My New Highschool Gang Full o...

By tatertots4life

154K 4.8K 581

UNDER HEAVY HEAVY EDITING!!!! Warning! This is my first book! And in the beginning, it didn't really have a p... More

Moving In 1
The Boys/ First Day of School, 2
The Brothers, 3
Meeting the Brothers and a, Talking Unicorn? 4
THGOE? Part 5
Boys, Meet Eliot. Part 6
Who New Even Picnics Could Go Wrong? Part 7
Who's Adien? 8
Who Wants Ice Cream? 9
A Fake Boyfriend For, Ten Minutes. 10
Authors Note!!!!
You Have Five.. Middle Names? 11
We're Locked In Here. 12
DAD! 13
Meet My New Best Friend, 14
Sidekick, 15
Long Lost Cousin, 17
Trayvon, 18
Another New Friend? 19
School. 20
Special. 21
Forgiven, By Patrick. 22
The School's Garden. 23
R.I.P Sponge Bob & Patrick, 24
Grand Reaper. 25
You Tricky, Tricky Girl. 26
Anonymous. 27
Meet the Parents. 28
Paper. 29
Puke, and Old Friends. 30
Run Away. 31
Emotional Roller Coasters. 32
Bunnies and Cereal. 33
Jealous. 34
The Plan. 36
Forgot? 37
Gas Station. 38
Romance and Milk. 39
Back To School. 40
It's Not Meant To Be...I'm So Sorry! 41
No, I'm Only Kidding. 42

Butt Cheek On a Stick. 35

1.8K 76 8
By tatertots4life

Max's P.O.V

"Alright. Bye!" I wave as Tyler, Chance and Clarence back out of the drive way.

So, after we all woke up, we decided I was coming back home. And I'd stay, until Noah does something, which is most likely going to be soon. Hopefully it's not that bad. But anyway, we bid our good byes to Elliot and Ash. We practically had to drag Tyler away from Ash.

That picture of Tyler's ass still haunts my mind. Ugh. Gross.

So now, it's just me and Val, and who ever is in the house. I unlock the front door, and me and Val walk in to be met with the smell of...chocolate strawberry cake. My favorite.

Wait- mom only makes that when it's someones birthday, or something really bad happens. Oh, she must have found out.

Uh oh.

Me and Val walk into the kitchen to see my mom going historical, and Austin trying to comfort her. While James and Jake cradle a confused Mason. My eyes start to tear up, I hate seeing my mother like this.

My bag drops to the floor, which causes everyone's head to snap in Val and I's direction. They're eyes all widen, and they rush over to me.

"Mwen te telmen enkyete!( I was so worried!)" My mother cries into my shirt.

"Sh. I know, but I'm fine." I reassure her.

"Mwen byen kontan wap an sekirite.( I'm glad you're safe.)" My mother informs, as she pulls away and looks at me.

"I'm almost always safe." I roll my eyes playfully.

"It would have been nice if you called." She joked, as she wipes the tears away.

I look at her apologetically, "Sorry. I forgot." I mumble.

"It doesn't matter. What matters is you're home." Jake states, as he crashes me into a hug.

I wrap my arms around his neck, as he nuzzles his head into my hair. "I know you helped Val find me." I whisper into his ear.


"So you don't hate him." I smile.

"Let's not get ahead of yourself Max."

I roll my eyes. "Whatever." We break apart, and Mason is glued to my leg.

"Where were you Maxy?" He questions adorably.

I pick him up and place him on my hip. "Visiting a friend."

"Then why was mommy crying?"

"Cause, she thought I was staying forever." I lie.

"Never! I won't let you leave me with these weirdo's!" Mason shrieks, clutching to my shirt. I giggle as the boys all playfully glare at Mason.

"I think we should run." I mumble to Val, as they slowly make there way to me and Mason.

"What about the bunnies?" Val asks, holding the cage with two adorable bunnies.

"Just leave it. They won't harm them." I whisper, as I take a step back. Val does as told, and be bolt out the door, with Mason in my arms.

Mason giggles as we run to the backyard. I hide behind the shed. I put Mason down, and he jogs over to Val, who's currently behind a bush, like twenty feet away.

"Come out, come out where ever you are!" I think Austin yells.

Mason giggles again, by Val tickling him. A smile creeps onto my face.

"Boo." Someone whispers in my ear, and a cloth is pressed to my lips, and the last thing I see is Val and Mason running away.


Val's P.O.V.

I stand awkwardly in the corner, Jake staring intently at me. I watch as Max comforts her mother who is speaking in a different language.

Either Spanish, French or Haitian. Those are the languages that Max told me she knew.

Wait, how do I remember that?

I thought we established this already?

Established what?

Don't play dumb.

Yeah, yeah. I know. But, I don't know how liking Max has anything to do with how I remembered that.

Oh Val. It has to do with everything.

Sure, sure.

I hate you.

Love ya too sweety.

Aren't you supposed to say that to Max.

Okay, now I hate you.

Wuv you too!

Why am I like this?

"We should run." Max whispers into my ear. I snap back to reality, and see the boys looking at us with mischievous smiles on they're faces. Oh no.

I look down to the bunnies then back at Max. "What about the bunnies?"

"Leave them here. They don't harm them." She whispers back, as she steps back. I place the cage down and me and Max sprint out the door to the backyard. She hides behind the white shed, and me and Mason hide behind a bush that's a few feet away from the shed. But the bush is further up, so you can't tell if someone was hiding behind the shed.

I start to tickle Mason, then Austin smirks down at us.

He grabs Mason and holds him up. "Gotcha. Now dear, tell me where Max is."

"She's behind the shed." Mason giggles, as Austin makes his way behind the shed with Mason in his arms.

"Boo!" He shouts, but nothing is to be heard. Confused, I stand up and walk over to where Austin is standing. But, when I come besides me, Max isn't there anymore.

"Okay, really where is she?" Austin asks, getting a bit agitated.

"I swear she was here!" Mason whines. Austin looks at me, and I nod in confirmation.

"She must have run off somewhere else." He puts Mason down, as he looks around the yard.

I stare at the space where Max had been, and I see something shining in the tall grass. I pick it up, and I twiddle the shiny ring in my fingers.

"Hey, what ya got there?" Jake asks. "A ring to ask my sister to marry you with?" He asks jokingly.

Wait- he's joking with me?

Last time I checked, he wanted to rip my eyes out with a rusty spoon. Well, I feel honored.

I try to hide the small tint of pink on my face, as I mutter a low "no".

"Then what is it?" He asks curiously.

I shrug. "Don't know, found it on the ground." I hand it to him, and he stares at it with wide eyes. It really is a pretty ring.

"No..." Jake mumbles, his shoulders shaking- in anger?

"What?" I ask, trying to get the ring back.

"That prick!" He howls, I think New Mexico could hear that.

"Okay, um. Ow." I mumble.

Jake glares at me as Austin jogs over. "What? Who's a prick?"

"That- That! Ugh!" He shrieks as he shoves the ring in Austins face. Austin too seems to recognize the ring, and he starts to fume.

Okay, i'm lost.

Well no shit.

Not the time.

"Um...what's going on? Who's ring is that? And, have you found Max yet?" I ask worriedly.

"You want to know whats going on?" Jake fumes, getting into my personal space. Okay Jake, didn't know you swung that way.

"Um, yeah. That's why I asked you k-" I cut off by a screaming Jake.

"Noah! That son of a bitch has my baby sister!"

And that's when I feel my world tumbling down.

What- how- ring- Max- like- I'm going to kill that piece of fucking shit!

"Who's a son of a bitch?" Mason asks, skipping over to us.

"Jake I'm going to kick you're butt!" They're mom yells at Jake. "What did I tell you about swearing in front of Mason?!" She shrieks, as she holds Mason to her chest.

"I have a good ass reason!" Jake hollers.

"Stop swearing!" His mom yells.

"That prick has Max!" Austin shouts.

They're moms mouth hangs open, as tears well in her eyes again. "That piece of shit!" Claire sobs, falling to her knees. James comes sprinting out of the house and falls to the ground next to his mother and whispers sweet nothings to her.

I start to pace the grass, thinking of ways to murder the bitch.

Slit his throat. To messy.

Run him over with a bulldozer. Where am I gonna find a bulldozer?

Pretend his head it a pinata. And use a spiked baseball bat. I like that idea.

Shoot him in the head. Not as fun.

Okay, i'm way to violent today.

Well the bitch has you're girlfriend!

We're no dating though.

She could be if you kill him.

Good thinking.

I know.

Oh my lord, I am a horrible person.

No, Noah's a horrible person. Now, let's go kick his pussy ass.

Just as I'm about to sprint to the house, a hand is clasped around my shoulder. I look behind me to see Austin, still fuming.

"What?" I grit out.

"We need a plan."

"A plan?" I ask, as I turn all the way around to look at him.

He rolls his eyes. "Yes, we don't even know where she is, you were just about to go and find her. We need a plan."

"Okay. So any ideas?"

"First, we need to know where she is."

"Should we call the cops?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.

"No, then Noah would go even further away then he probably is already."

I nod. "Makes since. Can I tell Clarence, Tyler and Chance?" I ask, hoping he will accept.

"Yeah, more people, the more painful his death is." He smirks evilly.

A slow smirk paints itself on my face as I dial Chance's number.

"Yo yo yo!" Chance yells.

"Okay, ow." I mumble for the second time today.

"Sorry, so whats up? Has your make out session with Max finally ended?" He teases, I can just picture him smirking right now.

I roll my eyes, suddenly getting mad about the mention of Max. And that probably mde my face turn a light shade of red, in embarrassment. "No. We aren't even dating-"

"Yet." Chances cuts me off.

I roll my eyes again. "Shut up. And that's the reason I called you."

"What, how to ask out Max. Cause I have had a few idea's for a while no-"

"Wait! Val's asking out Max?! About damn time!" Tyler shrieks through the phone.

Great, I'm on speaker phone. Just what I needed right now.

I pinch the bridge of my nose. "Guys I-"

"Damn Val! So, how are you going to do it?" Clarence cuts in.

"Don't do it over text, I heard that's the number one way, not to go." Chance adds.


"Oh! You should have like a cheesy picnic, with her favorite food or something!" Clarence cheers.

I swear, I'm going to slap them.

"You gu-"

"Or! You should take her out camping. She loves nature, am I wrong?" Tyler comments. I narrow my eyes at the shed, wanting to rip they're heads off. By knowing all this stuff about Max, and how they won't shut the hell up!


"Or, just drop the bomb at a school dance in front of the school." Chance add's.

Okay, these are some good idea's but this is not the fucking time!

"Listen to me for fuck s-"

"Did you run the idea of you dating Max to her brother yet? Or ar-"

"You guys! Shut the fuck up! Sorry Claire!" I yell over to Claire who is still sobbing into James' shoulder. She waves it off. "Max is gone!"

"Where?" Clarence asks.

Oh my lord, Clarence. This is not the time to be innocent.

"Noah's got her! She's gone! She got fu-fudging kidnapped!" I howl into the phone.

The other side of the line is dead silent.

"I'm going to rip the bitch to pieces." Clarence growls.

"I'm going to chainsaw both of his heads off!" Chance shrieks into the phone. That weird pervert.

"I'll make his own hand cut off his balls, and then he'll eat them with his other hand." Tyler says, no emotion running though his words. That doesn't make sense, but then again it does.

"You guys need to get to Max's house. Now." I say, and with that, they hang up the phone.

"They're on they're way." I inform Austin.


Just then, I get a text from someone. I whip out my phone, and see the contact name.

Cupcake Sheets.


"Guys! Max texted me!" I shriek in happiness and relief. They all come running over to me, and Jake steals my phone from my hands.

He smirks at me. "Cupcake Sheets?" He chuckles.

I roll my eyes, another wave of pink coating my face. "Shut it."

"This isn't over." He warns as he hands me my phone back.

"Yeah, yeah." I mutter, opening the text from Max.

Cupcake Sheets: I've got you're little girlfriend.

Me: She's not my girlfriend

Cupcake Sheets: Good, cause she's mine.

Me: Under my dead body!

Cupcake Sheets: You're right. You will be dead.

Me: Like you can kill me.

Cupcake Sheets: Just you wait.

Is this guy really serious? We can call the cops and they can track the phone. This guy is an idiot.

Me: I'm waiting.

Cupcake Sheets: Whatever

Me: Tell Max we're coming for her.

Cupcake Sheets: Not like she'd care. She's happy without you. She never liked you. And she never will.

Me: Cause you got her captured.

Cupcake Sheets: So you do like her. If it wasn't obvious already.

Me: I never said that.

Cupcake Sheets: But you do.

Me: Sure I do. Fuck off Nolan.

Cupcake Sheets: It's Noah.

Me: Not like I care.

Cupcake Sheets: You have one minute to talk to you're precious girl.

Me: One? Are you kidding me? Make it two.

Cupcake Sheets: Since its the last time you will be talking to each other. I'll be generous and make it three.

Just then, I get a call from Max.

I quickly answer the call, and pull the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I rush out, wanting to hear her  angelic voice again.

"Hey Val." She replies, like we were talking about the weather.

"How come you're not freaking out?" I ask, getting nervous.

"Eh, like he's going to hurt me? He's basically in love with me."

"Have you not read any of those weird books, where the ex boyfriend or some crazy stalker is in love with the girl, and he captures her, and tortures her. And claims that he, 'loves' her?" I ask flabbergasted. 

I can picture her shoulders shrugging. "Eh, I'm tough. I can do it."

"I know. I'm just worried. About twenty four hours ago, you were yelling at me to shut up, and know you've been kidnapped." I sigh depressingly.

"I know. It seems like ten years ago. I miss you. And, this will all be over in no time."

"Yeah." I breathe, as I hand the phone to Austin. I walk over to the lawn chairs, dazed. I pop a squat next to the boys' mother.

"You okay Val?" Claire asks.

My head snaps o her, and I nod shocked that she asked. "Yeah. How about you? I mean, she is you're daughter."

"And aren't you her boyfriend?" She teases, to lighten the mood.

I roll my eyes playfully, "Sure."

"Aw, come on! You can tell me the truth." She smiles softly.

I tilt my head, wondering if I should. "Maybe another time." I shrug.

"Alright, if you insist."

"You as-" Claire cuts Austin off.

"No swearing!" She shrieks.

"You- You butt cheek on a stick!" Austin howls into the phone.

A second later, Austin storms up to me, grabs me by the arm, and drags me in the house.

"Alright lover boy, we need a plan." Jake states, grabbing a piece of blank paper.

"Step one, find where Max is." I reply.

"Then?" James asks.

"I...uh. I don't know yet, but we need to find her. The sooner we find her location the sooner the plan will be done." I answer, trying to form a plan.

"Okay. We'll just have to find her. But, how?" James looks around the table.

"Aren't you the computer hacking genius?" Jake asks, raising an eyebrow.

A light pink forms on James' face. "Right. I'l get right on it. Can, I see you're phone Val?" James asks, holding out a hand.

"Yeah, of course." I reply, as I toss him my phone.

"Thanks. I'll be right back." James rushes out, then rushes up the stair case.

"Okay, what now?" Chance asks, confused on what to do.

"We wait." Austin reply's impatiently. 

"Okay. Sounds cool." I mumble, sarcastically. I tap my finger nails on the kitchen counter, waiting for some kind of good news.

"Guys! Found something!" James yells from up stairs. My head snaps the the staircase, and I rush up the stairs to James' room.

"What'd you find?!" I practically shout, as I open the white door.

"She's at...Noah's old grand parents house. Huh. Weird." James mumbles, as Austin and my crazy best friends enter his room.

"Found her?" Austin asks, with hopeful eyes.

"Yes, but..."

"But what?" Austin asks, weirdly. James gives us an unsure look.


Hey tatertots! So, I finally updated! Btw, this book is coming close to and end. Sorry, but I have a few more story's up my sleeve that I need to write. Anyway, have a wonderful day!- or night!

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