The Return (On Hold)

By 1998izzy

651 73 6

What would you do if your twin sister hated you? What if you hadn't seen her for five years? What if she had... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve

Chapter Eight

29 6 0
By 1998izzy

"Get up!" Someone yelled, shaking me violently.

"Em, give me ten more minutes." I begged, not bothering to open my eyes.

The voice laughed. No, wait, more like scoffed… "Never compare me to that bitch."

That's definitely not Emma…

My eyes shot open, then widened from complete shock at who I found in front of me. "Lexi?!" I screamed.

"Yeah, now get the hell up. I have things to do." She growled, pulling the blanket off me and chucking it across the room. "Really?" She asked looking down at my clothes. I realised that I forgot to change out of my cheerleading uniform.

"Yes, as you are well aware, I am a cheerleader now." I snapped.

She shrugged, "Hey, if you want to be a mindless bimbo, go ahead. I just think maybe you shouldn’t sleep in your little uniform. You see, there is this new thing called washing clothes." I just sent her a murderous stare as I couldn't think of a comeback. "Anyway, I can't stay in this room; the girly-ness is killing me, so hurry the hell up."

With that she literally grabbed my legs and dragged me off the couch, causing my ass to hit the floor and my head the bang down. "What the fuck Lexi!" I squealed.

"It's good to know you can still swear." Lexi smirked and walked out of the room.

I got up the quickest I ever have in my life, ran after her and tackled her in the hall, pinning her to the ground. Instead of punching like normal fights, I used my powers to soak her full force from head to toe.

"You bitch!" She shouted, flipping me over so now I was pinned.

We kept flipping and fighting one another until a voice broke took our attention. "Oohhh Girl fight!" and I already knew who that voice belonged to without looking up.


"I know you guys are cheerleaders, but aren't you meant to be friends?" Zac asked.

"Ew, gross!" Lexi fake gagged as she wiggled out from under me.

"Lexi?" He asked, mouth wide in shock, "What are you doing here?" That's a good question. Why is she here?

Lexi avoided the question and went to hit him on the back of the head, "Ever call me a cheerleader again and I'll beat you up.

"Yes ma'am." He rolled his eyes.

I shook my head in confusion. "What are you doing here?" I asked. Her attention snapped back to me, as if she had forgotten I was there. Ouch.

"We have school so d-" She looked at Zac and corrected herself, "your dad, told me to come and get you."

"It's a Saturday." I raised an eyebrow in question.

She rolled her eyes and gave me a turn of being hit over the head. "Not that school dufus."

"What school?" I asked.

She was beginning to look bored, "Sorcery."

Oh. I forgot I had that this week. Oh my god! I have to be confined in a small space with Lexi for a whole week! How could you let this happen, God?

"I want to go..." Lexi whined, stomping her foot like a child.

"Fine!" I huffed grabbing her arm and dragging her towards the front door. I stopped in my tracks when I heard a scream. "What the hell was that?"

Lexi looked around nervously, something I know from experience she does when she's worried, "probably just the neighbours.

When I heard the scream again I ran towards the source, in the kitchen.

I entered to see a cowering Emma on the counter top holding a baseball bat, and below her was...

"Fire!" I shouted. Tiny fireballs where slowly attacking Emma. Without a thought, I put them out, then turned slowly to shoot  a hard stare towards Lexi. "Did. You. Do. This?"

She looked at her nails, completely uninterested, "So what if I did?"

"Not, so what. You could have killed her!"

“Oh, that would just have made the world a better place." She shrugged.

Emma mouth opened with an audible 'pop' and screamed – “You bitch!" She jumped off the counter and tackled Lexi to the ground, her second time for the day. Hating each other was an understatement.

I tried prying them off each other, but that just resulted in me getting slapped across the face, HARD I might, so instead I took a step back and soaked them both from head to toe.

They both stood up shocked, "What the hell Brittany?!" Lexi screamed. “Is that your only solution to problems?!”

Emma shrugged, closed her eyes and drained the water causing her to become dry. Unlike fire sorcerers, plant sorcerers can soak up water, drying themselves. She turned to face a still soaked Lexi and defiantly said, "Ha!"

Lexi shook her head, "You little..."

"Enough!" I interrupted, "Geez, can't you get along just for a day?"

They looked from one another, "No." they simply replied.

I rolled my eyes, "Never mind then. Let’s go Lexi." I grabbed her arm, spinned on my heel and pulled her out of the house before Emma could ask questions.

Once we were outside I realised I had no idea where we were going. "Umm..."

Lexi picked up on the question running through my brain, rolled her eyes and headed off down the street, signalling for me to follow. "Come on dufus."

We kept walking a couple of blocks until we reached a house that I recognised straight away... it was home. Well my old home anyway.

"What are we doing here?" I gulped. What if mum's home? I haven't seen her in five years either.

"Just go." She pushed me in the door and closed it behind her.

Lexi's POV

Was I worried? Yes. What is this going to be like? Brittany hasn't stepped foot in here in five years. Then of course she hasn't seen mum and Imogen... Imogen! Crap, I almost forgot.

I grabbed Brittany by the arm and spun her around. "Britt... there's something I have to-" I was cut off by light footsteps coming down the hall.

Imogen appeared from around the corner, "Lexi-pie!" She screamed, running up to hug me.

"Hey Immy, I have someone I want you to meet." I explained

The little girl looked up at Brittany in question. "Who are you?" she asked rudely.

"Be polite!" I scolded. Pfft! I'm one to talk.

Brittany, always the polite one, disregarded her rudeness. "Hi, I'm Brittany." She outstretched a hand.

"Oh, I've heard of you! I'm Imogen." She shook Brittany's hand, all while Brittany sent me an odd stare.

Ok Lexi. It's now or never.

"Brittany, Imogen is our little sister." I explained slowly, so that every word will sink in.

Her eyes widened in shock and she stood completely still, not even blinking. I waved my hand in front of her face several times but she wouldn't even flinch.

After about five minutes of being stock still she let it all out. "A sister? I have another sister? Oh my god this isn't real, this can't be happening. Brothers I'm used to, but a sister?" She continued rambling but I block out everything after that.

Did she just say... "I have a brother?!" I asked interrupting her rant. Now it's my turn to be shocked. Oh. My. God. A brother?!

Brittany audibly gulped, realising what she just said. "I-we-maybe-I-d-" She stuttered.

I narrowed my eyes at her, "Do I or do I not have a brother?"

She bowed her head in shame. "You have two." She almost whispered.

TWO?! Um, how do I breathe again?

"T-two?" As much as I hate letting my confidence down, I couldn't help it. She nodded, leaning away from me slightly in fear of me lashing out. "Why didn't you tell me?"

I walked closer to her, trying to be intimidating. "I-I I mean- y-you, “ She stuttered, and by now my face was hardly 3 inches from hers.

"Holy crap!" a familiar voice shouted in fear, and before I could turn to see who it was, a jolt of air lifted me off my feet and slammed me into the wall about three metres away from me, causing my body to slide down and slam on the floor.

I looked up at Brittany and she was in the same position as I was but on the wall opposite me. I raised my head higher to see a guilty looking Abagail with a hand pointed to each of us.

It finally registered in my brain what happened. "What the fuck Abagail?"

"Sorry. It looked like you were gonna kill her." She shrugged. By now I had stood up and made my way over to her.

I looked down at a confused Brittany, who was still firmly on the floor. "Hi, I’m Brittany." She introduced herself to Abagail, outstretching an arm.

"I'm well aware who you are Britt." She said as she pushed Brittany's hand back down to her side.

Brittany tilted her head in question and I remembered that Abagail looked very different to when she last saw her. She used to be blonde like us, but her hair slowly faded to a sandy brown and she had lost all her baby fat when we started high school as well as growing quite a bit. Oh, and then there is the fact she was no longer shy and outspoken.

I rolled my eyes, "Britt, this is Abagail. She went to primary school with us, remember?"

She closed her eyes trying to remember and after a moment or two opened them and snapped her fingers. "You’re the girl we dropped that bucket of vinegar on!"

"No. That was Lilly Stone. I was the flour." She corrected, a little harshly if I say so myself.

It's true. Britt and I were cheeky little kids and the only thing we loved more than pranking students was pranking teachers. I smiled at the memory but stopped immediately when I realised what I was doing. By the look Brittany gave me, she saw it. Damn.

"Sorry about that." Britt apologised, pulling her innocent face which never failed to work. Except on me of course.

"I can't believe you ever forgave me for that." I shook my head. Why on earth did she?

"Hey I was never one to hold a grudge." She admitted, holding her hands up.

Brittany gasped as if remembering something. Abby and I both sent her questioning looks. "What are you doing here?" she asked Abagail.

"Going to sorcery school. Duh." She said as if it was obvious.

"You go there too?" Brittany asked.

"Of course." She looked at her watch, "Talking about that, we have to go. Like now!"

We all ran out the front door just as a storm came across the sky.

"Crap, not this again. Can't she ever send a freaking rainbow?" I cursed.

"What do you- Ahhh!" She started but screamed when Abagail was struck by lightning and disappeared.

I rolled my eyes again, by the amount of times I've done that in the past couple of days, it's a wonder they haven't fallen out. "Just keep your arms to your side, legs together and head down. You'll be fine."

"What?!" Before she could say anything else she was struck and disappeared, that just leaves me.

"Here we go." I mumbled to myself, enjoying the last few seconds before the nightmare they call sorcery school begins.



I know I said they'd go to socery school in this chapter, but I have to postpone that till next chapter because I have about a 2000 word limit on each chapter so they're not to long and if I started the next scene, it would be close to 3000, but I promise it will be in next chapter.

For anyone who didn't already guess, the lighting was Mother Nature's way to get them to the school.

Thanks for reading- Bella

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