gonna dome I am already blind." she said with a huff.

"So are many of our drones." the wraith stated coldly. "This will not allow you to see, but possibly grant you a different type of vision." he continued.

"At what cost?" she asked. "I wasn't always blind, I know these things cover the entire face like some face-hugging monster. No thank you." she could hear the Wraiths growling beside her.

"Insufferable female." was all she heard before she was suddenly laying down on the bed behind her. She struggled, but the Wraith managed to slip the mask over her face and she gasped. It was painful at first, then everything came into view. There was a large orange and red object in front of her it outline was humanoid, behind him were shades of blues and greens in the outline of walls and a ceiling. Several black spots where the blankets and tables reflected no heat. Heat vision, the hive was organic, the curves and folds of its structure would show easily under this spectrum, and a Wraith would be hot. She froze when everything came into her mind, the masked blocked her hearing, and she was afraid to smell it.

"You must breathe." the Wraith voice was muffled but she could hear it. She tried to focus on him but eventually, she ran out of breath and gasped. She was surprised she could breathe, even thou the mask smelled awful. Her breaths were deep and difficult, the smell flooded her sense's and there was humming her ear that was quickly dulling everything else out.

"Take it off." she gasped. Pulling at the tentacles that held it to her head. She felt it tense up around her and she pulled harder at it when it finally released. She pulled her face free of it and gasp for air as if she had been drowned. The Wraith groaned but said nothing. "I can't wear that." she eventually stated coldly.

"Does it work?" he growled back.

"I can't hear or breathe. What does it matter?" she said irritatedly between coughs.

"I can change its structure, to something more... suitable. But only if the technology can connect with your mind." the Wraith was moving away from her. She took several deeps breaths and sat up.

"Heat vision." she stated quietly. The Wraith hissed pleasurably in response.

"Normally they can connect to the hearing as well?" the Wraith questioned.

"It dulled my hearing, it crippled me. I need to be able to smell and hear." she moved to the edge of the bed.

"I will deal with it in the morning, to bed as we will we deal with your attire. For now, I intend on going to bed. Will you still be in my bed when I do?" the Wraith was purring and fairly close to her. She immediately stood up and started backing away from the bed. "There is also a floor" the Wraith chuckled. She could hear several blankets being tossed about when one hit her. She picked it up and backed into a corner of the room. She then heard the rustle of ties and various things being tossed about, she could only assume he was undressing for bed. After everything seemed to calm she heard the Wraiths voice again. "You are welcome in my bed. As soon as you choose to be here."

"This corner will due nicely, thank you." she said calmly then wrapped the blanket around her shoulders and tucked herself into it. It was terribly uncomfortable but she wasn't gonna let the Wraith know that.

 "Suit yourself." the Wraith said quietly, and they both fell silent until sleep took them.


Yes, I know there are chapters within chapters. With the odd size of them all, I tried to combine them into larger portion's, just not as big as the first  Each sub chapter should have its own name, from this point forward, if it's big enough. I hope this helps sort them all out.


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