The Ghost of Molly Evans and...

By LynseyJoyCollins

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This is about a young girl named Molly who is like a normal little girl, well what she thought. Her mother go... More

The Ghost of Molly Evans and the Truth of the Harris Manor
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 4

54 0 0
By LynseyJoyCollins

it was now 1939. molly was now 14 and still had not left her favourite spot only when she has dinner but spends the time not speaking to her mother. it was the summer holidays that was almost closing to a end. she was in high school now and martha never got over the disater that happen at her 8th birthday party. martha was out in her garden with all the other kids in the village she now had a younger bother named victor as she over heard people saying at school. molly was a day from going back to school and hoped this term would be better than the years than before. all of a sudden martha looked up at molly and waved at her, she was shocked and martha then waved for her to come out, after she got over the shock molly ran to the front door and stood in the garden. martha and the rest of the children walk over to her. molly is happy they are finally going to be my friend but just then they all start throwing things at her, like sticks and stones and calling her a witch. She turns and looks at martha and she is standing laughing at her. then molly runs back inside and closes the door. she can still hear them shouting at her marlene then shouts everything okay darling " yes mother she then replied and runs up the stairs. "

Molly goes to bed that night, she cant get a good night sleep and she had to as it was the first day of school the following day. all in her head was shouting and nasty words by the village kids and it was that loud you would think there where in her room. it was now morning and molly had not even slept it was time to get up. she got up and put her uniform on and headed off to school trying to be strong and not let the other childrent get to her. as she got to the school all the other childrenn stopped what they were doing and looked at her as she got further into the play ground then she could hear children whisperer of what did to her the day before. she had to tell someone but as she got to the school door martha was standing guard " look who it is" she said molly ignored her and walked into the school hallway she walked over to her class room. her teacher was sitting at her desk " mrs bennet she shouted as she entered the classroom, how can a help you molly, very nervous molly walked over to her and said, i feel i am being bullied, by children in the school and outside, oh dear who is doing this to you asked mrs bennet looking very concered " martha croft said molly, " there must be some kind of nistake" replied mrs bennet in a harsh manor, she is the mayors daughter, how dare you come in here and say such things" molly did what she was told and left the classroom and stood in the hallway, just then martha and the rest of the children came up the hallway " where you grassing me in witch!! snap martha" just then molly got so mad just then all of the other children started calling her a witch too, molly start get angry and just then all the children stop doing it and started feeling sorry for molly, not martha who keep doing it just then a light smashed in the hallway and all the children then took a step back" martha stop it you have gone to far let it go" said one of her friends no use martha wouldnt listen and keep doing it. just then all the lights in the school started to flicker on and off a big spark of light came from molly direction and hit martha off her feet as molly got more angry, then mrs bennet came out of the classroom " what is going on here" she asked molly stood without saying a word and martha walked over to the teacher" oh my shouted mrs bennet martha had a cut at the side of face that went from her lip to her side of her face, all the other children in the hallway looked in shock as martha has been badly hurt, " my face shouted martha, you done this to me molly " get out of this school shouted mrs bennet away from this school, " i didnt do anything to her said molly but no body listen to her. molly then walked by everyone they had a look of horror on there faces as they where scared of her, molly felt happy that she had done something about it, she was glad to have sort things on her own.

later that night molly and her family were having there dinner, all of a sudden a loud bang of there front door. " i wonder who would be coming round at this time" asked marlene to charles when she opened the door. it was mrs croft and her daughter martha by her side " what can i do for you? ased marlene " have you seen what your daughter has done to mine just then martha walked over to marlene her face was in horrbile blisters and was a big scar on her face" oh my. molly then walked slowly over to the door " why did you do this molly" asked marlene she was bullying me mother, is this true" asked mrs croft no mother i didnt molly was mad that martha wouldnt admit how much hell she had been giving her. " you have not heard the last of this said mrs croft and then martha and her mother left the harris manor. marlene then closed over the door, why did you not tell me, you shouldnt never let people get to you said marlene, mother i am not you then she stormed up the stairs. marlene felt bad as her daughter had alot of gref, for all the bad things that she wanted away from her daughter did was happen all at the one time and how can she manage to make things right so her daughter was happen again.

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