The Mafia Boy

By drxnkenpastels_x

740K 14K 2.4K

Rachel James, a 17-year-old junior in high school, and Kaiden Grey, an 18-year-old senior, have never spoken... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 (Tuesday)
Chapter 20 (Wednesday)
Chapter 21 (Wednesday Part II)
Chapter 22 (Wednesday Part III)
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 30

11.2K 205 74
By drxnkenpastels_x

Rachel's POV:
"Rachel?" Logan stuttered.

"Ah I was right. You two do know each other," Victor smiled as he clapped his hands. "I'll allow you two to catch up, then I will come and collect Rachel."

I slowly turned from Victor who was exiting, to Logan.

"Why are you here," Logan leaned forward.

"Why are you here?" I questioned, not knowing what to think.

"That doesn't matter. Answer my question Rachel. What the hell are you doing here?"

"I was fucking kidnapped here!" I shouted, holding back the tears.

Logan's face froze. His breathing seemed to come to a complete stop.


His expression remained the same.

"I don't know. All I remember is hearing gunshots and being attacked," I felt my throats tighten.

"In an alley?" Logan asked.

I was taken back for a second. Did he know something I didn't?

"...yes..." I stuttered.

Logan ran both of his hands through his hair, tugging whatever he could as he paced around.

"Oh my god that was you," he continued to pace around, "You were the one who heard me."

I froze. I heard him?

"You were the one who had the gun?" I shrank in my spot.

Logan stopped pacing and stared anxiously at me, horrified.

"Why were you there? Ethan let you go? Did you even tell him you were there?" Logan bombarded me with questions, throwing his arms in the air.

"I did tell him... sort of," I blinked rapidly.

"Sort of? What does that mean?" He stared at me in disbelief.

"I-I left him a note. He was sleeping when I left since he was working on that essay and I didn't want to wake him. I left him the address on it," I informed Logan extremely panicked and confused.

"And he didn't say anything to you after he woke up? He didn't go get you or even leave you a call?" Logan continued tossing his arms in the air.

I thought back to the scene. The flashbacks of the party came rushing back. I remembered the missed phone calls and the unseen text messages I had received.

"He called and texted me. I was going to the back to call him back because he left me so many of them. That's all I remember," I scratched my head.

"Oh my god what have I done," Logan whispered to himself as he began to pace once again, his hands in his face.

I looked up at him, terrified on the inside. It was very evident on the outside as my body was softly shaking.

"W-Why did you shot someone?" I stammered, holding my breath.

Logan stopped pacing, his eyes shut tight. His hope of me not asking was evident in his expression.

"You won't understand," he replied after a bit.

"I won't understand?" I muttered in disbelief, "How the hell am I supposed to understand that my brother is a murderer?" I shouted.

He forcefully grabbed me by the throats and pushed me back, slamming my back against a wall.

"I am not a murderer," he growled, his teeth never parting.

My eyes went wide as I clawed at his hand which was tightened around my neck, slowly suffocating me. Immediately he realized what he was doing and let me go, stepping back.

"Rachel I'm so sorry," he reached out as I coughed intensely.

I moved away from him immediately, soothing my bruised neck. My throat stung as I swallowed nervously, staring at the stranger in front of me. Logan had never once put his hands on him. Not once had he ever hit me, whether it was jokingly or serious.

"Rach," Logan took a step closer as I took once back.

"Get away from me," my voice cracked as I shouted.

Logan looked taken back by my remark. His face showed a bit of hurt and guilt, but it quickly disappeared as the door knob began to shake.

Victor opened the door and stepped in, smiling.

"I see you two are all caught up. I just love seeing family come together," Victor clapped his hands together sarcastically.

"You lay a hand on her and I will kill you," Logan muttered at Victor as he walked up to him.

Victor raised an eyebrow at Logan before shaking his head, "You have failed to comprehend that I own her now. I do as I please with her, whether it suits your liking or not. Now get of here before I put a bullet in your head."

Logan glared at Victor before looking at me. He stared at me apologetically before walking out of the room, leaving me with the man who was holding me captive.

"Well come on now, it's time you learn your place here," Victor grabbed my upper arm and began to pull me out of the room.

I stumbled a bit as I did my best to follow behind him. He brought me to the common area, which was completely empty. The chairs at the bar were all out of place and there were used filthy cups placed all over the counter.

"Alright," Victor spoke, "Take a seat at the bar."

I did as I was told and grabbed one of the stools of the bars and placed it at the counter. I took a seat and waited for him to continue. He walked away to another room, leaving me alone.

My heart was pounding out of my chest.

"How can I get out of this?" I asked myself silently just as Victor returned.

Victor walked in, fixing the blazer he had on. He had his left arm behind his back, holding something I couldn't make out. He walked up to me, standing directly in front of me.

"Here," he pulled a rifle from behind his back.

He grabbed my right hand and placed the gun in it. My hand was shaking.

"A...A gun?"

"Yes, a gun."

"W-what do I need a gun for..?"

"You will be one of my shooters. Normally I have the women take care of the safe house business and the shipments of weaponry, but you seem like a girl who have handle herself. I believe you would make a good shooter if you get enough practice. I will have one of my men teach you."

"I've... never used a gun before," I rubbed the back of my neck as my face heated up nervously.

"Well there's always a first for everything," Victor growled, "Now go back to the room I assigned you."

I had no idea where that room was, but I roamed through the halls until I found it. The chains had been replaced with new ones.

"How do I get in?" I thought to myself as I pulled on the chains.

I banged the lock of the chains against the door, hoping to dent it in some sort of way. The damp halls were silent, except the banging of the lock. Just as I started to give up, I heard footsteps walking down the hall. They seemed to be heading my way.

Panicking, I began to tug on the chains with all my strength. My palms were sweaty from all the nerves, my heart pounding.

"Victor's coming," I thought to myself as I attempted to pull off the lock.

I lost my grip on the lock, falling back onto the floor. I winced as my body hit the floor, sending a shock through my entire body. My body was still sore from everything that it had endured.

A hand appeared in front of me, offering me help. I looked up to see Logan, guilt written all over his face. I took his hand and he helped me up.

"I'm sorry Rachel," Logan looked me in the eyes, apologizing.

"You've never hit me before," I mumbled, looking down at my feet.

"I know, and I'm so sorry," Logan carefully embraced me in a hug, holding me tight.

I stood stiff for a couple of seconds before giving into the hug. I held back my sobs as I reflected back on all that had happened. I guess I didn't do a good job at trying not to cry because Logan began to comfort and shush me.

"I know it's scary," he whispered as he rested his chin on my head, letting out a deep breath.

After a while we pulled apart. I wiped my tears as Logan reached into his back pocket. The worst came to my mind, assuming that he was going to pull out a gun. Instead, he displayed a key in his hand. He turned around, his back facing towards me. He undid the lock on my bedroom door, removing the chains.

After undoing the chains, Logan let me into the room before checking the halls, making sure Victor was nowhere to be seen. After checking that it was safe, Logan entered my room and shut the door behind him.

"I'm guessing you want an explanation, huh?" Logan leaned his back against the wall.

I stood silent for a second, processing everything. I stared at the floor for a good while before looking up, brushing the hair out of my face.

"You work for him?" I finally asked.

Logan scratched the back of his head, staring at his shoes. With all the commotion, I never noticed what he was wearing. He had on a black tee shirt and jeans, just like Victor had wanted us to dress.

"I can explain that," Logan sprung his head up after a couple of seconds.

I sat down on the floor, bringing my knees to my chest, "Then explain."

Logan walked up to where I was currently sitting on the floor, getting down as well. He crossed his legs and holder his hands, playing with his fingers.

"Victor's our dad," he broke the silence.

I laughed. He had to be joking.

"I'm serious Logan," I spoke after I controlled my laughter.

Logan looked up at me, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm serious Rachel."

I sat still, staring at him in disbelief.

"Dad's in New York with mom," I rebutted.

Logan let out a deep sigh, "Our step dad is Rachel. You know that."

I did know that. Our dad was not our biological dad. Our biological father had left us once I was born. I was around one year old when he decided to leave. Our mother remarried later on, but I never met my actual father. Ironically, our biological father and our mother had the same last name, so there were no name complications.

"Our dad's name is not Victor," I retorted, confused, "It's Vincent."

"He changed his name Rach. He's a mafia leader, he didn't want anything being traced back to him," Logan informed me.

"He's no longer Vincent James...?" I asked.

"No. He's Victor Montgomery," Logan replied.

I took a deep breath.

"Does he know I'm his daughter?" I asked.

Logan nodded his head, "He knows."

I brought my knees closer to me, hugging them.

"How did you get all tangled up in this?" I asked finally.

"I wanted to have him in my life," Logan began, "I've been working for him since I was about 12."

My eyes widened. Logan was currently 23.

"You've been working for him for over a decade?"

Logan nodded his head, almost ashamed.


Logan's head shot up, shaking it immediately.

"Of course I didn't willingly choose to work for him. He's been threatening my life since I started. I don't exactly have a choice Rach."

"Why did you start working for him in the first place?"

Logan took a deep breath, preparing to explain.

"I wanted to have Vincent back in my life. I wanted him to be there for us like he used to be," Logan shook his head, "You won't get it. You were a baby at the time you barely knew him."

I felt slightly hurt by this statement. It wasn't my fault that he left.

"He got in contact with him when I was around 12, asking me if I wanted to join him in something. Obviously I said yes, thinking we would bond like we used to... I was wrong."

"What did he want you to be a part of?" I asked, my voice shaky.

"He asked me to be one of his men. I didn't know what he meant at the time, but I thought that it would bring him and I closer. I tried to leave when he put a gun in my hand and ordered me to shoot someone..." Logan trailed off, "He threatened to kill you and Ethan."

I gasped slightly. He was in this for us.

"How old were you?" I asked.

"It was only about 2 months after we came into contact."

"Does Ethan know?"

Logan scratched the back of his head nervously.

"He uh... he's one of Victor's men," Logan continued to rub the back of his neck.

My eyes widened to a point of inhumane.

"Ethan is a Shadow?" I cried.

Logan nodded his head slowly, "Victor got to him a couple of years after he brought me in. He was around 15."

"Is he here right now?"

"No. Victor leaves him alone."

I titled my head in confusion.

"How come?"

"Because he's in college," Logan repositioned himself to be more comfortable.

"He leaves you alone if you're in college?"

"Sort of. If you go and study, you're more useful to him, so he lets you finish school first before he makes you go out on orders. That's why I always push him to do his work and focus. If he doesn't graduate, Victor will most likely shoot him."

"Am I going to actually have to shoot someone?" I asked, taking the topic away from Ethan.

"What are you talking about? Isn't he going to put you with the other women?" Logan tilted his head and furrowed his eyebrows.

I shook my head slowly, "He handed me a gun earlier and told me he would have one of his men show me how to use it."

Logan's expression seemed to shift from confusion to worry to anger.

"I'll see you tomorrow. I have to go find Victor," Logan growled as he stood up from the floor and stormed out of the room.

I heard the chains being done. I crawled into the rusty bed that was placed in my room and shut my eyes.

"Maybe I can sleep for a couple of hours," I thought to myself.

I was restless for most of the night. I stared at the cracked ceiling for a majority of the night, thinking of everything that I have to do, everything I was just told, and everything that will come my way. I thought of how Victor had no mercy for his own children.

My mind wondered off to Victor and his life life after he walked out on us. Did my mother know he was the head of a dangerous gang? Did she know he had taken Logan and Ethan in, forcing them to do who knows what?

Lost in my thoughts, morning eventually arrived. I heard the chains being undone once more. Logan was on the other side of the door, looking straight at the ground.

"Victor wants to see you," he mumbled, his tone expressionless.

"Are you okay?" I asked, sitting up on the bed.

"Just peachy," Logan replied carelessly before looking up.

I gasped at the image in front of me. Logan's nose was broken and out of place. Blood was slowly coming out of it, landing on his shirt. His left eye was black and purple, making it difficult for him to see out of it.

"Logan what happened? Who did this to you?" I bombarded him with questions.

He snickered, "Who do you think?"

I was left speechless as he walked away, telling me that I had to be at the common area in 5.

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